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WWE not returning Hart Family possessions


Enjoying Wrestling

Recently released WWE talent Harry Smith (a/k/a David Hart Smith), who rarely speaks ill of anyone, is very upset with his former employer. The son of the late "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith stated on his Facebook account on Saturday that after much pleading, WWE did not return all of the Hart family possessions he had lent for their memorabilia display at WrestleMania Axxess. This includes his father's ring gear and ring gear of the late Owen Hart, among other priceless possessions. WWE did, however, send him a framed picture of Mae Young as a goodwill gesture. He is further agitated that WWE would call him two weeks after his dismissal from the organization asking for the items he received back.

"Well I'm not one to bury any companies or people but I'm afraid I have no choice here. The WWE after great difficulty of my begging, finally sent me back "some" but not all of my familie's possessions from the Hall of Fame/Fan axxess. This includes, my dad's ring gear, my ring gear, owen hart's blue blazer masks, and singlet and lots of priceless family possessions. They sent a framed picture of my dad smashed, half the other stuff missing but they threw in a Mae Young framed picture," Smith wrote.

"Then they have the nerve to call me, two weeks after firing me, sniffing around asking if they can have it back for their precious Hall of Fame/fan axxess. Even though I am expendable talent, they wouldn't mind just keeping my family's last remaining wrestling stuff.

"Anyone can feel free to post this on dirt sites as I feel the world should know about how selfish and inconsiderate the WWE truly is."

Harry's mother, Diana Hart Smith, is also upset with WWE as she feels they carelessly handled her framed drawing of her late husband (click here to view the smashed picture of Davey). She says it was "the last straw."

She wrote on Facebook, "This is my drawing of Davey's, and the more info I am sent about this disrespectful injustice, the more shocked I am--this is the second time this has happened with this drawing, and they never took care of it the first time. And then to ask two weeks after Harry's release if we can lend more items to Hall of Fame Fan axxess. These things are from Davey and Owen, my father, all legendary people who are no longer alive and it is difficult to fathom giving up these things which we would never be able to see, since it would go to the WWE HOF Fan Access. These are family possessions and unless Georgia, Harry or I, in the Smith household specifically, are at WWE Fan Access, we cannot see for ourselves.

"These aren't belongings of just some random old friends--they are lost family members. With Harry's release, I really doubt I would be flying to Connecticut to see my Hall of Fame memorabilia, and I would probably end up paying admission too. The smashed picture of Davey, which I drew of him, was the last straw, and this is the second time it has happened.

"I wonder what the significance of sending an 8 x 10 pic of Mae Young to Harry, Georgia and me was?"

This has to be the biggest dick move I've ever seen out of the WWE. Straight up asking for the stuff back after you return only parts of it, which was lent to you by the family?

Its only one side of the story. Its WWE's given to them from the family. Who made Harry Smith in charge of it? Bret is still with the company, why isn't HE in charge of it? Why give it to Harry anyway, why not send it directly to his mother?

So many questions can come from this. What Im trying to say...now read closely cause I know some of you can't and jump right to conclusions, WE DONT HAVE ALL THE FACTS TO THIS STORY.

BTW...WWE is NOT responsible for how those things got there. Yes, maybe they weren't packaged good enough, but once they drop it off its out of their hands and they cant control the handling of it.
The only thing i want too know is did anyone go to this Wrestemania axxess and actually see these things displayed or is this just another "Hart" trying to act like the wwe did them wrong just like Bret?

Another thing i want too say is why is it EVERY TIME a released talent bashed the WWE it always starts with ""Well I'm not one to bury any companies or people."
Has WWE ever been repectful to the Harts? Lets see, screwing Bret out of his job, bullying Owen Hart into doing the stunt that caused his death, releasing DH after not even giving him a shot despite his family's legacy. Of course, Bret could've jobbed, Owen could've said no, and DH could've tried harder but WWE obviously doesnt care for what the Harts have done for their business. I seriously dont know why the Harts keep trying in that company. They show absolutely no consideration for them. Asking for the stuff back after they release and piss of members of the family is not a good idea either. I wonder how this is all has to be affecting Bret, unless hes still booming with joy over HBK's apology.
Its only one side of the story. Its WWE's given to them from the family. Who made Harry Smith in charge of it? Bret is still with the company, why isn't HE in charge of it? Why give it to Harry anyway, why not send it directly to his mother?

So many questions can come from this. What Im trying to say...now read closely cause I know some of you can't and jump right to conclusions, WE DONT HAVE ALL THE FACTS TO THIS STORY.

BTW...WWE is NOT responsible for how those things got there. Yes, maybe they weren't packaged good enough, but once they drop it off its out of their hands and they cant control the handling of it.

Agreed, there has to be another side of this story. I'm sure WWE with all that has went on with this family over the years, would not be so negligent to "steal" some of their belongings, especially those of deceased stars. Good luck trying to get into TNA DH!
Going by what Harry posted to facebook about the delivery (i.e. half of what he asked for hasn't arrived/wasn't sent and a drawing of Davey was smashed) this is something WWE has plausible deniability for. If WWE intentionally smashed the photo I'll chop off my left testicle. It's far more likely that it was the victim of someone dropping the box or otherwise being rough with it. As for only half of what he asked for coming back, it may be someone at UPS/Fedex/Planet Express putting the two boxes in different batches and for any number of reasons the second box got delayed.

For them asking for the stuff back, yeah I'm with DH there. He had to fight to get the stuff, some of it hasn't arrived and he just got fired. Yeah I'd be pissed off and tell them to go fuck themselves too.
Has WWE ever been repectful to the Harts? Lets see, screwing Bret out of his job, bullying Owen Hart into doing the stunt that caused his death, releasing DH after not even giving him a shot despite his family's legacy. Of course, Bret could've jobbed, Owen could've said no, and DH could've tried harder but WWE obviously doesnt care for what the Harts have done for their business. I seriously dont know why the Harts keep trying in that company. They show absolutely no consideration for them. Asking for the stuff back after they release and piss of members of the family is not a good idea either. I wonder how this is all has to be affecting Bret, unless hes still booming with joy over HBK's apology.

Is your last name Hart by any chance?

Bret screwed himself out of his job. He acted completely unprofessional and became difficult to work with. People are so quick to talk shit about HBK back in the day but what about Bret's absolute refusal to ever put anyone over?.. especially Shawn? Bret refused to put Shawn over when Shawn was becoming the #1 guy because he personally didnt like Shawn.. He let his personal feelings get in the way of what the business asked for because he couldn't stand Shawn being put over him. Bret screwed Bret.

No one ever bullied Owen Hart to do the stunt that caused his death.. Honestly.. are you just saying the first thing that comes into your head without any rhyme or reason whatsoever? I'm beginning to think your last name really is Hart. It was Vince Russo's idea for the stunt to take place and hes gone on record many times and said that if Owen brought up ANY concern whatsoever about doing the stunt then they would have canceled it without any questions.

Releasing David Hart without giving him a shot whatsoever despite his families legacy. Once again... Your throwing out comments like you have ANY idea what you are talking about when it couldn't be further from the truth.. Remember the Hart Dynasty? That was on TV more than 75% of the locker room not so long ago? .. David Hart was and is AWFUL. He is dull in the ring.. He is dull on the mic.. He sucks.. and his father has nothing to do with it.. If your Dad was an amazing computer programmer.. yet you couldn't even write your name properly.. let alone write code.. is Microsoft, Google, or IBM going to give you a job strictly because of who your Dad was? HELL NO...

... and btw.. I remember a time when a huge wrestling promotion was a complete failure because bookers and executives only gave their kids and relatives pushes and the spotlight instead of wrestlers who had actual talent and desereved it.. and that promotion was WCW during the Jim Herd era.. and guess what.. They hadn't turned a profit for YEARS with the way things were running.. those were the wonderful days of Dustin Rhodes/Runnels being shoved down our throats while wearing cowboy boots in the ring because his daddy was the booker. From all the heat Bischoff gets WCW would have been stuck in that warp if he hadnt taken things over... but according to you.. WWE should do things the way Herd did them.. thanks, but NO THANKS.

Unfortunately with a family the size of the Hart's there are going to be good and bad seeds.. David Hart Smith hasnt accomplished a damn thing in this business for him to go opening his mouth after being released. Your asking how Bret feels about all this.. Bret has been in the business for decades.. do you honestly believe that he is in shock over it? Bret would be the first one to admit how green and boring DH is..

I dont see any "conspiracy" against the Hart family.. If you have talent . you get an opportunity.. its that simple.. have you been watching Natalya and Tyson Kidd as of late? They are both being pushed now.. Why? because they have talent.. they have charisma.. they have the "IT Factor" . All which David Hart is missing. Instead of bitching and complaining David should shut the fuck up and go work on his craft.. The guy is in complete denial... Much better talents then him have been released when they havent been able to cut it.. Smith is in complete denial about his own talent.

Vince did what was right and apologized to Bret.. and honored him in the Hall of Fame.. and he booked Bret to annihilate him at Wrestlemania 26 with the Hart family as Lumberjacks .. who all celebrated in the ring together afterwards... and of course Bret his happy about HBK being sincere with his apology to him. Those guys went through wars with each other in the ring for years and neither could ever just stand back and appreciate one another until now.. Both of them were in the wrong.. and the fact that they are older.. and more mature now.. its really a treat to see them as good friends. They both deserve it.

..David Hart Smith on the other hand.. honestly, does not deserve a DAMN THING.
Is your last name Hart by any chance?

Bret screwed himself out of his job. He acted completely unprofessional and became difficult to work with. People are so quick to talk shit about HBK back in the day but what about Bret's absolute refusal to ever put anyone over?.. especially Shawn? Bret refused to put Shawn over when Shawn was becoming the #1 guy because he personally didnt like Shawn.. He let his personal feelings get in the way of what the business asked for because he couldn't stand Shawn being put over him. Bret screwed Bret.

No one ever bullied Owen Hart to do the stunt that caused his death.. Honestly.. are you just saying the first thing that comes into your head without any rhyme or reason whatsoever? I'm beginning to think your last name really is Hart. It was Vince Russo's idea for the stunt to take place and hes gone on record many times and said that if Owen brought up ANY concern whatsoever about doing the stunt then they would have canceled it without any questions.

Releasing David Hart without giving him a shot whatsoever despite his families legacy. Once again... Your throwing out comments like you have ANY idea what you are talking about when it couldn't be further from the truth.. Remember the Hart Dynasty? That was on TV more than 75% of the locker room not so long ago? .. David Hart was and is AWFUL. He is dull in the ring.. He is dull on the mic.. He sucks.. and his father has nothing to do with it.. If your Dad was an amazing computer programmer.. yet you couldn't even write your name properly.. let alone write code.. is Microsoft, Google, or IBM going to give you a job strictly because of who your Dad was? HELL NO...

... and btw.. I remember a time when a huge wrestling promotion was a complete failure because bookers and executives only gave their kids and relatives pushes and the spotlight instead of wrestlers who had actual talent and desereved it.. and that promotion was WCW during the Jim Herd era.. and guess what.. They hadn't turned a profit for YEARS with the way things were running.. those were the wonderful days of Dustin Rhodes/Runnels being shoved down our throats while wearing cowboy boots in the ring because his daddy was the booker. From all the heat Bischoff gets WCW would have been stuck in that warp if he hadnt taken things over... but according to you.. WWE should do things the way Herd did them.. thanks, but NO THANKS.

Unfortunately with a family the size of the Hart's there are going to be good and bad seeds.. David Hart Smith hasnt accomplished a damn thing in this business for him to go opening his mouth after being released. Your asking how Bret feels about all this.. Bret has been in the business for decades.. do you honestly believe that he is in shock over it? Bret would be the first one to admit how green and boring DH is..

I dont see any "conspiracy" against the Hart family.. If you have talent . you get an opportunity.. its that simple.. have you been watching Natalya and Tyson Kidd as of late? They are both being pushed now.. Why? because they have talent.. they have charisma.. they have the "IT Factor" . All which David Hart is missing. Instead of bitching and complaining David should shut the fuck up and go work on his craft.. The guy is in complete denial... Much better talents then him have been released when they havent been able to cut it.. Smith is in complete denial about his own talent.

Vince did what was right and apologized to Bret.. and honored him in the Hall of Fame.. and he booked Bret to annihilate him at Wrestlemania 26 with the Hart family as Lumberjacks .. who all celebrated in the ring together afterwards... and of course Bret his happy about HBK being sincere with his apology to him. Those guys went through wars with each other in the ring for years and neither could ever just stand back and appreciate one another until now.. Both of them were in the wrong.. and the fact that they are older.. and more mature now.. its really a treat to see them as good friends. They both deserve it.

..David Hart Smith on the other hand.. honestly, does not deserve a DAMN THING.

100% agree. Watch Wrestling with Shadows. Most of them seem to love to bitch about anything and always feel they were wronged.

This is only one side of the story. My guess is that stuff got mixed up. This isn't like you borrow one of my DVDs and forget to return it. The WWE has 80M dollars worth of Plant, Property, and Equipment. The stuff was probably lost in a warehouse somewhere and they didn't realize what was happening adn then like many big companies, DH Smith probably never got to speak to the right person. Donno how many times I've tried talking to AT&T and went through 5 different "department managers" before I finally talked to someone I needed to.
Has WWE ever been repectful to the Harts? Lets see, screwing Bret out of his job, bullying Owen Hart into doing the stunt that caused his death, releasing DH after not even giving him a shot despite his family's legacy. Of course, Bret could've jobbed, Owen could've said no, and DH could've tried harder but WWE obviously doesnt care for what the Harts have done for their business. I seriously dont know why the Harts keep trying in that company. They show absolutely no consideration for them. Asking for the stuff back after they release and piss of members of the family is not a good idea either. I wonder how this is all has to be affecting Bret, unless hes still booming with joy over HBK's apology.
This sarcasm is already going over peoples heads. Great post BTW. :worship:

This sounds like sour grapes and should be kept in house. Nothing good comes from airing your dirty laundry in public.
Has WWE ever been repectful to the Harts? Lets see, screwing Bret out of his job, bullying Owen Hart into doing the stunt that caused his death, releasing DH after not even giving him a shot despite his family's legacy. Of course, Bret could've jobbed, Owen could've said no, and DH could've tried harder but WWE obviously doesnt care for what the Harts have done for their business. I seriously dont know why the Harts keep trying in that company. They show absolutely no consideration for them. Asking for the stuff back after they release and piss of members of the family is not a good idea either. I wonder how this is all has to be affecting Bret, unless hes still booming with joy over HBK's apology.

Hmm, screwed Bret Hart put pf a job??? Nope, he signed with WCW. Bullied Owen into a stunt??? Were you there?? Nope, prove that as even Brett, or the Hart family could prove this. I mean, like someone else said, it is only one side of the story. To me, yes if they sent it to him, then don't ask for it back. Also, why wouldn't they want to work in WWE? Because, we all know that TNA is not going to give them the paydays that WWE is giving out. We could sit back and play monday morning quaterback on this, but we do not know what really happened anyhow. Again, D.H. wasn't really doing that hot, so yeah they released him. It's always the people who get released that complain, WWE this, WWE that, or vise versa, TNA this, TNA that. Look, you were released, deal with it, and move the hell on
people, let's keep the vince screwed bret/bret screwed bret arguement out of this. they have made their peace - our opinions on it don't really matter anymore. sorry but it is true.

in terms of why they were dealing with harry instead of bret, isn't harry an adult? if these belong to his family (him and his mother), why would bret be involved? did stu signed the contracts for bret, owen and davey when they went to work for wwf or wcw? harry was the one signed fulltime to wwe, not bret. it makes some sense that he would be the one they were dealing with, not bret. i think in the end, it is just plain disrespectful to not handle someone's posessions with care. they did wwe a favor by loaning this stuff to them, wwe should make sure it gets back to them in the same condition wwe originally got it. it is that simple. i am sure wwe is going to pay for any repairs and such but that is beside the point - no repairs would be needed if it was treated properly to begin with. wwe is not the only one guilty of doing things like this - a lot of companies like to think they can do whatever they like and they will just pay the fine later. harry mentioning this is a good thing as it brings some negative light to a company that didn't take care of something that wasn't theirs. maybe wwe will be more careful in the future.
Its only one side of the story. Its WWE's given to them from the family. Who made Harry Smith in charge of it? Bret is still with the company, why isn't HE in charge of it? Why give it to Harry anyway, why not send it directly to his mother?

So many questions can come from this. What Im trying to say...now read closely cause I know some of you can't and jump right to conclusions, WE DONT HAVE ALL THE FACTS TO THIS STORY.

BTW...WWE is NOT responsible for how those things got there. Yes, maybe they weren't packaged good enough, but once they drop it off its out of their hands and they cant control the handling of it.

If i'm not mistaken his parents were divorced so at least Bulldog's memorabilia would most likely belong to him anyway.
Bret screwed himself out of his job. He acted completely unprofessional and became difficult to work with. People are so quick to talk shit about HBK back in the day but what about Bret's absolute refusal to ever put anyone over?.. especially Shawn? Bret refused to put Shawn over when Shawn was becoming the #1 guy because he personally didnt like Shawn.. He let his personal feelings get in the way of what the business asked for because he couldn't stand Shawn being put over him. Bret screwed Bret.

The one thing i have learnt is a lot of wrestlers refuse to put others over for whatever reason. This is the case with the guys once they make it to the top and i do believe in some situations it is understandable. But isn't it true after Bret put over HBK at WM in their iron match, HBK was to return the favour? Yet he came out and said he would refuse to put Bret over ever? (Correct me if i am wrong and if i am i apologise). Then he supposedly got injured to prevent putting Bret over? Oh i don't know the answer to this, but how many times did Bret and HBK have a singles match after their WM encounter?

If your Dad was an amazing computer programmer.. yet you couldn't even write your name properly.. let alone write code.. is Microsoft, Google, or IBM going to give you a job strictly because of who your Dad was? HELL NO...

I did like this example as i tend to give similar examples when trying to get my point across. lol But actually i know someone at one of those companies you have mentioned as well as one or two other major companies, where people have manahed to get jobs cos they know someone working there (even without the required skills). Which does suck cos it prevents worthy candidates to miss out.

Bret his happy about HBK being sincere with his apology to him. Those guys went through wars with each other in the ring for years and neither could ever just stand back and appreciate one another until now.. Both of them were in the wrong.. and the fact that they are older.. and more mature now.. its really a treat to see them as good friends. They both deserve it.

Yep very good example. I think this is an example of how they have both grown and matured to another level, which is cool.
The one thing i have learnt is a lot of wrestlers refuse to put others over for whatever reason. This is the case with the guys once they make it to the top and i do believe in some situations it is understandable. But isn't it true after Bret put over HBK at WM in their iron match, HBK was to return the favour? Yet he came out and said he would refuse to put Bret over ever? (Correct me if i am wrong and if i am i apologise). Then he supposedly got injured to prevent putting Bret over? Oh i don't know the answer to this, but how many times did Bret and HBK have a singles match after their WM encounter?

I did like this example as i tend to give similar examples when trying to get my point across. lol But actually i know someone at one of those companies you have mentioned as well as one or two other major companies, where people have manahed to get jobs cos they know someone working there (even without the required skills). Which does suck cos it prevents worthy candidates to miss out.

Yep very good example. I think this is an example of how they have both grown and matured to another level, which is cool.

2 wrongs don't make a right. HBK was a baby by not returning the favor and Bret was a baby by not putting someone over on his way out. Both were unprofessional dicks.

Yes, people with connections get job opportunities first. Which is basically how Harry got as far as he did. If he wasn't related, he would have never even set foot in a WWE ring. He should count his blessings.
2 wrongs don't make a right. HBK was a baby by not returning the favor and Bret was a baby by not putting someone over on his way out. Both were unprofessional dicks.

Yes, people with connections get job opportunities first. Which is basically how Harry got as far as he did. If he wasn't related, he would have never even set foot in a WWE ring. He should count his blessings.

Yeah very true. But i think with a lot of people once they make it big think they can get away with anything and then thats when problems arise. lol

Yeah over the years a lot of wrestlers have come into wwe only cos of their relations being legends and honestly a lot of them do suck! I guess they do all reckon they are gonna be given a free ride cos of their name and not cos of their crappy talent.
Damn people are sounding bitter and pissy on this one. It's great!!

Granted alot of unfortunate circumstances have surrounded the Hart family but in life, SHIT HAPPENS! I feel bad for them, but you can't blame WWE, atleast until you hear their side, which I doubt will occur. UPS could have just as much to do with it at this point.

Should we blame the WWE for the circumstances surrounding the Hardy or Von Erich families too?
Its only one side of the story. Its WWE's given to them from the family. Who made Harry Smith in charge of it? Bret is still with the company, why isn't HE in charge of it? Why give it to Harry anyway, why not send it directly to his mother?

You die. Who do you leave your stuff to?

Your ex wife who you divorced a couple of years earlier?

Your ex brother in law?

Or your son?

Think it through fool.
Has WWE ever been repectful to the Harts? Lets see, screwing Bret out of his job, bullying Owen Hart into doing the stunt that caused his death, releasing DH after not even giving him a shot despite his family's legacy. Of course, Bret could've jobbed, Owen could've said no, and DH could've tried harder but WWE obviously doesnt care for what the Harts have done for their business. I seriously dont know why the Harts keep trying in that company. They show absolutely no consideration for them. Asking for the stuff back after they release and piss of members of the family is not a good idea either. I wonder how this is all has to be affecting Bret, unless hes still booming with joy over HBK's apology.

Usually i disagree with u but here i dont the wwe has screwed over the harts on so many occasions im not sure why bret is in the company because he will probably get screwed again and i believe what dhs is saying
Is your last name Hart by any chance?

Bret screwed himself out of his job. He acted completely unprofessional and became difficult to work with. People are so quick to talk shit about HBK back in the day but what about Bret's absolute refusal to ever put anyone over?.. especially Shawn? Bret refused to put Shawn over when Shawn was becoming the #1 guy because he personally didnt like Shawn.. He let his personal feelings get in the way of what the business asked for because he couldn't stand Shawn being put over him. Bret screwed Bret.

No one ever bullied Owen Hart to do the stunt that caused his death.. Honestly.. are you just saying the first thing that comes into your head without any rhyme or reason whatsoever? I'm beginning to think your last name really is Hart. It was Vince Russo's idea for the stunt to take place and hes gone on record many times and said that if Owen brought up ANY concern whatsoever about doing the stunt then they would have canceled it without any questions.

Releasing David Hart without giving him a shot whatsoever despite his families legacy. Once again... Your throwing out comments like you have ANY idea what you are talking about when it couldn't be further from the truth.. Remember the Hart Dynasty? That was on TV more than 75% of the locker room not so long ago? .. David Hart was and is AWFUL. He is dull in the ring.. He is dull on the mic.. He sucks.. and his father has nothing to do with it.. If your Dad was an amazing computer programmer.. yet you couldn't even write your name properly.. let alone write code.. is Microsoft, Google, or IBM going to give you a job strictly because of who your Dad was? HELL NO...

... and btw.. I remember a time when a huge wrestling promotion was a complete failure because bookers and executives only gave their kids and relatives pushes and the spotlight instead of wrestlers who had actual talent and desereved it.. and that promotion was WCW during the Jim Herd era.. and guess what.. They hadn't turned a profit for YEARS with the way things were running.. those were the wonderful days of Dustin Rhodes/Runnels being shoved down our throats while wearing cowboy boots in the ring because his daddy was the booker. From all the heat Bischoff gets WCW would have been stuck in that warp if he hadnt taken things over... but according to you.. WWE should do things the way Herd did them.. thanks, but NO THANKS.

Unfortunately with a family the size of the Hart's there are going to be good and bad seeds.. David Hart Smith hasnt accomplished a damn thing in this business for him to go opening his mouth after being released. Your asking how Bret feels about all this.. Bret has been in the business for decades.. do you honestly believe that he is in shock over it? Bret would be the first one to admit how green and boring DH is..

I dont see any "conspiracy" against the Hart family.. If you have talent . you get an opportunity.. its that simple.. have you been watching Natalya and Tyson Kidd as of late? They are both being pushed now.. Why? because they have talent.. they have charisma.. they have the "IT Factor" . All which David Hart is missing. Instead of bitching and complaining David should shut the fuck up and go work on his craft.. The guy is in complete denial... Much better talents then him have been released when they havent been able to cut it.. Smith is in complete denial about his own talent.

Vince did what was right and apologized to Bret.. and honored him in the Hall of Fame.. and he booked Bret to annihilate him at Wrestlemania 26 with the Hart family as Lumberjacks .. who all celebrated in the ring together afterwards... and of course Bret his happy about HBK being sincere with his apology to him. Those guys went through wars with each other in the ring for years and neither could ever just stand back and appreciate one another until now.. Both of them were in the wrong.. and the fact that they are older.. and more mature now.. its really a treat to see them as good friends. They both deserve it.

..David Hart Smith on the other hand.. honestly, does not deserve a DAMN THING.

Bret refusing to put Shawn over was only because he refused to do the same and was immature about it, it was also the only time Bret refused to put someone over. Bret had been willing to drop the belt to anyone else even some green jobber, just not SHAWN...
Something about this seems a bit off. I'm wondering if momma hacked his facebook. Last thing I read from Harry Smith seemed a bit more positive about where his release will be going for him. Even Brett seemed to think this would be a positive for Harry. His mother seems to be the only one bitter about the whole thing. As for the articles in question I would have to think that WWE would contract in place as to what was borrowed and asked for just to protect themselves from just such accusations. I would also they would save themselves some headaches just buy them our right but what do I know, but I still think this sounds like Mom more than Harry.
Bret refusing to put Shawn over was only because he refused to do the same and was immature about it, it was also the only time Bret refused to put someone over. Bret had been willing to drop the belt to anyone else even some green jobber, just not SHAWN...

only problem is Shawn was becoming/was the #1 guy at the time and Bret didnt want to put him over.. He also refused to drop the belt in Canada.. I mean honestly.. thats pathetic. When your an employee you do what your told, period. Using the excuse that Shawn also did it is weak.. 2 wrongs dont make a right.
This sarcasm is already going over peoples heads. Great post BTW. :worship:

This sounds like sour grapes and should be kept in house. Nothing good comes from airing your dirty laundry in public.

lol.. looks like it "went over" everyone's head, except yours of course.
Wow... you WWE apologist are so fucking ridiculous.

The WWE could force 5 of their biggest, strongest wrestlers to hold down CM Punk while someone injects steroids into his heart, causing him to die, and you guys would still make excuses for the company and put all the blame on CM Punk.

WWE is a major corporation, and the fact is pretty much EVERY major corporation does dick like moves such as this. Just because WWE entertains you every Monday night doesn't mean you should hold a blind eye to all the fucked up things they do. This is the same company who makes their wrestlers work as independent contractors for fuck's sake. Come on, dummies, realize that WWE isn't some perfect little organization because they sometime show videos of John Cena granting wishes and participating in teaching kids how to read.
Thing is though JMT, WWE are in the wrong here. However it's to a much lesser degree than "it's all their fault and they're doing it on purpose". What I mean is that WWE probably have legitimate reasons for not sending it all. For example: shit takes time to be found in a warehouse and plugged through all the systems before being sent to a curier (which plugs the box through all their systems before sending it on) and they may have sent all the items they'd found and processed and are planning to send the rest when they've found it, or one of the boxes is still being processed etc etc. Fact is we know one side of the story, and that's the side that only knows that some of his stuff hasn't arrived. Now he's got every right to be pissed off but there's shit all that could be done that wouldn't piss him off even more.

See also: a travel company sending your bags on the wrong flight. It sucks, it's (probably) their fault but there's shit all that they can do to get it back to you any faster, no matter who you talk to.

I think we can all agree that WWE asking for the stuff back is pure BS though.
Something about this seems a bit off. I'm wondering if momma hacked his facebook. Last thing I read from Harry Smith seemed a bit more positive about where his release will be going for him. Even Brett seemed to think this would be a positive for Harry. His mother seems to be the only one bitter about the whole thing. As for the articles in question I would have to think that WWE would contract in place as to what was borrowed and asked for just to protect themselves from just such accusations. I would also they would save themselves some headaches just buy them our right but what do I know, but I still think this sounds like Mom more than Harry.

This particular rant seemed an awful lot more coherent than his mother's. Based on her last postings, I would think that she did not write this one.

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