WWE Pittsburgh: Round 1, Match 7: #10 The Great Muta vs. #55 Big Daddy V

The Great Muta vs. Big Daddy V

  • Muta

  • Mable

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the WWE Region under WWE Rules from Pittsburgh, PA.

#10. The Great Muta


#55. Big Daddy V
Great Muta should win here, but possibly won't. Muta is one of the best wrestlers of all time. BDV is a freaking joke. he's never done anything of note other than scare us all with his moobs of doom. Muta can't go toe to toe with him but he doesn't ahve to. Mist beats all, and if Muta gets him down just once, which he can, he'll win.
At his best Big Daddy V was a good superheavywright and Muta was one of the best ever. The mist will come into play but I still don't know if that will be enough to take him out so I'm going with BDV.
I've seen a bunch of stuff from Muta over the last few weeks, and I'm not impressed. Anything I've seen, is slightly average. If there's better stuff out there, that I haven't seen, please show me. Until then, I'm voting for Big Daddy V. He was at his best as Viscera, and the Ministry Viscera, not the Lilian obsessed sex maniac. He's not fast or agile, but he's strong, and will toss Muta around like a ragdoll. Muta will get some moves in, but I don't know how he'd get Big Vis down.
Muta is an innovator, and will definitely find a way to beat Big Daddy V. What has he ever even done? He won King of the Ring, and pinned the Undertaker to do so, but 1995 was probably the Undertaker's most understated year, with him feuding with such greats as King Kong Bundy and Kama Mustapha.

Muta on the other hand is one of the most influential and innovative Japanese wrestlers ever. He has beaten Sting in America, which cannot be said for most Japanese wrestlers. A true success on both sides of the Pacific, he has to beat a big useless fat bastard like Viscera.
It is differently Muta 110% as he is one of the greatest ever wrestlers to in the ring as when every one thinks he is washed up he manages to throw it back in our faces be proving us wrong (2000 for example he got beaten by The Cat in WCW went back to Japan and realised that his knees were knackered so he started to use the shinning wizard as his finisher and would only use the Moonsault for special occasions and 2008 we thinks hes washed up and he goes and wins the IWGP and AJPW triple Crown Championships). as for BDV i have never really been a fan of his because of his size he coudnt not accomplish much at all (except from winning King of the Ring 95 and getting a WWF Title shot). but for the past couple of years he's been nothing more than a Jobber and a joke (his been the black lethal period, world biggest love machine and Big Daddy V gimmick) I mean when I first saw his photo at the top of the page the first thing I thought was that he was thinking "HAY WHERES MY CHEESE BURGER".

as for their "match" i would see Muta winning two ways.

1. Muta would work on the legs of V wearing them down and then use the figure four leg lock to make V submit.

2. Muta would beat V the same way that CM Punk did by wrestling with him on the putside of the ring (and may be hit a Moonsault on to V) and then winning by count out
Big Daddy V is fricken 600 pounds, nearly! Muta is a fly to him. Big Daddy would toss him around the ring like a play thing, then sit on his head and kill him. It wouldn't even be close.

Big Daddy V has lost to CM Punk on more than one occasion. Muta is bigger than CM Punk, and at 245 pounds, he is hardly tiny now is he?

Big Daddy V's size is a hindrance, not a help when he is against someone who is as quick as Muta. BDV is a sitting duck here, and Muta wins.
Muta is one of the best heels in the history of the business, period. It doesn't matter what country he was in, the guy got over everywhere. Whether it be stateside or easily in Japan, the man is a Legend in his own right. Muta is a former, I believe, 4 time World champion in Japan, but that might be under cutting what the guys resume is.

Viscera, what is Viscera. Viscera is 500 pounds of intimidation, that's about it. Sure, he's a former King of the Ring, but he's a former KotR from the year 1995. Yes, that 1995, quite possibly the worst year in the history of modern wrestling. Vis has had one accomplishment in his singles career, and it happened in a down period. Muta wins easily.
Muta will dominate Big Daddy V/Vicersa. BDV is an overatted fat piece of shit that has never really done anything that great. Muta with mist ftw.
The Great Muta, in my opinion, is the greatest heel of all time. I didn't even have to hear him speak to know what his intentions were; whether it be crouching on the runway and staring at his opponent to size him up or cowering out of the ring to toy with the apron and tease going under it to do God knows what, this man played a sneaky, cheating, psychopathic bastard better than anyone else in the business. Essentially, what I am trying to say is that The Great Muta is the Karl Rove of professional wrestling.

Also, Muta isn't a small guy. He's about 6'3" and weighs about 250 lbs. I'm not sure if he would have the ability to bodyslam Viscera, but he sure as heel could get him down with some spinning heel kicks and pin him for the 3 count with his moonsault. Viscera, unlike what some people here think, would, in my opinion, have no chance against Muta. Muta is just way too fast and smart for Viscera, not to mention quite strong and extremely unscrupulous.
Big Vis will dominate the match until Muta gets that quick mist in and gets the big man down and capitalizes with a giant moonsault and heads on to round two.
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