WWE No Mercy: WWE Raw Women's Championship Fatal Fiveway


It was announced a little bit ago that Sasha Banks will get her rematch for the Raw Women's Championship against Alexa Bliss at No Mercy.

In my eyes, Vince has hurt Sasha Banks' image as a champion by continuing to have her in a series of hot potato runs where she drops the title on her first defense. She and Bliss have put on a series of enjoyable matches in which both have worked hard so all the fault has to lie with Vince. There are reports alleging that Vince has wanted all the recent title changes to happen as a means of generating buzz for television; I dunno whether it's true or not but , if so, there are better means of generating buzz than lowering the value of titles with a series of hot potato runs that've dogged most of WWE's titles this year.

EDIT - This bout is now a Fatal Fourway match with Alexa bliss defending against Sasha Banks, Nia Jax & Emma due to Nia and Emma winning a tag team match against Alexa and Sasha on tonight's episode of Raw. It should be an entertaining match and I see the only real reason for Emma being part of this match is that so she can be the one who's pinned or made to tape out so that Alexa, Sasha and Nia won't be the one to take the loss.
It is going to sound ludacris but I would love to have Emma win this match. I think she is really talented in-ring wise and promo wise, and allowing her to be the one with the "I have started it all" gimmick would be good.
Also it looks like they are heading towards an Alexa Bliss vs Nia Jax feud - which I don't think needs the title. I would go on the route of giving Emma a decent title reign defeating Sasha Banks and Bayley in it (with Sasha turning heel on Bayley costing Bayley the lost), only to have either Bliss win the title back or Asuka debut to win the title (I really don't want to see Nia hold the title),

Dream Prediction: Emma wins by pinning Bliss - again after Nia does all the work.
Real Prediction: Bliss wins by pinning Emma - which is a shame - not because I don't like Bliss, but because it will lead to a Nia Jax title reign - which she is still not ready for.
I don't care about the title value, since it's not a sport title, it's a drama soap opera for men prop that's there to advance feuds. It's WWE, not NJPW, not AWA or ROH or NWA. It has always been that way. All that really matters is for the champ to look and feel like a champ. Alexa does, Jinder doesn't (great presence outside the ring, but mediocre inside of it).

This has gotten really interesting. The turn of Nia came in the middle of Sasha vs Alexa. Sasha is going down the path of "can't hold the title" storyline and there's also the return of Bayley. Lots of interesting stuff to keep an eye on.
A part of me would love to see them do something that nobody would see coming with this match and actually have Emma steal a win and give her the championship. This would bring a breath of fresh air that the division as needed since the brand split last year.

If Emma wins the title, you could use this as a set up for Paige's return which is suppose to happen soon. You got a natural feud between Paige and Emma with the whole Emma stated that she's started the women's revolution and having the title in that feud would made it a even stronger in my opinion.
And with Bayley returning from injury, this match is now a Fatal Five Way match.

It does make the result totally unpredictable. I would surely like a win for Emma but I'm sure that she won't win. She should get a title victory for sure.

Most probably the winner could be Alexa, Nia or Sasha. Asuka is coming soon so that's a plus point.
Now that Bayley as been put in the match, i wouldn't be surprise to see Emma steal a victory by pinning Bayley. the way i see this happening is that since they started this whole MMA horsewomen vs WWE horsewomen on the may young classic, i wouldn'T be surprise if you get a surprise appearance from shayna bazsler and some of the other horsewoman and they will take out sasha banks and bayley will alexa and Nia are busy beating each other up somewhere. Emma is knockout in the ring, see that bayley is down and cover her for the pin.

that's how i would book this match, plus with Emma as champion, i give a really good opponent for Asuka when she debut.
I'm really struggling to connect with Bayley, and considering how loud that pop could have been on her return in her own home town, I'm thinking that I'm not alone. I hope her return doesn't signal her next reign.

I really would like Nia Jax to win the title. What annoys me though is that Alexa Bliss has only been champion again for a few weeks. I just wish they had let her have one long reign. But I would still be willing to have yet another pointless little reign with this title to have Nia finally win the title. Emma would be fun as a shock, and while I feel she has the talent to deserve this, she has yet to show casual fans why she should be champion in my opinion.

Regardless of who wins this, I think it will be a set up to Asuka debuting and capturing that title.
I can't help but feel bad for Emma as she barely rates as an afterthought in this whole thing. It's even worse now that Bayley is back and has been added, Emma wasn't even on Raw last night and it's a shame to see her wasted. Emma has a lot of untapped potential and is among the better in-ring workers among the women; prior to the announcement that the match had been changed, I thought maybe they'd just decided to switch Emma out of the match and put Bayley into it and that fans wouldn't care. I genuinely thought that might've been where they were going as it's something I could see Vince doing. If that had been the case, I wouldn't have blamed Emma if she told Vince he could go fuck himself and that she's done.
I can't help but feel bad for Emma as she barely rates as an afterthought in this whole thing. It's even worse now that Bayley is back and has been added, Emma wasn't even on Raw last night and it's a shame to see her wasted. Emma has a lot of untapped potential and is among the better in-ring workers among the women; prior to the announcement that the match had been changed, I thought maybe they'd just decided to switch Emma out of the match and put Bayley into it and that fans wouldn't care. I genuinely thought that might've been where they were going as it's something I could see Vince doing. If that had been the case, I wouldn't have blamed Emma if she told Vince he could go fuck himself and that she's done.

i think that'S why is see Emma winning the belt on sunday, because she's such a afterthought right now that nobody will give her a chance of winning the match and we all know how vince loves to swerve fans and dirt sheet writer by giving them the one ending that nobody thought was possible.

I think that if Emma wins on sunday, she does have a lot of feud that could help her come out of the funk she's been in since being rehired a couple of years ago. First you have the asuka feud which would be amazing to have Emma and asuka program together again. They had such a great rivalry in NXT that i think it would be a great way to introduce Asuka to the casual audience.

Then you also got the natural feud with Paige which i think will happen before or after the Asuka feud which is will also produce great matches and the storytelling will be awesome.

I kinda feel that her time in the doghouse as finally come to a end and she will be getting a small push after no mercy. The fact that Bayley is in the match and that Emma was still in Australia on monday was just a way for them to make you think that she a afterthought so that went she win the title, fans will get this awesome surprise reaction because nobody will see this coming.

But in the end that'S just my opinion, let's see if i'm right about this or not on sunday.
Reading some of the review on other thread about this match, It's seem like a miss a great match I say that because that's the match we're I took a small nap because It was so boring that I wanted to be awake for the big matches.

I don't think it's they're fault if I thought this match was boring because they did the best they could. But five ways or really hard to booked and I'm just tired of seeing the same four women's wrestled each other on raw. The only air of fresh air was emma and she really didn't play a big part in that match.
Second best match of the night. The Goddess retains in a cunning way as expected. I don't know what WWE is trying with Nia Jax. She always comes close and loses. Something Bayley should've done. A giant like Nia Jax losing always doesn't go well for her. I guess that Asuka is coming straight to take the title from Alexa Bliss as the latter has already defeated almost full women division of Raw. Good match here.
i kinda forgot to put this in my review of the match but their was a spot in the match that made me laugh and that was when nia jax was setting up for the double samoan drop. she already had i think it was alexa bliss and went to pick up sasha banks and she just waited until sasha just climb on alexa and in my head, i was thinking Nia saying to sasha, come on climb on my shoulder because i can't pick you up. It was the funniest set up to an impressive spot i ever seen and i live through 80's wwe.

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