WWE really missed it with Wyatt


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Go back to reigns vs wyatt for the mitb spot. The bump with kane cost wyatt that match. They could've used that too make his gimmick and direction make sense. Tie in the promo Harper/Rowan cut about someone paying for their sins.
Fast forward to last night. Have the same scenario happen with wyatt but have kane on the ladder about to win. Have wyatt climb the ladder and take the brief case and walk out with it.
Tonight start with the explanation of why he did it. And why he stole their precious little brief case. Restart the mitb match on raw(first ever) with wyatt in it and you can still have shemus win after all the kaos if they wanted. Harper and Rowan come and assist wyatt once the authority is involved. Start a wyatt family/authority angle and make him relevant.
What do you think? This is just my opinion. He wouldn't have to be in the title picture since Rollins/lesner is suppose to happen. They could even help lesner when all the members of the authority attack lesner during their match and help clear the ring so lesner could win against Rollins. Have them destroy j&j write them off and add two or three new people.
They put wyatt with reigns now and you know wyatt won't win that fued. It makes absolutely no sense for wyatt although it adds to the slow build for reigns.they could've finally gave the man against the machine the desired face turn with heel mentality and a purpose.
Am I the only one that thinks they missed out on a sensible angle?
They have missed opportunity after opportunity after opportunity with Bray - they call him the new face of fear but he's done absolutely nothing to instill fear into the hearts of the roster or the fan base - he's a cult leader but yet is cultless - it takes a simple bump from Kane to incapacitate the Eater of Worlds enough to get beaten by the "Samoan Superman" - I could go on & on but this isn't the first time they have dropped the ball nor will it be the last, I've gotten kind of immune to it myself
People who are not involved with that match can't take the briefcase, that scenario came up with Lesnar, and now Wyatt.. Why can't the people involved in the damn match win it like Sheamus did last night?.. If Wyatt walked out with the briefcase Sheamus wouldn't have, and WWE clearly has bigger plans with Sheamus going forward.
Bray always seems to be the guy left out when the booking team gets together. He really needs to start destroying wrestlers if he wants to be known as the new face of fear.
Bray always seems to be the guy left out when the booking team gets together. He really needs to start destroying wrestlers if he wants to be known as the new face of fear.

The boat has sailed on the "new face of fear" and he missed it. He started calling himself that before Mania, and hasn't scared one person in months. As for destroying people, well yea, he missed the boat on that as well. Wyatt needs a repackage or a pink slip.
Bray to me is an excellent worker but as far as scaring people that ship sailed a long time ago.. It seems the writers just really could never get anything really seriously rolling with this guy,as he is quite talented..

The new face of fear yah not so much.. This cult thing he had going had a very short shelf life going in,it looks like it has expired.. Bray needs to be repackaged like Navi has suggested! I dont think a pink slip is in order just yet but repackaged yes
They have missed opportunity after opportunity after opportunity with Bray - they call him the new face of fear but he's done absolutely nothing to instill fear into the hearts of the roster or the fan base - he's a cult leader but yet is cultless - it takes a simple bump from Kane to incapacitate the Eater of Worlds enough to get beaten by the "Samoan Superman" - I could go on & on but this isn't the first time they have dropped the ball nor will it be the last, I've gotten kind of immune to it myself

It's the other way around. Bray Wyatt has been GIVEN opportunity after opportunity, and HE screwed it up. Wyatt has proven time and time again that he simply doesn't have what it takes. He's a horrible wrestler, has zero sense of ring psychology, stole his gimmick from B movies about cannibalistic cults, and his mannerisms which are supposed to be creepy and scary just come off as goofy and cartoony. Wyatt is a joke and he's never going to be anything truly special.
I agree messiah about them having bigger plans for shemus. I only mentioned him taking it to have the match restarted on raw and even said he could still win but do it that way too further the story line I feel they missed out on. I think shemus won and will eventuallycash in cause Rollins isn't a creditable opponent for lesner and shemus it's more believable against lesner.he might even be their plan b already thinking lesner will beat Rollins when he comes back and hhh could use his buddy as the new face of the authority and their champion.
They need to figure something out with wyatt. Just wondering what do you guys think of the scenario I think they could've went with. Thanks for the responses as well.
Either you could say "Wyatt failed to avail himself of the oppurtunity". Yes, I'd say Wyatt himself failed in gaining the spotlight. He got meaningless feuds, meaningless matches. I expected awesome things from Wyatt but, my hopes were crushed. He failed to shoot the aim.

First off, I'd say "New Face Of Fear" can't work. No way. "Old" Face Of Fear worked because it was innovative and it came in an era where these things were acceptable. Long gone are the days when cartoon characters worked. Even if he has "New" in his name but, he used the old gimmick and it never works. See Ascension, Macho Mandow, Curtis Axel. How much did they work by using an old gimmick! WWE backed up Wyatt so, atleast he is bigger than the aforementioned guys lest Wyatt should also have been a jobber performing on Main Event and Superstars.

Sure, the guy can talk but, he is not much skilled in the ring. Yes, he is not a good ring worker. He needs repackaging. That's off the top of my head.
The wwe has given Bray Wyatt MANY more chances than any other superstar would get. His inability to get over is the problem.
There's no need to blame WWE on this one. Bray Wyatt simply can't get over with the fans, it's as simple as that.

How many times has this guy gotten a high-profile match/feud/spot, only to amount to nothing? Dean Ambrose was waaaay over with the crowd last year, then was seemingly buried in mid-card, then made his way back to main eventing for awhile. Wyatt can't even do that.

Honestly, Bray Wyatt is nothing more than an internet darling. I just don't see millions of non internet marks watching him saying, "gosh, WWE should push him, this guy is a future world champion." He's an internet-beloved guy who cuts the SAME STUPID PROMO time after time after time.

I have NEVER seen the appeal of this guy. He's a good wrestler who should be in the mid card and that's it. Problem is, he doesn't come out consistently on Raw -- it's almost as if they want him to be a "special attraction" of a "less is more" variety, but he doesn't have that appeal.

I hope he has a long and distinguished career (though, if he cuts that same stupid promo it does him no favors), but to hope he's a headliner is really just an internet dream.
The wwe has given Bray Wyatt MANY more chances than any other superstar would get. His inability to get over is the problem.

Another stupid statement in a thread chock full of stupid statements. He IS over. To even suggest otherwise is borderline ******ed.

I believe that the D-Grade writing team the WWE has just doesn't know what to do with a character as complex as Wyatt. That's not to suggest that he's even that complex a character but if you aren't a white meat baby face or a chickenshit cowardly heel, they have absolutely nothing for you.

He's a phenomenal promo. Whether you like his mic work or not, the fact is he is a great public speaker.

Lacking in-ring psychology? There's no way that anyone who actually knows what in-ring psychology is would ever say such a stupid thing about Bray Wyatt.

I really don't care to go any further unless someone on this forum has anything legitimate to say. You, Aquaman, and Navi have all proven to have a very limited understanding of professional wrestling so your opinions on anything couldn't matter less.
Another stupid statement in a thread chock full of stupid statements. He IS over. To even suggest otherwise is borderline ******ed.

I believe that the D-Grade writing team the WWE has just doesn't know what to do with a character as complex as Wyatt. That's not to suggest that he's even that complex a character but if you aren't a white meat baby face or a chickenshit cowardly heel, they have absolutely nothing for you.

He's a phenomenal promo. Whether you like his mic work or not, the fact is he is a great public speaker.

Lacking in-ring psychology? There's no way that anyone who actually knows what in-ring psychology is would ever say such a stupid thing about Bray Wyatt.

I really don't care to go any further unless someone on this forum has anything legitimate to say. You, Aquaman, and Navi have all proven to have a very limited understanding of professional wrestling so your opinions on anything couldn't matter less.

Finally, someone that's not a total hater of Wyatt! If the guy totally sucked then why has he been put in feuds with legends? Bray is not the type of character that needs to be on tv every week. He does not need to always be challenging for titles to be relevant. How many titles did Taker end up having? You can probably count easily on two hands. Wyatt is a character that the creative team hasn't had to work with since the 90's.
I don't think Bray should scrap the gimmick, but they need to adjust it. Either

- Reform the Family.
- Create a new family- which is what I'd prefer. A reunion would draw too much attention on the fact that all of their single pushes have failed.
- Turn face and feud with the Authority.

People keep saying that he's over with the crowds and that they might turn on Roman Reigns, but I've barely noticed any reaction since he returned with Ambrose. I'm tired of him saying the same shit over and over again. I'm tired of him being built up, only to consistently be cut off at the legs.

Oddly, I don't mind when this happens with Ambrose. Ambrose is supposed to be an underdog, but Bray is supposed to be a monster. I can no longer take him seriously as a singles competitor though and I'd rather he be more of a corrupter. But will he beat Roman Reigns? Hell no.

Prediction: To be built up as credible, he will probably face R-Truth at least once before Battleground.
You, Aquaman, and Navi have all proven to have a very limited understanding of professional wrestling so your opinions on anything couldn't matter less.

You don't have to be an expert on the world of professional wrestling in order or have an opinion on what you like and what you don't. Maybe I don't view this product the same way others do. Don't get involved in the in ring psychology and delve into the nitty gritty background of what's going on. To me wrestling is entertainment, and I never like to think too much about it. If I have to think about it then to me it's not entertaining.

Not going to speak for the other two guys. But just cause I'm not a so called 'wrasslin expert" don't mean I can't have an opinion. If my opinion is shit, hey that's fine, at least it's an honest one.
Go back to reigns vs wyatt for the mitb spot. The bump with kane cost wyatt that match. They could've used that too make his gimmick and direction make sense. Tie in the promo Harper/Rowan cut about someone paying for their sins.
Fast forward to last night. Have the same scenario happen with wyatt but have kane on the ladder about to win. Have wyatt climb the ladder and take the brief case and walk out with it.
Tonight start with the explanation of why he did it. And why he stole their precious little brief case. Restart the mitb match on raw(first ever) with wyatt in it and you can still have shemus win after all the kaos if they wanted. Harper and Rowan come and assist wyatt once the authority is involved. Start a wyatt family/authority angle and make him relevant.
What do you think? This is just my opinion. He wouldn't have to be in the title picture since Rollins/lesner is suppose to happen. They could even help lesner when all the members of the authority attack lesner during their match and help clear the ring so lesner could win against Rollins. Have them destroy j&j write them off and add two or three new people.
They put wyatt with reigns now and you know wyatt won't win that fued. It makes absolutely no sense for wyatt although it adds to the slow build for reigns.they could've finally gave the man against the machine the desired face turn with heel mentality and a purpose.
Am I the only one that thinks they missed out on a sensible angle?

I didn't think about that but that would have made more sense last year when they were trying to find a direction for him after losing to Cena at WM last year.
People who are not involved with that match can't take the briefcase, that scenario came up with Lesnar, and now Wyatt

True, yet it would be Bray's style to do it, anyway. Rules & laws don't apply to him and that's a big part of why he remains a fearful character even though he loses most of his important matches.

It seems unusual he's been chosen as the next stepping stone for Roman Reigns since he lost cleanly to Roman.....in Reigns third match of the evening. Now, we're supposed to believe he can beat Roman when the guy is fresh?

Well, yes.....it could happen because Bray has been set up as the "anything can happen" guy who is capable of total chaos, including the type the OP is talking about. I think putting him back together with Harper & Rowan is the best thing for Bray....and I don't know why the company was so determined to split them up in the first place. Still, titles and other accolades are unimportant to Bray; he's got his own agenda.

But having Bray walk out with the MITB belt even though he wouldn't win the event by doing so?

Right up his alley.
They have missed opportunity after opportunity after opportunity with Bray - they call him the new face of fear but he's done absolutely nothing to instill fear into the hearts of the roster or the fan base - he's a cult leader but yet is cultless - it takes a simple bump from Kane to incapacitate the Eater of Worlds enough to get beaten by the "Samoan Superman" - I could go on & on but this isn't the first time they have dropped the ball nor will it be the last, I've gotten kind of immune to it myself

Couldn't have said it better.

Bray Wyatt is like Raven without the clarity of purpose or the danger. He just spins riddles and attacks people when they're not looking. What's scary about that? Worse, he's a cult leader with no followers. Just bite the bullet and put the family back together. They've all been floundering separately.
How can anybody say that Wyatt is the problem here? His booking has been absolutely horrendous almost from his debut... I'd say he's been the talent that has been handled the worst by WWE Creative in the past 2 years.

He began his career by defeating Kane in an Inferno match and carrying him to the back. What should have led to a new addition to The Wyatt Family (and a legitimizing factor to a fresh new group) ended up leading to nothing. Kane returned and it was barely mentioned again. From there he entered a mini-feud with Kofi Kingston for some reason or other, which led to nothing. Than he moved on to Daniel Bryan which was handled horribly by the Creative team. In an effort to quell the rising tide of the "YES Movement", Bryan joined the Wyatt Family and it seemed as if Bray's gimmick was finally starting to make sense... not three weeks later, Bryan was face again and Bray took the brunt of the punishment ultimately looking like a failure and a fool.

On to John Cena. In this feud Wyatt took a loss at Mania, needed about 10 interference and a possessed child to win a cage match, took another loss in a LMS "rubber" match, and failed to unleash the "monster" inside John Cena. Despite all of that, his brilliant work in this feud kept him very over. THAN things begin to get bad. Despite being in a feud with Chris Jericho, Wyatt was chosen to be the one to get destroyed by John Cena twice in his build up to Lesnar ... and I mean DESTROYED. Bray's fault right? In the end, he ended up winning the Jericho feud in a cage match on some random Raw, which nobody remembers. Afterwards it seemed as if something big was in store for Wyatt. He set Rowan and Harper free and cost Dean Ambrose his match with Rollins at HIAC using a holograph... which was never mentioned again. In a feud that should have been booked as one of the top feuds of the year, they ended up fighting about 300 times on every Raw and Smackdown which watered the shit out of the program... Bray's fault right? THAN he goes on to carry a feud with the Undertaker (a Mania feud no less) literally all by himself and is rewarded with another loss, which is NEVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN. I'm sounding like a broken record, I know but on I go. Where does Wyatt's feud with Taker springboard him? Why, to a feud with Ryback of course. I mean, that's the obvious choice am I right?

Basically, in a long-winded sort of way, I'm saying the same thing as Nate. Creative has no clue how to book Bray Wyatt so they overlook him. Give the guy some real momentum for god sakes. Give him a title. Give him a new family. Give us a reason for his antics and monikers. Give his feuds some meaning. Give him SOMETHING.
There's no need to blame WWE on this one. Bray Wyatt simply can't get over with the fans, it's as simple as that.

How many times has this guy gotten a high-profile match/feud/spot, only to amount to nothing? Dean Ambrose was waaaay over with the crowd last year, then was seemingly buried in mid-card, then made his way back to main eventing for awhile. Wyatt can't even do that.

Honestly, Bray Wyatt is nothing more than an internet darling. I just don't see millions of non internet marks watching him saying, "gosh, WWE should push him, this guy is a future world champion." He's an internet-beloved guy who cuts the SAME STUPID PROMO time after time after time.

I have NEVER seen the appeal of this guy. He's a good wrestler who should be in the mid card and that's it. Problem is, he doesn't come out consistently on Raw -- it's almost as if they want him to be a "special attraction" of a "less is more" variety, but he doesn't have that appeal.

I hope he has a long and distinguished career (though, if he cuts that same stupid promo it does him no favors), but to hope he's a headliner is really just an internet dream.

But Wyatt, regardless of how Creative has 'dropped the ball on him' in recent times, is actually "Over" with the majority of crowds due to his character and the special entrance, creepy demeanour, etc.

His problems stem from Creative leaving him to feed on scraps most of the time, as his feuds generally seem random and a means of building a superstar rather than actually being used to interest the viewing public, other than his Cena and Taker feuds, at least.
I hope Creative continue from a good start to his feud with Roman going forward and really keep the fans interested in how it builds up but actually take care that it doesn't stretch out too much.

Ambrose-Wyatt should never have been a throwaway midcard feud at all. That was a huge pity, lMO, given both guys' characters...
I'm somewhat torn on whether or not the problem lies with Bray Wyatt himself, or if the problem can be pinned upon the creative geniuses in the WWE machine. But for me at this stage of the game, it's become somewhat irrelevant. The Bray Wyatt character isn't working for me. At all. He bores me to tears. Frankly, I turned RAW off last night and went to bed when he started in on another one of his rambling nonsensical promos which say absolutely nothing new. And I missed the return of Brock Lesnar because of it, damnit.

Bray Wyatt is the new face of fear, but he doesn't instill fear in anyone. He loses in almost every significant feud he becomes involved in, and I'm pretty certain he's going to fall short in the impending program with Roman Reigns as well. He's a cult leader, but he doesn't have any followers. He doesn't even have the followers he used to have, and he hasn't managed to draw anyone else in to his views. He hasn't said anything new in a promo since I don't know when. If you recorded his promo last night on RAW and blanked out Reigns's name, I wouldn't have been able to tell you if it was a promo from this summer or last fall, because he just keeps babbling the same incoherent rhetoric over and over again.

I haven't given up on Wyatt completely. But I do believe that he needs some damage control and fast. If he's going to be the new face of fear, cut him loose and let him be a fearful imposing character. If he is going to be a cult leader, give him an entourage, a group of blind devout followers (possibly even including a Sister Abigail). And for goodness sake, let him win a feud once in a while.

Some of this will have to come from Creative, having the faith in him to cut him loose. And some of it will have to come from Wyatt himself, proving himself worthy of such faith. Otherwise, he's just a bushy beard, a creepy walk, and a whole lot of same old same old incoherence. Which isn't working for me personally, and hasn't been for a long time now.
Are some of you guys drunk? Not over? He's extremely over. See the lights when he hits the ring? Yes, WWE encourages it with his lighting setup now, but that started organically. He gets pops, and crowds aren't dead during his promos, which as a objective observer, are delivered well.

WWE likely scripts a lot of the nonsense he says. I wish they wouldn't. Let him shine, he's a better promo guy than the world champion Rollins, that's not an insult.

You need to separate not liking a wrestler from that wrestler being over. A wrestler isn't over because you don't like them. You're one person. The majority are having an emotional reaction to the wrestler. That's called being over. I'm not a big fan of Daniel Bryan, that doesn't mean he's not over, it means he's not my favourite. I can barely stand Sheamus, that doesn't mean he's not over. He is over.

Wyatt has been around in his current character for two years. The biggest thing that hurts him more than losses is this awful start stop booking. The vanishing for a month before attacking someone has just been lame. It reeks of creative being unsure of what to do with him, possibly even afraid ironically.

The new face of fear is the fear of letting the guy have regular programs. His character doesn't make any sense going for midcard titles, similarly to the Undertaker. He could go for tag titles, but who's his partner? They just need to give him consistent feuds. They need to remember how to keep wrestlers looking good I matches despite losses. Let the wrestlers tell the story in the ring.

Speaking of teams, why doesn't the cult leader have a cult? A Wyatt faction indoctrinating and brainwashing could be interesting. Sort of a swamp rat version of Raven's flock. Harper and Rowan should return, treated as partners and equals. Bo Dallas, Heath Slater, Zack Ryder, Jack Swagger, and Mark Henry all aren't doing crap all. Bull Dempsey and Baron Corbin in developmental look like they ought to be part of a cult.

Give the cult leader some cultists. They can carry his story while creative hums and hahs over what to do with him for a month. Wyatt had been in WWE for two years and he's only 28 years old. He's younger than KO, Baron Corbin, Roman Reigns, and even Luke Harper. Dude needs some consistent booking. He doesn't need wins. He needs to look good in matches and threatening in his promos.

He isn't ruined because he's not world champ after two years. He's very well over and he's going to have a long career (health permitting). Can't say I love him, his height and weight will work against him, but he's pretty damn entertaining. Give him a break.
You guys really need to learn the difference between a GIMMICK being over and the actual wrestler being over. Bray Wyatt is not over. The gimmick of turning the lights out and using your cell phone is over. Bray Wyatt is probably the worst in ring performer on the main roster, he's a decent promo, but he's so full of his own rambling nonsense that no one is listening, and he's been booked against the top guys in the company for over a year and a half now.

Cena, Daniel Bryan, Jericho, Undertaker, etc. Sorry, that's not creative's fault, that's the wrestler's fault.

He's just an average wrestler, given the easiest road ever with his Wyatt family gimmick, and he's squandering it. I have no interest in listening to him ramble anymore about being a face of fear when all he can do is that stupid spider walk.
According to me, what they did wrong with Bray Wyatt is that he kept targeting guys that are at a higher level than him (guys like Dean Ambrose, John Cena, Undertaker, now Roman Reigns), and tries to make them embrace the hate, so to speak, and accept him as their messiah... and the result- he fails every time. Even if he wins the final match of the feud (versus Ambrose and Ryback), he doesn't do anything related to his original plan and simply moves on to his next target.

What he needs to do, is recruit (not necessarily forcefully convert) two unknowns like he did with Rowan and Harper, or two people whom we haven't seen much of, like The Ascension, if you will. He shouldn't take Rowan and Harper under his wing again because they have already done everything they could, they might have much to offer which we haven't seen already.

As for Bray Wyatt being over, I think he was totally sold on the fans till his feud against John Cena, but things started falling apart after that. I believe that many of us started giving up on him around the later part of last year. You may be excellent at advertising your abilities, but if you fail to get the job done each time, people will stop buying your act sooner or later.

Is turning on your mobile's screen during his entrance a fun thing to do? Yes.
Do you buy that he can convert Roman Reigns into his disciple? No.

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