WWE Over the Limit-Kelly Kelly vs Brie Bella(c) (Divas Championship)

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Wrestling analyst Diva expert
As Announced tonight on Smackdown Brie Bella will defend the Divas Championship against Kelly Kelly. I will say I am not a fan of the Bellas or less talented divas going over seasoned vet or higher skilled divas but thats a topic for another thread.

I personally see Kelly Kelly getting her first title here with some assistance from Kharma to perhaps scare off the other bella. This distraction will allow Kelly to score the pin and claim her first title.

Adding the title to the looming Kelly and Kharma feud

What do you guys think? How will this play out?
I think and I will be the first to say this, this match gets turned into a lumberjack match. I think if this happens then you have Kharma destroying a bunch of divas with possibly Beth or Natalya trying to stand up against Kharma. If not then I say Bellas retain in Bellas fashion and Kharma finally gets to Implant Bomb Kelly. I think with the idea of Kharma being there it should add something to the match and it might even be a good divas match.
I agree Kelly will win her first title. I also do believe Kharma will prevent "twin magic" allowing Kelly to pick up the win off the distraction. Kelly is improving big time and will eventually become the top diva in the company. Improving week after week would eventually make her the total package between in-ring ability, looks, being over and marketable. I think either after the match or next night on Raw Kharma will attack Kelly for the first time to set up the feud.
I think and I will be the first to say this, this match gets turned into a lumberjack match. I think if this happens then you have Kharma destroying a bunch of divas with possibly Beth or Natalya trying to stand up against Kharma. If not then I say Bellas retain in Bellas fashion and Kharma finally gets to Implant Bomb Kelly. I think with the idea of Kharma being there it should add something to the match and it might even be a good divas match.

After seeing Natalya job to Brie it just tells me that she's not in WWE's plans for the forseeable future. It's too early for interaction between Kharma and Beth IMO. Everyone wants that feud and we'll eventually see that feud just not so fast like everyone wants it to be. I think it'll be a standard diva's match that K2 wins due to Kharma preventing "twin magic" allowing for Kelly to pin Brie.
After seeing Natalya job to Brie it just tells me that she's not in WWE's plans for the forseeable future. It's too early for interaction between Kharma and Beth IMO. Everyone wants that feud and we'll eventually see that feud just not so fast like everyone wants it to be. I think it'll be a standard diva's match that K2 wins due to Kharma preventing "twin magic" allowing for Kelly to pin Brie.

I have to disagree here. I do not see Kharma being anywhere near ringside during the match. It is ulike her to do this so I don't see how she would stop Twin Magic. I do feel that something could happen after the match however I strongly believe she won't be doing anything ringside. Here is another predicition of mine though, what are the chances she speaks for the first time on mic. That be kind of cool I think.
Could there even be a worse match possible? I'm thinking Kelly wins here but only because it will set her up to be destroyed by Kharma. This will without a shadow of a doubt be the worst match of the show and I will be checking facebook during it as I have zero desire to see it. Kelly wins to set up a Kharma feud.

Kelly will win the Divas Championship.
I'm gonna say what I've been saying before. Kelly Kelly is gonna win her first title, and its going to set up for the anticipated attack from Kharma to Kelly. Kharma has attacked Divas left and right... but back in her promos when she was first arriving on the scene... her favorite little play thing were those blonde barbie dolls. No diva represents the blonde Barbie (no pun intended, ironically Kelly's real name is Barbie) better than Kelly Kelly.
I'm gonna say what I've been saying before. Kelly Kelly is gonna win her first title, and its going to set up for the anticipated attack from Kharma to Kelly. Kharma has attacked Divas left and right... but back in her promos when she was first arriving on the scene... her favorite little play thing were those blonde barbie dolls. No diva represents the blonde Barbie (no pun intended, ironically Kelly's real name is Barbie) better than Kelly Kelly.

^ I really have nothing to add. Kelly will win and set up the barbie doll vs anti-diva feud.
I think we can all see this is to set up Kharma vs Kelly in the future. Kelly is going to come away with the win and we will have the attack from Kharma after the match. Hopefully this put the title on her soon and then we can see Kharma vs Phoenix which is something I would watch. This isn't going to be a very good match, probably the worst on the card. But it has a job, to get the title on Kelly.

Kelly Kelly to win this match and grab her first title run.
God I hate Kelly Kelly as a wrestler. I am actually going to be hoping and praying that Brie Bella wins the match. How did Kelly Kelly get a title shot anyway?

Yeah just like all of you I can see Kelly Kelly winning the match, but I don't want her to.
God I hate Kelly Kelly as a wrestler. I am actually going to be hoping and praying that Brie Bella wins the match. How did Kelly Kelly get a title shot anyway?

Yeah just like all of you I can see Kelly Kelly winning the match, but I don't want her to.

Well the fact that The Bella Twins have no passion for wrestling and are doing this for the "Diva" thing makes them the worst women wrestlers ever. And Kelly has been improving besides being over with the crowd and marketable I think its high time they put the strap on her. At least she has passion for what she does and she shows it by actually trying unlike the freaking Bella Twins.
Maybe I am the only one that is actually looking forward to this match but....

I have always seen something in Kelly,she has improved and been around for a long time now and if she does win,this will be one of those wins I actually care about. I wish they took the time to build it as an underdog story and how bad she wants it and has been waiting for it but it was JUST announced on smackdown.. Like most of the matches on this card it seems storylines have gone out the window with only 3 weeks leading into PPV's these days...

I don't see Kelly going over without some kind of Kharma play.
Perhaps a Kelly heel turn? With Michelle gone the Diva's division lacks a top heel. Kharma is more of a tweener,she destroys heel Diva's as well.
God I hate Kelly Kelly as a wrestler. I am actually going to be hoping and praying that Brie Bella wins the match. How did Kelly Kelly get a title shot anyway?

Yeah just like all of you I can see Kelly Kelly winning the match, but I don't want her to.

You hate Kelly as a wrestler and you hope Brie wins? Wow Kelly is a much better wrestler then Brie and even other diva's who held the belt like Maryse, Eve, and Alicia. Kelly is the only over and only marketable diva. She is long overdue for a victory. And Kelly got the shot by pinning Brie on Raw. People who still criticize Kelly's ring work are the ones who criticized her from the start but are afraid to admit they were wrong and that she is improving. It's okay guys and gals you can admit she's improving no one will pick on you.
After the small but noticable push Kelly Kelly has been receiving for the last couple of weeks, I can totally see her winning her first Diva's title at Over the Limit. I can definitely see Kharma making her presence felt during this match some way or another, maybe even helping her win the title. I do want to see some type of storyline involving the cute, sexy, thin, blonde Kelly Kelly vs. the ugly, big, strong and powerful Kharma. But I think this match is a bit predictable and I'll be severely shocked if Kelly Kelly doesn't win. This match actually intrigues me somewhat.

Hamler's Prediction - Kelly Kelly
Well there's no doubt Kharma will be playing a role in this match. Although, I think the usual beat down we've seen from Kharma on Raw and Smackdown over the past couple of weeks will occur after the match, because I do think Kelly Kelly will win the championship here. Brie Bella's time as Diva's Champion has been pretty underwhelming, and there are times where I forget she's the champion, but to be fair, the Diva's Division has been overshadowed by the arrival of Kharma, so I guess you can't place all of the blame on her.

I don't expect too much from this match, but I am picking Kelly to win here, and I hope we can get a more in-depth explanation as to why Kharma has spared Kelly over the past weeks.
I don't think this match will be that bad.

For all her shortcomings, Kelly displays more fire and drive DURING her matches than most of the divas combined. When she takes someone down, you really get that feeling that she wants to "shut dat ho up!" She's not gonna do fucking kip ups for the hell of it (damn you Natalya) nor is she going to stiffly go through 50 moves in the same of 2 minutes (damn you Eve, Beth, Natalya). But she is going to give it her all.

I do think the Bellas are underrated. Not because I like them (I do), but because they are solid at what they do. Both has shown that she can carry Kelly's offense. Both have shown that they can heel it up when need be.

I do think Kelly takes it here, but I hope they give the Bellas some time to show what they can do. They really are a fun duo to watch. And I think the crowd will actually get into the match because you do have Kelly who shows emotion and Brie who can hold Kelly up as Kelly nearly botches something.
I really wish it was still the Attitude Era because this would be one of the best Bra and Panties matches in the History of the WWE. Kelly Kelly is one of the hottest girls in the world. I hope she wins tonight.
Tonight was a giant let down. Totally pointless. No Kharma, Kelly didn't win, the match wasn't in any way shape or form interesting or controversial, and no Kelly has not impressed me at all tonight.
Tonight was a giant let down. Totally pointless. No Kharma, Kelly didn't win, the match wasn't in any way shape or form interesting or controversial, and no Kelly has not impressed me at all tonight.

Kelly had some nice spots, but if you watched closely Brie was off balance which caused Kelly to look bad in some spots. I think Kelly will get a rematch and win on Raw because it was Nikki and not Brie who picked up the win. I think with no Kharma appearance that they treated this like a filler more then anything. WWE must have realized that no one will order this ppv so they would rather the Kharma/Kelly angle to go further on Raw so more viewers would see it. Kelly also got a good pop from the crowd again that you don't hear from others, she's the diva used for marketing, made maxim hot 100, always a trending topic on twitter so it's time to reward her with the title. Wrestling isn't the main factor when it comes to anyone male or female. John Cena would never hold the title if he wasn't over and marketable, but since he is they reward him it's about time they do that with the female version in Kelly Kelly.
Tonight was a giant let down. Totally pointless. No Kharma, Kelly didn't win, the match wasn't in any way shape or form interesting or controversial, and no Kelly has not impressed me at all tonight.

I could not agree more i will say kelly has improved but still the quality of these matches are very disappointing. i will give props because they go out and try. But yes as far as tonight was concerned it did nothing to continue the Kelly and Kharma deal.

The Bellas or brie Bella whoever has been very underwhelming as a champ and i for one cannot wait until the belt is taken off off her.
Kelly will win the Divas Championship.

What a waste of time. One of the worst matches ever. I got the results wrong in my prediction, but you know what my REAL prediction was? "I don't care, Kharma comes out to destroy whoever wins regardless of who it is" and I got that wrong too because she was nowhere to be seen in this boring disaster of a match. Worst of the night by far.
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