WWE rejects and AJ Styles yeah I said it

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Occasional Pre-Show
All you hear from TNA fans (myself included) is they push WWE rejects they have been main eventing to long. This will be very unpopular but throw AJ Styles in this category as well. Everyone loves to say give AJ the title when this dude has been a main player for TNA since the first pay per eview. He is just as stale if not more so than the so called WWE rejects. At least someone like Matt Morgan is new to the TNA scene. I know someone here will come in with but AJ is different. No he's not AJ is old TNA news just like the WWE rejects are old wrestling news.
You can't just declare someone stale because they've been around for a few years. I mean, I'd just about meet you halfway here and say that I agree with you on AJ being a little stale, but not because of how long he's been with the company. He's getting a little stale because they just aren't doing anything with him lately.
I really don't think the people who throw around the term "WWE Rejects" know what "Rejects" really means. Anyways, AJ has all the talent in the world but he isn't charismatic as these "WWE Rejects"...I have never seen him cut an entertaining promo unlike Scott Stiener, Booker T, Sting, Kurt Angle.

True hurts and the true is AJ needs alot of work before you can throw him into the mix as a Poster Boy for an entire company and just because he was with the company from day one doesn't mean anything. If Hornswoggle was the first wrestler in WWE, I still wouldn't like him or have any respect for him.
You can't just declare someone stale because they've been around for a few years

Ya but when people start saying Triple H is stale its ok?...UM HELLOOOO people only started saying hes stale what? 1-2 MAYBE 3 years ago? How is this different? What because Triple H is always Champ who cares, thats just a wrongly made comment.
Ya but when people start saying Triple H is stale its ok?...UM HELLOOOO people only started saying hes stale what? 1-2 MAYBE 3 years ago? How is this different? What because Triple H is always Champ who cares, thats just a wrongly made comment.

You're absolutely right, Trips is stale too, but again, nothing to do with how long he's been with the company. It's all just a matter of usage.

An example of what I'm talking about would be Undertaker. He'd been doing that silly biker thing for way too long and it got to the point that, despite the fact that I'm a huge Taker fan, I couldn't stand the sight of the guy anymore. I was so sick of him I could puke. Then he went back to the Dead Man gimmick and I absolutely marked the fuck out. Same guy, still around since the dawn of time, but just a simple change like that and suddenly I love him again.

Same deal here. Styles and Trips are both stale, but a push for Styles and a little image tweaking for Trips and I'm right back to being their biggest fans again.
Ya but when people start saying Triple H is stale its ok?...UM HELLOOOO people only started saying hes stale what? 1-2 MAYBE 3 years ago? How is this different? What because Triple H is always Champ who cares, thats just a wrongly made comment.

Well, there are numerous differences between AJ Styles and Triple H. The most notable being that AJ isn't nearly as prominent, dominant or, uh, shit...iant.

You say that you're grouping AJ in with the WWE rejects. I could take you literally and say, "WTF!? AJ's not a WWE reject." But I won't.

However, you're incorrect. AJ is a very small piece of TNA's puzzle and has changed dramatically throughout his time in TNA. He started out as a moderately decent spot monkey and has come leaps and bounds from back then to become one of the best talents on the planet. I'll also agree with, um, that other guy and say that once they actually do something with him, then you can call him stale.
I like how he's talking about TNA only pushing WWE "rejects," but then tries to tell us that Matt Morgan would be different. I could be mistaken here, but wasn't he released from his WWE contract? Wouldn't that make him the epitome of a WWE "reject?"

So you criticize TNA for only pushing former WWE stars and your remedy is to...push a former WWE star....?

I'm also curious to know what his definition of a WWE "reject" is. Looking at the top stars, other than maybe Jeff Jarret, I'm having a hard time finding WWE stars who elected not to renew contracts with the WWE. Kinda hard to consider someone a WWE reject when they walked away on their own terms.

I dunno...just my take.
mammajammabobamma you need to re-read my original post. My point was we criticize TNA for push WWE rejects all the time but they have been pushing AJ Styles forever as well. My point was AJ is just as stale if not more so than the WWE rejects.
AJ Styles is stale not because he's been around for years, but because he has only thing going for him right now, his in-ring ability. He's not that great on the mic, but man he can work a match, however he is getting fairly stale, because he has been seemingly lost in the shuffle now in this mega war that's taking place in TNA right now, he is not stale because he has been around forever, that is a ridiculous statement to make.

Also Infamous Eric, you just don't understand what stale is then. HHH is stale not because he's been around well over a decade, he's been stale these past years because it's always the same with him, he hasn't made any upward, downward or even side to side movement. I could care less how many titles he got in the last few years, I just wish he'd change things up a bit.

As for the reject thing, the only one you could even come close to actually consider a WWE reject is Matt Morgan. So basically you're sick of these so called 'rejects' but yet, you want to push the only seemingly real reject from the WWE. Interesting. However I will give you the bonus of agreeing that I would love to see Matt Morgan pushed to the moon in TNA. I love the guy. Sorry though man, the rest of your comment and Infamous Eric's just didn't make any sense.
This whole Thread is to get a rise out of everyone. And good for you.

I personally think that WWE's about soap opera and TNA is about talent. Not saying that there is not talent in WWE but the talented ones are 2nd and big no moving monsters are ranked number 1. Lets look at who they push.

Big show (no talent at all)
HHH (love the dude but its been the same match for 15 years)
Mark Henry (See big show)
Cena (now he has talent but hate the gimick)
Kane (not bad for a big guy but just ok)
just to name a few

All of there talented wrestler are booked as second rate when Id rather watch them than the main events. (remember WcW luchidors, I could of cared who won but loved to watch every week)

Now taker probibly has the most talent for a big guy

Now take big guys in TNA

Joe. The fastest most talented big wrestler I think I have ever seen.
Abyss. Would smoke any big guy in wwe when compared to talent.
Morgan. Very talented fast and powerful.

And Im sorry but when anyone says. Who do you think the best in the business is? and I say hands down AJ.

All the people that wwe threw away TNA has developed MOST to really good talent. Cage, 3D, (excluding Angle, Booker, sting...The big names.)

Does anyone agree that TNA is turning the MEM into the same overdeveloped faction as the nWo? Im a huge nWo fan but once the faction grew beyond 8 people it went to shit. And ended up destroying WCW. I hope that doesn't happen to Tna.
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Im kinda tired of this term "WWE rejects". I look at the situation as a good thing - talented hard workers finally getting what they deserve - like Booker T and Matt Morgan - WWE has way too many stars that they HAVE to use - its hard to keep absolutely everyone happy. And you know what sometimes WWE really doesnt know what their doing and they come up with stupid gimmicks like a guy with a stuttering problem. I think TNA doesnt only look at their accomplishments with other companies but also how much work they want to put into a growing company. Kennedy - Lashley - Umaga even - all deserve a time in the spotlight - and I believe TNA will deliver.
I'm not a huge fan of AJ Styles, but the man is pretty good in the ring. While the whole two out of three match series with Matt Morgan has produced some good, solid matches, we all pretty much know how it's going to turn out. Styles will almost certainly win the 3rd match in the series, as MM certainly isn't ready to be in the main event in TNA yet, and will be back in the world title scene. Is the guy stale? I dunno if I'd say stale or not. He's good in the ring, but does he have that charismatic "IT" factor? Not for me, though there aren't all that many in TNA that do to be honest.

As to Triple H, yes the guy is a bit stale. I feel he's been in the world title scene far too long overall and I think he'd definitely benefit from a heel turn. "The Game" as a heel is ultimately what got him over after DX had run its course.
It is not a secret that TNA is turning into the new WCW. Yes they are using Ex-WWF/E wrestlers to try to get ratings. The problem is it is not working. Even AJ Styles himself started off in the WWE in a couple of Sunday Night Heat shows. The big problem is they have people who where some of the reasons why WCW is dead and gone. Just because someone gives shit a different name doesn't mean that its gonna have a different smell. Look at the people who are in TNA that WWE rejected.
Kurt Angle- Could not stop taking drugs. He made it seem that it was WWE's fault and was scared that Karen was going to leave him. What irony of what happened to him; she left him and he was in court for driving under the influence while in TNA.
Booker T- Was part of that infamous list years ago when WWE caught 10 wrestlers. He reject the fact that he was part of it.
Bobby Lashley- The reason why he left is because he pulled a Brock Lesnar. IMO hes better off in MMA. The only reason why he's there for extra money and gives him a more flexible schedule.
Scott Steiner- Don't get me started with him.
Mick Foley- He don't know when to let it go. Commentating was a nice fit for him, but it's too bad that he didn't think that way.

As far as the WWE, they are doing fine the way they are. Not one of the champions in the company is over 40 yrs old. If you hate how people get titles so much then you guys would've hated wrestling before the WWF days. Back when Bruno Samartino was champion for 8 yrs and Bob Backlund was champion for 5 yrs. Ric Flair was champion 16 times and was never criticized for it. You guys see now a champion, this generation, going for a year and you guys cry like little babies wanting their bottle. Triple H deserves everything he gets because he has done a whole lot for the company he works. Not just because he married the boss' daughter, but also he contributions that he has given outside the squared circle. John Cena is a person that I have so much respect for. Yes, he is not the best technical wrestler out there, but he gives so much to the company; this generation's Hulk Hogan. Big Show is the best big man out there today. If you have someone like Ric Flair say that he was better than Andre the Giant then kudos to Big Show. He's a great person as I met him once and gone so many years in WCW and WWE and not once been seriously injured? (Knock on wood) Of course that he not as nimble as Joe or Abyss. It's just because he is 7+ foot tall while the TNA guys are not. Mark Henry has been a versatile big man in the WWE. Joe is one of the best big man in TNA and Abyss is a good wrestler as well. It's just too bad that TNA is their company. I have given TNA so many chances I can't even count anymore. Unless they change the NWO storyline and push their younger talent and fire Vince Russo then I'll give it a chance.
It is not a secret that TNA is turning into the new WCW. Yes they are using Ex-WWF/E wrestlers to try to get ratings. The problem is it is not working. Even AJ Styles himself started off in the WWE in a couple of Sunday Night Heat shows. The big problem is they have people who where some of the reasons why WCW is dead and gone. Just because someone gives shit a different name doesn't mean that its gonna have a different smell. Look at the people who are in TNA that WWE rejected.
Kurt Angle- Could not stop taking drugs. He made it seem that it was WWE's fault and was scared that Karen was going to leave him. What irony of what happened to him; she left him and he was in court for driving under the influence while in TNA.
Booker T- Was part of that infamous list years ago when WWE caught 10 wrestlers. He reject the fact that he was part of it.
Bobby Lashley- The reason why he left is because he pulled a Brock Lesnar. IMO hes better off in MMA. The only reason why he's there for extra money and gives him a more flexible schedule.
Scott Steiner- Don't get me started with him.
Mick Foley- He don't know when to let it go. Commentating was a nice fit for him, but it's too bad that he didn't think that way.

As far as the WWE, they are doing fine the way they are. Not one of the champions in the company is over 40 yrs old. If you hate how people get titles so much then you guys would've hated wrestling before the WWF days. Back when Bruno Samartino was champion for 8 yrs and Bob Backlund was champion for 5 yrs. Ric Flair was champion 16 times and was never criticized for it. You guys see now a champion, this generation, going for a year and you guys cry like little babies wanting their bottle. Triple H deserves everything he gets because he has done a whole lot for the company he works. Not just because he married the boss' daughter, but also he contributions that he has given outside the squared circle. John Cena is a person that I have so much respect for. Yes, he is not the best technical wrestler out there, but he gives so much to the company; this generation's Hulk Hogan. Big Show is the best big man out there today. If you have someone like Ric Flair say that he was better than Andre the Giant then kudos to Big Show. He's a great person as I met him once and gone so many years in WCW and WWE and not once been seriously injured? (Knock on wood) Of course that he not as nimble as Joe or Abyss. It's just because he is 7+ foot tall while the TNA guys are not. Mark Henry has been a versatile big man in the WWE. Joe is one of the best big man in TNA and Abyss is a good wrestler as well. It's just too bad that TNA is their company. I have given TNA so many chances I can't even count anymore. Unless they change the NWO storyline and push their younger talent and fire Vince Russo then I'll give it a chance.

Wow there is so much nonsensical psychobabble bullshit here I don't even know where to start. This was a thread about AJ Styles being stale not about your love for Cena and big men in the WWE. I think you are looking way too much into the fact that TNA has "WWE Rejects". So what? WWE hired a ton of "WCW and ECW Rejects" in 1999 and beyond when Austin and The Rock went their separate ways.

Not one of the champions in WWE is over forty years old? I'm sure Jericho and Big Show are close to 40 along with Triple H, HBK, and Undertaker. I'm sure Batista would be champ if he wasn't injured and he is 40. What the hell does Bruno Sammartino or Flair being champion decades ago have to do with today or this post? Back then it was popular in the NWA days for a champion to be selected and to hold the title for years at a time. Things have changed, do you honestly want to see Triple H be champ for a year or even 5 to 8 years? Insane. I'm a fan of longer title reigns of up to 6 months but not a year or 5 years. That was a different time, you act like you've seen Lou Thesz wrestle himself.:lmao:

I'm sure Flair has been criticized for being a 16 time world champion. Nothing against Flair but who needs that many world titles to be a good wrestler? You flip flop back and forth saying that Big Show and Mark Henry are the best big men, but Abyss and Joe are more nimble. Make up your damn mind. Also, Big Show is the best because he is 7 foot tall and TNA guys aren't? Since when did being 7 foot tall mean anything? who gives a damn how tall they are as long as they can wrestle. Which Show and Khali can't do. I do think Matt Morgan is 7 ft tall and ten times more talented then those two.

I think I just lost 2 IQ points typing up this idiotic post. If you don't like TNA don't watch it. Stop dissecting every little thing about the show. TNA is not perfect and neither is WWE. At least it gives you alternatives. As far as AJ Styles and TNA being stale, I believe that TNA is starting to move in the right direction as far as pushing new talent. AJ has only been the company 7 years and hasn't been a world champ for years. He may be stale on the mic but he's nowhere near stale in the ring.

AJ, Morgan, Joe, and even Hernandez will go far in TNA. Along with such other talent as Beer Money, World Elite, MCMG, and Lethal Consequences. Not to mention the incredible Knockouts Division, that gets better and better. I'm sorry but I will sit through 10 Nash and Foley matches as long as I can see the incredible X Division and Knockouts. Along with the awesome tag division and upper midcarders. I watch TNA for wrestling which is fresh, and maybe Raw to see celebrities make asses out of themselves.
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First of all, what do you mean by WWE reject? If you mean someone who was rejected by the WWE because they weren't good enough then Matt Morgan would fit that category. Sure he looks great right now in TNA, but there had to be some reason why he didn't make it in the WWE. Sure he has a great look and is a big body, but just because he's something different it doesn't mean he's better than AJ Styles.

AJ is by far the best thing in TNA right now. None of his matches suck, not even his ones with Nash and Douglas, and he is one of the only people in TNA who has to ability to do great things in the ring. I don't see how you could call him "stale" either. The last time he held the world title was the NWA Title. Even though he is a TNA original and one of the best in the company he hasn't ever held the TNA World Heavyweight Title. If anything we aren't seeing enough of AJ Styles.

You can't just throw someone luck AJ in with guys like Steiner, Sting. or Nash who have been wrestling for years and aren't anywhere near great in the ring anymore. AJ is something much different and much better than those guys.
dare call shawn micheals stale because of his years in the wwe, aj wouldnt not be stale as a champion, theyve been using him in so many different places, he hasnt even been world champ since 2005, no way in hell is he stale
All you hear from TNA fans (myself included) is they push WWE rejects they have been main eventing to long. This will be very unpopular but throw AJ Styles in this category as well. Everyone loves to say give AJ the title when this dude has been a main player for TNA since the first pay per eview. He is just as stale if not more so than the so called WWE rejects. At least someone like Matt Morgan is new to the TNA scene. I know someone here will come in with but AJ is different. No he's not AJ is old TNA news just like the WWE rejects are old wrestling news.

So you're telling me AJ Styles is now part of the WWE Rejects faction? Hmmm.... Breaking News: AJ Styles joined the WWE Rejects. Well he isn't a reject simply because only a tryout match on WWE Jakked doesn't cut it so he's not qualified to join the faction.

AJ is cool but after being with TNA after all of this time I really wonder when his time will come. 7 years ain't long enough? I can't ever see him become a top TNA talent but when you hear TNA, one of the first names you think of is AJ Styles simply because he is one of the only stars in TNA that is only known for being a star in TNA. But to be honest you don't always need to be a world champion in order to get noticed or to become a future legend. Look at guys like Piper, Henning, Rick Rude, etc. To this day they are very well known among all WWE fans as some of the greatest in WWE history although they never captured the WWE title. That is how AJ Styles is/will be to TNA.
Wow there is so much nonsensical psychobabble bullshit here I don't even know where to start. This was a thread about AJ Styles being stale not about your love for Cena and big men in the WWE. I think you are looking way too much into the fact that TNA has "WWE Rejects". So what? WWE hired a ton of "WCW and ECW Rejects" in 1999 and beyond when Austin and The Rock went their separate ways. Not one of the champions in WWE is over forty years old? I'm sure Jericho and Big Show are close to 40 along with Triple H, HBK, and Undertaker. I'm sure Batista would be champ if he wasn't injured and he is 40. What the hell does Bruno Sammartino or Flair being champion decades ago have to do with today or this post? Back then it was popular in the NWA days for a champion to be selected and to hold the title for years at a time. Things have changed, do you honestly want to see Triple H be champ for a year or even 5 to 8 years? Insane. I'm a fan of longer title reigns of up to 6 months but not a year or 5 years. That was a different time, you act like you've seen Lou Thesz wrestle himself.:lmao:
I'm sure Flair has been criticized for being a 16 time world champion. Nothing against Flair but who needs that many world titles to be a good wrestler? You flip flop back and forth saying that Big Show and Mark Henry are the best big men, but Abyss and Joe are more nimble. Make up your damn mind. Also, Big Show is the best because he is 7 foot tall and TNA guys aren't? Since when did being 7 foot tall mean anything? who gives a damn how tall they are as long as they can wrestle. Which Show and Khali can't do. I do think Matt Morgan is 7 ft tall and ten times more talented then those two. I think I just lost 2 IQ points typing up this idiotic post. If you don't like TNA don't watch it. Stop dissecting every little thing about the show. TNA is not perfect and neither is WWE. At least it gives you alternatives. As far as AJ Styles and TNA being stale, I believe that TNA is starting to move in the right direction as far as pushing new talent. AJ has only been the company 7 years and hasn't been a world champ for years. He may be stale on the mic but he's nowhere near stale in the ring. AJ, Morgan, Joe, and even Hernandez will go far in TNA. Along with such other talent as Beer Money, World Elite, MCMG, and Lethal Consequences. Not to mention the incredible Knockouts Division, that gets better and better. I'm sorry but I will sit through 10 Nash and Foley matches as long as I can see the incredible X Division and Knockouts. Along with the awesome tag division and upper midcarders. I watch TNA for wrestling which is fresh, and maybe Raw to see celebrities make asses out of themselves.

Do me a favor and get your TNA loyalist head out of your ass. One thing I didn't say anything that I "love" John Cena I said I respected him. I also said that he's not the greatest wrestler out there. Another thing I was responding to another comment made on there so trying to compensate that no one in this fucking world likes you doesn't make you important.

Look at all the ages of the current champions. I said about the current champions you numnut. I know about the ages of Triple H and etc. The most important thing is none of the current champs are 40 and over. About the Bruno Samartino, its called a comparison of generations. It's because of them that hulk hogan wrestled and the rock and everyone else that are in the ring today. No I am not old enough to see them wrestle but yes they are the blueprint of what wrestling is today. I never said that Mark Henry was the best big man, I said he was versatile. You have to read correctly of what people write. Maybe you should go back to school and learn something for once. About the whole Joe and Abyss thing, not like you I don't pick sides because you think only one side is better. All four, Henry Show Joe and Abyss, are good. Yes there are things in TNA that are good but their management sucks. Listen smarty, I never criticized the other wrestlers on my reply so stop putting words in my mouth. Unless you like putting things in guys mouths. I said if the elements that killed WCW are taken off then the show will be better than what it was and I will start watching it more.

Next time you read someone's comment be real careful of what you say back because you will make an ass out of yourself. Yet, it's too late because you are a TNA loyalist that can't get your head out of your ass.
Ok Mr. Red Rep, who doesn't know how to use spell check or proper grammar. This isn't fourth grade, it's a wrestling forum. No one in this world likes me?? I beg to differ. I will still be on this forum, while you are banned for insulting people and making an ass out of yourself. I do read correctly what people write, but I can't read your gibberish.

Not even the military or college could of prepared me for the nonsense you write in your posts. Get your mind out of the gutter, the only thing that comes out of my mouth is common sense. I'm making an ass out of myself because I am posting my opinion... again this is a wrestling forum. Read the rules, and post your opinion about the topic. Not the wrestling world in general. Oh and I have my head up my ass because I am loyal to TNA? so what? I enjoy both TNA and WWE. I'll talk good and bad about both companies.

It's just a wrestling forum, if someone doesn't have the same opinions as you, you don't have to call them gay or a big stupid doo doo head. Those are just examples, not words I'm putting into your mouth.
It is not a secret that TNA is turning into the new WCW. Yes they are using Ex-WWF/E wrestlers to try to get ratings. The problem is it is not working. Even AJ Styles himself started off in the WWE in a couple of Sunday Night Heat shows. The big problem is they have people who where some of the reasons why WCW is dead and gone. Just because someone gives shit a different name doesn't mean that its gonna have a different smell. Look at the people who are in TNA that WWE rejected.
Kurt Angle- Could not stop taking drugs. He made it seem that it was WWE's fault and was scared that Karen was going to leave him. What irony of what happened to him; she left him and he was in court for driving under the influence while in TNA.
Booker T- Was part of that infamous list years ago when WWE caught 10 wrestlers. He reject the fact that he was part of it.
Bobby Lashley- The reason why he left is because he pulled a Brock Lesnar. IMO hes better off in MMA. The only reason why he's there for extra money and gives him a more flexible schedule.
Scott Steiner- Don't get me started with him.
Mick Foley- He don't know when to let it go. Commentating was a nice fit for him, but it's too bad that he didn't think that way.

WWE Rejected? Your way off, my friend.

Booker T - Left because he didn't like that WWE treated him as a midcard after being drafted to RAW and the whole King Booker gimmick. He wanted to make a difference and TNA was his choice.

Bobby Lashley - Left due to racist comments made by SmackDown's head writer against him and his girlfriend, Kristal Marshall. Vince tried to kiss his ass for him to stay but It didn't work.

Mick Foley - Didn't like how Vince treated him when he was a commentating. Didn't bother resigning.

I love how everyone says the Ex-WWE guys don't bring in ratings when TNA would never be where it is right now if they didn't. WCW is dead and gone because of the shitty people backstage that killed it, Booker, Sting and the rest did nothing but help WCW.

Fact is if you removed all of the Ex-WWE/WCW guys TNA would fall flat on it's face. Then you would have another bunch of smart asses talking about how TNA was failure but these are the same people who wanted them to be gone in the first place.

Some people may not see it but TNA knows what they are doing by keeping those guys within the company. Right now they are doing a good job of putting over Matt Morgan and Hernandez which is their job at this point. So when they all finally retire, TNA would have their own set of newer stars which would bring in the same amount of ratings as the Veterans
Who wants an exciting wrestling in AJ Styles when we can have a hosstacular wrestler in Matt Morgan, whom you failed to mention is a WWE Reject.
i wouldn`t call tna wrestlers rejects.they are great men(mostly) who were just fed up with vince.and Angle is a olympic gold medalist.i never really liked him much,but i respect him and don`t call him a reject.

AJ Styles was in wwe, went againts Hurricane
Samoa Joe was in wwe,vs essa rios
Chris Daniels was a part of the conquiostadores segment when he and his partner faced edge and christian
I love how everyone says the Ex-WWE guys don't bring in ratings when TNA would never be where it is right now if they didn't. WCW is dead and gone because of the shitty people backstage that killed it, Booker, Sting and the rest did nothing but help WCW.

Fact is if you removed all of the Ex-WWE/WCW guys TNA would fall flat on it's face. Then you would have another bunch of smart asses talking about how TNA was failure but these are the same people who wanted them to be gone in the first place.

lol you do realize you just made TNA look extremely weak. TNA sucks and you just agreed. You said without wwe stars they'll fall flat on their face which shows that TNA cannot make their own superstars, they need the wwe's ex superstars, which proves that the wwe is superior.
Ok Mr. Red Rep, who doesn't know how to use spell check or proper grammar. This isn't fourth grade, it's a wrestling forum. No one in this world likes me?? I beg to differ. I will still be on this forum, while you are banned for insulting people and making an ass out of yourself. I do read correctly what people write, but I can't read your gibberish.

Not even the military or college could of prepared me for the nonsense you write in your posts. Get your mind out of the gutter, the only thing that comes out of my mouth is common sense. I'm making an ass out of myself because I am posting my opinion... again this is a wrestling forum. Read the rules, and post your opinion about the topic. Not the wrestling world in general. Oh and I have my head up my ass because I am loyal to TNA? so what? I enjoy both TNA and WWE. I'll talk good and bad about both companies.

It's just a wrestling forum, if someone doesn't have the same opinions as you, you don't have to call them gay or a big stupid doo doo head. Those are just examples, not words I'm putting into your mouth.

For one thing, I did not misspell anything on my past posts, so basically your argument for questioning my grammar is completely idiotic. If it wasn’t for you in the first place I wouldn’t be discussing this shit with you. Plus, are we in a grammar school class for you to criticize anyone’s grammar? Is that the only thing in your head that pops up when it comes to trying to offend someone?
You say that that I scolded your because I ‘bashed’ your opinions. In the beginning it was actually you that tried to bash me for my opinions; can you say hypocritical? “So what? I enjoy both TNA and WWE.“ Wait. What was it that you said in your previous post? ”I watch TNA for wrestling which is fresh, and maybe Raw to see celebrities make asses out of themselves.” You can’t really save yourself on that one because those were your words. Then another hypocritical thing you said on a previous post; “You flip flop back and forth saying that Big Show and Mark Henry are the best big men, but Abyss and Joe are more nimble. Make up your damn mind.” So let me get this right. You have all right to like both WWE and TNA and other people like me can’t?
In my primary post I never criticized the TNA originals I only did so to the Ex-WWE wrestlers. I mostly criticized the management because you can hear it from the crowd sometimes the beautiful chant of “Fire Russo.” Yes, I can critique some aspects about TNA because they are my opinions; remember what you said about “terms and rules” of saying opinions.
The main reason I received Red Rep was because I was trying to defend Owen Hart because people were leaving dissatisfying remarks about him in a post on the anniversary of his death and defending Canadian fans when WWE comes to their arenas.
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