WWE Roster Cuts, Should Be Released, and "Future Endeavored" Discussion

This doesn't suprise me at all. What purpose did he serve? He was just there and did almost nothing. he wasn't allowed to be his usual goofy self and it caught up to him. He'll go back to ROH where he is a god and do his own thing all over again. Not a thing wrong with that and he'll make a solid salary for it.
I liked Scotty Goldman, mostly because I liked Colt Cabana. The WWE version of himself was really just handled terribly.

I'm not a big ROH fan, but for some reason I always liked Colt and I'm sure he'll go back there so I might still get to see him perform every so often.

It probably is the best thing for him to not be in WWE anymore. I feel like he'll get back some self respect if he goes somewhere he's appreciated. Lord knows he must hate the way he was used in WWE.
wer giving him some kind of jobber comedy push of sorts with his whats cracking online show and everything

Speaking of which, did anyone actually find that funny? The only episode that was worth my while to watch was when John Morrison, The Miz, Hawkins and Ryder overtook it.

I find Scotty himself to have a horrible sense of humour. I'll just keep sticking with The Dirt Sheet and Santino's Casa.
either way if he was funny or not i still find this quite strange to release him since hes being used more than some of the other jobbers in wwe
Gee, what a shocker. Oh wait, no its not, becuase NorCal said it would happen the night he debuted, and ye verily, it came to pass.

What is it that people found so impressive anyhow?? He had a shit look, wasnt impressive in the ring, and wasnt charismatic. Why would they keep him?? There is no reason. Im not sure what they saw in him in the first place, and im suprised he lasted as long as he did.
Well, someone call Braden Walker. He's got a friend in Scotty Goldman.

Colt Cabana was a good indy wrestler who was amusing on the mic and pretty good in the ring. He was doomed from the minute they stuck him with this ridiculous name and "Jewish" gimmick or whatever they tried to stick him with. I thought maybe he was going to get a character with his web show, but apparently not. After like what, 3 episodes, the character is finished and his last moment of glory is being chokeslammed/spiked by Youmanga.

I still think that had they put him out there as Colt Cabana, let him be funny on the mic, gave him some vignette buildup like they did R-Truth, he could be on the same level R-Truth is now, which is basically challenging for the US title. So, I'm sure we'll see Colt back in ROH soon and that's probably as far as he'll ever get, unless TNA wants him.
I don't watch a lot of ROH or of the Indy stuff in general, and that might be a big fault for me as a wrestling fan. But I was never impressed by this guy. He may have had a shit gimmick but he did little with it. I was hoping when he came in that he would be some what impressive in some way, CM Punk was. Maybe he will get another try, but maybe he doesn't deserve it.
Ugh, this is no loss at all, I watched one of the vidoe things he did and wasn't impressed. He had no sense of humour at all. for the person who wrote
pretty good in the ring
I don't know what matches your talking about. the ones I have seen are god awful, I will be surprised if even ROH want's him back, after all why would they want somebody that failed so miserably on WWE on the roster?
This may seam like another thread but would someone please tell me the point of FCW?!
I know the ReaSoN behind FCW,to give future WWE stars valuable ring time .gimmick,training ,& assesment AwaY from the limelight,but lately its been a revolving door fitted with a booby trap.
lm talking Gavin Spears,Scotty Goldman.Drew mcIntyre,DH Smith,Ryan Braddock.Kizarney, etc etc etc.Im sure NoBoDy can guarantee whose gonna make it but by god,surely theres enough ExpertS & TrainerS down Florida way to have these guys join the big three,as a near finished product,After months of Here I Come promos & a fortnights jobbing ,its like Back to Ye Drawing Board with running repairs on the gimmick! Then sorry,back to FCW where youre suddenly for the chop,cost cuts you know.
I saw Colt Cabana in Yarmouth UK years ago,playing the fun loving american,an okay wrestler,an asset for AnY promotion.I didnt think World Champ in the future I admit,but to bomb after seamingly yonks in FCW.Somebody screwed up,& not necesarily Colt.Creativity,(a contradiction in terms) possibly.But if this scenario goes on,I think Vince might be thinking of another,cheaper,more succesful way to bring em on.
As quickly as it started, it has ended. With reports out now, it seems that creative really couldn't come up with anything for the second-generation Samoan. It probably doesn't come as surprise to many because he was booted, literally if I remember correctly, out of Legacy after a short tenure and then faded into oblivion. Was he mis-used and what could've been done with him? Also, does this mean that Sim Snuka is also on his way out?
Not suprised at all. He was overrated as hell his entire what, 6 months in the company? He didn't even have a unique look. Manu was a watered down Umaga, and once he came back, there was no need for Manu. The Headshrinkers or Wild Samoans wasn't going to work either because neither of the Samoans were wild. Manu was just boring to watch. Did he ever even win a match? Just didn't work at all. No suprise whatsoever.
This is a huge mistake and terribly short-sightedin my opinion. While Manu might have lacked charisma, I liked his in-ring work a lot and thought him and Sim would've made a great tag team. It mystifies me that the WWE lets go of talents like Colt Cabana and Manu, yet still seem to think JBL is worth a spot in the semi-main event/upper card. Manu's young and had a lot of potential, so any flaws he might have could've been worked out in time. If creative couldn't have found an outlet for him, it just shows you how inept the creative team is at this point. Wrestlemania's coming soon, and they're yet to be building any great matches that carry the anticipation that this event deserves, but that's a discussion for another forum. I think he would make a great addition to TNA, if that's the route he chooses.
The release of Manu really isnt surprising at all. There was absolutely nothing unique about him, he had no in-ring talent really, and obviously no mic talent- it almost looked like he hated being out there every night, as he had no charisma whatsoever. I cant believe the WWE even brought him up- wasnt he the dude who tried to cheat the drug test by using an artificial device? What a loser. I wonder when Sim Snuka will be joining him...
What a shocker!!!!!!!! Not really and this just backs my idea that being a second generation star can only get you so far. Manu was most likely hired because of his famous family, but since he wasn't able to get over with the fans or show any real talent the WWE yet him go. Being a 2nd generation star helps you get hired, but if you can't cut it the WWE will just get rid of you.

And really Manu didn't really show much potential, and with his rumored drug issues and suppose bad attitude it makes sence to cut him. He could have been built as the next Umaga but it would be a third rate Umaga without the talent. He never really fit into Legacy and stuck out as a sore thumb so once he was cut from that group I pretty much assumed he was going to be on his way out. And like the poster above him said I really wouldn't be surprised if Sim is next.
The release of Manu means one thing. WWE has come to terms with Sim Snuka on release. We wish him well on future endeavors. IMO Sim is more boring than Manu both in ring and on the mic. He will be released probably before the tapings tomorrow and if creative can figure out a way to book him then keep him, if not get rid of him.
I'm a little shocked by this. Hes a second generation star, he wasn't half bad, they could have sent him to ECW or something. I woulda thought him and Snuka woulda had at least a tag match against Legacy. I don't think its a huge loss. Do you?

PS. I'm suprised Snuka wasnt released at same time. However, He didn't appear for like 6 months after being drafted to raw, and still didnt get released before. I heard they like him behind the scenes, wouldn't be a shock to see him stick around.

Didnt realize this was here, started a another thread. I'm suprised, thought he'd go to ecw or something, but no huge loss. Don't be so sure about Snuka, he wasnt on tv for like 6 months, and still didn't get released. I heard hes liked in the back, so he may stick around.
I'm a little surprised. If I were running things, I'd have kept him and Snuka around as a tag team to help fill out that division. Or, like KillBill above says, move him over to ECW or Smackdown with the upcoming draft and see if any other writers want to take a crack at his character. Then, if he continues to flounder, release him.

Manu wasn't good enough for me to be missing him, but it seems like they could've kept him around in a tag team role.
Manu is gone, and I am not hurt at all. They had a few options, but nothing huge. After it was obvious that Legacy was going to be a 3 man job that Manu was not coming back. However, he could have gone to another brand, he could have teamed with Snuka, but for what? The wouldn't have gone over. Manu was a waste of talent. He had multiple problems, and there was no point in keeping him. If Sim can keep showing he has some skills, he will last a little longer.
i heard about this awhile ago he had a weight issue and was asked to slim down then when they wrote him off the legacy story i had a feeling this would happen. i personaly liked afu jr he gave off that old school feel i think he will be back in the big leagues one day
Never liked Manu. Too much like Umaga without the aggression. Boring in other words. Man I'm getting more cynical as the evening wears on lol.

I hope they don't "future endeavour" Sim Snuka though. He's kinda cool. Reminds me of this wrestler from the olden days called "Superfly". Dunno why though. He was probably quite shit anyway.
They couldn't have put Sim and Manu together and let them be the New Wild Samoans? There are no tag teams on WWE TV, and they had one waiting, gimmick and all, and fucked it up? I shouldn't be so surprised.

The next guy to go is going to be Charlie Haas. They did everything they could with the impressions, but the guy, for all the talent he has, cannot connect with the fans. I wish he would have gotten a little more help, but the fact is, when he was out there, he couldn't get it done.
I was surprised . Not really that surprised tho because they haven't been using him so I thought maybe they could release him. Anyways it would of been good to see him fill out the tag team. i seriously thought he could of been a good tag team superstar. They don't really need him in the singles division so they didn't have to worry about him going there until he improved alot. How ever it was his time and I hope to god Sims is next.
What I find weird is that Manu is he's only 24...it makes no sense to release him, yeah he's had a TV run which wasn't too successful, but that in itself was only six months. What they needed to do was send him back to development, heck even put him on ECW where he can grow and learn. Not everyone is great as soon as they come in. I saw bits of promise here and there with Manu, and it's a shame they released him so soon, especially when you have Sim Snuka who's bad in the ring, bad on the mic, all round terrible yet he's 37, Manu is young and has a lot of time to grow.
I think it may have made more sense to send manu to ECW, give him a run there and build him up to be similar to umaga. Hell even give him a ECW title run.

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