WWE Royal Rumble 2011 - World Heavyweight Championship: Edge (C) vs. Dolph Ziggler

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play

His name is Dolph Ziggler! And at the Royal Rumble, he will look to cement that name in greatness when he challenges World Heavyweight Champion Edge for one of the most coveted titles in existence. Does the ambitious Superstar have what it takes to overcome The Master Manipulator?

At WWE TLC, Edge reached new heights, triumphing over the monstrous Kane in a TLC Match to become a 10-time World Champion. On the Jan. 7 edition of SmackDown, he once again ventured into the extreme, overcoming The Devil’s Favorite Demon in a brutal Last Man Standing Match. Truly one of the top Superstars to set foot on the squared circle in the past 15 years, The Rated-R Superstar will journey into Royal Rumble more dominant than ever.

In the same night that Dolph Ziggler lost his Intercontinental Title to Kofi Kingston, SmackDown’s Official Consultant Vickie Guerrero scrambled to insert her boyfriend into a Fatal 4-Way Match to determine the No. 1 contender to the World Heavyweight Championship. In the midst of all-out bedlam, the bleach blond Superstar did what he does best, capitalizing on the match’s chaotic atmosphere to capture the greatest title opportunity of his career. Once again, he seized the moment and took his career to the next level.

Regardless of whether Ziggler’s enormous success has derived from his continued association with Guerrero, his aggressive skills in the ring, his unwavering self-confidence or just luck is uncertain. However, his ability to succeed is undeniable and his ambition knows no bounds.

More than 30 percent of Superstars who have held the Intercontinental Title have gone on to become World Champion. Has the time come for Dolph Ziggler to join their illustrious ranks? Or, is it only a matter of time before he becomes next victim of The Ultimate Opportunist?

Find out at the Royal Rumble, Sunday Jan. 30 at 8/ 7 CT, only on pay-per-view.


So it's been officially confirmed that at the Royal Rumble, Edge will collide with Dolph Ziggler. I really like this match because it's going to allow Ziggler to once again show what he can do with the main event talent. I also (and I do get the feeling that I might be the only) think that Dolph has a shot at winning this. Edge is a master of having short title reigns and Ziggler seems to fit with the current WWE mould. He's young, talented and has that look. Should be a good match regardless. What are your thoughts? And of course: NO SPAM!
I think Edge is most likely to win this one. Heading into Wrestlemania I don't see them putting it on Dolph as he has no experience with the title yet. I do think that it will be a good match though and maybe there is a little chance at little Dolph winning but I don't think it would be a wise move. I will be rooting for Dolph though.
I think it will be the match that steals the show at RR 2011 for sure. I would love to see Ziggler win the title but it seems very unlikely to happen at this point. I think both men will come out of this match looking awesome but Edge will come out of it with the title. Ziggler will have a strong enough showing that he will be in the EC Match next month I'm sure and I think there is a better chance of him winning the title there. I just don't know if WWE is willing to let Ziggler be the champ going into or coming out of WM27. I could see him winning the title right after WM27 either on Smackdown or on the ppv the following month, lots of guys that didn't win the strap at Mania have done that.

I am just holding out for Edge vs Christian at WM27 so if Ziggler were to get the title then that would totally be off the table.
gonna be a great match, but no way edge loses. hes gonna keep it till mania. hopefully against del rio after he wins the rumble. (fingers crossed).

but this is great for ziggler & smackdown. with the main event scene in a slump, SD needs to push some of these guys & dolph seems to be ready for the air-time. he has come a long way from the 'spirit squad'. he is fantastic in the ring & good on the mic. his time vs edge will only help further solidify his spot in the main event. plus the history with edge & vicki helps push this along nicely.
As much as I'd like to see a Dolph Ziggler title reign, I can't say that he'll win this one. Like I said, I think that he's over enough for one, but he's not going to Wrestlemania as a champion. If he wins at the Rumble, he's just going to drop it back at the Elimination Chamber, and I'd hate for that to happen because I'd rather see him hold the belt for a while on his first try.
It just wouldn't make any sense, logically. I agree that it should be a good match because I can't remember the last time I've seen Ziggler put on a bad match (as stupid as I thought the finish to the TLC match was), so I'm looking forward to it. But, I doubt he'll win. I see him and John Morrison coming up the same way. They probably won't win Money in the Bank or the Royal Rumble, but they'll win the strap the old fashioned way their first time. Come to think of it, by that logic Ziggler has a decent chance. lol. But, it's just too close to 'Mania for him to win it. If he does, I'll be shocked and then, knowing the WWE, I'll be disappointed soon.
Edge wins here! Having a short title will NOT benefit Ziggler! When you win the World Title for the first time, you need a good run with it, although there have always been exceptions. Look at Edge himself, he was a transitional champion his first time around and turned out great. Still really would like to see a Christian/Edge program for Mania as well so it would be better to have Ziggler doing something else and not chase the title for now. This match is definitely going to steal the show though. I'd take Ziggler over Orton any day of the year
I'm almost thinking that with the WWE not accepting new wrestlers over the age of 30 that they'd want Ziggler to win this...Yes, I know he's either 30 right now or very close to it...but still about 7 years younger than Edge.
I think with Miz having the title on RAW...I see Ziggler taking the Smackdown title at Royal Rumble...I'm just not sure how long he'll hold it for.
It'd be cool to see Dolph win, he is very talented and on a monster push. But WWE needs some longer title reigns to make the champion credible. so I predict by the END of 2011, Dolph will be the world heavyweight champion, but not now. He is too fresh to the title scene and Edge has hardly been champion this reign. Sure the Miz, my favorite wrestler, now WWE champion, was still new to the world title scene, but he had money in the bank and has exposure against John Cena. So Dolph will lose in a good match, be in elimination chamber, and im not sure where Mr. Ziggles will be wrestlemania time.
I think ziggler is the new swagger. He's getting a monster push, and i dont think the audience will entirely accept it. He is only getting heat because of vicky. Take her away and ziggler is back to someone who cant win any title. He needs to loose vicky before getting the title so people can see how he'll fair on his own.
I have enjoyed Dolph Ziggler since he debuted on Raw against Batista. I think the push he's receiving is great, but I don't see him winning the world title just yet. He will, but not yet. But who knows? WWE does like to randomly surpise us.
there is no way dolph wins. its wwe's way of giving a guy they think has the potential to be a champion a 'placeholder' shot' he is just in the title picture for now. after rumble or elimination chamber. hell be out for a lil while.

that being said - i think dolph sux. take away vickie and hell get no heat - all his moves look like they hurt him more than his opponents - and the sleeper hold?!?! really?!?! thats his big submission move?!?! borrriiinnggggg!!!
Would love to see Ziggler win but given the time in the WWE calendar I can't see it happening as its too close to 'Mania. So I think Edge retains here and carries the belt through to 'Mania to hopefully face Alberto Del RIOOO!
However if Ziggler was to win I could only see a short title reign for him, maybe with Vickie siding back with Edge and costing him the title, thus turning Edge heel and Ziggler face. Although I can't see it somehow
I love that they put someone different in the World title match, although they seem to do it a lot at the Royal Rumble

Some examples: Hardcore Holly(ugh), Jeff Hardy(before he truly was a main eventer), Chris Benoit(before he was truly a main eventer), i even think Mark Henry got a Heavyweight title shot a few years ago against Kurt Angle.

I dont think that Dolph wins here either, but, if they have a Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania, I can see him winning that, or at the MITB PPV.

I just dont think Dolph is quite ready yet, even though he is getting a ton of heat with the Cow with him. I can see him turning on her or her turning on him, and him becoming a major face.
I'm very happy about this match. Its amazing to see Dolph Ziggler, a guy who carried the mid card division for the good part of 2010, finally get his shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at one of the major four PPVs. Royal Rumble is notorious for young un-establish guys main eventing in a championship match, he won't win, but he'll for damn sure put on a good showing. I'm hoping this is the beginning of a push for Dolph Ziggler, and maybe this won't be the last time Dolph contends for the Heavyweight Championship. He'll put on a great showing here then Elimination Chamber and maybe even winning the Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania. Who knows? My only fear is if Dolph capable of generating heat without Vickie Guerrero in his corner? Hopefully, we'll see more Dolph in the coming weeks which I am definitely pumped for.
The WHC is definitely in Dolph Ziggler's future, but he won't win it at the Royal Rumble. Edge will go into WM27 as the WHC.

I'm still looking forward to the match though, it has the potential to be a classic if booked properly.
agree with nbrew119 these main events over the years is just to see how someone will do in a title match to see if they are title worthy. if dolph puts on a strong match he will win mitb or get a shot at a later stage like mr kennedy when he faced batista, after that match people believed he cud be a champion and was going to become one had injuries not played its part and im sure wwe would love to have him on smackdown tv now, hes thebest in tna atm. go and put on a dolph show lose with grace and lets see if we believe u can be a world champion.
Now i know this is going to sound like a major long shot to you guys. But let me give you a little history lesson

Edge and Vickie were in a storyline relationship for a few months (maybe a year or two i can't recall correctly) and Edge dumped Vickie the night after Extreme Rules 2009. Edge went on to win the WWE Unified Tag Team Championship with Chris Jericho at The Bash 2009. Edge suffered a torn Achilles Tendon in July 2009, and he was kept off TV and House Shows for about 6 months. Edge went on to Win the Royal Rumble, and face Jericho in a World Title Match At Mania. Edge did NOTHING after Extreme Rules 2010 after facing Jericho in a steel cage match. He did nothing that was truly important, he had a few title shots here in there, but he did nothing major. He was just an extra at Fatal 4 Way, MiTB, Summerslam, Night Of Champions....We now move on to Hell In A Cell...Edge wrestled Jack Swagger that night in an impromptu singles Match. Edge was then moved to Smackdown where he won the Bragging Rights Trophy for Team Smackdown, and faced Kane in a God awful match At Survivor Series. The Next PPV, TLC, he won the World Heavyweight Championship in a Fatal 4 Way TLC match. Phenomonal match, the best thing Edge has done this entire past year. This year, the First Smackdown, he retained against Kane in a pretty good last man standing match. Now we are here at yet another Smackdown....Edge has done three good things since ditching Vickie (mind you he was injured most of the time). His Rumble Win, Title Win, and Title Defense. I'm not saying that Edge is dependent on Vickie, but in the past year he has done only three things as a face that were good IMO.
Now there is Ziggler....Ziggler has been "With Vickie" since idk about maybe August or something if my memory is correct. He needed Vickie to get over...he still isn't over as a heel IMO, so this is what i think WWE May Do (This is the long shot that i have in my mind)...
We're in the midst of a PHENOMONAL World Heavyweight Title Match, and Dolph hits the Zig Zag on Edge. Ziggler goes for the Pin, and Vickie Pulls the ref out of the ring. Vickie and Ziggler fight in the ring until Vickie eventually smacks him. The ref does not see Ziggler get smacked( he is out on the floor) which gives Edge time to recover, and come into the corner. Edge spears Ziggler, retains, and then on the Next Smackdown it is revealed Edge and Vickie are back together. That solves two major problems the WWE has right now, Edge having only accomplished three accolades since returning, and Ziggler not being able to get over with the fans as a heel. Ziggler turns face, Edge turns heel, they fued until Elimination Chamber. Christian wins the Rumble, and gets to Face Edge at Mania.

Mind everyone that is a LONG ass shot, and something i seriously doubt will happen, but seriously, did you think Christian would have been the heel if he were to face Edge at Mania? IMO Edge is a better heel, seeing as how he is the "Ultimate Oppurtunist" and te "Rated R - Superstar", he would work better as a face. This is just a little thought i had on this match, not my real prediction.
While in reality I would be very very excited for this move. Considering the fact that it means there's a great future ahead of Dolph Ziggler, getting to "main event" a Pay Per View with a world champion, to challenge for the world title.

But then I realized.. Edge has only just won the championship. Why the hell would anybody even bother taking the belt off him already? WWE isn't gonna let a first time challenger take the belt off a 10 times champion who still has a lot to offer in the main event as a part of being world champion.

Dolph Ziggler vs Edge is most likely just WWE's way of giving Edge someone to feast on. Kane vs Edge has been done to death right now, and WWE won't be continuing that, I'm sure of it. That only leaves either Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barrett as the only viable challengers on Smackdown. And Alberto Del Rio wasn't available to challenge for the contender spot yesterday, cause of Rey Mysterio - Which might as well be continuing for a little while. And Wade Barrett wasn't officially on Smackdown, and still isn't really officially on Smackdown. That leaves for Dolph Ziggler as the only one credible and available to challenge for the world title.

So I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Dolph Ziggler equals World Heavyweight Championship fodder material. Such a shame they had to end the Intercontinental championship reign for him to go on to become a simple challenger, he might go on to challenge again at Elimination Chamber, but he won't be winning it there, and he won't be challenging at Wrestlemania. So, that leaves Dolph to do... Nothing at Wrestlemania.. Maybe Money in the Bank, but I doubt he'll be winning that.

So, while challenging for a world title is all good and that for Dolph, and it shows that there is stuff to expect in the future, I doubt it'll be anywhere in the nearest future.

This is a post I made regarding Dolph Ziggler becoming the number one contender. I thought it had relevance for this thread. Because in the end, I still thoroughly believe that even if Dolph looked a bit dominant against Edge this week on Smackdown, Edge is still gonna "devour" Dolph Ziggler like he was just a one time contender for the sake of giving him a one time contender. You know, much like Kaval challenging Dolph Ziggler for his Intercontinental championship - You don't believe the chances of the champion loosing, because it would make little sense at that given point and time. Especially considering how little time the feud have been on.

Dolph vs Edge is gonna be a good match, there's no denying that. They had good matches in the past, and Dolph only continues to shine. But I feel like this is just a way to get them both on the Pay Per View, without involving Dolph in the Royal Rumble. Edge is gonna walk out victorious, because I just don't see Dolph winning the belt on his first time as a challenger, especially not at The Royal Rumble.
I'm definitely looking forward to this one, it should be a very good match if the one(s?) they have had in the past are anything to go by. They are both pretty talented in the ring and have both been delivering pretty well in their matches as of late so I have no reason to believe this should be any different.

The result of this will obviously be a victory to Edge but I commend the WWE for giving Dolph a PPV title match. He has been working his ass as of late, he had a great title run, he has been improving his heat, he has been having great matches and he seems to have improved his mic work so he thoroughly deserves an opportunity to showcase himself like this.
This is the quintessential Rumble title match test shot, I very much doubt Dolph wins here but hopefully the match is given the kind of time his matches with Cena got and showcase him as a genuine challenger.

The very fact WWE showcased Dolph in such a strong light against the companies biggest star gives me hope that this is not just a one off shot for Ziggler, and they are indeed building towards a title win for him down the line.
I have a feeling this is going to be a test for Ziggler to see if he can hold his own in the main event. It's also because it's the rumble, the time where they always give the title shot to an up and comer.

But I have a horrible feeling this match is going to be boring. as what has been said, Dolph would be nothing without Vickie. I just don't feel like Ziggler and Edge could put on a great match together. but at least this is something that hasn't been done to death.

Edge to win, either by DQ or the spear.
There is no way that Ziggler is going to be the new WHC.


The only reason he's getting heat and much of a reaction is because of Vickie Guerrero.

While he was IC Champ, he barely had any steam. He didn't have any steam like when MVP dropped the US Title to Kofi on RAW and everyone was speculating he would move into the main event on RAW (we all saw how that turned out).

He's a very good wrestler, don't get me wrong. But he wasn't getting anywhere until they put Guerrero on him.

So I don't think he's going to win at RR.
Obviously Edge is going to retain. There's no way Dolph could be WHC, not yet. I'm not very concerned about the match, while Edge has been a little stale with his matches (due to his injurys primarly), DZ can carry a match. That's one of the reasons he is so good, he can make anyone look like gold. I guess they will have a great match.

My concern is around the feud itself. It was a good idea that Ziggler beat the crap out of Edge at "the cuting edge" segment, but everytime he open his mouth it was borring! None of the things he said caused any kind of reaction in me. The build up towards the Rumble doesn't convince me. Since this is a maint event match, I don't think that Ziggler should be carried by Vickie as far promos are concerned...
i think dolph will lose the match but somehow put the blame on vickie, vickie will then attempt to rectify this by using her powers as smackdown consultant to get dolph the final spot in the rumble and dolph ultimately winning it, vickie has already asserted herself to get dolph a number 1 contendership and her time with edge shows the power and involvement she constantly has in storylines so i can see dolph winning the rumble.
i'd love to see dolph win, he is one of my favourite wrestlers in the current WWE roster and is going to get a huge push through-out this year!
but i do agree with DashingRKO! and i think that it is more than likely that this will happen.
love to see dolph win WHC at mania maybe a triple threat including christian somehow, for a bit of a treat for the fans... maybe turn edge or christian heel i'm not sure. but i would just like to see dolph win on the grandest stage of them all to prove himself and as the start of the new face of the WWE

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