I don't know why, but since Edge turned heel again, I can not care less about him

He has lost his edge (pun only somewhat intended) since his heel turn. He lacks that sneaky cheater quality he had before he got hurt. He's become a little to confident in himself it seems. Edge is better when he knows he needs shortcuts, and admitting to himself (but only himself) that he is not the better technical wrestler, but the better cheater.
Assuming Orton wins this match where would this leave Edge and Jericho to do?

Evan Bourne? I wonder if Edge would be interested in putting him over.

As for Jericho... maybe manage Barrett, and help Nexus? It would be an interesting role reversal, and it would be great if Nexus eventually betrayed Jericho, which could turn him face. It's selfish of me, but I'd like to see Jericho face again, even if it's just for a little while.
I usually like triple threat matches. I just wish that every single one nowadays didn't use the exact same "heels beat up on face, then fight over who gets the pin" psychology.
He has lost his edge (pun only somewhat intended) since his heel turn. He lacks that sneaky cheater quality he had before he got hurt. He's become a little to confident in himself it seems. Edge is better when he knows he needs shortcuts, and admitting to himself (but only himself) that he is not the better technical wrestler, but the better cheater.

I disagree. I was a bit sick of the cowardly Edge that had to rely on Vickie and others to get by. It's actually refreshing to see him confident and relying on himself. Plus he still has some of that sneaky, opportunist quality. Though I agree that he's been a bit stale lately. He needs to be involved in something big or something.

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