WWE Releases.

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Getting Noticed By Management
In the TNA releases thread someone mentioned that they could write a huge list on who they'd like to see released from WWE. So I figured might as well do the thread. So yea who do you think WWE should release? Their summer clear out is kind of over due or should at least be happening soon so who would you have put on it? Please keep stupid attempts to be controversial suggestions to a minimum. John Cena or Randy Orton should not be released however much you might think they suck.

Personally I'd go for:

JTG: Doesn't do anything for me and with Cryme Tyme dead I can't see him making the grade at all so I'd get rid.

Primo: Another one that's been around a while and without his brother just doesn't offer much. No real need for him.

Khali: Have him put over this new guy and then retire him into history. He's huge and he's Indian that's honestly the only things he has going for him.

Rosa Mendes: She's hot but then a lot of the divas are. She just doesn't bring anything to the table.

David Hart Smith: He's bland, keep him around if you're going to reunite the Hart Dynasty but otherwise I don't see him going anywhere.

Heath Slater: Obviously let the Corre angle run to it's end but the guy just really doesn't excite me at all or do anything for me in any shape or form.

Hornswoggle: Must I give reasons?

Mark Henry: Again give him this last push have him put someone over and then retire into the past, he's never been particularly entertaining and he's nothing special in the ring let him move backstage.

JTG, for the reasons that the TS mentioned.

I can also see getting rid of some of the non-important Divas. Alicia Fox or whom ever. Just save the money.

Matt Striker might also make some sense. Didn't click in the ring and didn't click with commentating. He is also very replaceable when it comes to interviews. I don't mind the guy, but I don't see what he will get done if kept on. I enjoy him doing special commentary on DVD matches though.

Not a fan of Husky Harris and I don't see what they're going to do with him. Could be jumping the gun, though. He still has a bit of time.

Primo, as much as I like him in the ring at times, just isn't going anywhere. It would make sense and free up some room and money.

Tyler Reks...... What the hell is he even doing?

Hornswoggle isn't needed. The joke stopped being funny about.... years ago. We get it. He's a midget.

The Uso's should ask for their releases and try TNA out. Not saying they are great, but they'd have a better chance to prove their worth in a company that gets behind tag team wrestling.

Those are the names that jump out at me. I don't hate any of these guys, I just don't see what they will bring into the company.
Anyone who thinks Khali will be cut doesn't understand how the business works.
While he cannot wrestle Khali is a major part of WWE international. While he may not be a big a star here, he is in India. He is overly popular there to the point that the fans rioted when he missed a scheduled appearance earlier this year. Why is this important to the WWE. Well they just opened a office in India and they are currently trying to expand their business there. Why would they do that? They are doing that because 1.2 billion people live there and WWE wants to capitalize on their numbers. So Khali is safe..... for a very long time.
Vince McMahon.

Go away.


JTG - Need I give my reasons? Only keep him around if you bring back Shad or put him into another CrymeTyme type tag team.

Khali - He's useless in the ring, he's not marketable, and the fans don't care about him.

Rosa - I'm surprised that she's still there, seriously. She's the one person on the roster that's used less than Zack Ryder.

Zack Ryder - Use him, or release him. He's got talent, the 10%ers love him, but I think he's getting wasted, especially with jobbing to.....

Santino - Sorry, he falls into the same boat as Nick Dinsmore, as he can't go anywhere and not be able to do a character that's closer to who he is in real life.

David Hart Smith - I agree, he needs to either be released, or beg Chris Jericho to teach him mic skills. He has a great look, pretty good ability, it's just that he's lacking on the entertainment side.

Trent Barretta - See Zack Ryder.

Curt Hawkins - See Zack Ryder.
Anyone who thinks Khali will be cut doesn't understand how the business works.
While he cannot wrestle Khali is a major part of WWE international. While he may not be a big a star here, he is in India. He is overly popular there to the point that the fans rioted when he missed a scheduled appearance earlier this year. Why is this important to the WWE. Well they just opened a office in India and they are currently trying to expand their business there. Why would they do that? They are doing that because 1.2 billion people live there and WWE wants to capitalize on their numbers. So Khali is safe..... for a very long time.

With Jinder Mahal, I think that WWE is going to bank on him to bring up a lot of that Indian crowd. He also has a more marketable look for WWE. As important as the Indian market is, I don't think they will continue to rely on Khali due to his limitations, though I won't be surprised if they start investing more on talent from the planet's two most populous nations.
Anyone who thinks Khali will be cut doesn't understand how the business works.
While he cannot wrestle Khali is a major part of WWE international. While he may not be a big a star here, he is in India. He is overly popular there to the point that the fans rioted when he missed a scheduled appearance earlier this year. Why is this important to the WWE. Well they just opened a office in India and they are currently trying to expand their business there. Why would they do that? They are doing that because 1.2 billion people live there and WWE wants to capitalize on their numbers. So Khali is safe..... for a very long time.

Hence why I said he should put over Jinder Mahal (apologies for what is probably horrible spelling) first. I don't know if he's actually any better in the ring or whatever but he covers the same market.
CM Punk: as in, if he won't resign, just release him quick and don't destroy his character on the way out.

JTG: Again, he's just taking up space and payroll, either get him onto tv as a jobber or let him walk and save the cash

Darren Young: unless I missed something, he's still technically active...haven't seen him in forever and while I thought he could be good for something, he's never used.

William Regal: As in, keep him off tv and just get him into a backstage position or commentary

Barretta and Hawkins: either reform the Dudebusters and get tag teams going again, or release one and use the other as a jobber. nothing wrong with being a jobber but you don't need so many of them
Vladimir Kozlov- They tried pushing him as a heel. He even pinned Taker clean. I think him and Kane are the only guys to do that in the last 5 years. His stable with Regal and Jackson was ok, but nothing memorable. Marella saved him in a comedy role, but he's a comedy character reliant on other people. Similar to Steve Blackman, but not near as bad ass or as good in the ring. There really isn't more he can do.

Drew McIntye. He's an pretty decent wrestler, but everything about him is boring. His promos, his look, his feuds. The crowd just doesn't seem to be meshing with him. While there's still a good chance he could amount to something, I'd much rather see someone like Tyler Reks, Dolph Ziggler, or Jack Swagger over him. Raw has a mixture of young heels, and to me, McIntyre has the least potential. If I had to bet money, I'd say Reks would be gone well before McIntyre, but I think Reks has more potential.

D.H Smith. Good look, excellent wrestler, good heritage, but not an ounce of charisma. Maybe getting released would be a wake up call and he starts to develop a character.

Brodus Clay. Interesting look but there are much more talented guys on Smackdown.

Maybe a couple other divas such as Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes. I think keeping someone like JTG around is fine. He gets a good reaction and is good enough in the ring. I might not push him, but he's a fine jobber. Same with guys like Trent Barretta (who I do see potential in), Yoshi Tatsu, and Primo. I'd like to see Ryder and Hawkins become a fulltime tag team.

Maryse- she was entertaining as Divas champion. While she may not be the best wrestler, her character worked. But with the Bellas as full time wrestlers now,
khali is not just indian but he's freakin HUGE physically... that's always been a big selling point for wrestling, particularly WWE, as there aren't that many giants out there. They don't need to be great in the ring, their size alone makes them something to see and when used properly they can be very useful. And to the guy who said no one in the crowd cares for khali, no one in the IWC may care for him, but the general crowd seems to be genuinely excited when his music pops up out of nowhere and he comes down.
Hence why I said he should put over Jinder Mahal (apologies for what is probably horrible spelling) first. I don't know if he's actually any better in the ring or whatever but he covers the same market.

ive seen jinder mahal on the indies. hes from canada. he is of indian descent. he is a very good worker. works a very good big muscle guy style power wrestling
Hornswaggle-Officially close the book on the cruiserwight division by releasing the last cruiserwight champion

JTG-Solid mid carder, something the WWE is full off

Chris Masters-Worst wrestler on the roster by far. Botches spots, can always be heard talking in the ring.

Tyler Reks-Putting over Chris Masters in succesive weeks is proof the company has no faith in you

Drew McIntire-Needs a change of scenery. Keeps making chicken soup out of chicken shit storyline wise, and never gets rewarded
Did I mention Chris Masters yet?
Todd Grisham- is it required that every announcer named Todd the company signs has to be zero vocal skills and look like the type of person a toddler can kick the shit out of?

Jack Swagger-Good wrestler, has already been buried enough he'll never be credible in any major angle again

DH Smith-Since the E doesn't know how to use you, make like your father, goto Japan for seasoning, and come back stronger

Ricardo- The E is trying to recreate what got ken Anderson over, just differently. Other then a sterotype slave, the guy serves no purpose for Del Rio

The Usos-Memo to all tag teams. Stay away from the WWE, far away. They have discontinued the tag team divison

Have I mentioned Chris Masters yet?

Ted Dibiase- See Greg Gagne

The bella Twins-Has anyone with so little talent been pushed so much because of looks alone?

The mysterious Raw GM-Bad angle, bad angle, bad angle. get rid of it already

And Chris Masters for reasons even a blind man could see.

I'm sure I can think of more wrestlers that should be gone.

Alicia Fox- The current Botch queen. Zero charisma
Vladimir Kozlov When he first showed up I thought maybe they would be able to do something with him, but since tagging with Santino I seriously think they have destroyed any credibility he once had, they might as well put a skirt on him.

David Hart Smith - Is this guy even still with the company? If it wasn't for his dad this kid would be a struggling indy wrestler.

Heath Slater I really have no idea why he's still around, is it because he has funny red hair? nothing he does in the ring has ever really impressed me and his skills on the microphone are....nonexistent? I'm not even sure if you would be able to re-package him...but that being said, he might be able to do something in TNA.

Primo In all honesty I do believe he has skills in the ring, i just don't think the WWE will ever properly utilize him, he could be a great heel.

Ted Dibiase Figure something out for this guy soon or let him go, I just don't think he has any "Star Qualities" to him. I truly believed he would be the star between him and cody rhodes but clearly I was wrong.

Santino Marella I don't find him funny and I have no idea how he’s still around, I understand the kids like him. But let's get real, if you actually end up losing to this guy to a fucking "cobra strike” in a one on one match....that should be saying allot to the crowd about your future as a possible main eventer/mid carder.

Uso Brothers boring, what more do I really have to say?

Gail Kim Didn't care when she was gone the first time, and I still have barely even noticed that she's back.

WWE needs some jobbers on the roster. A lot of names mentioned like JTG, Chris Masters, etc are the jobbers. Someone has to lay down to maintain pushes. I hate the idea of going back to the 90's where the WWE gets local talent to lay down for the major stars. Although there is a lot of wasted talent on the roster, guys like JTG are needed to make the big stars winners.

Back on topic

The Usos - If the WWE isn't going to have a tag team division, these guys are useless. They aren't even jobbers. They're nobodies.

David Otunga - Horrible on the mic and passable ring work. He'll always be a mid-carder and in no way make money for the WWE

DH Smith - I love the guy but he doesn't fit with the WWE. He's goofy and doesn't seem to be improving.

Kozlov - Slow and boring in the ring. He's not even good as Santino's comedy partner. Just a waste.
Fun topic idea! I love these

Definate cuts
1.Alicia Fox : Shes quite hard on the eyes (ronald McDonald hair , an outie belly button) botches alot (Example: TWICE in a row on NXT once and I'm sure many other times) and when she opens her mouth to attempt a promo its horrifying. A big boot right up her ass 1st.

2.Brodus Clay : Either get some pants , or get the hell out. Hes doing nothing lately anyway and I personally don't see the potential in him.They could pull any fat guy out the audience and they could do what he does.........

3.Jimmy & Jey Uso : Tag team division is dead , and even if it wasn't they are too boring. No IT factor at all.

4.Primo : Does not have the IT factor at all. He can definatley wrestle but that doesn't seem to matter. Sin cara has taken the spot of token Lucha and ran with it.

The next category is of guys and girls who I see no real reason to release other than the fact that WWE blatantly ignores and wastes their talent

On thin ice (May or may not cut due to negligence)
1.Chavo Guerrero
2.Chris Masters
3.Curt Hawkins
4.David Hart Smith
7.Tyler Reks
8.William Regal
9.Yoshi Tatsu

How could they be missed when they were never used in the 1st place

Having read the other responses you guys should really have http://www.wwe.com/superstars open in another tab and review the whole roster before making these decisions because I see alot of posts saying to throw out good/decent superstars/divas while skipping the obvious throw aways

Way too many of these responses seem to be personal and unproffesional. Like you don't throw away Khali thats stupid for reasons someone already explained. You don't throw out Heath Slater because he has the IT factor. You don't get rid of Zack Ryder because he has the IT factor like nobodies business. You don't throw out Hornswoggle because hes there for comic releif. You don't throw out Jack Swagger because hes extremely talented in all aspects of proffesional wrestling and is over. You don't throw out Maryse because.... man are you KIDDING me? I shouldn't even have to explain why not to throw away alot of people who have been mentioned here.... ETC. Don't be ridiculous people....
Curt Hawkins - Why? What has he done over the past year that has impressed you?

Darren Young - All he has going for him is someone (colour blind) mistaking him for John Cena. That is it.

JTG - Look, there is zero going for him so, why keep him?

Matt Striker - He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO irritating on commentary. Shut up and go home.

Todd Grisham - It is funny how I am getting rid of the Slammy Awards Winners for Best Commentary Team (w/ Striker). Just don't get how he has managed to keep his job.

Vladimir Kozlov -
2008: vs Edge, Jeff Hardy and Triple H for the WWE Championship
2009: ???
2010: Rivalry and teaming with Santino

Zack Ryder - 'Nough said

Guys I think need an alteration are people like David Hart Smith and Primo who have masses of potential, but need an attitude/gimmick change. Now you can say that some people above this could have a gimmick change, however, I've had enough of them.

I wouldn't release any divas as I feel doing that would damage any way of reviving the Divas division to what is previously was.

And... for Hornswoggle. You can't say he wasn't entertaining during his stint with DX.
Well i'm pretty sure that some if not most people will say most of the divas but with the TNA release one, there were only 1 or 2 people that said one knockout to get the cut.

Brodus Clay - Since his program with Alberto & Christian, he's seem to be kidnapped or somewhere. he didn't appeal to me anyway.

Chris Masters - This suppose push he was meant to be getting.. and that is where? he's had his time.

Curt Hawkins - Nothing.. nothing.

David Hart Smith - Since the HD, he has gone onto Superstars to being seen very rarely.

David Otunga - He replusive. I cannot stand the sight of him, yes, he's married to that woman of american idol, so what.

The Usos - There hype was disapointing, never seen what was so great with them in the first place.

Kaitlyn - She was brought to TV a few days after being signed, won NXT and is now on Smackdown. Please Kaitlyn, go away.

Batist... Mason Ryan - We know Vince like's the tall muscular man but please, get someone that can wrestle and someone that doesn't look like that man.

Maryse - Since her knee injury aganist Mickie back at NOC 2009, she has gone down hill. Reason is b'cos she is afraid to bust up her knee. Modelling is the place for her.

Melina - Nothing aganist her, she is a great wrestler but she is just blah and bland.

Primo - Just tell me why did Vince sign him in the first place?

Rosa Mendes - She is just not cut out for wrestling at all, the modelling is where she belongs.

Tamina - Don't get me started. As Bill Demot would say "She's green as goose S**T" She's boring and has VERY bad mic skills.

Ted Dibiase - A debateable one but he just doesn't connect with the fans.

Great Khali - eughh. When he first came, he was the giant unstoppable heel monster but when he went babyface, OH GOD! he was ruined.

Tyler Reks - Who? oh yes, he was that surfer dude who came back with a suposed unstoppable monster gimmick. How did that work out for you Tyler? Not so well..
Alright, this note is off topic, but it is an interesting point: WWE has 14 active divas yet only one title? Dunno why that is. (Yes, that includes Kharma, but either way that's too many for one title.)

Anyways, guys I would cut are:

Tyler Reks cause he's just not that good and I'm gettin nothin from him that he even cares enough to get the crowd into the match. He just grunts.

Chavo Guerrero because they just don't know how to use him all that much. I'm surprised he hasn't quit yet and gone to TNA to be X-Division champ or somethin.

Yoshi Tatsu has great charisma, but WWE ain't even pushin the guy, so he's cut too.

Alicia Fox due to her being the queen of Botches as a previous poster has stated. (I have seen her botches, before anyone complains about bandwagoning.)

Michael Tarver just ain't being used. Send him back to FCW or release him.

Brodus Clay didn't even win the season he was on and has proven to be a waste so far.
• Brodus Clay - He is awful and he isn't going anywhere
• Tyler Reks - I never liked him, nor did the Creative team apparently.
• Chris Masters - Just a guy with muscles. Doesn't bring anything else to the table.
• JTG - He isn't that bad, but I don't see him making it anywhere. He just isn't that good either.
• Eli Cottonwood- Yes, he's still employed. FIRE HIM. He is so bad in the ring and on the microphone, he is a disgrace to the product.
• Titus O'Neil- Pretty much the same reasons as Eli.
• Lucky Cannon- This guy just really really sucks. He was the worst wrestler by far last year. Probably the worst this year too if I can count the stupid internet show.
• Jacob Novak- Wow, he is the most bland person ever. Definitely needs to go.
• Hornswoggle- He needs to leave. He's probably the happiest person on the planet for being paid to do nothing, not even talk. I don't mind them not using him, but I do mind them paying him. Just release him.
I don't think Mark Henry is going anywhere. Although I'm not necessarily a fan of Henry, I see him working backstage as a road agent and/or trainer once he decides to hang up the boots. He seems like a WWE guy through and through and he certainly has a passion for wrestling. He's also a reliable talent in my eyes that's capable of putting others over (given his age and WWE's current youth movement, it's hard to see Henry capturing the WWE/Heavyweight title anytime soon.

As far as releases go, will there even be any? If they wanted to get rid of guys like JTG, Masters, or Primo, they would had done it months ago. The roster isn't also necessarily stacked.
Additional cuts

David Otunga-He's there because of his celeberty wife. Bottom line
Mason Ryan-Looks like Botchtista, and wrestles like him too.
And who ever the guy who on Monday Night lost "tough Enough" was. He looks like a wal mart version of the Miz.
Good Topic, but it's done once a month. So, I might as well repeat myself

Guys like Yoshi, TGK, and Kozlov are NOT going. They will stay in Mid-Card/Superstars hell forever. Unless they quit. They are huge in their countries, and thats why the WWE keeps them. DH and Tyson won't go, due to their bloodline. Not while Bret is still working with the company anyway. Ryder has a big fan base. Look in the crowd at any WWE event and you can see that. He even got props from Steve Austin (see main page) And the likes of Evan, Henry, and Santino are the ones they keep to put people over. Once Goldust comes back (really looking forward to that too) he will be in that boat as well. They have a purpose.

Besides a few of the Superstars crew, I don't see the WWE cutting anyone soon. Not even the Nexus members. It's a Youth movement remember, so why cut the youth? You never know who will have to retire next, and the roster really isn't THAT full. We just get the same big name guys each week. I personally was happy to see something different in Kofi/Ryder this monday. Keep mixing it up, and adding different faces in here and there, and there won't be a need for cuts any time soon.
I don't think Mark Henry is going anywhere. Although I'm not necessarily a fan of Henry, I see him working backstage as a road agent and/or trainer once he decides to hang up the boots. He seems like a WWE guy through and through and he certainly has a passion for wrestling. He's also a reliable talent in my eyes that's capable of putting others over (given his age and WWE's current youth movement, it's hard to see Henry capturing the WWE/Heavyweight title anytime soon.

As far as releases go, will there even be any? If they wanted to get rid of guys like JTG, Masters, or Primo, they would had done it months ago. The roster isn't also necessarily stacked.

He's been with the 'E' for years... definitely a company guy. If he ever tires from "wrestling", he'll do something else for them.

If he does win the World Title, it would only be for a month, if that... and it would be to push someone over, or as a thank you for your loyal service type of thing.
JTG He has nothing to offer without Shad as a partner.
Primo not marketable poor mic skills and nobody cares about him
Hornswoggle he doesn't work without Finlay around
Kane nobody buys him as being a monster anymore
Theodore Long as Smackdown GM has really over stayed if wwe wants him as a manager then keep him otherwise let me go.
Rosa Mendes no ring skills
1. Heath Slater - He's peaked, and that's still not saying too much.

2. Chris Masters - Unless he's someone that helps backstage, which I'm not aware of, then he should just be let go. He's not going to go anywhere higher on the ladder and it isn't as though he's someone drawing in money.

3. Tyler Reks - He shows up and wrestles a few matches, then isn't seen for like 2 years, comes back, wrestles a few matches, and then he's back on Superstars. Pointless. They clearly aren't too serious about his push and if it's taken them this amount of time for him to get nowhere, just release him. Shit or get off the toilet.

4. Trent Barreta - To be fair, I actually kind of like Trent, and I'd keep him if they weren't releasing a ton of names, but I wouldn't be surprised if he goes and I wouldn't be devastated either.

5. Primo - If Carlito couldn't make it, how can Primo?

6. Curt Hawkins - Nuff said.

7. Yoshi Tatsu - He isn't going anywhere.

8. Michael Tarver - Nuff said.

9. Titus O'Neil - Can't stand him.

10. Hornswoggle - ........

11. Jacob Novak - I don't think he has a real future.

12. Lucky Cannon - ^

13. Johnny Curtis - ^

14. Darren Young - ^

15. Rosa Mendes - Granted, she's very attractive, but she's not holding her own in terms of the ring skills or anything so they can afford to drop her.

16. JTG - No real future above the midcard status he's at right now.
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