WWE new owner

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Shadowmancer's Bitch's Bitch

After Ex-WWE CEO Mr. Vince McMahon retired after being atacked by Bobby Lashley, he has given up control of the WWE to his son and daughter, Stephanie and Shane McMahon . Vince Mcmahon told Shane that he and his sister are the co-owners. Stephanie has said that she will take Heat and that the WWE will be only have one show, Monday Night Raw. The roster is unsure and the only one that is safe is the WWE Champions after the first show, they are safe and the first day of Raw will be an Imunity Battle Royal between 30 superstars and the winner will have a title shot at anyone they want until Royal Rumble. The champions will be put in theese matches:
  1. WWE Champion, John Cena vs World Heavyweight Champion, Edge vs ECW Heavyweight Champion, Umaga for the Unification Championship
  2. Intercontinental Champion, Santino Marella vs US Champion, Chris Beniot vs ECW superstar, CM Punk for the Intercontential Championship
  3. 10 Team over the top rope battle royal including THe Hardyz, Duce and Domino, Cryme Tyme,Cade and Murdock and many more
  4. 6 Man Hardcore Match: Shelton Benjamin vs Johny Nitro vs Finlay Kane vs Sandman vs Rob Van Dam for Hardcore Title
  5. 30 Man Imuntity/ #1 contenders batle royal
The First show will be The WWE Raw Homecoming a 3 hour show I Will be posting just detailed results for the regular unless it is homecoming or a PPV
And The PPV Schedule is the Following:
June 3, 2007 King Of THe Ring Houston, Texas Toyota Center
June 24, 2007 Vengeance New York, New York New Yankee Stadium
July 22, 2007 The Great American Bash Citrus Bowl Orlando, Florida
August 26, 2007 SummerSlam Continental Airlines Arena East Rutherford, New Jersey
September 16, 2007 Unforgiven FedExForum Memphis, Tennessee
October 7, 2007 No Mercy Allstate Arena Rosemont, Illinois
October 28, 2007 Cyber Sunday Verizon Center Washington D.C.
November 18, 2007 Survivor Series AmericanAirlines Arena Miami, Florida
December 16, 2007 Armageddon Mellon Arena Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
January 6, 2008 New Year's Revolution London, England Wembley Stadium
January 27, 2008 Royal Rumble Sacramento, California ARCO Arena
February 17, 2008 No Way Out Thomas & Mack Center Las Vegas, Nevada.
March 30, 2008 WrestleMania 24 Philladelphia, PA Watchovia Spectrum
First Show
Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fallout Boy blast through the arena

Shane McMahon comes out
Shane: Tonight is a night many WWE superstars will remember as the last day of their job! (Crowd boos) Let me elaborate tonight there will be a series of matches that will be loser gets fired matches because we have an over amount of superstars. So are first couple matches will decide whether a superstar keeps his job or loses it. And next week I will chose the general manger. The superstars that have to defend there jobs will be picked at random using an advance technique-----picking names out of a hat! And we have six Announcers and one show so they will each pick a superstar and JR and Kings, Cole and JBL and Taz and Styles teams will tag in the 10 man tag battle royal. And all the announcers have the night off.
King: Me and JR choose the team of Matt and Jeff Hardy, The Hardy Boyz
Styles: Me and Taz chose the ECW men named Tommy Dreamer and Sabu
Cole: We pick-
JBL: We pick Cade and Murdock and Shane- err Mr. McMahon, what happens if none of our teams win?
Shane: Well then in that very ring it will be Jerry “The King” Lawler vs Taz vs John “Bradshaw” Layfeild in a triple threat match

Match #1 Kenny Dykstra vs Carlito in a loser loses their job match
Bell Rings
Carlito and Kenny Dykstra lock up. Carlito breaks away and throws a punch at Dykstra. They return punches until Carlito knocks Dykstra out of the ring. Carlito throws him into the ring and pushes him into the ropes and hits a back cracker and is about to pin him when the Spirit Squad music is heard out from the ramp comes Mitch Johnny, Mitch, and Nicky. The ref gets out of the ring and chases them off the ramp. When we see Mikey climb out of the stands with a chair and he hits Carlito with the chair and puts Kenny on top of him and the ref comes in the ring to see Carlito covered by Kenny. 1-2-3
We see the rest of the Spirit Squad come out and sing nan-nan-nan-nan-nan-nan-nan-hey-hey-hey-goodbye.

Winner: Kenny


Back-stage segment
(We see Armando Estrada, John Cena and Edge backstage in Shane McMahon’s room)

Cena: I don’t think I deserve to defend my title against a big Samoan Minivan and a Rated PG13 Superstar that I have beaten both numerous times!

Edge: I am the Rated R Superstar and Cena all though times they were just FLUKES!

Estrada: You only defeated my monster by choking him out. And besides, ha ha ha, you’re only protesting the match because you’re afraid of either the Rated R superstar or my Samoan Bulldozer UMAGA!

Shane: Well if you all think you can beat each other how about we make your little Title match a loser gets fired match!

Estrada: Ha, Ha that will be easy for Umaga to be able to stay champion with no one to bring their rematch clause!
Match 2 Charlie Haas and Joey Mercury vs The Great Khali in a loser loses their job match

Charlie Haas is in first and hits Khali with a jab to the chest, it does nothing so he tags in Mercury and climbs out of the ring. Mercury is standing waiting for Khali when Haas jumps off the opposite turnbuckle of where he is supposed to be and clings on to Khali’s neck. Khali whips Haas off him back and throws him out of the ring and taunts him and Khali chases him. Khali gets to him and hits a double handed choke slam but is counted out. Khali comes in and destroys Mercury with a double handed choke slam and a slap to the back of the head. Khali is then pulled away by refs.

Match 3: 6 Man Hardcore Match: Shelton Benjamin vs Johnny Nitro vs Finlay vs Kane vs Sandman vs Rob Van Dam for Hardcore Title

Match starts out with Van Dam hitting Kane in the head with a chair and he goes flying over the top rope. Benjamin and Nitro are trading punches as Sandman and Finlay go into the crowd. Finlay is hit over the head with his own shallaylee as Sandman and Finlay disappear into the back. Nitro is knocked down in the middle of the ring and Benjamin sets up a ladder on the ropes and runs and jumps up on the ladder and hits a senton bomb. He goes for a pin when Kane throws RVD in the ring, which breaks up the pin. Kane gets in the ring with a table. He goes to hit RVD with it but RVD kicks the table back and knocks Kane out of the ring but he drops the table. RVD throws Nitro on the table but Benjamin comes in and knocks RVD in the face with a super-kick. Benjamin sees Kane getting up and launches himself over the top rope and lands on top of Kane. RVD brings the ladder into the ring. RVD climbs up the ladder and hits a 5 Star Frog Splash on Nitro. He gets a long two count broke up by Benjamin. Benjamin picks RVD up and hits a T-Bone Suplex. Kane gets in the ring and Benjamin ran and hit a running clothes line and Benjamin gets a pin on Kane.
Winner and new Hardcore Champion: Shelton Benjamin
Back stage segment

(In Shane’s office)
JBL: I can not compete in competition today. I-I-I have no clothes to compete in. I can’t-
Shane: Know I can’t do this, I can’t do that. Come on, what can you do? Fine if you can’t compete then it will be a Triple Threat match with one of the superstars from the team representing the whole team. So you can pick which one is the one who is put in the match. You better pick fast because that match is up next!

Match 4: Triple Threat Match: Matt Hardy (W/ Jeff Hardy) vs Lance Cade (W/ Trevor Murdock) vs Tommy Dreamer (W/ Sabu)

Matt and Dreamer both start off by attacking Cade. Cade gets beat down until Murdock goes to hit them but Sabu grabs a chair and hits Murdock. Murdock takes the chair and hits Sabu right in the back. He then goes to hit Jeff but Jeff Ducks and hits Cade. Cade falls out of the ring and Murdock carries him off to the back. Matt and Dreamer return punches until Dreamer goes for a DDT but Matt backs up and kicks Dreamer with a Twist of Fate. He goes for a pin of Dreamer and when Sabu goes to break up the pin jumps and hits him with a back cracker.
Winner and half of the new tag champions: Matt Hardy


When we come back we see Santino Marella, Chris Beniot and CM Punk knocked out in the locker room.
Randy Orton walks into screen
Orton: You see Mr. McMahon I have knocked out every one who was in the next match. I should be the Intercontential Champion!! You see with just 3 RKOs I knock them all out!
Shane: Nice, nice, nice Orton. You know what I am going to give you that title shot right now in a falls count anywhere match. Get a ref in here.

Match 5: Santino Marella vs Chris Beniot vs Cm Punk vs Randy Orton in a Falls-Count-Anywhere match
Orton pins CM Punk
Winner and new Intercontential Champion: Randy Orton
Match 6: Umaga vs John Cena vs Edge loser gets fired match
The match starts out when Umaga runs at Cena and Cena and Umaga brawl it out and Edge goes to the corner of the ring. Umaga hits a Samoan Spike. He goes for a pin right before Armando Estrada comes out. Umaga looks at Umaga and tells him to come out of the ring. When he leaves Edge hits a pin on Cena.
Winner and new Unification Champion: Edge
After Match moment/ promo
After the match Edge gets out of the ring and shakes hands with Estrada.
Estrada: Ha, ha, ha Excusa Excusa me, Excusa me, the reason you just saw the Samoan Bulldozer lose is because me and Edge have made a deal. We are going to form a team and own the every championship on the Raw brand. We have already conquered 3 titles the Intercontential, the Hardcore and Unification titles! Yes it is a new ‘Evolution’ of wrestling! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For the next match I am just going to write who was eliminated and who eliminated them
Match 7: 30 Man Elimination Battle Royal
Eliminated Eliminator
Kane Shawn Michaels
Matt Hardy Undertaker
Elijah Burke
Kevin Thorn Shad
Undertaker Johhny Nitro and Batista
Paul London Chris Masters
Ric Flair Brian Kendrick
Lance Cade JTG and Shad
JTG Brian Kendrick
Brian Kendrick Shad
Chris Master MVP
The Miz Sandman
Shannon Moore Deuce and Domino
MVP The Boogeyman
Trevor Murdock Eugene
Sandman Finlay
The Boogeyman Mark Henry
Deuce Shad
Domino Shad
Finlay Val Venis
Val Venis Mark Henry
Mark Henry McAlister and Balls Mahoney
Gregory Helms Jimmy Wang Yang
Jeff Hardy Balls Mahoney
Jimmy Wang Yang Eugene
Balls Mahoney Shad
Eugene Shad
Robby McAlister Shad
Rory McAlister Shad
Winner and immune to being fired for one year and #1 contender for any title up to Royal Rumble… Shad
On a side not I just have to say
King of Kings icon said:
nice sound good
I think you should say more as that is considered spam.
Hey I think the storyline you have created has a lot of promise but the actual show needs alot of work, not nearly enough detail in the mathces, and lackluster backstage and promo segments, I think if you really put your all into this you could have a good show, the best thing to do is to keep it up and try to improve with every show, maybe you should check out and review other bookers shows to get ideas(about matches,layout,ect...) and hopefully they will return the favor and give you every more advice on how to improve, if you decide to continue i'll diffenently review your next show, and Good Luck with this!
An ok first up card dude, heres my review.

Match #1 Kenny Dykstra vs Carlito in a loser loses their job match

Ok this could of been a very good first match, but way way to short. Some Punches and a Backcracker the only real moves in the match? Interesting that ur keeping the Spirit Squad together and helping Kenny.

Match 2 Charlie Haas and Joey Mercury vs The Great Khali in a loser loses their job match

Ok I must admit the result of this match surprised me. I know people dont like Khali but having him lose his job against Mercury and Haas, was interesting to say the least. Khali did dominate and destroy them really, so im hoping the count out loss means that Khali will still have some role to play. As really beating this monster is a huge push that someone on your roster could have, Titlerather than Mercury and Haas winning by count out.

Match 3: 6 Man Hardcore Match: Shelton Benjamin vs Johnny Nitro vs Finlay vs Kane vs Sandman vs Rob Van Dam for Hardcore

Ok this was probably MOTN on ur show, but didnt have much competion. Glad to see Benjamin get a push and the title. Dont htink a simple clothesline would of kept Kane down for the 3 though. Again a maych that needed to be a lot longer.

Matt Hardy (W/ Jeff Hardy) vs Lance Cade (W/ Trevor Murdock) vs Tommy Dreamer (W/ Sabu)

Again 2 short, Matt Hardy getting the win was expected.

Santino Marella vs Chris Beniot vs Cm Punk vs Randy Orton

To me totally pointless, totally pointless. Only managing to totally squash 2 great talents in CM Punk and Benoit. At least could of had a proper match of some sort.

Umaga vs John Cena vs Edge loser gets fired match

Again just way too short dude. Interesting twist between Estrada and Edge. But who is fired Cena cos he got pinned? Or Umaga as well, cos Umaga didnt win eithre. I think you neeedd to have Orton and Benjamin come out at this stage to solidfy this new group.

Wont talk about the Battle Royal. Only very surprised to see Shad win and be number one contender to any title.

You have a nice storyline going here, that I hope to see develop in the future. However you need to work on a few things, definately the match lengths as they are to short, but also the details of the match. Mostly just guy a gets a chair hits guy b, perhaps u need to research a few moves that each guy uses to get the most out of the matches. Also I think you need to work on your layout, gramma etc as some parts to me were hard to read.

As Showtyme said, check out some of the other shows, I would suggest Showtyme's, Echelon's and ACW when they get back. Im sure you can get some great ideas from the best here on Book This (IMO).

Ok for your first show, I hope to see you continue and develop and I will be 'tuning' in as it where.
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