WWE really missed it with Wyatt

WWE likely scripts a lot of the nonsense he says. I wish they wouldn't. Let him shine, he's a better promo guy than the world champion Rollins, that's not an insult.

Actually I don't think they do script a lot of his stuff. They probably approve it, but I think he himself said on a radio show, a lot of it is out of his own head, that's why sometimes it sounds the same. Plus you can't tell me that creative would do such a good job on his promo's and at the same time do such an atrocious job on his booking.
You guys really need to learn the difference between a GIMMICK being over and the actual wrestler being over. Bray Wyatt is not over. The gimmick of turning the lights out and using your cell phone is over. Bray Wyatt is probably the worst in ring performer on the main roster, he's a decent promo, but he's so full of his own rambling nonsense that no one is listening, and he's been booked against the top guys in the company for over a year and a half now.

Cena, Daniel Bryan, Jericho, Undertaker, etc. Sorry, that's not creative's fault, that's the wrestler's fault.

He's just an average wrestler, given the easiest road ever with his Wyatt family gimmick, and he's squandering it. I have no interest in listening to him ramble anymore about being a face of fear when all he can do is that stupid spider walk.

The gimmick was over. Wyatt was in a top 5 match of the year at RR 2014 with Daniel Bryan. Then after that feud came to an abrupt end (Bryan being elevated), Wyatt moves on to work Cena. We have a month of Wyatt having a sing along, including the children's choir, with the crowd. How is that not over? After finishing his fantastic feud with Cena, he moves on to a Jericho feud that was mismanaged and poorly written. Then for no explained reason, he was fed to Cena and beaten clean relatively quickly.

Wyatt's booking post-Battleground 2014 has been nothing short of awful. For his gimmick to work, he needs to be feared. Why should a rational audience be fearful of a man that is being booked like a 1980's mid-card heel? Even then he isn't being fed jobbers to keep his status of being dangerous. Hard to get behind a guy that now (and has post-Jericho feud for the most part) spends the end of every match on his back looking at the rafters.
Legitimately cant believe people in this thread stating Bray should be fired or has an inability to get over. That's hilarious. He was (still is...other than Ambrose) the most universally OVER guy on the roster and he was doing it as a heel. The dynamic was great until they botched it heavily be having him lose basically every feud he's ever been in.

They gave him one massive win over Bryan at Rumble 14' right before Bryan became champ. Then back to the scrap heep bury pile. Look at the lights, and awed reaction he gets from crowds with ever promo...even the video ones. His in-ring work leaves a lot to be desired but if Bray was given some meaningful feuds and wings he would catch like wild fire. Especially if they stuck with the cult angle. Lesser opponents that he crushed would resurface next week as part of the family. Instant grand slam.
The dynamic was great until they botched it heavily be having him lose basically every feud he's ever been in.

I am sorry, losing? Wyatt basicly won almost every feud to the point it was almost ridiculous. He(along with Wyatt Family) bested The Shield(3 guys that are booked then as most dominant force in WWE ever and now 3 big maineventers) in like 3:2(or was it 4:3 cant remember correctly) and in fashion that he wins at RAW(major event) and Shield wins at Superstars(minor event), won against Danyel Bryan clean(at the moments whole crowd booed Batista out of building just because Bryan wasnt at Rumble match), won against Jericho(eventhought he lost first match which is fine in booking sense because Jericho even loses against Fandango so it gave some credibility to Jericho before Wyatt beated him) and won against Ambrose(in whole series of matches I legitimitly remember just one match that Ambrose won). Then at Royal Rumber he eliminates big number of competitors including Danyel Bryan.

Basicly, only feuds that he lost is Cena and Undertaker at Wrestlemania. So yes, he lost just from face of WWE and guy who probably wouldnt won against him if it wasnt Wrestlemania. Boo- hoo, Wyatt is such a loser. :lmao:

He is sometimes used in dreadfull fashion, but please, all WWE did for him was that he was booked strong eversince he debuted(after Husky Harris gimick offcourse).
While he has been booked very inconstantly the last few months I don't think they should throw in the towel on Bray. Say what you want but he's over. Look at his entrance. He's the best active wrestler on the mic besides maybe Cena, that's debatable. The match with Undertaker didn't do for him what people probably thought it would but working with Taker at WM is a big deal streak or no streak. If you are working with Taker at WM Vince sees something in you. While it's taking longer than it probably should I think eventually Wyatt will be the top star he should be.
That is the issue I had with Bray facing Undertaker. There was no way the WWE was going to bring back The Undertaker and make him lose his second straight Mania match. Losing to Taker at Mania killed all the good things that he had going for him. He spoke about being the New Face of Fear, Taker comes out and beats him clean. That is the second time its happened to him. The other time he lost a last man standing match. Sooner or later you lose credibility with the audience. That isn't his fault.
That is the issue I had with Bray facing Undertaker. There was no way the WWE was going to bring back The Undertaker and make him lose his second straight Mania match. Losing to Taker at Mania killed all the good things that he had going for him. He spoke about being the New Face of Fear, Taker comes out and beats him clean. That is the second time its happened to him. The other time he lost a last man standing match. Sooner or later you lose credibility with the audience. That isn't his fault.

Bray Wyatt has had so many opportunities to make himself into a star, and he consistently fails. Wyatt's supporters continue to turn a blind eye to the fact that he's feuded with Kane, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Undertaker, etc...all top names in the business, and he couldn't make magic with any of them. When that many top guys fail to make something special with one guy, the common denominator is obviously at fault.
Bray Wyatt has had so many opportunities to make himself into a star, and he consistently fails. Wyatt's supporters continue to turn a blind eye to the fact that he's feuded with Kane, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Undertaker, etc...all top names in the business, and he couldn't make magic with any of them. When that many top guys fail to make something special with one guy, the common denominator is obviously at fault.

Rey Mysterio, Edge, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio, C.M. Punk, Chris Jericho, John Cena... all top names. What do they have in common? They've all feuded with the guy you consistently preach as the Jesus Christ of wrestling. The same guy who hasn't been able to climb out of the mid-card since his debut.

So I guess if you actually believe in the idiotic statement you just made above, that would mean Dolph Ziggler sucks just as much as Bray Wyatt, no?

I don't want to make this ANOTHER Dolph Ziggler thread so I'll stop with this comment, but go ahead and use your ass-backwards knowledge to tell me the difference between the two... I'll be getting the popcorn ready.
In my opinion some of you are off the mark thinking that bray is not over whether it's him or his gimmick he's over.
The one thing I'd like to know though is do any of you think the possible angle mentioned would've made sense and given him the direction he has been missing.
Thank you all for your comments, input and opinions.
You're discounting the fact that todays fan is smarter then ever. We all know Kane and Jericho job to everyone. We all know that his feud with The Undertaker (a feud he carried all by himself by the way) wasn't going to be a lasting thing. So that leaves his feud with Cena (which was turned into a cliche 'good triumphs over evil' storyline) and his feud with Daniel Bryan (which was ignored so Bryan could be moved to the main event).

And what was the point behind breaking up The Wyatt Family?
In all, I feel WWE is using Bray Wyatt in correct fashion. While many folks who posted in this topic seem to feel Bray should be a top star (or be future endeavored), I think everyone is better off if they use him in more flexible fashion, as they've been doing. He's booked as a dangerous, unpredictable opponent who can feud with essentially anyone.....heel or face.

As a heel team with Rowan & Harper, Bray wound up tangling with another heel team for a short while: The Shield. Remember? You can never tell who Bray will go after, which is part of his appeal.

His flexibility extends to his WM31 match-up with Undertaker. There was no discernible reason for them to meet, since 'Taker never showed up to tell us there was......and Bray was left to promote the conflict by himself.....and he did it.

Yes, he needs more 'successes' in his career; as he enjoyed in the feud with Dean Ambrose, which benefited both men.....which was the idea of the whole thing.

I think he's fine the way he is. Even the aspect I didn't care for.....his 'weird' promos.....are getting easier to understand as he speaks less of undecipherable concepts and sticks more with things we understand, like: "Run!"
Rey Mysterio, Edge, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio, C.M. Punk, Chris Jericho, John Cena... all top names. What do they have in common? They've all feuded with the guy you consistently preach as the Jesus Christ of wrestling. The same guy who hasn't been able to climb out of the mid-card since his debut.

So I guess if you actually believe in the idiotic statement you just made above, that would mean Dolph Ziggler sucks just as much as Bray Wyatt, no?

I don't want to make this ANOTHER Dolph Ziggler thread so I'll stop with this comment, but go ahead and use your ass-backwards knowledge to tell me the difference between the two... I'll be getting the popcorn ready.

The difference is that Dolph Ziggler DID make magic in his feuds. Putting on the best match on the card is magic, which Ziggler did in almost every one of those feuds. Bray Wyatt can't do that. Most of the time he can't even put on a decent match. Vince won't allow Ziggler to be a consistent headliner, but he got there. He's held every title there is and has been World Heavyweight Champion. Bray Wyatt can't make magic with his opponents, Dolph Ziggler nearly always does. That's the difference.
The difference is that Dolph Ziggler DID make magic in his feuds. Putting on the best match on the card is magic, which Ziggler did in almost every one of those feuds. Bray Wyatt can't do that. Most of the time he can't even put on a decent match. Vince won't allow Ziggler to be a consistent headliner, but he got there. He's held every title there is and has been World Heavyweight Champion. Bray Wyatt can't make magic with his opponents, Dolph Ziggler nearly always does. That's the difference.

It's too bad that his storylines and promos were all pretty terrible. While Bray often hasn't 'made magic' either, he's been in some great- or at least good- matches with Daniel Bryan, Ambrose and had one with Jericho. If you didn't like them, that's fine, but most people enjoyed them- ignoring the stupid finishes in some of the Ambrose matches.

On Bray Wyatt, I have to admit that the bit with Reigns' daughter is pretty creepy and gives him something new to exploit. I just hope that Bray doesn't allow this to become...redundant, like everything else he says and does. I'm sure he can do something more than just show a picture and not just sing 'I'm a little tea cup'.

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