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WWE releases wrestlers... which would be suited for TNA?


Controversy Creates Cash
So I saw the update on WZ about WWE releasing some talent. This post is mainly about these:

-Shelton Benjamin

-Kung Fu Naki

-Jimmy Wang Yang

-Slam Master J

Mickie and Katie will not be mentioned again, no offense to either of them

Do you think any of these talents could or would make it in TNA? Let's break it apart!

Shelton Benjamin- even thought he never did much in WWE, at least recently, he's still a big name considering. He's an incredible athelete AND his mentor is currently in TNA, Angle. Could we see a renewed WGTT? BUT he is also lazy and hates actually making efforts in the ring. Hurt or help???

Kung Fu Naki- This man is incredibly funny, AND a decent wrestler. WWE dropped a huge ball with him. If hornswaggle can win a title, this man should have had a world title run lol. I could see a very good run in TNA, how about you guys???

Jimmy Wang Yang- See KFN. I could see a great stable between the two, or even a feud based on Jimmy being redneck and not loyal to the kung fu tradition. Thoughts on him crossing the line???

Slam Master J- .... enough said. Honestly the WWE didn't bother enough with him for me to make a decent profiling. Jesse was stale to begin with and overshadowed by Festus and I only saw SMJ once and was tired of him. overly ******ed Slim Shadys were overdone in 2000. I say hurt, unless he has untapped potential of a grand scale that TNA can utilize.

overall thoughts: bring Benjamin, Yang, and Naki in, and mayhap give Slammy a trail run like they did with the nasties.

And in case any one mistook my Mickie remark as a hated statement, I meant it as understood that she should run to TNA asap, she's a great wrestler and deserves better than Piggy James EVERY week. When a company keeps people like Kelly Kelly the cheerleading elbow drop specialist:banghead:, or Vickie Guerrero and release REAL talent, the ENTIRE roster needs to keep eyes out on better places. Money isn't every thing.
Already posted about Mickie and Bejamin...

Other than those two, I would sign Yang and Jesse...

Yang should definitely return to the X Division... He may be getting a little older (not sure of his age) but he can still go... It would be nice to see him drop the red neck gimmick and just be Jimmy Yang again...

As for Jesse, I always saw talent in him... He almost reminds me of an Owen Hart in the ring and I think with a more realistic gimmick he could really be a star...

Funaki was a good comedy wrestler and a decent jobber in his day, but I really think TNA could do without him... Unless it was just a few appearences or something like that...
I saw the threads about Mickie and Benjamin, I just wanted to post one on all the male talents. I all ways did see a bit of Owen in Jesse too, I think it was the tights lol. You must not have seen much of Kaentai. Funaki used to wrestle with Taka Michinoku and they were actually very good considering the size difference between them and the rest of the talent. Against people his size, Funaki, at least used to be, a great wrestler. Can't imagine the amount of rust on his boots considering how WWE has used him
I prey to God that Benjamin does not go to TNA. The guy will be just another Booker T, and he doesn't deserve that.

I hope Benjamin goes back to the indy scene, with like ROH or NWA Anarchy. I mean, Benjamin was one in a million in WWE and in ROH, he would put on 5 star matches every night.

As for the others, I could care less about them. They weren't that big of a surprise. Especially Mickie's seeing as she was talking about leaving for a music career anyways.
There are a few things that surprised me about these releases. First Shelton Benjamin... God WWE wasted someone who literally could have had the potential to take HBK's place if given the right time and effort. Everyone else I don't really care about.. My biggest surprise is who is NOT on the release list that I thought woulda went before any of those names.. And that is Matt Hardy. I wish WWE will just cut the crap. Stop trying to make us think you might do something with this guy.. And let him go.. Get him out so you don't distract us with him anymore. let TNA have him. So that Matt, Jeff, And Moore can help bring the X division to an even higher level. Plus with Benjamin in that equation.. Im not gonna lie.. If they higher Benjamin.. I will actually watch TNA just to see if they do what WWE should have done with him.
Booker T is an idiot. Benjamin won't act like a fool. If it's not TNA then what does the guy do?. He will go with Haas and they will be a great tag team again

TNA is releasing guys as well. Their roster is way to large. all the released wrestlers will have to ait 3 months no?

Funaki and J are done. Jimmy Wang Yang has some skills for the X division

Did Knox make the cut just till after Friday since he is on TV?:lol: Not sure how he is still there. They also may aswell remove Hawkins from the website already and Finley I imagine will just work in the back for good now or put him with Hornswoggle again already and stop the Horny stupid skits.
Unless Benjamin is brought in purely as an X Division guy and TNA gets more TV time, they don't need anyone else.

Has anyone looked at their roster? Its way too big for all of the TV time that they have! Can we please stop creating a thread everytime someone gets released from WWE and wonder when they'll join TNA? At least until Xplosion comes back on normal TV?
So I saw the update on WZ about WWE releasing some talent. This post is mainly about these:

-Shelton Benjamin

-Kung Fu Naki

-Jimmy Wang Yang

-Slam Master J

Mickie and Katie will not be mentioned again, no offense to either of them

Do you think any of these talents could or would make it in TNA? Let's break it apart!

Shelton Benjamin- even thought he never did much in WWE, at least recently, he's still a big name considering. He's an incredible athelete AND his mentor is currently in TNA, Angle. Could we see a renewed WGTT? BUT he is also lazy and hates actually making efforts in the ring. Hurt or help???

Kung Fu Naki- This man is incredibly funny, AND a decent wrestler. WWE dropped a huge ball with him. If hornswaggle can win a title, this man should have had a world title run lol. I could see a very good run in TNA, how about you guys???

Jimmy Wang Yang- See KFN. I could see a great stable between the two, or even a feud based on Jimmy being redneck and not loyal to the kung fu tradition. Thoughts on him crossing the line???

Slam Master J- .... enough said. Honestly the WWE didn't bother enough with him for me to make a decent profiling. Jesse was stale to begin with and overshadowed by Festus and I only saw SMJ once and was tired of him. overly ******ed Slim Shadys were overdone in 2000. I say hurt, unless he has untapped potential of a grand scale that TNA can utilize.

overall thoughts: bring Benjamin, Yang, and Naki in, and mayhap give Slammy a trail run like they did with the nasties.

And in case any one mistook my Mickie remark as a hated statement, I meant it as understood that she should run to TNA asap, she's a great wrestler and deserves better than Piggy James EVERY week. When a company keeps people like Kelly Kelly the cheerleading elbow drop specialist:banghead:, or Vickie Guerrero and release REAL talent, the ENTIRE roster needs to keep eyes out on better places. Money isn't every thing.

If you remember, Kung Fu Naki did actually win the cruiserweight title at Armageddon 2004, and lost it at No Way Out 2005.
Unless Benjamin is brought in purely as an X Division guy and TNA gets more TV time, they don't need anyone else.

Has anyone looked at their roster? Its way too big for all of the TV time that they have! Can we please stop creating a thread everytime someone gets released from WWE and wonder when they'll join TNA? At least until Xplosion comes back on normal TV?

What do you mean stop creating threads about this, wtf man? This is what threads were made for. Groups of people with similar interests to discuss the future of said interest. If you'd rather go to the WWE forums and babble about how great Cena is with his monkey arms, box head, and 5 moves then goodbye, I don't think any of us would miss you too much.

As for Benjamin going to ROH or the indies, bad move every time. He'll lose star power, as if he still had any. At least on TNA he could still get camera time and put on matches with people that the general audience knows. Benjamin vs Joe would be decent. Benjamin vs Angle would be phenomenal. I can't see any wrestler WANTING to leave the big names for the indies. Even RVD couldn't do it forever. TNA is the second biggest ringname, when #1 drops you, you try for #2. Not leapfrog to the bottom of the ladder
If you remember, Kung Fu Naki did actually win the cruiserweight title at Armageddon 2004, and lost it at No Way Out 2005.

yeah but hornswaggle also won the cruiserweight title so that belt holds NO mention anymore lol. He was much bigger as a tag team. And both of them were huge names in japan. I could see Funaki being managed by Hamada, or the other way around. Funaki is great on the mic. Not good great, more like Ric Flair, Ult Warrior, etc great
let's see, WWE so far this year released:
Shane Helms, Paul Burchill, Charlie Hass, Mickie James, Katie Lea Burchill, Shelton Benjamin, Funaki, Yang, Jesse...

Shane Helms is a lock, Jeff and Shannon will surely bring him in, and well, i'd mark the fuck out for a 3 Count reunion, but then they need missing variable Evan Karagias.
Paul and Katie Lea could be great as new members of the British Invasion, or either do the angle that WWE was afraid to do.
Hass and Shelton, if they go to TNA, they should debut the day Angle returns and reform the Angle Alliance, i'd love it as a strong heel group.
Mickie... i mean Alexis Laree, she needs to get in shape again and return as Raven's flunkie, remember The Gathering? that was a great faction.
i'd love to see Yang back in TNA, maybe reforming the Jung Dragons if Hayashi were in TNA, and well, the X Division needs more Japan/Mex guys that can do both high flying nd tell a story in the match and less indie flippers
(take note, fire Kendrick and Gen Me)
Funaki, well, WWE fucked him up, he's a jobber since Kaientai broke up and now he's 40 and with not much accolades, i think e lost all chances, it's a shame because he's talented.
and Jesse, well ,as a lot of postwers said, he's got a lot of Owen Hart, i'd really like to see him in TNA, he's a talented guy and could play a good midcard heel.
So to add to my list, Knox was apparently just released. Any thoughts on him in TNA? Any reasonable alliances or feuds? I was thinking....um....shit he better go to the indies lol. Maybe a feud with Joe? I'm sure Joe could make him look semi decent and they're both known to destroy people. Knox just doesn't have the skill to compete in a fast paced ring like in TNA
AND pretty much confirmed by Wang that he wants in TNA. Quoted from him, "Three strikes and your out...I hear Florida is a nice place to visit."

I don't think he's talking about working as Goofy at Disney lol
i cant see katie lea in tna it would have been perfect if awesome kong was still in tna can u imagine the rivalry they could have had i mean it could have been amazing
Jesus hop off Benjamin's dick. He had a million chances, blew em all. Don't blame the bookers, don't blame Vince, and don't blame Michael Hayes possible racism. Shelton was boring. Yeah, he fell off stuff and leapt high. Wooptie doo. He hasn't been interesting since Team Angle, and only cuz Angle carried him.
-Shelton Benjamin: You know Shelton will be coming in with Haas, it'll be great... its true, its damn true.

-Kung Fu Naki: Not gonna say he wasn't great in the days of Velocity but he should be no where near TNA

-Jimmy Wang Yang: Remember him as Akio? If TNA does take him it'd be an insult to stick him with that redneck gimmick all over again. It wasn't going anywhere from day one. GREAT talent however.

-Slam Master J: No...
To the people who say they should wait til Xplosion is back on TV it already is in Australia, it is on every Saturday, it shows all the dark matches and highlights from impact :)
Personally TNA shouldn't bring in any of them. None of the would do anything for the business so TNA has no reason to bring them in. Out of the list Benjamin is probably the only one. I could see him having a bit of success in the X Division but the boring bastard would fuck that up. If Haas is to join I would love for them to reform the World's Greatest Tag Team which I thought was the only time Benjamin was any good. They would make a great addition to TNA's already good tag division.

Jimmy Wang Yang already believes he is heading to TNA according to his Twitter. It could just be a ploy and let's hope it is. He has already been in TNA and it was shit so I don't see why this time would be any different.

The one person I would love to see in TNA is Mike Knox. He is very talented for a guy his size and could be a very dominant heel. He has the size and crazy look to be a maniac in TNA. I could see him having a good run in TNA and I for one would love see him there.
The first thing I thought about when I heard of the releases was TNA.

Do you guys honestly think that TNA needs MORE wrestlers????

Shelton Benjamin will probably get picked up and be in a major Title run within weeks of joining the company, which happens all too often. Mickie James will join and win the Knockouts Title immediately, which again, happens all too often. Jimmy Yang Wang = X Division contention.

Out of all that have been fired, the only one TNA can do something ORIGINAL with is Jesse aka Slam Master J aka Terry Gordy Jr. I don't know how good he is because he never really had an opportunity to showcase what he can or can't do, but I think he's an opportunity TNA needs to show that they do more than just pick up the scraps left by the WWE.

I know, me wanting Jesse in TNA out of the pack of wrestlers released sounds stupid, but really, I think that's smarter than hiring anyone else. TNA needs more original home-grown talent, and less WWE leftovers.
I see both Mickie and Benjamin being fantastic additions to the TNA roster both because they are great talents, and because they already have a TNA following. Mickie got her "major league" start in TNA, and anyone who loves TNA has an appreciation for the WWE wrestlers that are awesome, and that includes Mr. Benjamin. That's why so many TNA fans popped like crazy when Angle showed up, and why they'd pop like crazy if Jericho were to jump ship like it sounds like he wants to.

I agree with the above poster that throwing the straps on Benjamin and Mickie as soon as they walked through the doors would be a HUGE mistake (I hope the RVD championship run is transitional for a TNA long termer like Joe or Styles or even Abyss). But tell me that Benjamin v Styles, or Benjamin v Joe wouldn't have you wetting your pants with the awesome.

And a long feud between Mickie and Tara? Or Mickie/Tara vs. the Beautiful People? Hooray for the return of women's wrestling!
anyone who loves TNA has an appreciation for the WWE wrestlers that are awesome, and that includes Mr. Benjamin. That's why so many TNA fans popped like crazy when Angle showed up, and why they'd pop like crazy if Jericho were to jump ship like it sounds like he wants to.

Please don't compare Benjamin to Angle. The reason Angle got such a great reception was because for years leading up to him joining TNA he was one of the main talents on Smackdown, Benjamin was his buddy for a while, went to Raw, had some good matches with HHH, then... yeh. Angle is/was a recognised talent that had done it all in WWE, Benjamin isn't comparable.
Oh yeh and Jericho is well known for just saying shit for the sake of it, don't read too much into it.

To be honest, I see this whole situation differently. Despite a few 'good old boys' on the go, TNA seems to be building up some steam with the younger guys that they have, and it seems that maybe the wrestlers who were released need TNA more than TNA needs them. Although people griped about Hogan bringing in his buddies for sentimental reasons, there've been a few posts about 'remember when Yang was in TNA before?' 'imagine a 3 count reunion' etc, TNA needs to move beyond being a place for sentimentality and create it's own legacy. Each time they stop momentum to bring in new wrestlers, the storylines change and a lot of us are left thinking, what happened to so and so's push?

Despite TokiRKO's grown up reply to Baximus' point on the first page, Baximus is right, unless TNA get their roster in order and get more of their stars on TV, then they shouldn't be constantly raiding the WWE scrapheap.
The one thing TNA needs to do before even thinking of signing any of these wrestlers is to release at les 10 to 20 guys from their own rosters. Let'S face it, TNA as way too many wrestlers on their roster right now and hiring more former WWE talents leave even less place for TNA talents which means that TNA will be look at more as a WWE refugee camp then a different wrestling company.

Having said that, if i look at the list of guys and girls that just got release, a couple of name just pops up that might work well for TNA. So let'S look at them one by one in order of importance.

Mickie James: Sure right now the knockout division is in the toilet but signing somebody like Mickie James would probably help the division look like it use to be when Gail Kim And Awesome Kong were there but would she want to go to TNA or would she rather concentrate on her signing career.

Shelton Benjamin: Again Great talent, really bad on the mic but great athletic guy, probably one of the best wrestler in the industry. But again would he get over with the TNA fan? let's face it, Shelton as been giving chance after chance of getting himself over with the crowd in the WWE and for some reason nobody outside of the IWC cared enough to support the guy but he'S friend with Kurt so i would be very surprise if he's not brought in with Charlie Haas.

Jimmy Wang Yang: the only problem i see with him is his drug problem he seem to have. From what i got from the message he left on twitter, it seem that he got release because of a wellness program violation. Either way, i do see Jimmy go back to TNA and it would fit very well with the X-division, i just hope that he can get his left back in order before going to TNA.

Katie LEa Burchill: She pretty was wasted in the WWE, just look at some of the amazing matches she had with Beth Phoenix in OVW and you'll see what i mean. She would be a great addition to the knockout division and could even start teaming with Daffney and start a great feud with The beautiful People

Slam MAster J: Not really that talented, probably got his job in the WWE because of who is father was. Never got over when he was teaming up with Festus and even less when he turn into Slam master J. I Stil Remember his debut match on Smackdown as Slam Master J and you could actually hear the ref talking during the match because of how silent the crowd was. So would i see him in TNA, not really, i think i would be a waste of space on the roster and would serve any purpose at all.

Kung Fu Naki: I really thought this guy would get and office job with the WWE but i guess i'm wrong. I don't think that he would work in TNA because it'S been so long since he's been on t.v that i'm not sure if the fans would even remember him.

Mike Knox: Another case of who cares about this guys. Here a big guy that used his beard has a gimmick and he didn't get over. The one thing that kill him was the fact that he wasn'T able to get himself over plus the fact that he didn'T take care of himself physicly. Would he fit TNA, i'm not sure really maybe yes, maybe no. If i was Dixie Carter i wouldn'T take the chance because if he doesn'T work out then you just wasted money on an overweight big guy that can get over.

So in the end, Out of this 7 wrestlers only 4 of them would be good for TNA but that doesn'T mean that because they would be suited for TNA that they will go or that TNA isn't just going to try to sign all 7 of them to a contract.

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