WWE Royal Rumble 2014- Brock Lesnar VS Big Show

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

So the same man, who was prancing around in a diaper as the "New Year's Baby" in a reoccurring promo intimidates Brock Lesnar? And on top of that, he tosses Brock across the ring like a rag doll? Gotta love pro wrestling.

Big Show is a big step down, when you consider Brock Lesnar's status as a special attraction and all the big time blockbuster matches during his return. I don't think there's any doubt, who wins here. Lesnar has to walk away with a decisive and dominant victory, and it's not even close. To add to that, it wouldn't surprise me if Lesnar kicked out of the WMD.

Lesnar needs a tune up match, if he's going to face Cena, Orton, or Taker at Wrestlemania, and I'm pretty sure we'll see Brock F5 Big Show for the win. That's one of the major reasons WWE is saving this for pay per view, because Lesnar already did the F5 on Henry a few weeks ago.

As far as past Lesnar/Show matches go, the ring collapse is an obvious standout, I only remember the match at Survivor Series for the Heyman turn, I barely remember the stretcher match from Judgement Day, and I'm drawing a blank on everything else.
I remember seeing the Survivor Series match and being amazed of how Brock Lesnar was throwing Big Show around. That's one of the things I'm looking forward to seeing in their upcoming match; Brock Lesnar manhandling Big Show and probably brutalizing him with his new, rough style. This will also be the second time that Big Show and Brock will be going at it in the Royal Rumble PPV.
Big Show would certainly fit in my recent 'Burial of talent' post. I agree with you. Big step down. Fights for wwe title. Loses cleanly to much smaller man. Not on TV for two weeks. Shows up in diaper. Intimidates Bork. Wtf
Big Show changing personality on a whim isn't new, his whole career has seen him flip-flop from one extreme to the other. Intense Big Show is way better than whiny Big Show, though and there's enough history there for it to be somewhat interesting. It also gives Lesnar (presumably) another PPV win without hurting anybody else.

The match will not be earth-shattering but it gives him a filler until after the Rumble.
It is super obvious who wins here and its Lesnar and not even close. Yes its a step down,but when Lesnar dominates the big show and F-5's him Brock will most certainly be in line for a title shot. There judgement day stretcher match,was pretty good IMO! BUt the survivor series match is the yardstick in that one mainly because for one Brock legitmately gave then 500 pound show a F-5 with hurt ribs,that in itself was impressive. Brock wins here and kicks out of the WMD!!
I'm just sick and tired of Brock Lesnar. Unlike Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, or The Rock, Lesnar was never a big enough star in my eyes to deserve these huge angles every time he shows up, at least not in my book, not after leaving the way he did. Lesnar should be making WWE's established talent look good and making a tenth of the money he does. There's no reason Lesnar should be making millions for wrestling 3 or 4 matches a year, while guys like Jericho and Rob Van Dam, who did far more in and for WWE, come back and for the duration of their deals, work nightly matches including house shows, not to mention putting on much better matches, for pennies compared to what Lesnar gets for doing nothing. If Lesnar disappeared from WWE forever after the Rumble, I'd never miss him.
I would've preferred Mark Henry and if they had saved Lesnar F5'ing him for the Rumble instead. I've already seen Brock dominate and throw Show all around the ring, would've been fun to see it happen to Henry this time around.

Like everybody else has said, Lesnar is sure to win this with an F5, but as for the WMD I see Brock breaking Show's arm with the Kimura on the go-home Raw, so Show will be too injured to use it on him in the match. Should make things more interesting.
this match is mainly book for brock as bad ass monter. big show is mostly used to put over a wrestler. At royal rumble brock f-5 and apply kimura lock to big show. They eventually book him as a monter for wrestlemania.
Brock is going to have a very good year, IMO. Having him take it to Henry was a good start. He will let Show get a couple of moves in, then proceed to make his mark in the match. It would be cool if Show went for the WMD. Lesnar blocks it and reverses into the Kamura lock. Show powers out of that, but sells a shoulder injury only to have Brock win with the F-5.
It's not a thriller but it's been set up in a nice simple manner and the sheer size of Show coupled with their history means I don't mind this one happening, I just hope Brock ends up in the Chamber next month, that would be a sight to behold!

I think this serves two purposes, Show isn't hugely credible right now but he has successful longevity and the fact he's a Giant gives Brock a nice big lump of beef to chuck around and look beastly going over, and I think it throws Show a bone after the angle with him and Triple H fell through.

Looks like the Show/Rey team has been scrapped though, don't think they even got their title shot.
nobody takes Big Show seriously anymore, so why should we?
Brock is being fed large guys to smash through to keep him supposedly looking stronmg leading to his Wrestlemania match or his WWE title match vs Cena/Orton.
No point feeding him guys like Punk or Bryan now as they obviously have big storylines leading to Wresrlemania in the pipeline. Big Sgow getting smashed wont affect Mania XXX booking
Looks like the Show/Rey team has been scrapped though, don't think they even got their title shot.

They got to be in that Fatal 4 Way at TLC, not 1v1 I know but least the match itself was good and it was technically a title shot. Although who knows, maybe they team up again after RR's done. Not like both men will have much else to do.

More on topic yes it's a short filler match, which is exactly the type of matches they want for something that takes as long as the RR.
It's not going to be an epic match, but I'm looking forward to it. Some are saying they've seen Brock throw Show around before, but that was 10 years ago.. Majoity of fans today haven't seen it.

I think they'll make Show look strong in this match, but Brock will look stronger, that's how he's gonna be super over for his WM match. We've already seen Show toss Brock half way across the ring, it's a good thing Brock can sell, I enjoyed that.

Brock wins, either an F5, or Kimora Lock, personally I think making Show tap out will be 10x's better.
Big Show is beneath Lesnar and this almost feels like a waste of one of Lesnar's limited matches per year. However, it's Lesnar vs. Big Show and I'd expect them to have a very good, hard hitting match. Enjoy that Big Show/Sheamus feud from 18 months ago and were surprised by the quality of the matches? Well Lesnar is ten times the performer Sheamus is (and Sheamus ain't a slouch) and Big Show should be twice as motivated. Looking forward to it.
Big Show is a big step down, when you consider Brock Lesnar's status as a special attraction and all the big time blockbuster matches during his return.

True, but this is the inevitable truth about Brock coming into WWE as a part-time attraction: there really aren't enough people to feed him that amount to a feature match-up. He's already been through the guys we figured he'd be meeting in the ring, and given the size of Brock, it's natural Big Show would figure in the mix somewhere.

Yes, the New Year's baby thing doesn't exactly help Show's cause, but in his brief to-do on Monday night with Brock, they booked Show to look strong; I liked the sequence. In the end, I think Brock will take the victory in this one because Show really has no reason to win, nor does he have anything to lose by taking the fall.

Honestly, I'm glad Mark Henry was used strictly as a Brock-builder instead of as Lesnar's actual PPV opponent. When Mark first marched to the ring to front Brock, it seemed he was to be the next project for the Lesnar express.....and I just can't imagine that a Brock-Mark match-up would prove particularly attractive.

So, okay......Brock vs. Show......let's do it.
Big Show: Booked dominant. Cries. Loses big match. Cries. Booked to be dominant. Not on TV for two weeks. Comes out in diaper. Booked to make you think he'll beat Lesnar. Lol.
I can't say I am looking forward to it. It will however, be a brutal match IMO. In theory, Big Show should be the only Dude on the roster who could legit beat Brock Lesnar in a real life fight. It makes sense and I can see why WWE are doing it from a business standpoint, from an entertainment standpoint I don't believe it will sell very well. Regardless, it will be brutal and interesting more importantly I will be watching. I honestly did not expect WWE to pit Big Show as an opponent for Lesnar during his contract!

I think Lesnar goes over, looks dominant in the process and hits that F5 on Show. After which, he then enters The Elimination Chamber for the first time ever, wins the WWE World title and goes onto face Batista (Royal Rumble winner) at WrestleMania XXX. This would be the best scenario and it makes sense because a win over Big Show will establish him once again as a major threat after his forgettable matches with HHH, his match with Punk felt somewhat second rate because of the Paul Heyman situation overshadowing the actual feud.

So it Lesnar is to walk in to WrestleMania, the WWE World Champion then he must look as strong as ever. Three consecutive wins over some big stars including Triple H, CM Punk and The Big Show will help for sure. Clash of the Titans at 'Mania....Batista vs Brock Lesnar!!!
This match will ultimately be used to set up Brock Lesnar looking like a badass. According to Big Show, he's able to bench press 500 pounds for 12 reps, so that probably puts his max somewhere in the 550 to 600 pound neighborhood. The way he just tossed Lesnar around was pretty damned impressive looking and he's also much bigger than Lesnar. As a result, Lesnar will look all the more impressive when he ultimately defeats Big Show after taking most of his biggest shots and putting him in an F5.

I can't say that I'm looking forward to the match but, then again, I might be extremely surprised. I said the same thing about Big Show vs. Sheamus back in late 2012 and they had a series of fantastic, physical matches.
Interesting match up. I just hope this is the first and last match they have this year. No need to let this continue on to Elimination Chamber
i would bet my bottom dollar that Lesnar wins this match..im saying theyre gunna have that big OMG moment with an F5 to Big Show.

WWE has to make Lesnar look stronger than ever going into Mania, and any singles match(es) Brock may have between now and then are solely going to be to enhance his character. I wonder if after the Rumble match he really does get the title shot, presumably at Elimination Chamber
Never been a fan of The Big Show, but I am looking forward to this. Brock will win looking very strong in F5ing Big Show, and will further put him in line for a title shot. I am sure it won't be the best match, but it will serve its purpose.
I think Brock gets the win. I think it'll be fun to see these two clash one more time. I'll be a real physical match. personally besides the Rumble, this match I'm looking foreword to the most.
Brock obviously wins this. Right now I'm sceptical about this being a match of high quality. They fought at the Royal Rumble 11 years ago and that was horrible. While Lesnar has been incredible since his return, I have very little faith in Show.

Hopefully he can prove me wrong but this could be a pretty dull match. Lesnar, however, has the potential to get a great match out of Show.
The thing I am most interested in here is the finish, I have to think that after 10 minutes of battling Lesnar is gonna perform a freakish feat of strength to get Show into the F-5 and beat him, not just a regular lift into the move.

I'm also curious to see if Brock uses the Kimura to neutralize Show's KO punch.

This would be the match I am the least interested in out of what has been announced on the card. It's EXTREMELY unlikely for Big Show to win here. The only thing that really is worth talking about is how Lesnar is going to win, and where they go from here. There's no point in continuing this feud as it hasn't been all that interesting. Lesnar is going to destroy Big Show and move on to his #1 contendership angle. This is just to give him a strong victory in the meantime. I'm not interested in the match itself at all, but I do care about seeing what happens afterwards. I'll probably go walk the dogs and then head to the pantry for some snacks when the match begins, I should still have some Crabby Patty gummies left, so I'll return to eat those while I enjoy the finish.

Maybe the ring will collapse again like it did during a previous encounter between these two?

Brock Lesnar will defeat Big Show.

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