WWE Payback - Seth Rollins VS Samoa Joe


It was announced on Raw that Seth Rollins and Samoa Joe will finally go one on one and Payback.

I'm hoping that Samoa Joe winds up winning this bout so that it gives Rollins a need for revenge. The next Raw brand ppv following Payback is Extreme Rules, so it'd be fun to see Rollins and Joe end their feud in a big brawl. Let one guy win a match each, each gains momentum and then just move 'em onto something else.
Not sure who should win this match.

Samoa Joe has been destroying his opponents since his call-up to the main roster and Seth Rollins has just got the big win over Triple H. I guess that WWE might let it end due to some disqualification because of use of some weapon. Extreme Rules is next Raw PPV and I would like this feud to continue and not end in just one match.

Then feed Dean Ambrose to Samoa Joe for InterContinental Championship.
Very good match.

I wonder where the knee angle of Seth Rollins is going. Recently, his knee has been used as a vulnerable pick by his opponents and I don't know until how much time it'll continue to do. However I amn't complaining.

Has Samoa Joe lost some weight? Or I'm misunderstanding? I thought that he has lost some weight.

Nonetheless, the match was a good one and the ending benefitted both wrestlers. It's an easy excuse for Samoa Joe to continue targeting Seth Rollins as seen on the Fallout Raw. Continuing the feud while giving Seth Rollins a somewhat fluke win was a right decision. I guess that we might see a gimmick match for both at Extreme Rules. A No-DQ match for example.

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