WWE Over The Limit Preview & Predictions

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Pre-Show Stalwart
With Wrestlemania nearly faded away, very few feuds from the Showcase Of Immortals still live and new rivalries are born from the ashes. At this pay-per-view: no tactic is too diry, no lashout is too violent and no limit will exsist when the WWE superstars go Over The Limit!

Now here is my predicted card:

John Cena (c) vs. The Miz,
WWE Championship

Miz envokes his rematch clause and HOPEFULLY wins.

Christian (c) vs. Randy Orton,
World Heavyweight Championship

Orton quickly goes into pursuing the WHC. I would like a Y2J run-in/return but it feels too early for me.

[BJohn Morrison vs. R-Truth,
Grudge Match
Obvious here.

Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio,
Mask vs Mask I Quit Match

Good way to end the feud. And good god Cody better win.

Kharma vs. Beth Phoenix
If Michelle's firing is only kayfabe, then I would pick a Kharma/McCool feud. But Beth Phoenix vs. Kharma would be alot better to watch and has huge potential.

Kane and Big Show (c) vs. Perfect Masterpiece (Dolph Ziggler and Chris Masters) vs. Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay,
Tripe ThreatTag Team Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Dolph and Chris Masters to me would make a pretty cool tag team. While Alberto and Brodus pretty much makes sense. Kane and Show retain, Alberto and Brodus break up, whatever.

Wade Barrett (c) vs. Daniel Bryan,
Intercontinental Championship

Give the match good length and then Big Zeke hits his finisher on Barrett and Bryan gets disqualified. Justin and Slater run-in but also get their asses kicked and FINALLY The Corre is disbanded to set up a Five-Pack Challange (along with Daniel Bryan) at Capitol Punishment for the IC title.

Post your match card prediction
alberto del rio and brodus clay swap with truth and curtis (they do have there title shot still)

so my card

cena v miz for the wwe title

del rio v morrison v punk v drew mcintyre v truth - scramble match for number one contender for the wwe title

swagger v kingston for the us title

christian v cody rhodes for the world heavyweight championship

barrett v bryan

big show and kane v ezekial jackson and mason ryan v migillicutty and harris v slater and gabriel - four way for the tag titles

kharma, natalya and beth pheonix v melina, alicia fox and layla
This is an interesting idea. Let's see what computes.

The Miz vs. John Cena in a Last Man Standing
I can't picture The Miz facing John Cena in another singles match, I just can't. So I am assuming if The Miz gets a rematch, it will be under some stipulation. I think a Last Man Standing would be a perfect Main Event match for Over The Limit. I see John Cena retaining of course, because of the new influx of heels on RAW.

John Morrison vs. R-Truth
This rivalry has what it takes to make it to a pay per view and be phenomenal, given the right motivation. Due to Morrison losing at Extreme Rules, I see him securing the win here.

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston
Hopefully with this Cole/Lawler and Ross feud over with, Swagger can set his sights on something other than playing second banana. A feud with Kingston may be what his career really needs, and picking up the United States Championship can help The All American American's credibility.

Christian vs. Mark Henry
I don't want The Viper heading into the pay per view challenging a fresh champion. I don't see his semi-face character doing it. So far, Mark Henry seems like the most worthy candidate, going heel when his career needed it. Anyone that remember's Henry's feud with Batista knows that Henry can play the bad guy very well, and can give Christian more credibility. I would see Christian coming out the victor however.

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barret
I don't see Orton challenging for a midcard title. I would have someone else take reign of the IC Championship, maybe Daniel Bryan or someone winning on Smackdown. Maybe Orton would interfere for some reason. Probably not a general prediction, but I don't see Orton skipping a pay per view and Barret could definitely use more star power to feul his career as it was with Cena.

Big Show and Kane vs. CM Punk and ???
Honestly, I could care less who Punk teams up with. Maybe a New Nexus member or a freshly drafted heel, like Drew McIntyre or Del Rio. But Punk needs to get back on a winning track because it seems like every pay per view he loses. Give him and some new talent a shot at gold, and it would give them something to do.

That and I don't see Punk doing anything on his own right now. Another loss at the hands of Orton really has me confused on how exactly are they to book him.
John Cena (c) VS. Alberto Del Rio VS. The Miz
WWE Championship

ADR-Cena Feud starts on the Monday Night Raw following Extreme Rules. Cena is a temporary face pawn for the WWE Championship so ADR can face him and hopefully win.

Christian (c) VS. Cody Rhodes
WWE World Heavyweight Championship

It's not going to be Christian-Orton, highly doubt the two faces on Smackdown will face off against each other

John Morrison VS. R-Truth
This match is pretty much set in stone. I like the way R-Truth is shaping up as a heel, needs to go over with a dirty win.

Randy Orton VS. Sheamus
Sheamus is hyped up about being Mr. Smackdown, so it makes sense for him to start off wanting to take out arguably Smackdowns biggest acquisition.

Rey Mysterio VS. CM PUNK
Although these two have feuded in the past, Punk will make Rey the nexus` new beat up toy.

Kharma VS. Beth Phoenix
Kharma will beat up on every face diva except Beth Phoenix coincidentally which will match these two up for their match at OTL

I don't see the mid card belts being on the card, possibly in dark/late televised bonus matches. I see Ezekiel breaking away from the Corre and facing Wade for the IC Title.
Well, it's an interesting idea.

So here's my card:

John Cena vs The Miz in an I Quit match for the WWE championship
As somebody said, it cannot happen in a normal one-on-one match. The best option is in an I Quit match. If this is the stipulation, obviously Cena's going to win and start a fued with somebody else leaving The Miz out of the title equation.

Christian vs Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight championship
I can't see Mark Henry in the title picture ever-ever again. Orton will win some kind of a gauntlet or multiple-man match to earn the right to face Christian. If done right, it could be a show stealer.

Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio
This match is inevitable. Yeah, I said it. Cody will cost Mysterio some match and will challenge him to one last match. Rey accepts and the match is on. I think Rey will take it here to end the fued in a "normal" way (face winning).

John Morrison vs R-Truth
Another great fued if done right. This match too has to happen. Taking into consideration Morrison lost at Extreme Rules due to Truth, I can see JoMo taking it here.

Michael Cole vs Jerry "The King" Lawler
Huh. I don't want this to happen. But it has to. Cole can't walk away with the win. This time I hope Lawler knocks his teeth out of his mouth and sends him packing to SmackDown! for good.

Kharma vs Beth Pheonix/Michelle McCool
If McCool's firing is kayfabe, then she will face the former Kong. If not, Pheonix will step up to the plate and challenge Kharma to a one-on-one fight. This match is going to be very unpredictable.

Tag titles/U.S title/Intercontinental title
Either one, or two or all the 3. Tag titles will perhaps be Show/Kane vs Slater/Gabriel or any other combination from RAW including Alberto/Clay. Kofi vs Swagger is also very very possible. And Barrett will probably defend against Zeke.

Here you go.
how about rey mysterio? after winning to cody rhodes at extreme rules who's next to get a push from him? probably mcintyre? how about cm punk?
No idea why some of you are leaving ADR out of the WWE title picture, he moved to RAW for a reason. Brodus is on Smackdown! and in all likelihood they won't be affiliated anymore because of the brand difference.
This ought to be fun. I see it shaking out like this because, to me, it would be fun this way.
Also, I'm going way out on a limb and that's fun too.
After Miz invoking his rematch clause on RAW, and winning by DQ (interference from Rock), Miz takes his show on the road to Smackdown! and challenges Christian for the WHC.

Miz vs. (c)Christian
After a true back and forth war, Christian retains with help from Alex Riley who turns on Miz and becomes a new face player on Smackdown!

With the falling out from Miz leaving RAW and with Rock's interfering leaving the belt on Cena, Del Rio steps up to say that since his destiny was delayed at Extreme Rules he challenges Cena at Over The Limit.

Alberto Del Rio vs. (c)John Cena
Alberto Del Rio by submission at 30 minutes.

Truth vs. John Morrison
Truth gets the victory here to begin a series of matches elevating both men.

(c)Wade Barrett vs. Sin Cara
Sin Cara wins. Corre implodes. Cody Rhodes gets into the IC picture.

(c)Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre
McIntyre's climb to the top of the card begins here with a solid victory.

Kharma vs. (c)Brie Bella
Kharma begins her reign as the Dominant Diva.

(c)ShowKane vs.the rest of the roster in a Battle Royal
With the last two remaining in the ring becoming the Tag Team Champions.
CM Punk and Randy Orton.
WWE Championship: John Cena (c) v The Miz
You know that the rematch clause is going to be called apon to set up the main event for the PPV. Cena will win, The Miz will move on to something else. Maybe a program with Punk?
World Heavyweight Championship: Christian (c) v Mark Henry
On Smackdown this week Mark Henry will interrupt Christian's title celebration, with something along the line of 'You've waited so long for this moment, I've been here just as long and I'm still waiting etc etc' and boom, you have the WHC match.
John Morrison v R-Truth
No explanation needed, R-Truth will go over dirty.
Randy Orton v Cody Rhodes
I think we are going to get a program out of these two regardless of what else might happen on Smackdown, I'd love to say Orton will put Rhodes over in this feud but it's doubtful.
Intercontinental Title: Wade Barrett (c) v Daniel Bryan v Sin Cara v Sheamus
Corre (well, Ezekiel Jackson) will turn on Wade in this match and cost the championship to Sin Cara. Sin Cara v Daniel Bryan will be the future of the IC title.

It will be the first PPV I've been able to watch in like 2 years so I can't wait to be honest.
Intresting,this would be my PPV card for Over The Limit!

John Cena (c) Vs. The Miz Vs. Alberto Del Rio
WWE Championship
I See Cena Retaining The Title,If Miz Wins Then Another Cena & Miz Match Would Be Boring

Christian (c) Vs. Randy Orton Vs. Mark Henry
World Heavyweight Championship
Again The Champ Retains,Orton Wins The Title At Capital Punishment Setting Up A Randy Vs.Cody Fued-Which Would Be great.

John Morrison Vs. R-Truth-In A Falls Count Anywhere Match

Sheamus Vs Cody Rhodes-Number One Contenders Match

Kane & Big Show Vs. The Usos
WWE Tag Team Titles

Wade Barret Vs Sin cara Vs Daniel Bryan
Intercontiental Championship Match

Rey Mysterio Vs Drew Mcintyre.

Thats My Card-Thoughts? Im Only 11 So Take It Easy On Me Please
WWE Title:
John Cena vs. ADR. Alberto's destiny will finally come to fruition.

WHC Title:
Christian vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes. Christian retains, sets up a Randy Orton/Cody Rhodes feud.

US Title:
Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger. Kofi retains due to Michael Cole interference. Cole gets beat up for the second time in the night.

IC Title:
Wade Barrett vs. Sin Cara. Sin Cara wins due to interference by big Zeke. Sets up the breakup of Corre and a feud between Barrett and Zeke.

Triple Threat #1 Contender Match:
The Miz vs. John Morrison vs. R-Truth. Miz is pinning Morrison after the Skull Crushing Finale, R-Truth comes in for the save and they both knock each other out of the ring. Morrison wins the match and Miz starts his face turn. Both Morrison and Miz want R-Truth's head after this match.

Tag Team Championship. Fatal 4 way elimination:
Big Show/Kane vs. Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel vs. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Punjabi Connection (Khali and the new guy that just came in). Khali looks like a monster and eliminates Big Show, then TPC lose to Slater/Gabriel. 15-20 minutes in, Santino hits the Cobra on Slater to regain the Tag Team Titles! Slater and Gabriel get into it and sets up a feud with them symbolizing the breakup of the Corre.

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole. A quick squash match to FINALLY end this feud once and for all.

Divas Title:
Kharma vs. Brie Bella. 1 minute squash match to Nikki Bella after Twin Magic. Kharma wins by DQ and Brie keeps the belt. Both Twins get psychotically squashed afterwards.
Match predictions

30 Min Iron Man Match: WWE Championship
The Miz vs. John Cena
- Yeah know seeing as the PPV is called OVER THE LIMIT you would think the matches would be time based. In any event I think it would be a good idea and a 30 min Iron Man match would be the best way to go about it.

Championship Scramble: World Heavyweight Championship
Christian vs. Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes
- Since Smackdown! is on scramble mode now a 20 min Championship Scramble will do two things. (1) keep consistent to the Over the LIMIT theme I just made up (2) establish some future rivalries down the line. Maybe Christian/Sheamus and Orton/Rhodes down the line?

Triple Threat Match: WWE Tag Team Championship
Kane and The Big Show(c) vs. CM Punk and Mason Ryan vs. Wade Barrett and Ezikel Jackson
- Nexus, Corre, and Show and Kane all in one ring. Why not? Barrett and Punk might as well have a program together and this could possibly be the only way. I think Barrett and Jackson should win this and finally give The Corre a win for one.

The Return of a Rivalry
Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio
- A PPV Match fianlly with these two? Oh well better late than never.

A Diva's Destruction
Kharma vs. Kelly Kelly
- Kharma's first PPV match and you know this will be a squash. Kharma destroys Kelly Kelly in 2 mins. The End.

Submission Match
Daniel Bryan vs. William Regal
- Daniel Bran needs a win here to stay in the forefront. Maybe a simple bout with Regal will do the trick. Bryan wins of course.

Falls Count Anywhere
John Morrison vs. R-Truth
- Since their matches seem to go outside the ring, I guess this works. Truth wins and the feud goes on.
Here's what i feel will be the card for WWE Over the Limit 2011

1. Rey Mysterio vs R-Truth

With Morrison out due to his neck surgery R-Truth solidified what will be an Over the Limit match with his attack on Rey Mysterio at end of RAW so I feel that it's a fresh start and new feud for Rey which is good but i feel will be short-lived depending on how long John Morrison is out. I see in the match R-Truth winning this match and continuing to build on his new heel persona.

2. Chavo Guerrero vs Sin Cara

These two i feel can work really well together with one another and can def be a great rivalry and match for Sin Cara to breakout into. I feel at Over the Limit Sin Cara will pick up his first pay-per-view win and continue a long feud with Chavo thru the summer in series of classic matches.

3. Kane/Big Show vs CM Punk/Mason Ryan Tag Team Championship Match

Which has seem to start as a small but def a developmental push in Mason Ryan. I feel that what will come out from this match is that Mason Ryan will be very dominant within match but CM Punk will be focus of losing this match and willl cause the start of tension between Mason Ryan and CM Punk within The NEXUS. Kane and Big Show retain there WWE Unified Tag Team Titles.

4. Ezekial Jackson vs Wade Barrett Intercontinental Championship Match

With the dismantling of The Corre Ezekial Jackson will be cast out or break himself away and start a feud between him and The Corre specific in Wade Barrett. I know the norm would see Ezekail Jackson squashing Wade Barrett. But i see this turning and coming out with Wade Barrett retaining the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Wade retains whether by winning or DQ.

5. Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Del Rio United States Championship Match

Now that looks that Alberto and Rey will not relive there Smackdown Rivalry on RAW for now. I feel that Alberto cannot be kept off as he is a draw as an exceptional heel and feel that he will challenge Kofi Kingston for the WWE United States Championship. I am a little hung up on the way to go with this match. WWE seems to like giving him titles but however with the constant build up of Alberto Del Rio and his needing of a WWE title at this point I feel that Alberto Del Rio will come out of match as the new United States Championship

6. KHARMA VS Layla Divas Match In her debut match at Over the Limit The streak begins for what intends to be a very long winning and dominating streak for Kharma

7. Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole with Jack Swagger

This has to be it the last and end to this storyline and feud as Jerry Lawler will finally pick up his win against Michael Cole. Michael Cole possibly will blame Jack Swagger for costing his undefeated streak and Hall Of Fame Induction moment which will lead to Jack Swagger retaliating against Cole and turning face at this point.

8. Christian vs Randy Orton World Heavyweight Championship

Don't see much change happening here with what WWE thinks of Christian it will probably turn out to be best performing match of the night as you can't use wrestling now. Randy Orton will retain The World Heavyweight Championship and Christian will fall back to mid-card or become heel after this point.

9. The Miz vs John Cena I Quit Match for WWE Championship

Again like previous match I don't see much anticipation for title change for I would be very surprised if The Miz would end up winning this match. i feel can be a great match but def see John Cena winning and holding onto WWE Championship for lil bit as of yet.
John Cena(c) vs. The Miz
No way Cena says I Quit, so Cena wins.

Randy Orton(c) vs. Christian
Orton likely wins and Cristian turns heel. Maybe Jericho comes back and attacks Orton and Christian wins.

Wade Barrett(c) vs. Ezekial Jackson
Rest of Corre gets banned from ringside and Zeke wins the IC Title.

Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth
Truth wins by cheating which will help him get over more as a heel.

Big Show & Kane(c) vs. CM Punk & Mason Ryan
Show & Kane retain, Ryan attacks Punk post match.

Brie Bella(c) vs. Kelly Kelly
Kharma prevents twin magic and Kelly wins. Kharma eventually attacks Kelly at a later time to set up an eventual match for Kharma to win the belt and move on to feud with Beth over the summer.

Cole vs. Lawler
Who cares? Just end this feud already. But I'll pick Lawler to win.
One night away so let's get into this.

WWE Championship; "I Quit" Match: John Cena (c) vs. The Miz

I would love for the theme of this otherwise forgettable PPV to be "expect the unexpected." With that said, who am I kidding? It's May. The PPV is Over The Limit. Cena and Orton hold the straps. If there was ever a time for predictability to be apparent during the WWE calendar, it's now. This match will be boring enough for you to regret buying it by the end of the night. Cena will get wasted early, Alex Riley will once again show his man love, the Miz will look decent before... You guessed it. Cena gets the STFU on and Miz says the words, "I Quit." The only conceivable way I see Cena losing this match is if there's a repeat of The Rock and Mankind's match in 1999. Rocky got the W after a pre-recorded quote of Mankind saying "I Quit" was played over the PA when the mic was held up to his unconscious body. Otherwise, it just ain't gonna happen. We all know Marky Mark don't quit.

World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian

This match is just as predictable as the other world title bout. Can anyone honestly see Christian beating Orton and recapturing the gold? I suppose it's possible. The fact that this is a face vs. face match leaves it open to an interesting angle or two. If Christian were to become a two-time world champion at Over The Limit, my prediction would be because of a mid-match heel turn. Christian picks up a dirty win and he and Orton set up for a legit feud over the summer that ends up being the peak of Christian's entire career. For the sake of the buyers, I hope this happens. Worst case scenario is that the match is a carbon copy of their match three weeks ago, they shake hands afterwards and Christian slips back into the mid-card while Orton is challenged by Sheamus or someone. Sadly, that's my exact prediction.

Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett (c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson

A rather uninteresting feud, in my humble opinion. Big deal, so Big Zeke broke away from The Corre. Not like he's an attractive singles competitor anyway. Barrett is the future star here - not that holding the Intercontinental Championships means much anymore right now. Slater and Gabriel likely interfere and Barrett hits the big man with a Wasteland for the victory.

WWE Tag Team Championships: Kane & The Big Show (c) vs. Nexus (CM Punk & Mason Ryan)

So we've been teased with the possibility of Mason Ryan becoming Batista Jr. in the near future. Problem is that he's nowhere near ready. I know some see this match and teaming with the Nexus' leader as an opportunity for him to break away, but I just don't see it yet. I actually think that he and Punk win and capture the gold (bronze?). This will give an opportunity for Ryan to compete more in ring (both Raw and SmackDown as long as they're champs) and with one of the best in business: Punk. Also, it'll end the Kane-Show team - who didn't see that coming when they were separated by the draft? Kane and Show can then be used to help get over some young guys on the respective shows.

Divas Championship: Brie Bella (c) vs. Kelly Kelly

Who cares about the match? When does Kharma come out! To keep it short and sweet: the Bella twins try Twin Magic but something goes wrong; continuing the problems they've been having over the past week. Kelly Kelly, who's been doing quite well with her matches and performances lately, captures the Divas title. Kharma comes out and wipes out both Bella twins and continues to toy with Kelly. Now Kharma is poised to start competing and head for the Divas title.

R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio

I'm not expecting much of this match, but it'll be good to see some more of heel Truth (hopefully with a new entrance as well). Prediction: Mysterio wins but the feud obviously continues. Truth has gotten the best of Rey the last two weeks so I expect Rey to get him back here. Ultimately, I do expect Truth to win the overall feud before John Morrison comes back from his injury.

Kiss My Foot Match: Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler

Please, please let this be the end! I might actually rip out some of my own hair if Cole wins and this thing continues. Prediction: Swagger gets involved, but turns on Cole. Lawler gets a good old fashioned piledriver on "The Voice of the WWE" before stick his royal foot down Cole's throat. Hopefully Cole gets put out of commission for a month or two... Or forever. On a side note, we also see the babyface All-American American on the following Raw.

Sin Cara vs. Chavo Guerrero

Not much to say here. I think Cara wins (he hasn't lost yet) and let's be honest here; Chavo loses to everyone. I think the match itself will be very entertaining though. I hope we get the same kind of match that was raved about during the WWE's recent tour of Mexico. If you're someone who truly enjoys the art of the sport, this could be a show-stealer for you.
WWE Championship; "I Quit" Match: John Cena (c) vs. The Miz

Quite a few people have suggested that this is a forgone conclusion but i genuinely think Miz can win this. Getting Cena to say I quit would be huge for Miz and maybe it's just wishful thinking but I'm going for him. It would be good to see him do it cleanly without Riley too. Doubtful on that though.

World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian

I'd like to think that Christian has a chance of reclaiming the title here but I just can't see it happening. I like Christian but I get the feeling he will fall down to the mid-card and, hopefully, allow Wade Barrett to step up and start a feud with Orton over the coming months. Christian will either turn heel or, I think quite predictably, shake Orton's hand and accept the fact that he shalln't be getting another shot for a long while.

Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett (c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson

I hope Zeke wins here. He can then go on to keep the title for months or lose it in the week, the main thing is getting it off Barrett and getting him back into the main event picture. With Orton retaining, he is IMO the perfect guy to step up and feud with him. Hopefully anyway.

WWE Tag Team Championships: Kane & The Big Show (c) vs. Nexus (CM Punk & Mason Ryan)

Unsure about this one to be honest. I've enjoyed Big Show and Kane as tag champions but i'm going for Nexus because of Punk's recent ramblings and Mason Ryan's apparent push. Doesn't really make much sense having a tag team of Superstars from different brands either so this will probably be the end of the team

Divas Championship: Brie Bella (c) vs. Kelly Kelly

All about Kharma here for me, it's more a question of what involvement she has. I can see her helping Kelly somehow, probably ending with a confused and frightened looking Kelly as champion and Kharma with a grin on her face.

R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio

I'm going for Rey by DQ in this one. Truth seems to be getting a push in the last few weeks and personally i like his demented heel character so much more than him face. DQ will allow the feud to continue while keeping Truth's momentum going.

Kiss My Foot Match: Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler

A Swagger turn has been hinted at for a while now and what better way to do it than (hopefully) helping King end this feud before it gets any more ridiculous.

Sin Cara vs. Chavo Guerrero

Sin Cara surely wins here in my opinion. I agree with the previous post in saying for me this has the potential to be the best match of the card, hopefully these two get enough time to work what will be an impressive technical match.
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