WWE Royal Rumble 2000 vs WWE Royal Rumble 2010

Which was better?

  • 2000

  • 2010

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Next in the series..a look at 2 Royal Rumbles one that took place 10 years after another....



Lets have a look at the cards...
  1. Tazz defeated Kurt Angle in a Singles match
  2. The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) defeated the Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) in a Tag Team Tables match
  3. Chris Jericho (c) defeated Chyna (c) and Hardcore Holly in a Triple Threat match to determine the undisputed WWF Intercontinental Champion
  4. The New Age Outlaws (c) (Road Dogg and Billy Gunn) defeated The Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw) in a Tag team match for the WWF Tag Team Championship
  5. Triple H (c) (with Stephanie McMahon Helmsley) defeated Cactus Jack in a Street Fight for the WWF Championship
  6. The Rock last eliminated The Big Show to win the 2000 Royal Rumble match

  1. Christian (c) defeated Ezekiel Jackson (with William Regal) in a Singles match for the ECW Championship
  2. The Miz (c) defeated Montel Vontavious Porter in a Singles match for the WWE United States Championship
  3. Sheamus (c) defeated Randy Orton by disqualification in a Singles match for the WWE Championship
  4. Mickie James defeated Michelle McCool (c) (with Layla) in a Singles match for the WWE Women's Championship
  5. The Undertaker (c) defeated Rey Mysterio in a Singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship
  6. Edge last eliminated John Cena to win the 2010 Royal Rumble match
I think its pretty close, but i'm giving the edge to 2000, it was in a different era, looking back it shows how good wrestling was 10 years ago, I do like the era we're in now, but comapring the 2, it would have to be 2000.

Now I live in the UK and I got to watch Royal Rumble 2000 for free because it was airing on Channel 4, which was a reason I was buzzing and I had really got into WWF in 1999 and the storyline going into this ppv was huge, (back then I thought most of wrestling was real etc. so it had me in the mode), and the one match/feud that wins it for me is the street fight match, it got Triple H to the next level of main eventing and the month later even higher, I go back to youtube these days and look back at this feud and when Mankind transformed to Cactus Jack and the priceless face of HHH is just epic. Other things I like was the Hardy Boyz, just a few months before, they put on a show with E&C in the ladder match and here they were trying their luck with tables against the masters Dudley Boyz! One guy who I think got the biggest pop of the night was the debutant TAZZ!!! I went crazy and he squashed Kurt Angle and broke his undefeated streak. Also I enjoyed the Rumble match and one part that won me over big time was, during the rumble match, we saw too cool and rikishi dance!! there is nothing more you could have wished to see back in them days for them to dance and in the middle of the rumble match..it was just brilliant..and the ending brought a lot of controversy which I liked..
What I liked at 2010
  • ECW Championship match
  • World Heavyweight championship match
  • Parts of the rumble match include, Punk's promos, Khali chop Punk, Punk/HHH brawl, HBK eliminates HHH, Jack Swaggers face when he ran to the ring...

What would you say??
EVERY single match at the 2000 RR could be a main event, not necessarily a PPV main event but certainly a SD! or a Raw main event.
Then you look at the 2010 RR... Christian/Ezekiel Jackson (yawn), Taker/Mysterio (knowing the wrestling is fake, this one is still not even able to be pulled off and I don't understand why the E keeps pushing Mysterio like he is a main event caliber guy), Mickie James/Michelle McCool (I think I'll take a piss break)
The entrants in the 2000 royal rumble were more diverse and more entertaining. So this one is a no-brainer to me, 2000 was way better.
For Royal Rumble 2010, the only thing really remarkable about was Punk eliminating guys and cutting promos while he waits. Other than that RR 2000 all the way!
Oh yeah definitely 2000 was way better. The street fight between HHH and Cactus Jack was fantastic. Even though Cactus lost both of them looked so strong. the build up to it was phenomenal too.
Compared to the build up and match quality of Mysterio/Taker and Sheamus/Orton there's no real comparison

Also the table match was fantastic between the Hardys and Dudleys, and beats anything again on the 2010 card again.

The Rumble matches were both good, actually hard to pick which one is better, the HBK storyline of the 2010 one is really good, but the sheer randomness and excitement of the 2000 one is great.

Overall the 2000 kicks the 2010 one's ass!
This is not even a question, really. This year's Rumble was absolute crap. Aside from the Royal Rumble itself, there just wasn't anything there. Taker/Rey and the ECW Title match were both pretty decent, but nothing special at all. Sheamus/Orton was an abomination, Miz/MVP put me to sleep, and the Women's Match Segment was just an absolute joke.

In 2000, you have one of the best matches ever with HHH/Foley along with a really good Royal Rumble and a pretty sick tag match. Not sure how this really is a question. You're comparing one of the best Rumbles ever to one of the worst.
Royal Rumble 2000 HHH/Mick Foley Set The Bar For The Next Ten Years For The WWE...

Unbeleavble Match!!....

RR 2000 Over RR 2010 All The Way
2000 easily.
When i Seen the title of this thread I remember watching the Hardys vs Dudleys table match. But I had kinda forgot some of the details, I assumed it was for the the tag titles, but after i read the card I seen that there were TWO tag team matches of the card. Both were great matches, all 4 teams were great. And to think there were still more teams... Edge and Christian, Too Cool, then teams that never really got the titles but were still teams (Val Venus and the God Father, Hardcore & Crash Holly, Al Snow & Steve Blackman "Head-Cheese" I think is what they were called.) but man there were some great teams back then... any way that was my rant about tag teams.
Also on the card was The IC title match, I remember that storyline where Jericho and Chyna were both the champion and if one of them loss they would both lose the title. Great story. I cant really recall off the top of my head how bob holly got involved but anyway. The Tazz thing was pretty cool, except at the time, I had no idea who he was, cuz I was young, I had never really even heard of ECW, but I remember he got a pretty big pop and people liked him. The HHH/Cactus match was another good one, I really only remember the thumb tacks. then they went on to face at no way out in the hell ina cell. Cactus had a 2x4 on fire on the top of the cell then he fell through it. Cactus loss and had to retire. also at No Way out , Rock vs. Big show to determine who would face the champ at mania, big show won, cuz shano'mac came from out of no where to hit rock w/ the chair. I was shocked! God Wrestling used to be so good, of course this led to mania Fatal Four way match (the first ever championship match that wasnt one on one at mania i think) Big Show w/ Shane vs. HHH w/ Steph vs. Mick Foley w/Linda vs. The Rock w/ Vince.
anyways sorry I ranted about how good the storylines were but thinking about the year 2000 brought back some good memories. anyways yes... RR 2000>RR 2010.
2010's Card Sucked w/ the exception of the rumble match itself.
Royal Rumble 2000 got me back into WWE. I stopped watching after the Montreal Screwjob when Bret left. He was my favoruite and I switched to WCW before that put me off Wrestling for a couple of years.

I remember I couldnt sleep, It was around 1am and I was flicking through the Channels in my bedroom (I didnt have Sky in my bedroom, UK fan here) and the event was on Channel 4 for FREE! I saw the Hardy Boys vs Dudley Boys and was glued to the TV. Obviously the Rumble was of interest to see "who was still around". And as mentioned Triple H vs Cactus Jack was just barbaric.

A great Rumble event, one of the best ever IMO. 2010 doesnt come close. The only bad thing about 2000 (and forgive me if I am wrong) is that Mae Young got her droopy Grandma tits out. I nearly vomitted.
Ur right the only good part of 2010 was Punk in the rumble, was so funny, and well done. all the title matches in 2010 were not very good, or hyped or really mattered, in 2000 we had the awesome tag match, the awesome street fight, both those stole the show from the rumble which i think was one of the better rumbles.
2000 no doubt. 2010 was a average ppv 3 good matches the rest was boring. The royal rumble was pretty good and had some moments that are actually memorable like Punks promo, Beth elimanating Khali, Edge returning and HBK taking out HHH very early compared to him being in the final 3 in every rumble in that 10 year period.

2000 had one of the best WWF title matches of all time with HHH/Cactus which was brutal and is time were blood was needed for this match without it the brutality of the match would have gone out the window. That image of Cactus putting the barbed wire in HHH blood soaked face comes to mind when thinking of this match. It was the first time (i think) barbed wire was used and only the 2nd time tacks was used. For WWF fans back then this was new. The rumble was good as well and had moments that i can remember because in my opinion if you can remember moments in a rumble its not a good sign at all. The table match was nice and the debut of Tazz was awesome and he got a huge pop.

2000 easily beats 2010. But its not like 2010 wasnt good at all. Its because it got compared to one of the best RR events in that 10 year period.
no question really royal rumble 2000 wins hands down for pure entertainment value the tables match and street fight was ace i seem to remember seeing mae youngs puppies aswell lol to be honest i barely remember the rumble 2010 or who won the matches so that kinda says it all really
2000 was the year where tech took over so WWE had to make a great Royal Rumble. The street fight and tables match were both amazing and its a shame that WWE has let half of them go. I knew as soon as Kane was gone from the rumble that Rock had it just felt right. 2010 i enjoyed but it was just too predictable but none the less enjoyable. 2000 was extreme but some of the matches i thought were boring.

The first match of 2000 was Kurt v Tazz and Tazz won and i never ever have liked tazz and for him to beat Kurt just made me rage. 2010 had the ECW match of course Christian was gonna win a very predictable match. 2000 wins

2nd match of 2000 was the tables match which was extreme and fantastic to watch i enjoyed alot cause i loved both teams. 2010 had to put in a match with the most crappest title just to fill in time they did again at No Way Out (which was changed to Elimination Chamber) 2000 wins again...

3rd for 2000 Jericho vs chyna vs holly for the unified IC title. WTF! a women for a mens title was a mistake. I only got into it when her ass got kicked and that was still quite boring. 2010 had Orton vs Sheamus way better even though nobody was really into it. The ending made it good Orton finally getting pissed and beating up cody and ted which we had waited for at least a year to see. 2010 wins. So 2-1 to 2000.

4th for 2000and 2010 bored me because 1 was another tag team match (u only need 1 tag match per show) and 2010 had a diva match which was just shit.

5th for 2000 was Foley vs HHH for the WWF Title great match very good and fun to watch since both men to one hell of a beating. 2010 Taker vs Rey. Now i though taker would have lost at TLC hence the name and the fact that he has never won that sort of match but then he wins in a fucking chairs match and goes and faces rey. They botched the match with Taker bleeding and we r now in a PG era do nice 1 rey. But i thoguht rey would win cause i didn't want taker to go to maina with the title with his HBK problem at the time.

The royal rumble match is always worth whatever amount a PPV costs these days and 2000 and 2010 put on a great rumble and for the year 2000 i thought one thing... The Rock the year just went with him. He then won the rumble i knew it was HIS year. the only bad thing was WWE using talent that had already performed that night. You just dont do that. Its stupid cause you know they wont win. They sould have just used some jobbers and the rumble still woulda been the same. 2010 changed the rumble match. CM Punk actually cut promos saying he would win a crap and the phrase the first ever straight edge rumble winner sounded cool. WWE used alot of talent that everybody wanted to see. There were also some surprises in that match. The main 1 being only a maximum of 7 superstars in the ring. but come on in the other rumbles there were too many superstars inside the ring you couldn't follow every wrestler hell there were somepoints when i just went wait WTF he was eliminated when? how? Now they cut it down so we have time to see everyone and waht they are doing. Other surprises... R-Truth managing to eliminate both Big Show AND Mark Henry at the same time? Wow? HBK betraying HHH by using the old SCM to eliminate him but HHH was limping in the match and i think he told HBK to get him out before he did serioues damage. But we all knew what was coming months before the rumble. Edge returning we saw and we were right only to see that for the third fucking year in row the rumble winner loses their title shot at mania! but i think 2010 rumble math was better

so really who cares about this? i think its a draw its 10 between them and what you thought everything would be the same get into today and stay out of tomorow!
im not saying 2010 was bad but compared to 2000 it was garbage.i really liked 2010 rr but the only parts i liked were the sheamus and orton fight the miz and mvp fight and the rumble itself.2000 rr had an awesome street fight a great tag table match and of course the rumble itself was really good.so i have to say 2000 but not saying that 2010 was super bad just not good enough to beat one of the best of all time
2000 Taka Michinoku getting thrown on his face is the funniest shit ive ever seen in a rumble match besides Jack Swagger's face when he was running to the ring in this years rumble, but Kaientai getting eliminated 4 or 5 times and the eventual demise of Taka getting thrown on his face is what makes 2000 the winner out of these two, Also Too Cool dancing, and Chyna being in her second rumble, The Street Fight was good, and so was the Tag Team Tables match, TAZZ debut was good, and the ending to the Rumble was also excellent... The final 4 for the Rumble in 2000 was Kane,X-Pac,Big Show,The Rock who won.... So in a nutshell 2000 Royal Rumble not only had the better card but the better finish and unpredicitability 2......
whith out a doubt RR 2000 was better than RR 2010 in 2000 there were matches that i actually wanted to watch other than the royal rumble.2010 to me is very forgetful i cant even remember who won the royal rumble for 2010 and that is just sad:disappointed:
I’m going with the majority here and saying 2000, and it’s not even close. The main reason is I had to read the rundown in the op to remember the full card. This is from something that just happened seven months ago. I remember the entire card from 2000 even though it was ten years ago. 2000 was pretty memorable. 2010 was not.

I didn’t think the actually rumble match was anything special in 2000, but the undercard was very strong. Tazz debuting against Kurt Angle was pretty cool. The tag team tables match was good because it was the first. Also the street fight world title match was great. The swimsuit competition definitely takes 2000 down a notch as that time should have gone to the tag title match. Overall though 2010 didn’t have anything special so 2000 is an obvious choice for me.
I'd really like to see anyone try to argue the 2010 Rumble was better. Really a shit PPV outside of a fun Mysterio-Taker match and a really good Rumble match, everything else was shit if I remember correctly, specifically the Sheamus-Orton title match.

Then we have Royal Rumble 2000, one of the first PPVs I convinced my mom to buy for me when I was younger, and probably one of the best PPVs not only in Rumble and WWE history, but in wrestling history. Almost a perfect card from start to finish, we have the AMAZING Tazz debut which ranks among the all time best debuts ever in my eyes and the best 5 minute match I've ever seen, and as a smarky thirteen year old who loved ECW and Taz, that was one of the biggest mark out moments of my life. But that's only the tip of the iceberg, as the Hardys and the Dudleys pretty much revolutionized the definition of a gimmick match in the WWE with the first tables match, an absolute classic match with bumps and spots that still look just as sick and dangerous as they did ten years ago. I remember watching Jeff jump off the platform onto Bubba and all of those tables, I thought that was literally the coolest fucking thing I'd ever seen in my life. Awesome, AWESOME match that set the standard for every big gimmick match to follow in the company. Here there's a bit of filler with a slightly entertaining Jericho/Chyna/Holly three-way and a mercifully short tag title match between the Outlaws and the Acolytes. But then we have the highlight of the card, really just one of the greatest matches of all time in the Cactus Jack-Triple H street fight, which was the most insane thing anyone had seen in wrestling since Foley flew of the Cell years before. Probably the greatest street fight ever, a five star match by most accounts including my own. The Rumble itself wasn't particularly thrilling, but it had enough entertaining spots and a lot of fresh faces, so I dug it quite a bit and still do, great ending with The Rock flipping Big Show over the top to win, thought that was very creative at the time.

Yeah, this shouldn't even be a contest. RR 2010 wasn't very good whereas RR 2000 may be the best damn PPV the WWE ever produced. No contest here, 2000 wins hands down.
2000 by miles. Sure I liked all the matches from 2010 except the Women's Title match segment because that was a waste of time but 200 is way better. First off all you have the Table match, Great match that even ended up on The Hardys 2 Disc DVD set. The Street Fight that was epic that really had great work from both Men. The Rumble was one of the greatest rumble ever. 2010's rumble was awesome too but Royal Rumble are probably my favorite match stipulation. But 200 was better, no doubts on that one. Except now that you have brought the 200 Rumble up I have remember that disturbing image in my head of Mae Young. Should've been Miss Kitty again.
This year's Rumble had a pretty weak undercard. I didn't enjoy really any of the matches on the undercard besides Taker/Mysterio. 2010 did have a great Rumble match, which is really all that matters, but 2000 was definitely better. Not only did you have a great Rumble match, you had the classic that was HHH/Cactus Jack in the Street Fight, Tazz's WWE debut against Kurt Angle, and the Hardy Boyz/Dudleys in a revolutionary tables match.

Not even close, 2010 had a great Rumble match, but other than that, there really wasn't much worth noting.
Most of the 2010 matches didn't even have any build to them, and the others were done in a pretty stupid manner.

MVP/Miz? This wasn't even on the main card was it? Wasn't one of those random interview segments that ended in T'Lo forcing Miz to defend the belt? Lame!

McCool/MJ? Was this not the match where they spent more time recapping the 'Piggy James' bullshit than they spent on the actual match? Didn't Mickie just come out, hit her finisher and win immediately? Again, lame except 100x worse.

Then there was the ECW title match, where by then just about everyone knew that ECW was going to be over with in the next month or so anyway, so very little people had any real interest in it. A good match put on by both men, but when you know there's no future for even the title belt, then it's difficult to give a shit.

Then there was the WWE Title match that ended with more of this Legacy garbage that the majority of Orton's matches had ended with for the last 6 months, so that was fairly predictable, plus they put on a match that seemed no better than a Raw ME, which sadly is the trend that WWE have followed with the RR, for the last 6 or so years now.

Then of course there was Taker/Rey, and come on did anyone seriously think that Rey was going to beat the Undertaker in that match? Even the 10 year olds in their Mysterio masks in the front row must have known in their heart of hearts that Taker was going to retain.

And then there was the Rumble itself, which had some decent moments but not loads. Punk preaching, Beth eliminating Khali, HBK eliminating HHH, HBK's actual elimination and then a shitty ending with a returning superstar being given a RR win........ AGAIN!

2000's RR was far superior in just about every aspect.

Tazz debuted and ended Kurt Angle's undefeated streak (at the time mind you, because the decision was reversed the following night on Raw).

The Hardy's went to war with the Dudleys in the first ever tag team tables match, to set the wheels in motion for the triangle ladder match some two months later.

Then there was a swimsuit competition featuring some of the ugliest Divas of the time. Ivory, Luna, Jacqueline and a topless Mae Young, spread across Terri Runnels (hot, yet old), B.B. (yeah, i'm not surprised you don't know who she is. She was an EMT for about a month and a half, then got put through a table and was never mentioned ever again.) and The Kat, who also went topless the month before at Armageddon, so she wasn't even living up to the previous PPV!

Then there was the IC match which probably would have gotten over better if Hardcore Holly hadn't been involved at all. And a quick question, what is everyone's problem with Chyna's IC reign? What was so bad about compared to all the other IC title reigns of the time?

Then we had the APA beat the NAO senseless and lose thanks to interference by X-Pac just like every other tag title match during that period.

Then there was the WWF Title Street Fight which is cemented in history forever, and probably stands as the last RR World title match worth watching other than HHH/HBK LMS in '04 and Angle/Benoit in '03. It established HHH as a ME'er forever after that and helped raise Foley's popularity even further.

And then there was the Rumble itself. Which saw Rikishi and Too Cool dance together for a short while before Rikishi cleared the ring.
Then it was battle of the superheavyweights as Rikishi went head to head with Viscera, who probably had a better showing in those 2 minutes than he ever did before or afterward.
Bob Backlund made a cameo appearance in the Royal Rumble much to everyone's surprise.
Kaientai interefered in the Rumble repeatedly until Taka was launched out of the ring by Test and Gangrel and landed on his face, resulting in a trip to the hospital and a million replays afterward (didn't stop Funaki from continuing to interefere though).
And the ending was mired in controversy, for two reasons, A) because Kane was eliminated by X-Pac who himself had already been eliminated unbeknownst to the refs, and B) because Rock was announced the winner even though his feet hit the floor before Big Show's, and is still recognised to be the 2000 RR winner even to this day, even though he didn't actually win.

So yeah, i agree with everyone else, RR 2000 was far superior to RR 2010.
Royal Rumble 2000 was when wrestling was at its peak for me

Hardys V Dudleys in that tag team table match was unbelievable, especially when Jeff nailed that Swanton off the entrance way onto the table- WOW! The Hardys became my favourite wrestlers after that, and the match is still one of my favoruite tag team matches of all time!

Tazz making his debut and choking out the undefeated Kurt Angle was cool too, he had been built up with those class promos "THE MOOD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE" and had the awesome music, and looked cool marching out with the towel over his head. Plus, the pop he got was cool and the match itself was good too. I HATED Angle at that point, I was 13 and was at the age where you hated/liked guys because of their gimmick, not their in ring ability. Now, I realise that Kurt is the best in the world!

Cactus v HHH was BRUTAL! That remains one of the best matches I have ever seen, and shows just how good Triple H was in his prime. The build up for the match was great and shows just how far the WWE has fallen since the glory dates of the late 90s- early 2000s

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