WWE Superstars aftermath and review thread

Would enjoy seeing more emphasis being placed on the IC, US, and tag team titles. It is to good to see wrestlers that we don't get to see much often actually wrestle. This show is also a solid show for rookie debuts.
Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and am glad to read everyone’s reviews of WWE Superstars.

I’m working with WGN America to get the word out about WWE Superstars and just wanted to make sure y'all knew when to watch so you don't miss a minute of the action! Check out WWE Superstars, every Thursday at 8p east | 8p west on WGN America. (The WGN America Facebook fan page and @WGNAmericaThurs Twitter account are great places to get more WWE Superstars info too!)

Last week’s WWE Superstars was awesome… I was hoping Kofi Kingston would be able to triumph over Big Show… but it was no contest.

I’m stoked to see John Morrison go up against Kane in tonight's WWE Superstars – any predictions for this week’s matchups?
My review for each match on WWE Superstars this week

Date: Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Match #1- Christian vs William Regal (ECW)
This was a very good match from start to finish. Even though William Regal dominated a portion of the match, Christian got some very good moves in. It ended with Christian on the top of the turnbuckle with Regal's back to him Christian jumped and won the match with a roll up.

Rating: 8.5/10

Match #2- Evan Bourne vs Jamie Noble (Raw)
This was a decent match overall. The reason it isn't as good as ECW's match is because of Jamie Noble. He is just boring. The only reason it lasted as long as it did is because Evan Bourne and Jamie Noble are about the same size. Evan Bourne was the life of the match. Jamie Noble stops the Shooting star press a few times then Evan Bourne wins by finally completing the Shooting Star Press.

Rating: 7.0/10

Match #3 Main Event- Kane vs John Morrison (Smackdown)
This was a great match. Both Kane and Morrison got good moves and shots in. It ends with Kane on the outside of the ring and Morrison jumping from the turnbuckle but Kane throws a chair while Morrison is in the air. John Morrison wins by disqualification. After the bell rings Kane throws Morrison into the ring as the commentators call Kane "A big bully". It looks like Kane is going to beat Morrison with a chair but The Great Khali's music hits he walks down the ramp. Kane stands ready in the ring but Morrison from behind hits Kane with the steel chair. Khali attempts to pull Kane out of the ring, Kane looks scared(I hate how their doing that with his character) but Kane gets out of it and once again escapes through the crowd.

Rating: 9.0/10
My review for each match on WWE Superstars this week

Date: Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Match #1- Christian vs William Regal (ECW)
This was a very good match from start to finish. Even though William Regal dominated a portion of the match, Christian got some very good moves in. It ended with Christian on the top of the turnbuckle with Regal's back to him Christian jumped and won the match with a roll up.

Rating: 8.5/10

Match #2- Evan Bourne vs Jamie Noble (Raw)
This was a decent match overall. The reason it isn't as good as ECW's match is because of Jamie Noble. He is just boring. The only reason it lasted as long as it did is because Evan Bourne and Jamie Noble are about the same size. Evan Bourne was the life of the match. Jamie Noble stops the Shooting star press a few times then Evan Bourne wins by finally completing the Shooting Star Press.

Rating: 7.0/10

Match #3 Main Event- Kane vs John Morrison (Smackdown)
This was a great match. Both Kane and Morrison got good moves and shots in. It ends with Kane on the outside of the ring and Morrison jumping from the turnbuckle but Kane throws a chair while Morrison is in the air. John Morrison wins by disqualification. After the bell rings Kane throws Morrison into the ring as the commentators call Kane "A big bully". It looks like Kane is going to beat Morrison with a chair but The Great Khali's music hits he walks down the ramp. Kane stands ready in the ring but Morrison from behind hits Kane with the steel chair. Khali attempts to pull Kane out of the ring, Kane looks scared(I hate how their doing that with his character) but Kane gets out of it and once again escapes through the crowd.

Rating: 9.0/10

Awesome review. I loved when the commentators called Kane "a big bully!"

Who else has reviews of the Thurs 7/23 WWE Superstars to share?!
Have you guys seen the lineups for this weeks episode? I heard that Primo Colon might show up! What does everyone else think will happen?! I can't wait to watch tomorrow night!
Hey guys!
Just read the following preview for tomorrow's episode:

For August 6th:
Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio will find himself in a hairy situation when he faces the monstrous Mike Knox on "WWE Superstars." Can the Ultimate Underdog pull off another impossible victory? Find out on Thursday 8p east | 8p west on WGN America!

lol@the hairy pun. Who's excited? Any predictions?
Hey everyone!
I hope you've all had a chance to check out WWE Superstars on WGN America. I just want to give a reminder in case someone needs to know when to watch - you can catch all the action out on Thursdays at 8p east | 8p west!

If you're not sure where WGN America falls in your cable package, you can check out http://wgnamerica.com/ to find out!

I hope you all saw last night's episode..it was certainly a good one, especially the last with Mike Knox! Here’s the results of all three matches! Please share your thoughts if you caught the episode!

-.Chris Masters defeated Santino Marella

- William Regal and Paul Burchill defeated Tyler Rekks and Yoshi Tatsu

-Rey Mysterio defeated Mike Knox.
Hey guys! I wanted to check and see if anyone has been watching WWE Superstars on Thursday nights.

Last night we saw John Morrison vs David Hart Smith, Goldust vs Sheamus, and Carlito & Rosa Mendes defeated Mickie James vs Kofi Kingston. I thought last night’s episode was good because it was great to see some action from the DIVAS! What does everyone think of the WWE Divas?
I'm actually gonna watch Superstars tonight for the first time since the first episode, because Matt Hardy is wrestling Kane. That should be a good match, at least I hope it is. Hopefully it gets a decent amount of time too. Last time Matt was on superstars he wrestled Undertaker, which was a decent match also, so Matt vs. Kane should be good.
ok this episode of superstars was actually pretty damn good and it was because of Matt Hardy vs Kane. That was actually a really good match, despite the somewhat short amount of time it was given and how it ended. First, Matt was doing different moves tonight, he actually jumped off the rope, not the turnbuckle, but the rope, which I didn't even know he could do anymore. He was also selling moves very well and kane too, he was selling Matt's moves and making him look good. I hope this goes somewhere between these two, a feud. I would really enjoy it.

Also, a random thought, it looks like Matt lost some poundage since the last time he wrestled, against CM Punk. He didn't look AS fat this week, lol, which is another plus for Matt. That's a sign that I think he's losing some of the weight. Keep it up Matt!!!!
This past weeks Superstars was great. The main even with R Truth and Cryme Tyme taking on Mike Know and The Hart Dynasty was good. This show is just nice to see because we get to see something from each brand and it's always different to watch each week. Just regular wrestling and not many promos. I think an upper mid card should be in a match every week just so the viewers have something to look forward to every week.

Cryme Tyme has been getting some nice exposure and are very over with the crowd. One can only wonder though just how much more they can have them take on Hart Dynasty. Yes it's been back and forth, but someone clearly needs to win eventually. Also, it's nice to see Mike Knox wrestling more often and his gimmick is also pretty good. R Truth, even though he is older, can still be quite and asset and should get a title push. He works well with a lot of the talent on SmackDown and could really push someone and make someone look good.
Superstars had a decent showing this week. Does anyone else feel bad for Primo? The guy has a hell of a lot of talent and skill in the ring. I think he's being held down because his brother Carlito is a stuck up ass. Jack Swagger is getting a nice push and if he does indeed go undefeated the rest of the year, then an upper mid card feud like Kofi's is sure to come his way in the future. Their match last night was great. Yes it seemed like a squash and then all of a sudden Primo came to life. Had it not been for Swaggers' push, Primo could've def won last night.

Burchill is looking better each week and Rekks is no slouch. They had a nice match given the time it had and both men could benefit from a potential future feud. Chris Jericho and Finlay came off very good IMO and the finish wasn't that bad either. Finlay still has it and after this match, he could at least be a high profile jobber to the top heels and not just facing the likes of McIntyre and Knox. Jericho looked good, but I just hope after Survivor Series he and Bg Show can get back to the tag team division. Their losing momentum and need to get back on track or drop them to another team so they can defend the gold.
OK. Matt Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler was great. I heard it was gonna be good, but that was probably one of Ziggler's more entertaining matches. Matt did some awesome moves that he never does, the crowd was completely behind him as well, and the way Ziggler won was great too. Matt's face after the match, just had "OH SHIT" written all over it. It was great. Very entertaining Superstars this week.

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