WWE reportedly working on big summmer angle: Book your own!

Mine would be,

Return of Nexus.
If Barrett is fit for July 23rd, then have it be on the 1000th Raw, if he's fit for later, then have him return RAW after Summerslam.

On the way to his return, have Ryback completely dominate, and win either the US or IC title. Have Daniel Bryan be booked in a World Championship Match, If Justin Gabriel is back, have him and Slater capture the tag titles, or Mcgillicutty, and finally Otunga capture the other title from IC/US.

During the World Title match, have the lights go out and Sheamus be laid out, DB wins the title.

On the same night have a scheduled WWE title match, and have Barrett come out, then everyone else, like they did in 2010,

But Cena and Punk overcome the odds, then Rybacks music hits and he absolutely annihilates both of them and they destroy the show.

But for this to really work, Barett needs to capture the WWE title later on and Nexus need to be together and solid all the way till Royal Rumble.
I don't know how people consider HHH - Lesnar a huge angle. The names are huge, but the angle would be anything but a surprise. Huge angle is supposed to mean huge surprise. I'm thinking AJ/Kane marraige angle
The WWE spends weeks and months hyping some big summer angle. Different Superstars and dirtsheets spread rumors just enough to satiate the viewers in to sticking with the product even though there is better shit they could be spending their lives doing.

The summer ends and we get a report about how the big plans fell through but there are still huge plans for Survivor Series and Vince wants WM 29 to be the biggest of all time.

Many from the IWC complain about the poor job Creative is doing. Rinse, repeat.
well, if "I" were booking it, then i would set up my summerslam matchup main event with an ironman match and have it as a continuation of the Bryan-Punk feud. they have a triple threat next. if i were booking, i have Bryan win there, then have punk cash in his re-match in a tlc match where he gets screwed again or even where he wins the match, then have the final encounter as an ironman match between these two.
Money in the bank ends with Punk Vs Big Show in A Falls Count Anywhere Match(as result of Johnnys People Power after Show Beat Cena) in which Punk wins which leads to Ryback being forced by former friend Otunga to cash in the briefcase on Punk. Ryback storms out and hits Punk whos clebarting on the ramp and pins him for the Title. Big Show celabrates with Ryback and the Rest of Team Johnny Come Out (Heel Superstars).

Meanwhile Barret wins the briefcase For SD! and Claims he will cash it in when he times Right And Cena Wins A Triple Threat Lader US Title Match between Tensai And Santino after Johnny says if he wants a shot at the title he has to work his way back up the Main Event Ladder.

Raw Before Summerslam And Johnny Says its up to the people to deiced what Type of match the Main Event between Punk And Champion Ryback is and They respond with an I Quit Match. Teddy Long who is tired of being treated like crap tells HHH do to something to get Johnny out after VKM Hasnt delivered his report yet. A Full on brawl between Faces And Heels Take place and raw goes off air.


We open with Cena Vs Tensai For No.1 Contedership and US Championship Match. Cena Wins.

Then Kharma takes on The bellas in handicap match and Wins.

WHC- Del Rio Vs Sin Cara Vs Hunico Vs Rey - Pride Of mexico Ladders Match in which Rey wins.

Barret Vs Kane In A No Holds Barred Match.

Then Punk Vs Ryback for the title in an I Quit match which sees Ryback desytroy Punk but then The striaght edge superstar Battle for victory and stands on the ramp with the championship aloft before Jeri-Show come out and batter Punk to a pulp. Johnny comes out and Jeri-Show leave Punk. He stands there telling barret to hurry up out and He pins Punk and wins the title. Barret and the rest of team johnny where cleabrating in the win and HHH And the rest of the Faces come out and says "were all sick of you overusing power" and the brawl countiues on.

VKM comes out and says 'Everyone leave the ring or you will be suspended' alongside his lawyers he leaves Johnny and HHH in the ring.Vince Saticons A Match which in Johnny can pick ANY 2 Superstars And Same For HHH. and they will fight. The have 5 Mintunes To Decide who will be GM Of Raw And Smackdown!

HHH And Cena Step Into The Ring.
Then Otunga Steps In And Lesners Music Hits.
Vince Says "hes suspened he carnt"..
Johnny reminds VKM That he said ANY 2.

HHH And Cena Vs Otunga And Lesner To See Who Becomes GM.
A Gruding Battle Between Cena And Lesner take place and they both tag in there fresh paterner who battle and lesner then slaps the back of otunga allowing himself to face HHH. After a few blows. Cena is tagged and Brock goes to the F5 but cena face plants Brock and does the STF. Cena Wins.Johnnys Fired. HHH Is New GM.

The show ends with Team HHH Clebrating in the ring.

RAW After Summerslam

Only Team HHH Are in the arena as the rest are on Strike for Vinces unfair dismissle.

HHH Says that he is GM Of Raw but Wife Stephine will be taking charge of SD!.

Lesner Comes into the ring squaring up to HHH And the a blackout sees The whloe of team johnny enter but 2 Mins later The blackout happens and all the superstars but HHH And Lesner are down on the floor outside the ring and Taker Is there and chokeslams the both of them.

Lesner later says he is done with WWE And Triple H says he is taking time of becdause he sustained an injury and needs physio and will employ a replacement for the GM Of Raw.

Wade Vs Ryback Vs Punk Vs Cena will take place At NOC. After VKM Deicdes that Punk Vs Ryback Vs Wade will take Place due to the night being so HETIC. And Cena says he rightfully won a NO.1 Conterders Spot which vince grants.

VKM says that every superstar must appear on the ramp and anyone who dosent is fired. (we see that show,jericho andpeople that should be future endovoured dont appear and are therefore fired)



'if you smelllllllllllll what the rock is cooking' well you carnt smell it cause your via satalite!
I posted when Heyman made his return a story involving him/Brock vs HHH/Vince.

Vince/Heyman agree to a fight between Brock/HHH at Summerslam - If HHH wins then Brock/Heyman go away for ever and drop their lawsuit but if Heyman Wins he gets the Smackdown show. Brock wins and not only does Heyman take over Smackdown but changes the name to WCW and they go Live (either on Tuesday or Friday) the drama after Summerslam is who will abandon WWE and go with Paul to WCW and each week for a while they can add new people including Flair, RVD and a few others to join Heyman.

Vince announces because Heyman refuses to take part in all the WWE PPVs they will be cutting back to only 4 a year and will start putting all their efforst into Raw and instead of PPV will have a Saturday Night Heat once every couple of months.
Bring flair in to manage ziggler. Becomes main even star.

Paul heyman on my tv every monday. Punk turns heel and joins he and lesnar.

Cena and daniel bryan feud.

Kane wins wwe title. With help of wade barrett. Taker returns. Makes story line sense. If you don't get it, wow. Taker vs kane vs barrett at night of champions. Taker wins belt
Drops title to barrett. Puts barrett over huge. Taker disappears til mania.

Cody rhodes feuds with sheamus and adr for heavyweight title.

Imo, ratings would be in the 5.0 if that were going on. Talk about week to week anticipation
Very unrealistic angle ahead:
Show defeats Cena at No Way Out. Vince fires Cena for failing him and announces his new warrior to take out Show: Brock Lesnar!
Lesnar returns as a face the next night on Raw. He announces he has a new "ironclad" contract courtesy of Vince, then turns heel and F-5's Vince, saying that with his contract ensured and Cena fired, he is free to become the face of the company as he deserves.
He could finish his angle with HHH by having Trips be the first guy to go to bat for Vince - Lesnar wins, building his credibility up again and forcing WWE to turn to another face to get rid of him: Undertaker or SCSA (whoever he's working with at WM). Lesnar baulks and "takes his ball and goes home" allowing WWE to save his dates. In his absence, whoever they're building up as the new top face can feud with Show over the summer and ultimately rid us of John Laurinaitis - this creates a new star in Cena's absence while he gets divorced and gives them someone to go to when he retires.
This keeps the awesome tyrant of John Laurinaitis on TV, give Cena time off, get Lesnar back onscreen, build a new face, and test if the company can survive without Cena. The best part is, the ratings wouldn't suffer as much, because Lesnar could pick up the slack!
Brock could pop up again during WM season when Taker/Austin call him out for running away rather than fighting, setting up their match at the Show of Shows.
Cena's Last Stand.

We all know what Cena is going through personally so he needs some time off not months but weeks so I'm basing this on what happened with Vince on 6/11 RAW the interactions he had with Cena Bryan and Big Johnny. I listened to the words from Bryan and Vince and came to this conclusion Vince will screw Cena and fire him. Why would Vince get involved in the match with Show and Cena plus the phantom punch Show gave Vince. Johnny will open the cage get involved Vince will follow him in Cena will have Johnny up for the AA Vince will kick Cena in the nuts Show hits the WMD match over. Vince grabs the mic and says Cena Yooooooour FIIIIIIIIIIRED! People forget the last time Cena and Vince where in the ring Vince was supposed to fire Cena for losing to Punk.

New Corporation.

Bryan, Kane and Punk are having a good match then Kane accidentally knocks out AJ punk concerned get mad hits Kane with the GTS Bryan is down out comes Eve hands Bryan the belt distracts the ref Bryan hits Punk with it he's your new WWE CHAMP. Before the show goes off Vince and Johnny come down and celebrate with Bryan.

The next night on RAW Bryan comes out clean shaven slicked hair and a suit and tie and cuts the heel promo of his life out comes Vince and Johnny to say how the needed a new face of the company someone who thy can count on to get things done. Vince says he thought he could count on Cena but Cena lost to Punk and Punk held his title and company hostage and he wanted to fire Cena before but the board wouldn't let him because they hired HHH and Cena didn't listen to him anymore. Out comes Punk demanding his rematch but not getting it instead he gets put in a handicap match with Show and Otunga. Out comes HHH and demands to know what's going on and Vince tells him that he wants his compang back so he had to do what he wasn't allowed to do last time which was fire Cena because he could create another face of the company at anytime and Bryan is that face. So Vince changes the match to Show and Otunga vs Punk and HHH.

Towards the ending of the match HHH gets the hot tag he's cleaning house then out of the crowd HERE COMES THE PAIN gets into the ring F5 To HHH and Punk. Lesnar, Show, Otunga and Bryan beat them down they all stand in the ring with Vince and Johnny the new corporation. The next week Vince says it was he who authorized Show's contract and the contract of his new hired gun Lesnar. There's the back and forth until the 1000th RAW when Punk and HHH need an ally at the ending of RAW. IF YAAAASS SMEEEELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING! Rock comes out and cleans house. The next week it's booked for Summerslam HHH vs Brock Punk and Rock vs Show and Bryan.

There's a live Smackdown Days before Summerslam at the end of the show the lights go out everyone thinks its Taker the lights come on and no Taker but what's in the ring is a chain with a pad lock attached.

The Alliance.

HHH beats Lesnar with the sledgehammer. During the main event the new corporation is mobbing Rock and Punk. Out comes Cena in Thuganomics gear. Cena hits Vince,Johnny,Otunga with the AA Rock then Rock bottoms Show, Punk hits Bryan with the GTS 123. The summer storyline is over now it's time for the fall storyline Punk,Rock,HHH and Cena vs The Corporation.
At the beginning of No Way Out, John Lauranitis comes out and announces that R-Truth got a major concussion from Big Show's punch, but that won't stop Kofi from defending the titles that night. Kofi has to defend the tag titles in a handicap match against Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks. Kofi has Hawkins beaten when Reks tags in and destroys.

Hawkins and Reks are your new WWE Tag Team Champions.

The Divas match would be the second match of the night, but it does not have anything to do with the storyline.

The third match of the night would be the Intercontinental Championship match between Cody Rhodes and Christian. The two will steal the show and have what is the best match of the night, wrestling for 35 minutes. Christian will finally have hit Cody Rhodes with the Killswitch when Otunga comes out and distracts Christian when he is setting up the Frog Splash. Rhodes hits Cross Rhodes, and Christian still kicks out. Rhodes picks up Christian and gets countered with a spinebuster. Otunga attempts to interfere, but Christian takes him out and hits the spear.

Christian is still the Intercontinental Champion.

The fourth match of the night would see Dolph Ziggler take on Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship. After a hard fought contest, Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick, and referee Mike Chioda doesn't make the match winning count. Sheamus gets up from Ziggler and starts to argue with the ref. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag, and despite Sheamus kicking out at two, Dolph Ziggler gets the pinfall.

Dolph Ziggler is the new World Heavyweight Champion.

After the match, Sheamus Brogue Kicks Chioda and hits the High Cross powerbomb on Ziggler. Lauranitis comes out and fires Sheamus for touching a referee.

The fifth match of the night is John Cena vs. Big Show. At the end, Cena has Big Show locked in the STF. Lauranitis distracts the referee while Show taps. Then, Lauranitis opens the cage and goes in, only to get an AA from Cena. Mr. McMahon goes into the ring and starts talking to Cena. Then, in a swerve, he shoves Cena into Big Show's WMD. Then he gets a mic and fires Cena.

The final match is the triple threat for the WWE Championship with AJ at ringside. Daniel Bryan has Punk in the Yes Lock. Punk taps. The referee doesn't see it because of AJ. Hawkins and Reks come out and Bryan fights them off. Big Show comes into the ring and hits the WMD from behind on Bryan. Punk gets the pin, and hugs Vince and Johnny who come into the ring, celebrating to close the Pay Per View.

CM Punk is still your WWE Champion.

CM Punk is now a heel, and Daniel Bryan is a face. Christian is the only face who managed to retain his title that night. John Cena and Sheamus are fired, leaving Daniel Bryan and Christian as the top two faces of the company.

The next night on Raw, Tensai defeats Santino Marella for the United States Championship.

The new stable, made up of Hawkins and Reks, Tensai, Big Show, David Otunga, Cody Rhodes, Vince McMahon, John Lauranitis, and CM Punk is called The Board. Vince kayfabe fires the Board of Directors and has the members of The Board take their place.

Dolph Ziggler comes out and cuts a promo saying he doesn't want to be a part of the stable, only to get attacked by the Board, turning him face.

The Board dominates Raw leading up into Money in the Bank, where Wade Barrett and The Miz win the cases. Barrett joins the Board, and so does Miz. After CM Punk defeats Daniel Bryan in a dirty finish later, Cena and Sheamus come from the crowd and take out The Board members with assistance from Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler gets taken out during the fight, and Wade Barrett cashes in.

Wade Barrett is your new World Heavyweight Champion.

Cena lays out Barrett with the AA, and Barrett leaves. Punk is still in the ring, and suddenly the music of The Miz hits. Miz cashes in his briefcase, betraying the Board and turning face.

The Miz is your new WWE Champion.

The next night on Raw, HHH reveals he resigned Sheamus and Cena, since he is the new Executive VP of Talent Relations, as well as the COO of the WWE.

Brock Lesnar comes out, and says that he was also resigned by HHH. He says his contract has a Summerslam match written in it by HHH that is Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H. HHH says that he only resigned Lesnar to kick his ass at Summerslam.

On the 1000th episode of Raw, The Undertaker wrestles Wade Barrett and wins. After the match, Dean Ambrose debuts and gets in the Undertaker's face. Ambrose aligns himself with the Board and challenges Undertaker to a Summerslam match. Undertaker chokeslams Ambrose and accepts.

Vince announces that HHH vs. Lesnar will be for the COO position of the company.

Punk and The Miz feud after MITB, with Punk losing his rematch on episode 1000. The main event title match for Summerslam will be John Cena vs. CM Punk vs. The Miz vs. Big Show.

Dolph Ziggler and Wade Barrett feud through Summerslam.

Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio is a feud at this time.

HHH fires John Lauranitis on the episode before Summerslam, stating that his possible final act as COO would be a good one.

Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon are also feuding for the company title of CEO, and they both pick two wrestlers to represent them. Vince picks Chris Jericho, and Stephanie picks..... The Rock.

The Summerslam card looks like this.

IC Title: Cody Rhodes vs. Christian(c)

Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

Dean Ambrose vs. The Undertaker

WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Big Show vs. John Cena vs. The Miz(c)

WHC: Dolph Ziggler vs. Wade Barrett(c) vs. Sheamus

COO Position on the line: Brock Lesnar vs. HHH

CEO Position on the line: Chris Jericho vs. The Rock

What this storyline has accomplished:

Brock Lesnar is the COO of the company, now being able to show up on a limited basis with a justification and being able to book himself into top matches.

Dolph Ziggler is now a main event face.

Wade Barrett is now a main event heel.

The Miz is now a main event face.

Daniel Bryan is now a top face.

CM Punk is now the top heel.

John Lauranitis is out of a job.

Vince McMahon is no longer in power.

Dean Ambrose is now a main event face.

Randy Orton, cleanly losing to Del Rio, begins his life as a mid-carder.

Jericho gets fired after his match with Rock, writing him off.

Huge Raw and Summerslam buyrates.

Prestige brought to the World Titles.

Prestige brought to the IC Title.
What I feel is actually going to happen/kinda wanna see it, is Sunday at NWO, Vince/Johnny/Heyman/Big Show/Lesnar will be joining forces in order to fight for power against HHH/Cena. Currently HHH and Heyman/Lesnar are feuding, Big Show/Johnny and Cena are feuding, Brock and Cena fought, HHH knocked Vince out of power and HHH and Johnny have feuded so I feel it makes sense that they fight for control. All of them are connected in some way. If it goes down like this, Vince doesnt have to be on tv every week. Johnny can stay GM, Heyman can do the talking, Lesnar won't need to be there weekly cause they will have Big Show to do the fighting on a weekly basis. I think this will happen, would like this to happen and it can explain why WWE actually pulled the AW stable because they wanted one main stable focus and this is it.

Can throw Sheamus in there on the side of HHH and Cena since Johnny and Sheamus have had a run in and since Sheamus has the title, they can be trying to get that from him as well.
bring back the nexus, but led by the undertaker, in a heal stable, hav wade barrett return only to be taken out by taker, but nobody knowing who it was, then hav all other members of the old nexus taken out week by week, having no idea whats going on, then all reunite and take over once again!
I have been saying for the LONGEST time that WWE lacks the "all-encompassing" storyline that were prevalent during the highest points of wrestling. ie: nWo, Corporation/Austin, DX, Ministry, WCW Invasion, etc.

Honestly I feel like WWE needs to hit the reset button on alot of the way things are but that is extremely unlikely. Considering the current storylines and those who are injured there are only a few possibilities for large epic storylines that would be credible. The only things that would really "shake things up" are heel turns, power struggles, and debuts/returns. I'm not going to go into details or anything but here are a few possible ideas:

Lesnar vs Triple H leading to a Heyman run stable taking over WWE. Punk turns heel to align with the stable and brings in Seth Rollins, Ambrose, and Hero and/or returning Matt Morgan to join. Power struggle ensues with McMahon/Triple H and Heyman. Results in McMahon asking Austin & Rock to be last resort of help resulting in Austin/Punk & Rock/Lesner at Wrestlemania.

Cena finally turns heel and feuds with Punk into the fall, leading to Undertaker/Cena at Mania.

WWE returns to Attitude Era style programming as we build to the WWE'13 Attitude era game releases
I would have Cena turn heel at SummerSlam which then would build towards Cena challenging Taker for his streak at WrestleMania 29, setting up Undertaker vs Cena by having Cena go on an undefeated streak all the way leading up to Mania

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