The first half of your post is just the same hating on WWE that is constant on this site by IWC haters. Just the same old boring arguments about not being able to watch wrestling unless it is "edgy".
Secondly, you say that "the wrestling business should be a product for adults". Who says? If so, then you can't have followed wrestling a long time, because, pre-Attitude, WWE always catered to kids.
What about "Hulkamania"? That catered to children, who would wear red and yellow headbands and shirts like they wear green or red shirts and caps today. There was more kiddie content back then. You had toys, ice-cream bars (yes, they existed before C.M. Punk opened his mouth), and even a cartoon. Hulk Hogan preached about "saying your prayers, and eating your vitamins" (which would, in today's society, be considered offensive to the non-religious, and be promoting drug use, and then the IWC would consider what Hogan said as "wet"). We had kiddie friendly characters, such as clowns, a tag-team who brought a dog to the ring, and a guy dancing with a bird on his hand etc. Today's wrestling doesn't sound nearly as kiddie-friendly as this was.
But you know the funny thing, a lot of people who bag today's product, talk favourably about those times. They hypocritically say that they hate how the product was PG, but then got interested in wrestling when it was G.
Look, I will cut you some slack. I know that you are simply a sheep, parrotting that "Attitude" is better than today's product, because it is considered "cool" and "hip" to do so.
WWE didn't invent "edginess" anyway. ECW was more edgy than anything WWE did. The NWO was doing things that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin could only think of doing in his wet dreams, so don't act like the entire professional wrestling universe was only good between 1997-1999.
You mock WWE catering to children. Do you have children? Do you plan on having any? Because I would imagine that you would want to get your kids to love wrestling, like you do. Are you going to introduce them to today's product, or the product you like instead? To give your kids a love of wrestling by showing them tapes of the "WWE Attitude Era" is like giving them "the talk" by showing them porn.
So, if you don't want kids to love wrestling, that means:- (a) you don't care if your kids love wrestling, because, deep down, you never loved it either (i.e. you just went along with the crowd), or (b) you will never have kids, because no woman would procreate with you, or (c) you don't care about teaching your children morals, good behaviour or values.
No wonder kids are screwed up today. They have parents who love the values taught by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, as their role models.
Oh my God, where do I start with this mess? First of all, I like how you 'cut him some slack' and say that you
know that he is simply a sheep for being on the bandwagon of people who enjoy the Attitude Era. Really? You know this? Using common sense I can tell that someone liking the Attitude Era more so than today's is an OPINION. They are allowed to have it and just because they do, doesn't mean they are trying to fit in. I for one enjoy the product of '97-'02 much more than the product today. It's not because I am a 'sheep' or that I'm trying to fit in. To be honest, I am the only one I know in my small town in Eastern Canada to actually watch WWE. I'm not saying I'm the only one who watches it, I'm just saying I'm the only one I know. My friends don't enjoy it, my girlfriend who might as well be my wife as we have been together for 8 years (7 of those living together) doesn't enjoy it. Just me. So I'm not trying to fit in with anyone. It's simply my choice and opinion.
You can always tell who's playing the Devil's advocate if you look hard enough. This fellow I am replying to quite clearly is playing one. I mean, it's so easy to like what most people like. I'm obviously guilty for it in regards to the topic of this thread. But it has to be real difficult to be the guy who goes against the grain and tries to be different, doesn't it? Not really. Every argument or topic usually has one. Being a musician I can tell you how many hipsters ruin any topic on that [music] for me. But I digress, there's always someone in the bunch who play's the devil's advocate and in this case it's easy to tell who. Simply because you can tell he isn't disagreeing in a sensible manor. If he did, he wouldn't have said half the things he said. Take this comment for example:
"Do you have children? Do you plan on having any? Because I would imagine that you would want to get your kids to love wrestling, like you do. Are you going to introduce them to today's product, or the product you like instead? To give your kids a love of wrestling by showing them tapes of the "WWE Attitude Era" is like giving them "the talk" by showing them porn."
To this I have a bit to say but I'll keep it short. Who says that you would
want your kids to do anything? Who says that you want to influence what your kids do in such a way that you promote wrestling? I know my parents always thought wrestling was ridiculous and never promoted it in any way until I found it through a friend who was watching at the time. After that, yes they fed me merch but only after I found the product myself. Also, if I
was to show them footage of the product from '97-'02, how would that be the equivalent to showing them porn to teach them about sex? I for one watched wrestling starting around the attitude era. I grew up with very sensible parents who did not ever discourage me from anything I tried. Professionally, right now I am not only a musician, but a teacher of Drama and Music. I mention this for two reasons. One: My parents were not those things. My father was a care worker for the homeless and still is, and my Mother is a hair dresser. My parents never forced me to go in a certain direction or tell me not to get into music or teaching because it has no money in it. Nor did they tell me to stay away from that mean old Steve Austin and the rest of the WWF/E. And Two: I tell you because I grew into something. I didn't watch the attitude era and grow up a delinquent. I grew up and became something. But by your logic I should be WARPED in the head. By your logic, when I was taught about sex I should have been shown straight up porn! Ridiculous theory. Makes no sense and shows that you are just simply trying to argue for the sake of arguing.
"So, if you don't want kids to love wrestling, that means:- (a) you don't care if your kids love wrestling, because, deep down, you never loved it either (i.e. you just went along with the crowd), or (b) you will never have kids, because no woman would procreate with you, or (c) you don't care about teaching your children morals, good behaviour or values. "
A: Not true. I don't care if my children don't love wrestling because I don't feel like forcing them to watch or love anything. If they love wrestling, okay. If they love Cena instead of Austin, fine by me. If they love ponies instead and grow up that way, fine by me. God forbid we let our children choose to do what they feel.
B: I know several people who agree to not have children so this comment is simply an
attack. To be honest, despite my previous statements I will share (since it's relevant) that my girlfriend, who I had mentioned being with for 8 years, and I have decided not to have any. That has nothing to do with it. We both don't really feel the need for children. So stop assuming things. What you said was simply an attack on males who don't want or (god forbid) cannot have children.
C: This statement must be from a nice conservative
Here let me re paste it without all the a's and b's. Here's a direct quote:
"So, if you don't want kids to love wrestling, that means you don't care about teaching your children morals, good behaviour or values."
What!? That doesn't even make sense. So now we have to force our kids to love wrestling simply to teach them morals, good behavior and values? We have better things to do for that. I assume you meant that teaching them from the attitude era would kind of tilt those morals and values a bit as opposed to teaching them with the current product. Well again, that's simply not true. I was raised well and I grew up on the attitude era product. Much like my choice in career, my family never once tried to stop me from watching the edgy attitude era product as a child just like I grew up on horror films as a child. You are the same person who assumes that watching horror movies breeds murderers. If that were the case, we'd all be running around with hatchets. Again, not a hateful bone in my body. Couldn't even hurt a spider despite my immense fear of them, however, grew up watching slashers when I was 6. You can't base any of this on the product's content at the time. And, quite honestly, I'm sick of hearing about it.
On Topic and post rant- I think that the WWE can do whatever it wants with it's old footage. It has every right. I simply think that it doesn't make sense. And I have to disagree with Klunderblunker (I think that's it) because I believe the attitude product brought WWE to where it is today. It made them the money they have currently and, let's face it, the roster back then are legends. When people compare the new guys and how they aren't ready, they say that the last crop of main eventers were The Rock, Austin, Taker, HHH, etc. Attitude guys. They say that they don't compare. Jerihco speaks of these guys. Not only that, but the attitude product brought WWE from bankruptcy. It would have folded, I've no doubt. Silly storylines or no, it was losing to WCW and the attitude era brought it back to life.