WWE Stars You Met...Jerks Or Cool People?


RVD/Dreamer- I had cut school to meet them at EB Games it was days after RVD broke his ankle and had to give up the ECW TV title got RVD and Dreamer to sign my ECW video game that had came out the same day. They both apologized for being late when I came up to them I could tell it was 4:20 time in their eyes real cool of RVD to be there for the fans with a broken ankle.

Balls Mahoney bought me and some friends a beer, he knew we were underage.

Cena turned Cena Sucks chants to laughs by joking with his haters.

I met the Dudleys at Yankee Stadium the entire section was chanting 3D when they left, Bubba told D Von to get the tables.

Not Nice

I've only had one not nice encounter and that was with as CM Punk calls him "The Dwayne". I asked Rocky for a sig and his bodyguard said don't call him Rocky. It was like dude you can't speak up for yourself you gotta have someone else do it.

Nice thread it brings back memories.
This whole thread proves that it always depends on how the wrestlers are feeling that day, We have had pro Randy Orton and anti Randy Orton posts. Same with Bret Hart


Not saying I have met them, and not denying that people's experiences aren't true. But I wonder when these meetings with Orton and Bret occurred.

What I mean is, could it be possible that the times Randy Orton was rude was the first few years he was in WWE, and not so much recently? Because, from everything I read, years ago, Orton WAS a jerk. He was getting in trouble backstage, tormenting divas, failing Wellness and according to some, acting like an entitled *******.

However, the last few years, Orton is now married, has a kid, and just seems less intense, even on screen. Maybe he has matured, and in a better place, and this is been reflected in his attitude. Which may be why many people say that he is "laid-back".

Also, with Bret, from everything I read, years ago, Bret was a very bitter person, who was still angry about the Montreal Screwjob, and how things in WCW ended as well. One of the people on this post who met him mentioned meeting Owen as well, so this must have been no later than early 1999 (as Owen passed in May '99).

However, I read a report that since then, Bret has experienced the death of his brother Owen, both his parents, he has had two strokes, and also the deaths of one of his best friends, Chris Benoit, and also Nancy and Daniel, who he knew very well. All these tragedies put his anger about the Montreal Screwjob into perspective, and he recently returned to WWE, and forgave Vince, HBK etc. So, Bret is in a better place too, and may be more open and receptive to people in general, let alone fans, and may not take wrestling so seriously any more.

I think that, sometimes it isn't just moods, but may be things going on with the person's life at the time.
I've never met any wrestlers but my friend met Batista at work once. It was at McDonald's and my friend was in there before his shift started and didn't have his uniform on yet. My friend is sitting at a table near the counter when he sees Batista, a woman, and a kid come in. After Batista ordered he gave my buddy and autograph and some other people but ignored the workers. But the conversation they had is kinda funny to me.
"Are you Dave Batista?"
"The WWE wrestler Dave Batista?"
"Can I have an autograph?"

But I was told he was mostly a nice guy.
Rock: Funny, laid back and not too high on himself. He even made jokes about how he used to suck when he first debut.

Jericho: Though I met Jericho is a strange way, he seemed pretty cool and easy to approach. When I met him he was throwing a fit about HHH backstage to the Rock and Foley. I'm not sure what the issue was about but he kept bithcing about "Paul" (I didn't know at the time HHH real name was Paul) Though he was pissed he signed my program and told me to enjoy the show

Foley: This is the nicest guy you could ever meet, very funny and really is a mark for wrestling. I was amazed that Foley watches the entire show of Raw backstage if he has the time to do it.

HHH: I only posed for a picture with him, but he seemed pretty cool all things considered.

Jeff Hardy: He bumped into me backstage and said "sorry".

If anyone's wondering My uncle used to work for the WWE production crew and was friends with JR, so JR made sure he gave me tickets everytime they were in town and sometimes backstage passes. I've never met JR, but I've seen him in person talking to ther wrestlers.
I remember attending the now infamous Raw that ended with Vince's limo blew up. After the show my friend, her son, and myself stopped off at TGI Fridays not far from the arena cuz we heard some the wrestlers were going to be their.


Mr. Kennedy: I've seen some people complain about him. This night he was AWESOME. Poor dude just wanted to get some grub and while walking in the parking lot he gets swarmed by a bunch of fans. He took the time to talk and sign for everyone. My friend and her son took a picture with him but had some issues with camera, he could of complained there but still just joked about. Very classy.

Joey Styles: For the people who recognized him he was cool with.

Miz and Morrison: I didn't go near them cuz they were eating but I recall seeing them sign for fans who came up to their table.


Mark Henry: Just bushed everybody off

Elijah Burke: Weirdo. He ran away from the fans like he wanted them to earn an autograph only to not sign for anyone.
im new here but read everyday but thought this was somethin i would share ...
Dudley Boys met them back in their ECW days they actually came here to a skating rink pretty cool guys actually got out there and skated the whole day.
Kofi Kingston- probably the most down 2 earth person it was 9 days before christmas at a wwe house show he stayed out makin sure everybody got pics and autographs even in the freezin cold major props for that while cena didnt wave jus got in his rental and hauled ass
Sheamus- i dunno if he was stickin to his heel character then but he seemed pissed about somethin spoke to no one
Alicia Fox,Maryse,and Kelly Kelly-met themat logans roadhouse after a house show i actually talked to them for about a hour off and on they wouldnt pay my tab though :banghead:
I'm in Toronto and Hacksaw and Tatanka came to a local flea market where my dad happened to be that day. My dad used to be big on 80's wrestling, so he walked up and said hi. Apparently they were really nice to him and both of 'em chatted with him for a few minutes, he says they seemed genuinely cool to be approached and were very down to earth and funny.

Damn I really wish I was there.
To me the friendliest wrestlers I've ever met are the SHIMMER girls. Even the heels are incredibly sweet. The friendliest ones I've met are Daizee Haze, Ariel (no not the one from WWECW), Mercedes Martinez, and Sassy Stephie.

Also nice are Kharma(Amazing Kong in Shimmer) and she has an awesome singing voice and Madison Raine(Ashley laine in Shimmer).

For guys the nicest I've met are Nigel McGuiness(Desmond Wolfe in TNA),The late great Sweet n' Sour Larry Sweeney, Shimma Xion (Zima Ion in TNA), Jimmy DeMarco, Eric Xtasy, Justin Idol, and Fabulous John McChesney(he was in WWE as John from Ohio selling the masterlock during one of Chris Masters' Masterlock challenges and was gonna do the gimmick Colin Delaney had in WWE but Colin got the call first)

I don't think I've ever really met any real jerks although some wrestlers are a little more talkative and approachable than others. Some of it depends on how and where you approach them. Like obviously don't bug them in the john or while they're eating and don't give them a whole mountain of stuff to sign. Wrestlers do not enjoy getting carpal tunnel.
I've met, The Headbangers, Sunny, Big Show, Torrie Wilson and Jim Ross. Met JR about 3 or 4 times, but that's because I live in Oklahoma :)

The Headbangers were the coolest though, since hardly anyone showed up, we actually hung out with them for a couple of hours before they had to head to the arena. This was back in 1997. They offered some fat dude a pair of free tickets if he stripped down to his underwear and ran across the street to grab a pumpkin and bring it back. The guy did it, and got the tickets. One of the funniest moments ever, I'll never forget that. Thrasher also wanted my Misfits shirt I was wearing that day, I hesitated for a while but when it was time for them to leave, I finally gave in and gave it to him. If you watch the OKC show from '97, can't remember exact date, but it was in October, you'll see him wearing my Misfits - Ghost Rider shirt. He cut the sleeves off of it. Ever since then, my friends have joked that I'm bad luck. with wrestlers. Since they wore my shirt, they lost most of their matches (i know they were jobbers), then broke up shortly after. :)

Sunny was also cool, one of the guys with her was also with the Headbangers, and told her about me giving my shirt to the tag team and she laughed about it. :)

The rest didn't really interact with the crowd. But it was never a bad experience though, I've heard of some people being assholes. Everyone I've met weren't asses. :)
First post here, and am loving reading through this thread. Only have met two guys Sid and Bret Hart.

Met Sid at a local JAPW show, and he was super nice. I was very young, and he lifted me on his shoulder, felt like I was 10 feet tall lol. Told him I cheered for him at MSG Survivor Series when he won the title from Shawn, and he smiled and thanked me.

Met Bret at a local sports card store. He was super nice, probably helped I was very young, and we waited in the cold on a long line. Got an autograph and pic, and he thanked me for supporting.

My dad met Mark Henry, The Rock, and Owen Hart at a small time diner in New Jersey. They were with a body guard, but they had no problem snapping pics and giving autographs. The Body Guard actually was the one taking the pictures. My Dad to this day still tells me about meeting Owen, and what a nice guy he was in the five minutes they talked. He said he didn't talk much with Rock or Mark, but they were fine getting pics, but my Dad will never forget meeting Owen.
I'll mention the ones I've met like outside of actual WWE events where they still didn't have to be in character.

I met Ron Simmons at an arena football game. I was walking up the steps and I said, "No way you're Ron Simmons!" he smirked and said, "DAMN" haha i just kept walking and laughing.

Then randomly saw Balls Mahonay. He talked about wanting to go eat at some local pizzeria and then signed my shirt which had a picture of a guy on it so he signed the forehead with "Balls" funny guy
Scott and Rick Steiner - This was back in 1992. I was actually at a birthday party in the Thumb area of Michigan, and as it turns out, the father of the kid went to high school with them (in Bay City). Anyhow, Rick barked at us quite often, and Scott mostly ignored us. Fun time, from what I can remember.

Hillbilly Jim - Saw him at a diner in Detroit on the Saturday before WM 23. I think we were the only people in the place who had a clue who he was. Nice guy.

Jimmy Hart - WM 23 weekend. He was sitting by a backdoor into Ford Field smoking a cigarette. Didn't say much, but wasn't rude.

Ron Simmons - Awesome guy. Met him the same weekend as the last two, in Detroit. I was wearing a DAMN t-shirt, and he made me say it. After I said it, he did as well. Funny as hell, really nice.

AJ Styles - He and TNA were in Mt. Pleasant, MI this past November, so we got a chance to meet several TNA guys. Talked to him the shortest amount of time. About 6.5 seconds. He was in a hurry. Bigger than you'd expect in person (not tall, wide).

Ken Anderson - He was at the same show as Styles. Talked to him for a minute or so in the hotel lobby. Nice guy, but you could tell he didn't really care.

Gunner - He was with Ken Anderson. Much nicer. Didn't seem like had anything better to do, and that was cool. Probably doesn't have a huge number of fans, hasn't been doing this all that long, etc. I stopped trashing him after that ;)

Velvet - Didn't meet her, but she was signing autographs about five feet from me (wasn't in line for her autograph, didn't need it). Mmmm. She's hotter in person.

Earl Hebner - He screwed Bret (apparently), and most everyone let him know that. His shirt didn't shy away from it, either. My buddy told him he sucked, and Hebner told him it was actually his momma who sucked. Interesting guy.
Cool wrestlers
Ricky the Dragon Steamboat: Extremely friendly, love the guy to death. He was already pretty damn high on my all-time favorite wrestlers list, meeting him, seeing how friendly he is in real life completely solidified my already high opinion of him.

Jeff Hardy (pre-drug abuse): Cool dude, spent quite a long time just talking to fans before heading into arena. Probably more time than any other wrestler that day. Took autographs, pictures, just chatted, he was cool.

Sgt. Slaughter. He signed a DVD copy of G.I. Joe the movie for my brother with "AT EASE, DISEASE!"...Classic line, and he loved the fact that we remembered him in it. Made his day, made my brother's day.

Balls Mahoney: Friendly guy, nothing "extreme" about him.

Kane: Glen Jacobs is one of my all-time favorite wrestlers that I have met, extremely intelligent, quiet spoken...but large. Really large. I felt like less of a man standing next to him, lol

Chris Benoit: I wish his story had a happy ending. I met him only a few months before he snapped, but at the time I met him, he seemed shy, like he had a hard time believing that people would want to meet him. But, holy fuck did that guy have a mandshake. Wow.

Beth Phoenix. This was only a few weeks into her current run, she was new, not a lot of people recognized her right away. But, when she isn't in Glamazon mode, she is quite pretty.

Dean Malenko/Mike Rotunda: Both were already a backstage agents with the WWE rather than wrestlers, but they seemed to enjoy older fans like myself whose memories extend past the Attitude era. Old school. And Mike Rotunda arrived to the arena as IRS...that was awesome.


Dusty Rhodes: Met him a few days before he was inducted into the HOF, the last Smackdown before Wrestlemania was being taped in Grand Rapids the year it was at Ford Field, and Dusty Rhodes completely ignored everyone, didn't bother to say thanks for the congratulations being offered for going into the HOF, or anything. He was a total douchebag.

Batista: Not really a huge shocker, I know...he made his arrival to the arena, and stood out there waiting for the fans to simply adore him, and nobody cared, they were busy talking to Kane, Jeff Hardy, RVD, and other wrestlers who actually approached the fans. He got a pissy look on his face that nobody really was clamoring for him to come over...loved it.
Ricky Steamboat, Big Show, Arn Anderson, and Dean Malenko came into my gym to workout when they were in town. Big Show and Arn Anderson were resting between sets on machines and went over to shake there hands and they seemed nice. Dean Malenko seemed like he didnt want to be bothered, probably because he was working out, but he was kind of rude. Steamboat couldnt have been cooler, I actually worked out a few sets with him. Super nice. Apparently Torrie Wilson and a member of the Spirit Squad were there before I came in....stilll kicking myself in the ass for missing her.
I wonder how many of these fantastical stories are true.

By the way, J.R. is my dad so I've met everyone in the WWE.
I've only met Virgil, David Flair and Stacy Kiebler. They were all pretty cool. Didn't talk about wrasslin with any of em.
I've only met Dolph Ziggler in person. He went to the same high school as me (albeit he graduated before I was even a freshman) so when WWE comes to Cleveland he shops with his mom at the store I work at. I talked to him once for a few minutes and he was really nice. His mom is really nice too. She's giving me tickets to the episode of RAW taping in Cleveland in a few weeks.
Edge back in 2009 I was with WZ forum member when we met him and eve at a signing, really cool nice guy chatted for like a minute.

Bobby Roode, interesting story, he was invites to the PWA Australia wrestling promotion I'm with as a trainee pro wrestler. He gave us advice and spoke about how we started he even critiqued our training matches. The guy in person is nice.

Former Shimmer world champion Madison Eagles, she's my head trainer, nice but a tough person.
I met Bret Hart at an autograph signing. It was breif but he seemed like a legitimatly nice guy. We barely talked as I was a bit star struck but it was a great experience.
I also met the nasty boys and they were just really warm really nice guys. We all chatted breifly about Spring Stampede 1994 and me and my brother got a picture with them which they immediatly autographed free of charge.
Virgil was an awesome guy he let me hold the million dollar title and gave my brother the cold shoulder cause I was the one who paid for the picture. It was pretty funny.
Also met raven who was busy eating at the time but he was nice enough to stop chewing for a picture. I can't complain.
I've only met Dolph Ziggler in person. He went to the same high school as me (albeit he graduated before I was even a freshman) so when WWE comes to Cleveland he shops with his mom at the store I work at. I talked to him once for a few minutes and he was really nice. His mom is really nice too. She's giving me tickets to the episode of RAW taping in Cleveland in a few weeks.

So the show in cleveland passed.. did u get ur tickets?!

I have only met one person Uninterested

Christian- Holy Hell, without a doubt my favorite wrestler of all time! I met him back when he was with with TNA and was actually the champion and he just seemed to be in it for the $, and not to listen to fans just to get it over with... THEN AGIAN BEING WITH TNA WOULD MAKE ME DEPRESSED TOO!
Ken Anderson is an asshole.. oh wait!

I met Jeff Hardy a few times he was a nice guy each time.
Mickie James really was engaged when talking to you, extremely nice..
Angelina Love smiled a lot when talking to us, she was nice.
Eric Young and ODB were funny..
Velvet Sky was cool too but seemed to be in a rush
Robbie E was extremely cool and down to earth with my kids and played with them
AJ Styles was really cool as well, he also drew pictures with my kids for winning an action figure of him and they ate it up.
Matt Morgan was also really nice
Bobby Roode was nice
Storm was nice
Joe was nice
Rob Terry didn't want to be there.. douche.
Austin Aries was a douche.. BUT THIS WAS INTENTIONAL he was telling people waiting in line, that he is allowing them to pay him so they can get insulted. LOL he was staying in character the whole time.. to me this was great. But some people were pist.

oh yeah I met all these people on the same day!
*except Hardy I met him twice before in the past*
Here are pictures of meeting all these folks

Stone Cold was a jerk.. he wouldn't even look at us, he acted like we were a bother, we met him a month after he won his first world title.

The Rock was nice, Scott Hall / Nash were cool.. Flair was NUTS!!! and Michael P.S. Hayes and Virgil I all met in the 90's they were all nice.
Biggest douche: Easily Mark Henry. At a signing sometime last year in New York, I went to see him and Kelly Kelly along with my friend. We were allowed one item per person for each of them. No prob. There were both black and silver markers on the table for them to sign with depending on the item. I ask him politely to switch to the silver to sign my program. He does. Again, no prob. My friend goes up to get her trading card signed. He sarcastically smiles and says no way and crosses his arms. We complain to the manager, he says there's nothing he can do, so we forget about it. But really Mark? Why?

Best guy: EASILY Cena. Toys R Us in Times Square last weekend. Rules are you can only get Toys R Us merchanise(which had to be already purchased so I have no idea why) signed and no photos. Of course like a classy guy, he goes over their heads, signs as many things as you want, and takes photos with everyone. Considering he's the face of the company as he only had 5 hours from the signing to The MSG House Show, he easily could've went with the rules and left on time, but he didn't, shook everybody's hand, and said a few words to everyone, left late, and made the whole experience so much better.
I met Sheamus last weekend and he was really nice from the brief meet and greet chance I had. Only 1 item signed so a few weeks prior I bought the Royal Rumble 2012 DVD and I asked him what he'd do if he wasn't in wrestling and he said "Hopefully nothing to do with computers." He seemed nice but I only met him for like 30 seconds, no photos allowed unfortunately.
Gregory Helms is the only one I have met. At the Crown casino in Melbourne, I had no idea who he was but he seemed famous so I had my photo taken with him. Great guy.

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