WWE PPV suggestion

Age of Orton

Pre-Show Stalwart
With the recent talk about the In Your House series shows, on here I decided to watch a few from the 1995-1997 era, and to be honest with today’s current product and economy crisis could WWE revert back to the IYH concept 2 hour show and say $20 and be better off then what they are now?

I see they’re trying to get some of the “Filler” none big 4 pay per views to have a unique concept but really do we need to have an Extreme Rules complete with hardcore rules, cage matches and ladder matches? The first two were good, now I’m finding it hard to invest any interest into the show to many gimmick matches.

Same with Nigh of Champions I like the concept but 8 belts on one show please 5 of the matches you can guarantee will be short, and now talk of a submission PPV, I don’t get it would WWE not be better off if they went back to the IYH format, have one main event title match and showcase the tag team and IC Titles and show case some of the mid card talent against lower card talent and maybe a main eventer against a mid/lower card guy to help elevate them?

Rather then have all these different pay per views that just seem to cluttered up with nonsense gimmick matches?
Ideally, I'd agree with you. I don't know how much revenue WWE brings in from PPVs, but if that's not being affected by the economy, they have no reason to do this. If their PPV sales go down, changing it up and having $20 ones would definitely benefit, but I don't think they're in need. Actually, a few months ago I believe they raised the price. It's pretty ridiculous but people still get them, and they're a company that cares more about their pockets than the product. Why should they care about the IC titles or the tag team division if they're raking in money anyway? Long term, it'll probably hurt their company to lose all the fans who watch for nostalgia sake, since the new generation will probably more than likely grow out of the PG format. Eventually they'll have to do something, but it won't be until they start losing money.
That is a fair point if they're making money from they're doing then fine, good luck to them, my point of view tho is from the fact PPV numbers are down from last year and with WWE being so fan friendly these days, and since they seem to be rehashing some old shows as of late (SNME and Superstars) rather then have different concept PPV's with the same match multiple times would it not be better if they decreased they're PPV price and cut it to 2 hours, and focus on the William Regals, Kofi Kingstons, MVPs, Matt Hardy's, Christians etc rather then the same PPV month after month with the same title matches, I perfer the IYH format show case the lower guys and have one main attraction and I think with today's current product we're seeing the same stuff over and over again.
I'm all for the long feuds but considering we've had a PPV on average of every 3 weeks I find we're overloaded with matches that are useless and pointless for example last year Edge/Undertaker at Judgment day, they had their Wrestlemania match, then Backlash rematch then a match at Judgment day that had no purpose only to lead into a 4th PPV match in a row. I'm a huge Edge and Undertaker fan but 4 PPV's in a row? really that didn't need to happen, my point is having one attraction match would cut out to many matches like HHH/Orton Orton Batista, Edge/Cena, Edge/Jeff Hardy, Jeff Hardy and Triple H so rather then feuds being 2 month long span them out over 4-5 even 6 months but rather then be on every PPV have them on 3 so it keeps the feud fresh, and exciting, and have one major feud on the PPV so it's not cluttered and over loaded.

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