I thought Sheamus was going wiggle out the ring but after Miz smashed his face into the briefcase I flew out of my seat in excitment.
To smarks, that was the equivalent of Vince making Bryan Danielson join the Kiss My Ass club. While Vince is taking a shit.
I love The Police man, probably my second or third favorite classic rock band, but he quoted Every Breath You Take! As Armbar said, Too many guys, too many guys! If I'm going to threaten someone, I'm not going to quote a love song, especially one of the most loviest, doviest one of all time.

Too much sex with Maryse isn't actually humanly possible... unless you're comparing it to too much sex with Eve.
Sure it was kind of gay, but we're talking about a huge white man with red hair and a guy who was on The Real World, I love them both, but if he's going to quote anyone about stalking, it might as well be a bit homoerotic.
Dude, this one is better than his Police promo. Mostly because he isn't quoting Every Breath You Take. Yeah, I'm sticking by my original statement, that bit was lame.
Sure it was kind of gay, but we're talking about a huge white man with red hair and a guy who was on The Real World, I love them both, but if he's going to quote anyone about stalking, it might as well be a bit homoerotic.

Wrestling is homoerotic without Every Breath You Take. He should have quoted something more masculine.

Also, for anyone who voted for Taker over Austin in the Wrestlezone Tourny, watch this. Austin won. That's right, he beat the Undertaker. Seems like we got it right, huh?
Señor Truth;2235294 said:
JoMoPT better stick around. Too funny to just make fun of JGlass and leave.

He's been posting dude. He's sticking around. You can't just jump in a Raw LD an leave, it's like a tractor beam. But what's with all the hate? Are my posts really THAT bad?
Ok, so here's a question, how the fuck did Austin and Taker never ME a WM together

Their matches had a high rate of suck. That SS was probably the biggest ever though so it worked fine.

14: Austin has to win the title and Taker had Kane.
15: Rock vs. Austin was more marketable
16: Both are hurt
17: Austin and Rock were the biggest stars in the world and it couldn't be anything else.
18: Austin is too far past his prime and Taker was just a bad heel.
Anyways, I'm done with this convo. JGlass, in the future, if you feel the need to make a negative post, take a deep breath and kindly proceed to listen to mmm bop by the immortal Hanson.

There, I toned down the hostility.

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