WWE Raw LD Is With Dragon on 6/14

If it wasn't for Wade Barrett, those cool arm bands, and Michael Tarver's awesome bandanna this group wouldn't be very intimidating.

Christ did you hear those guys on the mic? Aside from Barrett they all tripped all over every other word.

Oh fuck...Daniel Bryan reference? What the fuck?

Okay. It's a work. A Massive, massive, massive elaborate work.

But....Mein Meltzer said it was legit.....
I'm dumbfounded right now. Why the hell would the WWE go through all of this trouble for this elaborate of a work to fool a small percentage of their audience?

I'm just lost right now. The dude was legit fired, but it's obvious he'll be coming back real soon now, most likely as a face to help out Cena is my guess.
Wade Barret would make a great union leader. And not the real kind, I'm talking about the Jimmy Hoffa kind, a great teamster.
I'm dumbfounded right now. Why the hell would the WWE go through all of this trouble for this elaborate of a work to fool a small percentage of their audience?

I'm just lost right now. The dude was legit fired, but it's obvious he'll be coming back real soon now, most likely as a face to help out Cena is my guess.
It doesn't matter why they went through such elaborate measures. All that matters is that He's going to return and as a face.
I'm dumbfounded right now. Why the hell would the WWE go through all of this trouble for this elaborate of a work to fool a small percentage of their audience?

I'm just lost right now. The dude was legit fired, but it's obvious he'll be coming back real soon now, most likely as a face to help out Cena is my guess.

I've said this a million times in the thread: why in the world would anyone use logic when trying to figure out Vince? It's just idiotic.
Ooooh, Barret cut off Hart? That takes BALLS. This whole thing is turning out beautifully!

Until Bret Hart fucked that up.

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