WWE pulling TNA footage...can they do that?

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WWE Has no legal right to do that. It's all about what are called "Video libraries"

WWE Owns the right to the video libraries they have bought...their own of course....wcw.....ecw.....and i believe they have AWA and a bunch of older ones too. They have PURCHASED these video libraries..that means they have all rights to them and can pretty much control their use.

TNA's video library belongs to TNA...any footage of their shows is their property and can be used at their discretion.

WWE can not and i repeat....CAN NOT remove footage from youtube that they do not own....if it wasn't something TNA posted then TNA could have it removed but that's about it.

The only thing WWE could argue is like someone said...if they SAID "christian" the WWE might be able to dispute that but that's still flimsy. AND with that said...they still couldn't remove the footage. They could sue over copyright infringement revolving around the selected footage and search a monetary settlement or request censorship of said video.....but they still could not request to have the footage removed from anywhere as it is not footage they own.

(to quote Monty Brown)
this is crazy and I hope TNA finds out about it and takes action, thats like a ABC pulling episodes off youtube of Friends, because Courtney Cox works for them now.
This is clearly either some bullshit Wrestlezone story or there's something we don't know about here. No, there is no legal right that I can imagine that would allow WWE to request YouTube to remove video of another companys. Christian as a character is not Christian Cage. TNA owns all footage rights to wrestlers while contracted to TNA. This story HAS to be downright incorrect. If someone finds out the truth here, please post the details.
as i said earlier, it is bullshit. it was posted by nick paglino on WZ for crying out loud, he is the gossip queen of wrestling....with not one ounce of desire to check a single fact on it. derrick rose (whoever that is) sent it in and that was good enough for nick.
Put simply, the WWE is a multi-million pound industry. That small video of Punk does nothing for Youtube. Even if WWE are in the wrong, why would Youtube say no to the WWE's legal team and risk legal action over 1 video which isn't going to affect their turnover or reputation?
Check the sources on this one. That is absolutely illegal and I highly doubt WWE is taking down TNA footage for that reason. Any and all archives and footage showcasing an under-contract talent is under the ownership of that company even long after the talent is gone. It's called a RELEASE FORM and it protects the company from stuff like this. Again, this seems like fanboy speculation or a misunderstanding. It's literally impossible for WWE to do that.
"Thanks to Derrick Rose for sending this in: Apparently, WWE is pulling footage of TNA broadcasts that feature current and ex-WWE wrestlers from YouTube. In one instance, WWE has pulled YouTube footage of Christian at TNA's Victory Road PPV from last year now that Christian has re-signed with WWE."

first, who the hell is derrick rose and how does he know why the vids were removed? this is just more wrestlezone crap where they take any info from anyone and throw it out there as a story.
wwe cannot pull any tna footage off youtube, so the story is bullshit. also the article was put up by nick paglino, the freakin queen of posting gossipy BS as news...like when he reported Black Reign was wrestling in FCW while on shaky ground with TNA but it was another wrestler named black rain instead. change the name and it is a non story, a simple visit to the FCW site would have prevented the embarrassment. its called fact checking. or like a few days ago when he reported "ozzy's black label society" guitarist was playing at BFG in tna. hmm, why was that posted? because ozzy is hosting raw in a few weeks so why not stir up some shit? ozzy has nothing to do with BLS but Nick threw it out there anyway. never trust nick paglino. did he contact youtube? did he contact wwe or tna or christian? nope. just a little message from derrick rose who used alot of generalization but could only name one video taken down?? great reporting.

Spot on here, some random guy sends in an email saying apparently this is happening and WZ posts it as news. Sorry but this seems a pile of crap, the only reason I could think they'd do it is if it was a segment where Christian bashed WWE.

All in all I think it's a pile of crap.
TNA and WWE are linked in some way. I think that WWE is trying to help get TNA big. Think about it old school WWE would pay a hell of a lot more to make sure that stars like Mick Foley or Kurt Angle didn't go to a different company.
It's wrong, but it's probably one of those things that isn't illegal... yet.

TNA or others could possibly try to bring a lawsuit against them, but it probably wouldn't be worth their time and money or until some other company stops them. This doesn't seem like an issue that would hold any legal ground and the WWE would probably back off as soon as they're challenged; it's a petty move on the WWE's part and it wouldn't serve them to spend money just for the right to retroactively claim copyright to the image of their current superstars. Not to mention is violates anti-Ex Post Facto laws.
I agree with others in that this story has "Bullshit" written all over it. As long as he is referred to as "Christian Cage" and are actually showing TNA footage, then WWE can't do a damn thing.

However, if the posters of the videos are referring to his matches under the description of the match as simply "Christian", that might be a different story. WWE may claim that they have that name copywrited and that nobody is allowed to use it.

But if TNA or anyone else posted a video and described the video as "Christian Cage vs Wrestler X", then WWE can't do a damn thing about it. They don't have the rights to the footage, or the name Christian Cage.
Does anyone else agree in how this shows how petty WWE is/can be? Lol my goodness you damn babies. But yeah I think they can if it has the WWE owned "Christian" but not Christian Cage name.
love the irony in this.. seeing as anyone who watched the top 100 thing for the 10years of Smackdown.. Angle was part of a good 10-20 of them not like TNA is telling them they cant sell that because angle is with them now..

but as others have said you don't really know if this is why its being pulled either way its silly.. but until you have the real reason causing rumors is just ignorant
I agree with others in that this story has "Bullshit" written all over it. As long as he is referred to as "Christian Cage" and are actually showing TNA footage, then WWE can't do a damn thing.

However, if the posters of the videos are referring to his matches under the description of the match as simply "Christian", that might be a different story. WWE may claim that they have that name copywrited and that nobody is allowed to use it.

But if TNA or anyone else posted a video and described the video as "Christian Cage vs Wrestler X", then WWE can't do a damn thing about it. They don't have the rights to the footage, or the name Christian Cage.

I guess the more I read peoples toughts on this matter, the more I think most of them cant actually read.

Heres the original news on Wrestleview (yes, I was the one who reported the issue, and the site was wrestleview)

WWE gets TNA clip pulled off YouTube
» Reported by Adam Martin of WrestleView.com
» On Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 3:39 PM EST


Ravel sent us word that WWE is now getting videos deleted from YouTube involving former TNA star and current WWE star Christian back when he was in TNA as Christian Cage. YouTube user TheBadGuyScottHall stated WWE deleted footage from TNA's Victory Road PPV last year featuring Christian and was given a strike for it.

TheBadGuyScottHall, was the one who got his videos deleted. He still has some of them up and going, but the last part of the match was deleted.

Its a ppv match, so no problem there, it would be fair if it was... TNA!
But it was really the WWE who deleted the video.

You want proof?
The guy did it.


Saw it?

Now the funny thing.

I've been a youtube user for the past 3-4 years. I always uploaded wrestling videos. I had some WCW, ECW, and WWE videos. But I was always careful. I had only matches that were aired on tv (I never uploaded PPV matches, or DVD matches).

Just 2 straight days after I reported that WWE deleted videos from TNA, off of Thebadguyscotthall's page, the WWE decided to hit me back and deleted at least 10 videos of mine. Among wich... they issued a copyright on a TNA music video I had made, with TNA footage only from 2008 to early 2009.

My account (ravelicious) was closed. I am using the account Ravelicon, as of now.

As you see, its not bullshit, its a real case of either incompetence on the part of WWE's internet department, or a case of abuse of power. And it wouldnt be the first time wwe showed both of them at the same time.

I am not a user of wrestlezone, so if you want to address me any questions, please do it, either via pm, or via msn : [email protected], via email, or via youtube (ravelicon)
"Thanks to Derrick Rose for sending this in: Apparently, WWE is pulling footage of TNA broadcasts that feature current and ex-WWE wrestlers from YouTube. In one instance, WWE has pulled YouTube footage of Christian at TNA's Victory Road PPV from last year now that Christian has re-signed with WWE."

first, who the hell is derrick rose and how does he know why the vids were removed? this is just more wrestlezone crap where they take any info from anyone and throw it out there as a story.
wwe cannot pull any tna footage off youtube, so the story is bullshit. also the article was put up by nick paglino, the freakin queen of posting gossipy BS as news...like when he reported Black Reign was wrestling in FCW while on shaky ground with TNA but it was another wrestler named black rain instead. change the name and it is a non story, a simple visit to the FCW site would have prevented the embarrassment. its called fact checking. or like a few days ago when he reported "ozzy's black label society" guitarist was playing at BFG in tna. hmm, why was that posted? because ozzy is hosting raw in a few weeks so why not stir up some shit? ozzy has nothing to do with BLS but Nick threw it out there anyway. never trust nick paglino. did he contact youtube? did he contact wwe or tna or christian? nope. just a little message from derrick rose who used alot of generalization but could only name one video taken down?? great reporting.

Derick Rose is someone who clearly only copypasted the news. I was the one who gave the report to wrestleview. I was also surprised to see MY NEWS, broken into other sites without either my name, or adam martin's from wrestleview.
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