WWE Stars You Met...Jerks Or Cool People?


Occasional Pre-Show
I thought it would fun to make a list of the WWE stars we've met in the past and compare our experiences. It's ok to list WWE mainstays in TNA such as Hulk Hogan and company.

Cool People.
1 Randy Orton. Met him at a autograph signing and he seemed very down to earth. As he was signing I said "don't worry Randy.....we'll get that no talent bastard Kofi Kingston fired for botching someday". He smirked and shook his head yes. I thought it was cool he hated Kofi as much as I do.

2. RVD. Very cool guy. Took time to talk to me and complimented me on my clothes.

1 Ric Flair. Complete Ahole. I paid 100 dollars to get my photo taken and have one item signed and I wish I could get my money back. As he was signing I told him he should lighten up on Bischoff, that he shouldn't have complained so much about jobbing and everybody should be a team player. He pushed my picture towards me quickly and shouted "next" without even looking me in the eye. If he was that much of a baby just because he couldn't take the truth from a long time fan one can only imagine what he's like to put up with backstage. Some people just can't handle the truth.

2 Mark Henry. The guy ignored everybody.
Road Dogg and Kip James.

Awsome dudes. I took a picture with them i a ring. They showed me the ropes and mat and a few things about a wrestling ring.

These are the only ones i've physically met and talked to, besides Madd Mex from Half Pint Brawlers. I sat in a parking lot and talked to him for almost 2 hours. He told me some stories of wrestling with Evan Bourn (as Matt Sydal) He is one of the coolest guys i have ever met.

This is a nice thread.
Met Randy Orton is Hershey, PA a few years back. Very cool dude. As a previous poster said, seemed very down to earth. He took a picture with me and my buddy both in the RKO headlock, and was chatting people up pretty good.

Met Ken Anderson in York PA as well...dude was a douche.
Mick Foley. Met him at Mitchell College in New London, CT at a signing with some NY Giant that I never heard of. Mick signed my WWF magazine where he wore the shirt and tie attire but had shaven his face to be corporate. Al Snow was also on that cover. Anyways, really cool and down to earth. My buddy and I were planning all week what we were going to have him sign and I found a folding chair at the college we both attended. When my buddy was getting his chair signed by the Hardcore Legend, Mick said to us: "well it looks like SOMEONE didnt get their chair from the phony fake chair shop that we do!" i will never forget him saying that.
Got to meet Jack Swagger at Summerslam Axxess in 2010. My cousin joked with him for a minute. He was nice but didn't talk a lot because it was hot as hell outside. He was nice enough to take a pic and answer a couple questions. Definitely cool.

1) Randy Orton. Complete jerk everytime I've ever met him. This goes back to before he was even in the WWE. I live in St Louis and have seen him a lot. One of my friends works in a theater that has a service where they basically wait on you so you don't have to get up and miss the movie. Basically it's like waiting in they work off tips. Randy Orton tipped 1 dollar on a 56 dollar bill. This was when he was WWE Champion mind you, prick.

2) Bret Hart. I met him in 96 when I was 12 or 13 randomly at an airport. And I don't know if I caught him on a bad day or what but he basically jobbed me out when I told him he was one of my favorites. Didn't sign anything, or barely say anything. Just kinda nodded and walked away.

3) New Jack. Complete fucking dickhole. Tried to get an autograph from him after an ECW show in 2000 and he basically laughed at me and called me a dumb mark.

Cool People.

1) Owen Hart. Met him the same day I met Bret shortly after and he couldn't be any nicer. Signed autographs for me and took a picture that I still have to this day. Seemed genuinely happy to do it too. I told him about Bret and he said, "He get's moody, don't take offence."

2) Tommy Dreamer. Literally probably the nicest guy you'll ever meet, in or out of the wrestling business. Met him several times, the first being in 2000 after an ECW show at a hotel the boys were staying at. He literally let me pick his brain for 45 minutes about anything I wanted to know about the buisness. I've met him a couple times since then and he's always remembered me. I don't know how but he is a man who cares about his fans that much.

3) Mick Foley. This one almost goes without saying. I don't think this man is ever mean to anybody. Very real, very genuine.

4) Evan Bourne. I went to high school with him and trained in GCW in STL when he wrestled there. Still a friend of mine to this day.

5) Delirious. Again, I met him when he started out in GCW. I actually refereed his first match ever as Delirious. Great guy, funny as hell. His real life girlfriend Daizee Haze is awesome too.
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I met Mick Foley in Toronto he was super cool. I also met Trish Stratus she was also super nice and funny. I met Bret Hart during his book tour he was nice but was busy so it was brief. Then I met Honky Tonk Man and he was a dick he was carrying a replica WCW World Title. I brought him an 8x10 to sign and he made me pay $20 for it.
This is a real cool topic. I've met a lot so lemme see who I remember.

HHH. Very cool.
Booker T. Very nice. He was outside MSG signing and the security guard said " Booker, they need u in there. " he jus looks at him and says " I can be late." and stayed til everyone got a pic and signature.
Christian was nice. Flair was eh. I actually had a rap battle with John Cena. There's too many to go through but the one that stuck out the most was Eddie. After he signed, I told him how proud the Hispanic community was of him. I told him I knew it was a work but it made him the champion of the people and I congratulated him. He put down his bags and gave me a hug thing me telling me it meant a lot. Funny story, Sean O'Haire actually growled at a kid who asked for an autograph. Oh, and A-train is the biggest asshole. He threatened to rip up a kids magazine. I met Benoit, too. He didn't sign or take a pic.

Big Show - This guy is intimidating when you see him, but is without a doubt the coolest WWE wrestler I have met. We were ringside, he was in a tag match, Show, Kane, Daddy V vs Spirit Squad. He spent all the time on the apron talking to, and joking with the fans. Came over and talked to a lot of people after the match, shook hands with everyone, then outside after show spent time talking to everyone.

John Cena - A lot of respect for him. We boo'ed him heavily and he still shook hands with us after the match and posed with fans. Got to touch the WWE Title belt which was pretty cool too. Spent a lot of time with the kids.

Shane McMahon - He stayed in the hotel I worked in. Though we were not allowed to ask for autographs and photos, and not allowed to approach any famous people staying (I worked in one of the countries biggest and most illustrious hotels) He took the time to say hello to everyone, even us lowly kitchen workers and porters. (Tiger Woods, Spet Blatter and many others also stayed at the hotel when I worked there)


Nikki Bella - We were at the back gate for the wrestlers coming to and from the arena throughout the day. Most said hello, or waved. She looked at the fans shook her head, turned her nose up and walked away.

Matt Hardy - Jerk, plain and simple. Told people who had been waiting all day to see him, including many kids standing around at the arena entrance to 'Fuck off' when asking for autographs.
I didn't ever want to meet a wrestler at a WWE event or fan access event. With so many people to meet and greet it's a few seconds and it's over. That's lame. And with that many people around that could make them grouchy. So I decided if I was going to meet any wrestler it would be when I felt I would have an opportunity to catch them when I knew they would be in a good mood.

So with that said, I was checking the mail one day and on the mailbox it had a flyer that said, "be an extra in a movie today" and there was a bunch of names, one of them being Stone Cold. I thought why not. You never know right? (btw it was one of his straight to dvd crappy movies) I talked to a bunch of extras and most of them were paid extras. They were all a bunch of stuck up snobs and they had NO idea Steve Austin was here. Some didn't even know who he was. They just get calls from their agents saying what they have to do and then go to the movie set.

Anyways, it was a lunch break and Steve was in the gymasium doing whatever on his Iphone. All the snobby paid extras were in the lunch room eating and didn't give a shit. I saw him and decided to ask him for a picture. Got to talk with him for about 5 minutes and he is once of the nicest most down to earth people you will ever meet. Cool guy. The great thing about it was there wasn't many people around, so he wasn't crowded and because it was a lunch break he wasn't going to be grouchy because he was done eating. haha.

Yeah, it's a little silly that I'm rambling a bit, but it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and something I will never forget. It's experiences like this that make life pretty cool at times.
This whole thread proves that it always depends on how the wrestlers are feeling that day, We have had pro Randy Orton and anti Randy Orton posts. Same with Bret Hart
Randy Orton was a nice guy.....had a security detail when i met him but he told them to back off for me and my friend ad we had a good conversation

went to a Smackdown taping a couple months back....afterwards a bunch of people showed up at a restaurant my friends and I were at... Mark Henry had such a way about him and look on his face that people avoided going up to him....smart idea

Cody Rhodes stormed by everybody and ignored people which I found surprising

Ted DiBiase and Sheamus were real nice....stopped and talked....Sheamus accused me of photobombing.....my group carried on a convo with Ted about his chewing tobacco of choice

Booker T was first-class....when we saw him we chose not to bother him but put his drinks on our tab...he ended up coming up to us and chatting us up...posed for a photo...real nice guy
Cool Thread man!

Nice Guys:

Bobby Lashley- Met him in Hollywood randomly when walking down the street after No Way Out PPV in I think 2006? He was at an outside table at some resturant, and eventhough he was with a few people he offered to take a pic with me without me, when I was looking for was a handshake. Maybe cuz I'm black hahaha.

Batista- Met him randomly outside Staple Center the day before spotting Lashley. He was on the phone, but hung up to give my cousin and I autographs.

Shawn Michaels- You guys probably know after events some wrestlers are nice enough to stop and chat. Well, after a RAW a nice towncar came out the garage @Staples. I walked to the car and said roll the window down. It was HBK gave me a handshake and a 20 second chat before everyone rushed in.

RVD: Same person on and off screen. Smoked some weed with my cousin in Venice Beach after.

Chritopher Daniels: Met him on Sunset Strip nice dude.


Mr. Kennedy- I dont know if he was playing his gimmick, but he flicked me and my boys off. In retrospect nevermind we kinda asked for it cuz we were calling him gay cuz he was all up on Orton. OOOHHHH Thats why Orton wanted him fired.
Best experience was Henry Godwin/Mark Canterbury. It was 1997, I was 14 years old and my parents were driving to Pigeon Forge, when dad said "HOG WWF" I jumped up and right about that time he stuck his HUGE arm out the window so we followed him some 30 minutes to a bank. He walked in and we waited in the parking lot. When he came out I approached him and got a picture with him along with a 5 minute chat, as nice as could be considering I was interrupting him on his personal time.

Another that shocked me were the Dudley Boys. I know they get a bad rap but I met them at my first TNA show and they were as nice as could be. Joking around with everyone and even poking fun at a few fans who needed to be joked on. That same show, I was waiting to get my picture taken with the dudleys when suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulder I looked to my side and there was Christian (this was right after he won the TNA world title) who stood there just talking to every guy about anything from comics to movies. I definitely became a Christian mark on that day.
I think its funny that alot of complaints are coming about HEELS!!!!!

Kayfabe is still alive believe it or not and some of the HEELS still like to work the fans. For example. A-Train. He was a HEEL!!!! Why the hell would a bad guy want to sign anything for anyone? Its called KAYFABE!!!! Same with Cody just storming by everyone, and Nikki Bella acting like a bitch (just like on TV). The airports may be a different story just cause they travel so much and it can be a pretty miserable time travelling alot of the time so sometimes you gotta realize they are just in one of those moods like every other normal person.

As much as some of you think the business can't fool any of you, clearly there are still a couple guys working you and you are falling for it completely. Always keep in mind the people who you thought were assholes and if they were working as HEELS or FACES at the time of the meeting.
I remember meeting Kelly Kelly, Zack Ryder & The Miz this past summer. All of them were awesome (pun intended) and joked around with me for a couple minutes. Me and Miz talked about football and had a few laughs. Zack Ryder signed my sign, and took multiple pictures with me. And last but not least Kelly Kelly...Yes I know that she is stale in the ring and doesn't have much skill, but she is super hot. She posed for pictures with me, and even ended up giving me a kiss on the cheek after. All in all, so far these are the only WWE Stars I have met, and all were fantastic and couldn't be nicer to me.

BTW this is a really great thread!
I have met a few wrestlers and all were watching them come in before shows. So, of course, only the faces come over and sign and chat in that setting..the heels stay in character....but I have had the opportunity to meet John Cena, Kofi Kingston, Paul London, Gregory Helms and Mickie James. Got my pic with all of them but Cena...I took my buddies pic with him, and he was right there and my buddy said hurry and get up here...I replied..."nah I am good." LOL...I felt like kinda a hypocrite to get a pic with him since I can't stand him lol...did shake his hand tho...

Out of them all Paul London was probably the coolest guy, he stayed out and signed and talked with every fan that was there, which was one big crowd and I thought that was pretty cool....on a side note Mickie was SMOKIN' HOT!

I am going to a TNA house show this weekend and I paid to do the meet and greet...hope it is a good experience...
I've met Mark Henry, D'Lo Brown, and Shawn Michaels, all in the late 90s. Mark Henry and D'Lo were very nice, maybe it was because I was 7 years old. Shawn Michaels on the other hand, was a complete jerk, ignored everybody, and was just smug the whole time.
I hate seeing people judge people as jerks based on one (very brief) experience. You've never had a bad day? You've never been in a hurry? Obviously a $1 tip is ridiculous, and you should never tell fans to "fuck off" under any circumstance, but don't read too much into it if a guy is in a hurry at the airport or anything like that. A buddy of mine works at a major airport and sees celebrities all the time...the same celebrities can act totally different on different days.

I've seen a few stars that were nice and signed autographs, etc...Bret Hart, Booker T, Trish Stratus, Tatanka, Tazz all stand out. The coolest I can remember meeting, going out of their way to talk to people and really engage them, were Road Dogg (way back before the D-X days) and CM Punk(when he was still on ECW).

The only person I've met that I don't mind calling a jerk was Maryse. Unbelievably stuck up and rude, clearly thought she was better than everybody around her.
I've only met two,and they were both very nice.
1.Met Jerry Lawyer twice very cool guy told me to stay in school lol,I said im going to be a WWE superstar one day and he said train hard see you one day.
2.Gandmaster Sexay Brain Christoper Awesoooome guy told me if I really wanted to be a WWE superstar I could start at sixteen instead of eightteen like I was thinking. (met them both at a steakhouse they came straight in and signed aytographs before even eating) oh one woman didn't know Brain Christopher and she said who are you he said GRAND MASTER SEXAY and she said OOOOH don't say it like that lol.
Cool - HBK, Cena, Kane, and Edge

Butt Nuggets - Both Hardy's. If I would have had oxycotton on me then everything would have been fine I'm sure but these guys are the 2 biggest douche bags ever. Believe me I am being polite calling them douche bags. I truly think these dicks believe that they are above god.
I know this is a WWE post but some of these guys listed below are WWE alum with TNA or vice versa so I included them. I got to go backstage to quite a few TNA PPVs when they were in Nashville since I was in the same Army unit as Jimmy Hart's son at the time. Jimmy Hart Sr. is a great guy and a brilliant musician. It was just weird to talk to him and hear his normal voice after only hearing the "pipsqueak" voice as Gorilla Monsoon (I think it was him) used to describe him as having.

Cool People:

Jeff Jarrett: One of the coolest guys I met while at TNA. He talked to me at great length, asked a lot of questions about the military, and went and got his TNA World Title belt so I could get a pic with him.

Dixie Carter: Very cool chick. I met her when she was still very much behind the scenes and she is a Southern belle. Say what you will about her abilities to run a wrestling company but she is one classy, sexy, and smart lady.

R-Truth: This guy really is crazy in real life. His on-air persona IS his real-life persona. No Little Jimmy sightings back in 2004. Even though he is nuts, he is very friendly and cool.

Kid Kash: One of the best heels in TNA at the time but when I met him he was one of the nicest wrestlers you will ever meet.

Road Dogg: During a tag match, Road Dogg, or BG James at the time, threw Hernandez over the guard rail right in front of me. He grabbed my disposable camera on the floor, wound it up, took a pic of Hernandez, handed me my camera, and then continued beating on Hernandez. When I me him backstage that night, we talked about it and he asked if I could get him a copy of the photo so he could rag on Hernandez.

Raven: Really cool dude. Apparently he was in the Marine Corps so we talked about that for a while.

Also, AJ Styles, Kazarian, Michael Shane, Elix Skipper, and Chris Sabin were all really nice, friendly guys that took a personal interest in your life.

Dallas was nice but surprisingly very shy for a 6'8, 275 pound monster. And Abyss was a big, jolly, friendly guy...who would've thought!

Biggest POS in all of wrestling: JEFF HARDY. Me and a couple Army buddies were backstage in our military uniforms and almost all of the TNA roster were cool with us, saying hello, asking us about the Army, about Iraq & Afghanistan (this was early 2004 so the wars were actually still popular and people were interested in knowing about them). Jeff Hardy, however, gave us dirty looks backstage and did not talk to us or acknowledge us. He also high fived everyone around the ring and when he got to the Army guys in uniform, he pulled his hands back. I'm sure the war just went against his liberal, drug-using, purple-haired, white trash ways, but if you don't care for the war and the politics, at least respect the troops.

Ultimate Warrior: I went to an autograph signing in Japan when I was about 10 or 11. WTF is wrong with this guy seriously. He crushed my dreams when I was a kid when he acted flaky and left an autograph session early. The Hart Foundation was also there and they carried the ball for the UW when he left....they were professional and friendly and Neidhart is one goofy dude. What you see is what you get...Nyaa hahahaha (Anvil laugh).
Great thread. Anyways my father used to work as an emt at the civic center (now dunkin donuts center) in providence ri and was actually on an episode of raw where the undertaker beat up arn anderson to the point where he needed to be brought to the hospital. (obviously kayfabe) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1v2AaWYcb8
Start the link at 4:12 and the buzz cut guy with the compress is my father. I believe his line is " we gotta get him to the hospital!"

BUT anyways I used to get to go backstage for all the events that came to prov as a tyke including wcw and i remember meeting hogan, sting, booker t, owen hart, the undertaker, kurt angle and the new age outlaws. My recollection doesn't serve me any further as I was young but those were the ones who stood out most.
People I've met and I've liked....

Bam Bam Bigelow- Very cool guy. Needless to say I was only about 8 years old but he was absolutely awesome. I remember I told him I use to play Wrestlemania the arcade game just to see him jump off the top rope and have the ring catch fire. Bam Bam then said well how bout I do that to you kid, lol. He then joked about it and said I'm just kidding!! He even began to joke around with my dad about it...I miss this dude.

Afa The Wild Samoan- I met this guy multiple times. He's actually from my hometown. Very nice and always respectful.

Kerry Von Erich- Yes this was right before he died. Grant it I was only about 7 years old at this time, but very nice and easy going. He was pretty jacked as well! Of course I had no idea what steroids were back then. None the less, great guy and truly missed.

RVD- My buddy and I had an online sports radio show and he came on our show and did a promo for us. Again real nice and easy going. His promo was classic and I'm soo happy we still have it!!

Chris Masters and Rob Conway- Same as RVD, both came on and did promo's for us. Really nice easy going guys.

Captain Lou Albano- Dude this guy can put down some food! I couldn't believe all the sandwiches he was eating!! I met him at a local restaurant and he signed autographs. Again real nice and funny as well.

The Blue Meanie- I met him at a baseball game and he was just so very nice and humble. He was cool, he told some old ECW stories and how also how the BWO got started and so much more.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan- Real nice guy to be around. Told some funny stories.

Brian Knobs- Knobs actually lives 5 mins from my hometown. One of the funniest wrestlers I've ever met. I got a pic with him and Hogan and I was wearing a red sox shirt. He first tells me you can't wear that shirt, what you thinking? Finally we take the pic and he says ooo hey btw **** boston, go rays lol. None the less, funny guy

Hulk Hogan- Although he wasn't too friendly, he was friendly enough to shake my hand, say hi and take a pic. Can't really complain about Hogan.

People I've met and dis-liked. Honestly there aren't many....only 1.

Tammy Lynn Sytch (Sunny)- I met Sunny at a baseball game and she wasn't very friendly. Grant it I know it was most likely a long day but still, you can't smile for 5 seconds and say hey? I mean she still said hey and shoke my hand but did it very reluctantly. Not my fondest memory...but very hott!

Can't really thinking of anyone else. I'll be meeting Bret Hart this summer so that will be awesome!

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