WWE Payback 2015: World Heavyweight Championship - Fatal Four Way

The Brain

King Of The Ring
I came to add my thoughts about Dean Ambrose being added to the title match at Payback and was shocked to see there wasn't already a thread for the main event. I guess this will be that thread if anyone cares.

Last week we saw a fan poll determine vote for a triple threat between Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Randy Orton. I thought that was a good main event. It made sense since Orton beat Rollins at WrestleMania and Rollins basically screwed Reigns out of his title match. I wasn't thrilled with the addition of Dean Ambrose. Despite his past with Rollins and Reigns he doesn't seem to fit in right now. My biggest problem with the match is all three members of the Shield are in the four way. We've all been waiting for the Shield triple threat, even speculating that it could headline WrestleMania. Even though this if a four way I feel that the Shield making up 75% of the match will take some of magic away when the triple threat finally does happen.

I think it's safe to say Rollins will walk out with the title. I definitely would have preferred if Ambrose would have been kept out but odds are this match will be forgotten by the time the Shield triple threat does happen. I just don't see the need to include Ambrose.
i was kinda upset they had him in the match, but only because i feel that Orton's the odd man out here. Sure he should get a re-match, but 3 out of the 4 guys in this match were in the Shield. my guess is Ambrose is in this match to take the pinfall (though i hope i'm wrong, i want that to be Orton). if Rollins loses (which i doubt) than my hope is that Ambrose wins it.
This made me thinking about something spectacular! What if the Shield Reunites just for a moment and beat the holy crap of Randy Orton and Triple Powerbomb through the (Spanish) announce table and then take on each other!

But it certainly won't happen because WWE wouldn't want Roman to get all the heat but certainly the Triple Powerbomb will make the crowd goes nuts.

And I like the idea of Dean Ambrose in the title scene. This could be the beginning of "Road to Championship" for him just like how I mentioned elaborately in the other post.

Seems like a waste. 'm sure a lot o use would prefer the first match to have The Shield face off wouldn't include Orton or anybody else.

Ambrose seems e more likely t take the fall. But I think It'll be Orton so he can be removed from the feud. Over the next couple of PPV events I see different variation of The Shield facing off against each other with it culminating in a triple threat.
I wasn't thrilled with the addition of Dean Ambrose. Despite his past with Rollins and Reigns he doesn't seem to fit in right now.

Totally agree, and as much as it surprised me to watch Dean cleanly win last night, I was doubly surprised to see him included in the Payback ppv. He's been functioning on the midcard since the Shield broke up, and clearly lost his series of matches with Bray Wyatt. Where is this rise in status coming from?

As always, recent developments make you wonder what storyline changes might be in store. Of course, it's good when speculation is called for, yet I have to wonder whether this is the start of something big for Dean Ambrose.....and if not, why are they adding him to the ppv?

At the same time, there must be some kind of plan for the friction between Roman Reigns and Randy Orton.....or whether they'll be at odds for the ppv match only. Naturally, it brings the possibility of one of them turning heel......and if so, it wouldn't be Randy, right? He just became a good guy a couple months ago. Meanwhile, while Roman's best destiny might come as a bad guy, I wonder if they want to change him while he's involved in the learning curve he's been in since it was decided he needed extra training to get to where the company wants him to be.

Presumably, some of these questions will be answered at Payback.
First thing dean will be pinned in this match second thing we will c the shield triple PowerBomb the end o and seth will win
I never thought Ambrose could be added in the match. It's such a huge jump from jobbing to Bray and feuding with Luke Harper to being in the main event.

Rollins should win. I think it's too early to take the title off him but if Ambrose won, it definitely would be interesting to see how WWE books that.
Everything about this points towards a Shield reunion. Though Reigns aligning with Rollins would benefit both, I don't think it'd do much for Ambrose. He'd look like a bitch if he put away his differences with Rollins and then became his lackey. And that's what he'd be because Rollins is the champ, and Reigns would be the muscle.

The only way it would work auld be if it was an uneasy alliance on their end and eventually lead to a major break up and a super push for Ambrose. That seems unlikely.
WWE Payback is just a week away now. Heading into the MainEvent of the PPV is a Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title!! The participants are Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and obviously the Champion Seth Rollins.

Seth Rollins was always portrayed as a sneaky coward Champion but in times he looked dominating. Like when he curb stomped Brock Lesnar or When he put up a match of his career at Royal Rumble, he's the top heel of the company. Last week on SmackDown he stood over all the other competitors and looked like a champion!

Dean Ambrose has been trademarked as the weak link among the four. But you shouldn't forget that he's the only one among the four to beat the Champion to get into this match! Last week on Raw he stood tall after nailing Dirty Deeds on the 12 time champion Randy Orton!

Randy Orton never looked weak in his feud against Seth Rollins. He would've been the Champion if it weren't Kane's interference in the Steel Cage match! He always is the Apex Predator and it can't be denied.

Roman Reigns, I'm not gonna show any personal hatred towards him in this thread. He won the Last Man Standing match against Big Show at the Extreme Rules which obviously isn't a legitimate reason for him to be in the title match at Payback. But he got something more than that. The key which he hasn't had in a long while. The weapon which helped Daniel Bryan his Championship, The Fan Support! If it weren't the fans, he wouldn't be in this match now!

I'm glad that he got the support of the fans finally, but he hasn't won any match after Extreme Rules. He lost against The New day as a part of Tag Team, RKOd by Randy a couple of time and so on. He never stood tall amongst the four..

Does the WWE make him look strong enough already? Will they do it on the Go home show of Raw for Payback tonight? What are your thoughts in this??

Does the WWE make (Roman Reigns) look strong enough already?

No, not yet.....and I think the company has learned the lesson about trying to rush a performer to the world championship. It's a process, not a race....and I don't think the second PPV after WM is enough time to get Roman to where they want. I'd be very surprised if he wins the world championship at Payback.....although, heaven knows the company has surprised us before.

I agree with your analysis of Rollins, Ambrose and Orton, but question whether the reason Reigns is in this match is because of fan support. They just got finished booing the hell out of him and the company is wisely trying to build him up....as they should have been doing after his injury absence.

To that end, I think WWE is wise to have kept Roman winless since Extreme Rules. If it starts looking as if he's ready to conquer the world too soon, the fans might turn on him again, which is something they can ill-afford in their efforts to bring him up to world class status.

At Payback, I'd bet on Seth Rollins to retain, with Reigns and Ambrose looking good and improving their standing in the eyes of the fans.

Roman's time is coming.....but it's not yet time for Seth to lose his title.

There's really no rush.
No, not yet.....and I think the company has learned the lesson about trying to rush a performer to the world championship. It's a process, not a race....and I don't think the second PPV after WM is enough time to get Roman to where they want. I'd be very surprised if he wins the world championship at Payback.....although, heaven knows the company has surprised us before.

I agree with your analysis of Rollins, Ambrose and Orton, but question whether the reason Reigns is in this match is because of fan support. They just got finished booing the hell out of him and the company is wisely trying to build him up....as they should have been doing after his injury absence.

To that end, I think WWE is wise to have kept Roman winless since Extreme Rules. If it starts looking as if he's ready to conquer the world too soon, the fans might turn on him again, which is something they can ill-afford in their efforts to bring him up to world class status.

At Payback, I'd bet on Seth Rollins to retain, with Reigns and Ambrose looking good and improving their standing in the eyes of the fans.

Roman's time is coming.....but it's not yet time for Seth to lose his title.

There's really no rush.
I agree with this completely. They need to continue taking baby steps with Roman. They've done a lot of work to turn those boos to cheers and giving him the big payoff is a mistake. Keeping the belt on Seth is a smart move. Seth excels as a weaselly undeserving champion and the WWE should continue with the narrative. The stronger the weasel and the more undeserving Seth appears the better the heel he is.

Everyone wants Seth to look like a champion, but that's not the story being told. Seth isn't supposed to look like a champion. Everything is given to him. He is supposed to fail without help. That's the story they are telling. Eventually fans will get tired of it, and be desperate for a new champion. Then and only then, should the WWE pull the trigger and have Roman defeat Seth.

Roman will be fine, and he is clearly still on track to become the next "guy." In order for that to become a reality, they need not to rush it.

Orton has been feuding with members of the Shield in some capacity for the last two years. He has been incredible for their development and growth. As far as Dean goes, he's going to be a guy that is put in important situations, but routinely fail to get the big win. I expect him to be a world champion one day, but not a multitime champion.

Either way, this match is going to be fantastic and the best move is for Seth to win with outside help.
but question whether the reason Reigns is in this match is because of fan support. They just got finished booing the hell out of him and the company is wisely trying to build him up....as they should have been doing after his injury absence.

To that end, I think WWE is wise to have kept Roman winless since Extreme Rules. If it starts looking as if he's ready to conquer the world too soon, the fans might turn on him again, which is something they can ill-afford in their efforts to bring him up to world class status.

At Payback, I'd bet on Seth Rollins to retain, with Reigns and Ambrose looking good and improving their standing in the eyes of the fans.

Roman's time is coming.....but it's not yet time for Seth to lose his title.

There's really no rush.

That was my first doubt when I heard that the fans vote 75% for the Triple Threat match. I thought it could've been something that WWE built up to make Roman Reigns look strong. But later reading reports from the main page, I accepted that the voting was legitimate.

Moreover, I also listened to an interview from a former WWE creative writer that Vince doesn't like to fake the results in the voting system. More reason to believe in the fan support. Even if he doesn't have much fans as Dolph Ziggler or Dean Ambrose, he had started to connect with the crowd a little better than before!

As far as I'm concerned, Reigns is the only challenger that's out of the running for who's taking the pinfall. So is Rollins, because I believe 100% that he's retaining.

The unfortunate situation is that Roman speared Brock at Wrestlemania, and Rollins got the 3 count and belt from it, so that ending can't happen again. Rollins has to get his own 3-count in this match, and I just don't know yet how that happens.

Ambrose and Orton are in it for some extra bodies, probably a few bumps, an RKO, and as a way to protect Reigns. I'm looking forward to this match, but I just can't see how it's going to go down.
I don't know why people are wondering why Ambrose was added. He is where he belongs, in main event feuds for the World Heavyweight Championship. Yeah he had to lose to Bray Wyatt 5 times so Wyatt could lose to the Undertaker, but it was clear he was always going to be destined for a spot in the main event. He's far too good and valuable to be kept feuding with guys like R Truth, Ziggler and Harper.

I can't wait for this. It is my pick for not only the match to close the show, but also my pick for the match of the night. Fatal Fourways always intrigue me due to the potential chaos they can bring. I was concerned when I thought it would be just Seth VS Orton (again) or Seth VS Roman. Then when it was a triple threat it suddenly was a whole lot more interesting, then it became a Fatal Fourway and now it has my full attention. Not quite the Shield Triple Threat many of us wanted, but it should be awesome. Now, who wins it?

Dean Ambrose
Glad he is in it, but as much as I hate to say it.... I don't see him winning. If he did it would be great and I'd fully support that, it just doesn't seem likely.

Randy Orton
Out of the three challengers he probably has the best odds of winning. I hope he doesn't though, Orton as World Heavyweight Champion has been done. With Seth retaining or either of the other challengers winning we get something that we haven't seen plenty of for the past 8 years.

Roman Reigns
If he were to win here I'd mostly be fine with it, but I still don't think he's ready yet. I'd expect him to get a singles match for the belt with Seth at the next show instead.

Seth Rollins
I've got the champion retaining here. Seth winning offers the best outcome. He has not been World Heavyweight Champion for that long and he should have a lengthy reign, at least until Summerslam. He needs to retain here to further establish himself as the top heel in the company, the show closes with Seth Rollins still the World Heavyweight Champion.

Seth Rollins will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
I think at some point in the match we will see a Shield triple powerbomb on Orton through the announce table. The three will look at each other and then Ambrose and Reigns will go after Rollins, before Dean hits him in Reigns in the back with a chair and hits dirty deeds and walks away.

Rollins would hit curb stomp (bringing it back) for the win.
Dean Ambrose
Glad he is in it, but as much as I hate to say it.... I don't see him winning.

Yes, I don't think many folks figured he'd win but I honestly thought something unique was going to happen in terms of his involvement; some turn or reason to explain why he was included in the first place.....a new direction for the guy.

Turns out the reason was because management wanted all three members of Shield in there at once so they could do that sequence in which Rollins tries to buddy up with Reigns & Ambrose. Outside of that, Dean was just another participant in a main event match..... which was something new. Bully for him, I guess.
Kane not going through the table the first time must have hurt like hell. You know they didn't set it up right, with Kane ass landing near the right side of the table. Nowhere near Rollins.
Turns out the reason was because management wanted all three members of Shield in there at once so they could do that sequence in which Rollins tries to buddy up with Reigns & Ambrose.

That was the moment of the night for me when all three started the beat down. Great to see them all working together again for even just a few minutes. The whole segment was just fantastic, and the look on Rollins face when he realized he was doomed was priceless. The fans clearly wanted a Shield reunion as well by their response. If that was the only reason to put Ambrose in the match, it worked. He did pretty well for himself though, and showed he can play with the big boys.
I thought having Ambrose in there was a bad idea as he just wasn't booked as a credible contender. Even in the final match, he always seemed to be Orton's or Reigns' inferior. However, I loved the idea of the Shield having a three way match for the belt, which was undermined by Randy being there....That just watered down the concept.

But then the Triple Power Bomb happened and...I marked out. It was the most entertaining segment on the PPV. I'm glad it happened.

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