WWE + Punk - A Future Feud?

Da Truth

Pre-Show Stalwart
For months & months now we've been reading interviews where CM Punk has been trashing the Rock. His latest attack came in an interview with Espn's Jon Robinson. He basically talks about how snobbish the Rock has been acting by not simply interacting with anyone or at least saying hello. I have read articles earlier this year with him downing Rock's wrestling ability. I know some are legitimately not happy to see him back such as Orton. However, I've never heard of anyone during the Rock's whole career saying that he was snobbish outside of Punk; moreover, the Rock has always put others over in the ring, interviews, tweets, etc. This started me to thinking to myself, 'Idiot, this is wrestling'. This is just a work.
What I believe is, the plans about the Rock & Cena have changed. Their still gonna have their match at Wrestlemania, but they are thinking of the future. What if their thinking of Punk-Rock for Summer Slam. Follow me on this the Rock defeats Cena narrowly at Mania. Cena basically turns heel blaming the fans for his loss, and the Rock leaves into the sunset for now bragging about the win. Punk begins to say Rock's behavior about the win is classless, and Cena feels as if the Punk is throwing jabs at him for losing. Punk-Cena feuds til June ppv. Then the Rock comes back during this time to promote his movie; this leads Punk to come down to get in his face. Long story short instant feud that ties into those interviews. The mic work between these two would be incredible. Plus, I think Rock should be the hollywood heel like he was when he feuded with Hurricane, Austin, & Goldberg. I can see Ryder playing the Hurricane Role. I think Punk should win at Summer Slam to solidify him as the top face in the WWE for the new era.

Would you like to see this feud play out?
How would you book this rilvary?
Who do you think should go over in the feud?
Would you like to see Punk against face Rock or Hollywood Rock?
I would enjoy it but the build up would have to be at least a month. And even then who would cena feud with after the punk cena thing is over? Obviously punk should go over a face rock to solidify his wwe status. a match of this magnitude should only be face vs face imo.
I think people are looking too much into it if people think this is to set up a future match. This goes back to Punk's shoot were he also disowned Rock and that was before everyone went batshit crazy.

If it is or isn't a work, doesn't really matter. Love to see Punk vs Rock anyday.
Maybe it's a way to bring austin. To back his attitude era buddy seeing rock is busy with cena. Or maybe vince is considering the main event at wm to be a tag team match with cena and punk vs austin and rock.
I think the heat C.M Punk has on the Rock is a work for The Royal Rumble. I see WWEC. C.M Punk defending the title against Cena on that night. And who else to be the special guest referee for that match then THE ROCK! This way both opponents have an axe to grind with Rock and Rock with them making sure neither competitor will get any help from him. It will be a match the Rock can call right down the middle, but of course I see him screwing Cena out of winning the match. I believe it will be the 25th annual Royal Rumble, and since Rock isn't going to be in the Rumble match ( For what benefit, other than risking getting injured.IMO.) I think this would be the best place for him on the card. I think the Rock will definetly have something to do at this big PPV and on the road to Wreslemania. He`ll probably have some role at Elimination Chamber too. If Cena is there then I think the Rock will be there too. To, no less, get more PPV buys, and build on their feud, which has become rather lack luster lately. They need to heat this feud up and sooner rather than later.
Maybe it's a way to bring austin. To back his attitude era buddy seeing rock is busy with cena. Or maybe vince is considering the main event at wm to be a tag team match with cena and punk vs austin and rock.

i understand where you're coming from, but i don't like that idea at all. cena/punk as a tag team? the rock and austin could with their history, but i don't want to see punk tag with cena. i'm bothered by punk's changed "i'm a company guy again" attitude already.

plus vince wants rock and cena all by itself.
No. It's Punk running his mouth and nothing more. He gets these interviews because people eat this shit up and he loves the attention he gets from it.
I really dont think Punk's being honest when he talks about being snobbish. He's probably taking a jab at Rock because hes the other big thing going on in the WWE besides him. No one else has complained about Rock being disrespectful. Remember that pic The Rock tweeted when he was in the locker room, extremely early that day? It would be impossible for him to be in the locker room, dressed, hours before the show starts and keep to himself that entire time. Maybe hes not going to build a friendship with some people there but the fact that he was there just throws Punks "arrive, wrestle, go back into the limo" idea. So I believe its part work and part truth. I dont see Rock wrestling after Wrestlemania, but I think Punk might be hoping to get a match with him. As far as the rivalry you proposed, the Cena heel turn makes the entire thing unlikely.
Would you like to see this feud play out? - Yes, who wouldn't?

How would you book this rilvary? - Rock beats Cena at 'Mania. He boasts about his victory in interviews, Cena is a heel by then. The Rock comes back for some special appearance on Raw, then Punk interrupts and calls him a classless Hollywood snob (horrible example), which leads Punk to challenge Rock. He'll say anybody can beat Cena, but Punk is the best in the world, which prompts Rock to accept.

Who do you think should go over in the feud? - CM Punk.

Would you like to see Punk against face Rock or Hollywood Rock? - Hollywood Rock, no doubt. This would be the thing Punk needs to become a corner stone in the WWE. Unless his match at WrestleMania does it for him, whatever that may be.
At the next Raw he appears, The Rock should march on into Punks dressing room, hold out his hand and say 'Hi I am The Rock, pleased to meet you'.

An awkward moment. I wonder how Phil Brookes would feel if that happened?
Why does Cena need to turn heel to do a face vs. face Rock/Punk feud? I'm not getting that part.

Also, Rock will never be a heel again. Be happy that you got the Hollywood thing in 2003 because that will be the last time we ever see that type of behavior from him onscreen. The reason I say that is because 1. The fans want to cheer for him and will cheer him over anyone else, including Punk, and 2. He sells tickets, pay-per-views, and merchandise. Punk turning heel again would be disappointing and would likely lead to him going back to that spot where he's just below the top heel, so I don't want that either. It would have to be face vs. face again, but that's fine because that's becoming more and more common nowadays and fans are used to it. I would like to see it, although I don't think Rock will ever agree to work with Punk after some of the things he's said, and it's hard to blame him. If he did, then it should happen and Punk should go over, most definitely.
Honestly, I hope the Rock is gone after his match with Cena. I rather see Dolph Ziggler in the Wrestlemania main event.

I hope Cena beats the Rock. The Rock act is tired and old, go back to making garbage movies like the Tooth Fairy. :lmao:
CM Punk VS The Rock could be a great feud. The inevitable promo wars between them leading up to the match would be nothing short of amazing. I would book it as a Summerslam angle that begins right after Wrestlemania that lasts all summer. Much like Cena and The Rock, they would NOT face each other until Summerslam when all of the hype has built for months. I'd have them both be faces, Punk needs to remain an anti-hero face so he can become the top guy. The Rock will get cheered no matter what he does, so whether he is a face or a heel really doesn't matter. This feud would simply be promo after promo leading up to a great main event match at Summerslam. Who would win? Punk obviously, because this would be one of the biggest wins of his career and The Rock has nothing left to prove. I would absolutely want to see it happen. It's a great idea for a feud.

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