WWE Roster Cuts, Should Be Released, and "Future Endeavored" Discussion

Armando Estrada's only redeeming feature was the fact that he was outstanding as a mouthpiece and I personally feel that Donald Trump is to blame for Estrada's firing.

Why so? Look back to Umaga vs Lashley, Hair vs Hair WM match. Before that match, Umaga was being handled by Estrada who was doing a fine job as manager and director of Umaga's destruction. With Trump, VKM commandeered the Bulldozer and pushed Estrada away from his charge, leaving him as manager of no-one before ECW turned up. A job he was never going to keep once Krystal quit leaving Teddy Long with no story and Vicky Guerrero established as SD! GM. As a result, Estrada was forced into the ring and became the lowest of the low... an ECW jobber.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the guy and thought he had an impressive figure, but he was never a wrestler and was good as a manager, but sadly this is a time when people aren't being paid to manage.

I'll miss him as a personality, because he had charisma and got fans against him, but he was never good enough in the ring to last as a competitor
Yep! Thats what i thought, another inactive "talent" which surely had to be released and he was. The only decent thing about Armando was that he could work a mic and for his short tenuor he got a bit of heat.

I could never of seen Armando wrestling full time as a day in day out wrestler. He did'nt look right and to put it kindly from what i seen he was'nt exactly the best in that area. He was best off sticking with Umaga in my opinion, god knows why WWE tryed to get him vying for that ECW GM spot with Teddy Long, made no sense at all.

Yeah, he seemed to have all the credentials of being an excellent heel, as everyone knows he was a great worker on the mic and sounded realistic as appose to telling a story. He could have had a really good time on ECW, a shame he was'nt used at all though

For me he really was'nt that big a loss, ok we are saying about what could have been but i suppose WWE never grasps what good talent is and what could have been from that good talent.

Bye Armando :wave:
Meh, no big deal really. Sure he could talk on the mic and had a surprisingly decent physique. But other than that he had no redeeming qualities. People talk about his awesome mic work like it was something WWE needed. He was decent that's it. When you have 15 guys that are better than him on the roster already it doesnt hurt to trim some fat. Good riddance Armando Estrada.
I dont get it. good heel charisma, good mic skills, was a little dude who could bump hard, and it was fun to watch him get his ass kicked. he was a heel that you would NEVER have any worries about the crowd cheering for, and thats what a heel is SUPPOSED to be. He could be used as a fine heel jobber, so I certainley feel there was role for him to fill, not sure why it was necessary to get rid of him. eh, anyhow, while I cant disagree with it, obviously it wont make much of an impact since he was so seldom used.
I really didn't see anything from him, he was basically used as a squash toy for Colin Delaney.....I'll say this thought he might have been good on the mic and getting some heat but lets be honest, he really wasn't anything specially by no means.

The release I was shocked about though was Kenny Dykstra's release, I saw a world of potential in him and to see someone who could light the world of wrestling on fire to have been shelved was beyond me. I did hear though he was abit of an ass in the backstage area....maybe something happened that the WWE are keeping tight-lipped.
The most recent releases I was upset about the most were Kenny Dykstra and Elijah Burke. I don't know what WWE didn't see in these two men. Elijah has amazing talent, and had decent mic skills, and Kenny was very talented and was "good" on the mic. WWE could of gimmick changed them if that was the problem, but they were hardly being used(unless you count Dykstra showing up that short period of time before his release), so i can't say its a huge loss for wwe, although they could of made stars out of these guys.

I see within the next month before the new year, these peopple getting released"

Hardcore Holly - He hasn't been used since he lost his tag team champion ship, I wouldn't be suprised to see him released.

Snitsky - This guy is the monster jobber that should of been gone a while ago. If any group of superstars are released next, I see him in the shuffle.

Deuce - This one is a shame and as much as I hate to say it because I'm a fan of his, I see him leaving. He could of been something if maybe added to team priceless, but it didn't happen and he hardly gets tv time and when he does, he jobs.

Paul Burchill and Katie Lea - This one is a shame as well because they could of respectfully held singles titles with Burchill as IC champ and Katie Lea as womens champ, but they didn't push them and now they get no tv time. Good bye!

Others getting released with no reason to explain are Ryan Braddock, Gavin Spears and Scotty Goldman.
I'm surprised that Estrada was released over the likes of: Bam Neely Scotty Goldman, Hardcore Holly.

And for the sake of god can someone give Snitsky a pink slip already? His only angle in the wwe was that he claimed not to be the reason for a miscarriage. There’s not a soul on earth who buys a ticket just to see a big guy with limited skill and marginal mic work. And I hardly think a characters motivation is ever simply “I like to hurt people, I must be crazy”. So enough, WWE. Build some solid storylines between wrestlers then intertwine them. Tell wrestlers to add depth and reason to their character else they’re going back to OVW. It’s really not that complicated. The fans reaction should be enough to tell you who gets TV time. Snitsky?! SNITSKY?!?!?!

I think if anyone needs to be released, it's pretty much the entire creative team.
Missed Releases
I know Christy Hemme's release was a few years a go now, but what the hell! She was just improving and showing how good she was, and the poof. Released. It's ridiculous! Also Torrie Wilson has gone, i know she was annoing, but Some of the diva search contestants are soon to out-career length her. I also miss Eugene, i know he's annoing but him and Christy made me chuckle

Hopeful Releases

Arrr, his teeth are horrible, i dont like his character either, he's like really scary.

The Bella Twins
Oh my god, they are the stupidist things i've probably ever seen.
The only two that I can see being gone are Deuce and Holly. Neither of them do anything worthwhile, and Holly hasn't been on tv in what, 6 months now? Sure he's been around almost 15 years, but from what I've heard it's because he's the kind of the suck ups. Deuce is pretty worthless without Domino, as he's just a bad jobber. When you make Santino look good, then that's obviously a sign your career is in trouble. With jobbers being almost a nonfactor in wrestling anymore, there's no need to keep these two on the roster.
Hopeful Releases
Arrr, his teeth are horrible, i dont like his character either, he's like really scary.

You find him scary? Whoa, if most fans thought he was actually scary and not laughable, he might have actually gotten over. I just enjoy watching him to listen to what Jerry Lawler will say about his teeth next. I don't know about everyone else but when Jerry told Regal that Snitsky had teeth like his fellow Englishmen, I was rolling.

I do agree, however that Domino needs to be shown the door. When he was drafted to RAW, I expected a gimmick overhaul but when I saw him walk out wearing the same 50's attire, to the same theme song, I knew he had to go.
Domino has been gone. Deuce is still around.

As for Snitsky, I say keep him. He is the perfect jobber for Raw, as he has the size andpower to look like a decent enough threat, and the look is perfect. Let him squash a jobber or lower midcarder every now and then to keep his credibility just above zero, and then feed him to a big named star. Snitsky does his job, the bigger star looks good, and you really don't lose any valuable credibility. Snitsky does the job he's supposed to do: he serves as a total and complete intimidating jobber.
They FINALLY released Snitsky. I do have to sort of agree with KB, though, about keeping Snitsky around as a jobber. I'd rather have him job out to people and put them over more rather than keeping Deuce around. It would mean more for someone like Jamie Noble to beat Snitsky, a guy twice his size, than for him to beat Deuce, a guy roughly with the same build.

But still...Snitsky was money being spent towards nothing. If they had to release someone, its a good thing they chose him rather than someone like Burchill that actually has talent lol.
Finally the talentless monster has gone. Snitsky was a pointless character once WWE realised that the whole 'child-killer' gimmick was in bad taste. That left him as a foot obsessed freak who managed to endure partner after partner walking out of the company (surely he should have taken a hint that they didn't want to tag with him, no?) and yet still keep a contract.

I'll not be sad to see him gone. At least Knox has a presence, Snitsky was just bland
Everytime WWE releases someone, there are a few people on here that say the WWE has missed a trick and that a certain person could be pushed to do this or that. In this instance, I don't expect that at all. Snitsky is dull and his matches are terrible. He doesn't have any charisma or ring skills, and he's not big enough to be there for his size - there are people bigger and better than him.

The point has been made that he look like a more legitimate jobber than the typical Raw jobber, but to be honest he's rarely beaten by anyone who isn't already quite a big deal, and someone like Mike Knox could quite easily job to the kind of guy that Snitsky did. This nothing but a positive move.
Well, it happened. Unfortunately for Snitsky, Knox was better than him in every way. A better beard, and...well, that's about it. Knox is a marginally better wrestler, but that's not saying much, considering that a slim piece of cheese is a better wrestler than Snitsky. They're both horrible on the mic. The aforementioned cheese could have cut better promos. Knox basically took Snitsky's entire gimmick and has somehow managed to make it kind of work. Knox is probably destined for the same fate as Snitsky, but hey, he's got the beard.

So goodbye Snitsky, good luck in the indies, and au revoir to yet another WWE jobber.
If anyone is interested in the whereabouts of Elijah Burke or Armando Estrada (I believe its the same guy) I have a report I recently did about the WWC promotion in Puertco Rico (its in the Lucha Libre thread in the general wrestling thread) in which they were a part of. I apologize if this is out of context with the thread. But I figued if anyone liked Burke or Estrada and were interested in where they have been since leaving WWE they wouldn't mind this.
Snitsky is finally released. The guy just wasn't very good at all. He couldn't cut a promo, and his in ring ability was bland and it just wasn't getting him anywhere. Vince wanted this guy to succeed, but the crowd just wasn't buying it. He just couldn't get over properly as a heel and the crowd saw him as a comedy heel, with the whole "brush your teeth" chants.

Snitsky was a good jobber on Raw, but nothing more. His gimmick seemed like a copy of Kane's, except Kane is a better and superior superstar than him. I thought Snitsky served a decent role with the company by jobbing to the mid-carders, but at the same time I'm happy he's released. Every company needs jobbers, but Snitsky wasn't a talented one and had no credibility.

His undefeated streak didn't help him, mainly because he didn't defeat any major stars. He never had a bright future with the company and I really hope he doesn't go to TNA, because they don't need him either.
Vince wanted this guy to succeed, but the crowd just wasn't buying it.
Rusty, are you serious? Vince wanted Snitsky to succeed? They hardly even gave him a chance to show what he could do. Did they even give him a gimmick? They just stuck him with the Oh I'm a scary monster raarrrrrrgh look at me go through weak puny humans then lose to somebody half the size of me. Raaaargh. They didn't give him a chance, and maybe Snitsky could've amounted to more. Vince did not give a rat's ass about Snitsky, and couldn't care less about what happened to him.

Anyway, I called this one. There are so called monsters that are given better storylines and more to work with then him, and get to show their skills, whereas Snitsky hasn't really gotten to show his skills. He's turned into a jobber, and there are already enough jobbers that the WWE has. And also, I can't remember one single thing he has done, so he's easily forgettable. But it wasn't his fault, creative just didn't know what to do with him.
Rusty, are you serious? Vince wanted Snitsky to succeed? They hardly even gave him a chance to show what he could do. Did they even give him a gimmick? They just stuck him with the Oh I'm a scary monster raarrrrrrgh look at me go through weak puny humans then lose to somebody half the size of me. Raaaargh. They didn't give him a chance, and maybe Snitsky could've amounted to more. Vince did not give a rat's ass about Snitsky, and couldn't care less about what happened to him.

Anyway, I called this one. There are so called monsters that are given better storylines and more to work with then him, and get to show their skills, whereas Snitsky hasn't really gotten to show his skills. He's turned into a jobber, and there are already enough jobbers that the WWE has. And also, I can't remember one single thing he has done, so he's easily forgettable. But it wasn't his fault, creative just didn't know what to do with him.

Yes, I do believe Vince wanted him to succeed at first. Snitsky went undefeated in 2007 for about 9 months, as far as I remember. Obviously Vince gave him this undefeated streak in hope that Snitsky was going to be successful. I remember one night on Raw went Vince made a match himself between John Cena and Snitsky and the fans couldn't care less as Snitsky didn't get much of a reaction from the live crowd.

I think it was then, when Snitsky suffered his "first" loss that McMahon discovered that Snitsky wasn't worth pushing. Trust me, the WWE tried to push Snitsky as the next Kane or as the next monster heel, but it just failed miserably. He isn't very talented and he was with the company for a number of years, yet he barely improved at all. He wasn't worth keeping in the mid-card and Vince made the right decision by turning him into a jobber.
So the only potentials that can still be released, I feel, are the following:

Sim Snuka - Not as likely as before, now that they repackaged him. I think if they wanted to release him, they'd release him as Deuce. But then again, they do try to repackage people and then release them very soon afterwards at times. So maybe this is a last ditch effort. Maybe they want to see if he gets a better reaction as Sim Snuka and if he doesn't, off with his head.

Goldust/Hacksaw/Simmons - Not necessarily released, but maybe just renegotiated into signing "Legends" contracts and not being official roster talent.

The Great Khali - But not for a little while probably. He's certainly nearing the end, though. We all know the story. You debut as the impressive monster heel, you run through the gauntlet, you destroy everyone in your path, you eventually lose to a top face (usually the Undertaker), you begin floundering around and losing to more and more people, then you become a comedic face. When you become a comedic face, you are soon to be granted a release after they job you out to their next monster heel. I actually thought they were going to do that a while back with Kozlov, but they don't seem to be ready to pull the trigger quite yet. Still, I can't see Khali lasting another year.

Val Venis/D-Lo Brown - Potential to be released due to a lack of really doing anything.

R-Truth - Rumors are floating that they're upset with him, cause, well, you know...he sucks, and that his future is questionable. I hope they release him.

Braddock/Goldman/Spears/Neely - Not using them at all.

Burchill - We keep hearing rumors that they don't like him that much, and we haven't seen him on TV in a long time. I hope he stays, as I think he could be a solid midcarder.

Jimmy Wang Yang - Seems like they never are willing to do anything with him...but if I had it my way, he'd start tag teaming with Kung Fu Naki and they'd become an official team.

Hawkins/Ryder - Not using them. I think they have talent, but they need a few more years of practice.

The number one choice, though, to be released next? Tony Atlas

Seriously, what has this guy done to be worth keeping around? He used to be Mark Henry's (erm...excuse me...Mock Henruh's) "manager", but he sucked at that, and now he literally just stands next to him. Henry's gotten better on the mic and doesn't need Atlas anymore.
Poor Tomko...

He left a decent run in TNA (not great...decent) to come back to WWE, and because Vinc easn't happy, he appears on his way out the door.

I guess crowd reaction means nothing these days.

I'm waiting to see when Sim Snuka leaves, because he's in a stable with no role for him, and unless he comes up with an amazing finisher that would make us want to watch his matches, he'll be back in Jobberville soon enough.

Bam Neely and Jimmy Wang Yang are the only other ones I see leaving soon (within the next 30-60 days), because they haven't done anything significant, and don't have any use on WWE TV these days...
The fact that on the statement WWE calls Estrada a superstar is a little off. Now while he was in a handful of matches (with fellow released wrestlers like Braden Walker and Colin Delaney) Estrada never really had any talent in terms of wrestling. Of course the physique and pretty darn good mic skills, that never got anyone who wanted to wrestle that far. I still would have liked to see him manage someone with little charisma like Cody Rhodes, either that or send him on a "vacation" to FCW to get some in-ring skills.

Is that enough elaboration NorCal?
ok snistsky was pretty obvious. I actually heard rumours that vince liked this guy , so rusty i think you were right. except on him being the next kane. no way in hell would that happen.

i am actuallu sad that Paul London got released along with shannon moore, i believed they could of made a great high flying stable or atleast paul could of won the IC title. I mean if kendrick could turn so great, Paul could have done it as well.

ok now for me to discuss the future releasements. Nope i will jsut the obvious one. i would say snuka but they seem to be going some where with him. i will have to say , altho i don't want to, the next person to be released is jimmy wang yang. i mean he has been jobbing he is nothign with out his tag team partner Moore, i don't see the point of keeping wang yang because him and moore were just as popular and they released Moore so i don't see much of a future for good o'le Jimmy =(
So ref Mike Posey got released today. Big deal. But there are rumors flying around that there may be more actual superstar cuts coming later on tonight.

If that's the case, let's bring out the list of potentials:

D-Lo Brown: Hasn't been used in a long while (after being signed and only having maybe 5 matches on TV since then). Clearly is not at the prime age to be a floater. He doesn't have much time left in the company as it is, was never really huge, and wouldn't really be missed. Although, he would most likely be best served on ECW trying to help out the younger guys, and he might have enough friends backstage to keep his job.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan: Might as well just set him up with a Legends contract and be done with it. Someone's gotta shoot the broken down horse.

Charlie Haas: I doubt it, but you never know. He hasn't been used in the past few episodes.

Hardcore Holly: Again, I doubt it due to his backstage friends, but he's been out for rehab and they might just figure he's over with.

Val Venis: Out on injury for a long time, jobber when he returns, etc.

Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder: They don't have a very comfortable situation.

The Great Khali: Most likely not for another few months. But who knows? He's not going to last the year anyway.

Kizarny: Almost a lock, the way he's apparently been performing. We're hearing rumors that they want to just release him, so they probably will lol. Good riddance.

Jimmy Wang Yang: Hasn't been used in a while, jobber even when he does wrestle, etc.

R-Truth: Probably not, but we all know how bad he's been performing.

Scotty Goldman: Why this guy has such a big following, I'll never know, but the WWE doesn't seem to care about it nonetheless, so he has potential to be released.

Ryan Braddock: Useless.

Eve Torres: Apparently she's atrocious in the ring, so its a possibility. I personally don't think she's as hot as a lot of people do, but to each his own.

Bam Neely: Absolutely no need to keep him around whatsoever. Now, like with most people, I'd rather them just dock his pay a little and put him in a tag team with someone to help out that division, but they won't be doing that.

Gavin Spears: He's had what, 3 matches on ECW, and lost all 3? He's so gone.

Ricky Ortiz: Nobody likes this guy. He hasn't been used in a while, too.

Tiffany: Not wrestling, has no charisma, isn't really THAT hot to make up for it, etc.
Agreed No Fate, you have cut off all those who are on the chopping block. You missed a couple that I would like to add to the list.

Goldust- Again, this guy has come in for about the 4th time in about 4 years and has done nothing. He hasn't cut down on his weight, and continues to be a horrible talent. I am not sure if they brought him in just because his dad works for WWE as well as his stepbrother, but he is horrendous. Chop him.

Boogeyman- This guy should never have been brought back. His character isn't exciting, he gets injured a lot, and apparently was only in the WWE because of Booker T. Since Booker is gone, so should the Boogeyman.

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