Best GM or Commissioner in WWE History


Since the beginning of the Brand Split and the end of the Attitude Era, there have always been a strong leader in the WWE, other than the Vince. There have been many men and a couple of women who have token the job of GM or Commissioner of either Raw, SM, ECW or all of WWE. Of all of them who was the best? Here are your choices:

Commissioner Days:

Sgt. Slaughter (August 4, 1997 - November 23, 1998)
Shawn Michaels (November 23, 1998 - June 26, 2000)
Mick Foley (June 26, 2000 - December 18, 2000; October 11, 2001 - November 19, 2001)
Debra (December 18, 2000 - March 8, 2001).
William Regal (March 8, 2001 - October 11, 2001)

GM's of RAW

Eric Bischoff (July 15, 2002 - December 5, 2005)*
Jonathan Coachman (June 18, 2007 - August 6, 2007)
William Regal(August 6, 2007 - May 19, 2008)
Mike Adamle (July 28, 2008 - November 3, 2008)
Shane and Stephanie McMahon (November 3, 2008 - November 24, 2008)
Stephanie McMahon(November 24, 2008 - April 6, 2009)
Vickie Guerrero (April 6, 2009 - Present)

GM's of SmackDown

Stephanie McMahon (July 18, 2002 - October 19, 2003)
Paul Heyman(October 23, 2003 - March 22, 2004)
Kurt_Angle(March 25, 2004 - July 22, 2004)
Theodore Long(July 29, 2004 - September 21, 2007)
Vickie Guerrero(September 28, 2007 - April 6, 2009)

GM's of ECW

Paul Heyman(June 13, 2006 - December 4, 2006)
Armando Estrada( August 14, 2007 - June 3, 2008)
Theodore Long(June 3, 2008 - Present)

My personal choice is Kurt Angle as Smackdown GM. He was only there for a couple of months, but was pretty good. He was very good to as GM. He was funny and made some good matches.

Your thoughts.

*Steve Austin served as "Co-General Manager"
and "Sheriff" periodically through Bischoff's term.
Mick Foley served as "Co-General Manager"
through December 2003.
Bischoff. The guy is a wrestling genius.

I loved a lot of his work on RAW – even so far as him being fired and carried out and thrown in a dumpster! LOL.

Also, wasn't Ric Flair the GM of RAW for a while?
Ive gotta go with Bischoff as well.
He had legitimate heat with some of the wrestlers and it was kind of cool to see a spark of that on tv.
Also no other GM had a debut like Bischoff, that was truly a wtf moment
Bischoff is obviously the best choice. How biig of a surprise was it when you saw him show up backstage at Raw before they even announced him as GM? And his time as co-GM with Austin was really great. To see them hate each other and try to work together and one up each other every week was awesome! And yes Ric Flair was a GM at one point.
i got to go with regal. he was so dam entertaining. it was also good to see a gm who can also step into the ring if he had to
Bischoff was great at the GM role, and I think he should return someday in that role. never will , but I can dream.

But my honest favorite was Regal. not Regal of 2001, but 2008. He was way over. he played the role so well. the whole turning Raw / the lights off was great. And he didnt need cheap heat, and say excuse me, or " you people shut up and listen to me!!" he would sit there , turn the lights out and wait til everyone did what he wanted. I dunno, that was just great, and it really pissed everyone off.

When he came back he should have been GM again, and I hope they put him back in that role, really soon.
Obviously Bischoff. But you left out one very important name: Stone Cold Steve Austin. I forget the title that he had - it wasnt commish or GM, it could have been commish - but it was a special enforcer type role where he would ride around in his ATV and make matches and decisions. I would go Bischoff in a land slide, but for second place I would think it would have to be Sgt. Slaughter because why not pick the commish that was in charge when the ratings were sky high?

Also - HHH was in charge for a while - don't forget about the Mcmahon-Helmsly era!
Stone Cold Steve Austin. I forget the title that he had - it wasnt commish or GM, it could have been commish - but it was a special enforcer type role

Also - HHH was in charge for a while - don't forget about the Mcmahon-Helmsly era!

Austin was a GM the official title was Co GM of Raw, he also did some thing where he was Sheriff Austin or some shit lol .

and HHH wasnt a GM him and steph were just running the company. is Vince in this category then. he has ran the whole company since the 80's,

i also forgot someone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, JACK TUNNEY or however you spell it. the old president of the WWF back in the day. I always remember "The Body " saying, " he should be fined and suspended by Jack Tunney" usually about something Hogan or another " good guy " had done. lol classic
Well of all time, I'd say Bishoff. And I'd even say he was the best RAW GM as well. He came up with Elimination Chamber and MITB. WOW

Best Smackdown GM, I did Like Staphanie, but BEST of all SMACKDOWN GM's would hands down go to Teddy Long! He was such a good boss

For the slim ECW list, I'll go with Teddy again.

IMO, after the draft, I would like to see. RAW GM: (Flair) since he clearly does want to just lay down and retire. SMACKDOWN GM: Vickie (i know she's officially on RAW, but I don't think she should be) ECW GM: Teddy Long (but they need to really push ECW, new station, longer show, more superstars to make great storylines.)
Eric Bischoff is a wrestling genius – the only guy in the business who's relatively as close to his success is Paul Heyman.

I'm no fan of the Elimination Chamber, but I absolutley love the idea of the MITB, and IMO there hasn't been anyone as innovative and risk-taking as Bischoff in pro-wrestling period in quite some time.

I'd love to see him back at any point.
yea would have to go with bischoff I really hated him and he made great matches I would really like to see a GM thats completely unbiased.
I'm gonna have to go with Foley personally. He was just so entertaining to watch. The segments in the Commisioners Office were the highlights of the show. Especially if it involved Edge, Christian or Kurt Angle. Does anyone else remember when he told Christian that he had to lose a pound that night to challenge for the light-heavyweight title, so Christian dressed in a chicken suit to drop the weight. Absolute quality. And who could forget "Tables and Ladders and Chairs, OH MY! He was able to turn effortlessly from comedy segments to serious storylines on a dime. I don't think any other GM or Comissioner brought so much to the show as Foley did.
Foley was amazing as the comissioner, especially when he first came in because the mcmahon-helmsely era at that point was getting real stale. Also, he handled the who done it? stone cold storyline pretty well and proved he could be a tweener. Foley was easily the best comissioner.

Bischoff was the best gm. Bischoff played the role perfectly, hell he should be brought back now. Vickie Guerrero gets amazing heat, but bischoff got more out of everyone. The stone cold - eric bischoff co-gm of raw was so ridiculously entertaining. heres a clip from the two of them that I like alot in case anyone is bored.
The Commissioner/GM role was played well by Bischoff, Heyman, and Stephanie McMahon. Foley was funny, but not really authoritative in that role. Angle was good, as well. Especially when he took that 'fall' after being choke slammed by Bischoff. LOL

But to me, Bischoff stands out as the best GM. He had the heat, charisma, and the ability to give you the impression he was making the matches...even though he totally wasn't. No one else could pull that off.

Oh, Coachman wasn't half bad either.
I would say bischoff hands down. That guy is an absolute genius he had to many innovative concepts to mention his best probabaly the elimination chamber and the RAW roulette. BTW it was funny seeing him getting thrown in the garbage truck but also unfortuneatly the end of an innovative era of RAW.
Well there's 2 obvious choices for this really...

The BEST GM- Bischoff hands down. Like an above poster said, he is a wrestling genius. Except the fact that he ran WCW into the ground with 80% of the company being part of the nWo. But other than that, he was by far the smartest GM the company ever saw. I mean... the guy came up with the elimination chamber which is brilliant. It's tough to come up with new match concepts nowadays because so many things have been done. Bischoff's wrestling IQ is beyond genius. However...

The MOST ENTERTAINING- William Regal by a longshot. He had that slight heel swagger to him but he was fair a majority of the time. Also, he was hilarious. I don't think I would ever get tired of him saying Umanga. I wish Regal was still the GM of Raw because he was by far the most entertaining. I mean he was so damn good at it, they pushed him as KotR, and what's he doing now? He had like a 3 week program with Jamie Noble who knows how long ago. Get rid of Tiffany and make her the ECW eye candy, send Vicki's fat ass back to Smackdown, and give us Regal as the Raw GM again
Since the beginning of the Brand Split and the end of the Attitude Era, there have always been a strong leader in the WWE, other than the Vince. There have been many men and a couple of women who have token the job of GM or Commissioner of either Raw, SM, ECW or all of WWE. Of all of them who was the best? Here are your choices:

Commissioner Days:

Sgt. Slaughter (August 4, 1997 - November 23, 1998)
Shawn Michaels (November 23, 1998 - June 26, 2000)
Mick Foley (June 26, 2000 - December 18, 2000; October 11, 2001 - November 19, 2001)
Debra (December 18, 2000 - March 8, 2001).
William Regal (March 8, 2001 - October 11, 2001)

GM's of RAW

Eric Bischoff (July 15, 2002 - December 5, 2005)*
Jonathan Coachman (June 18, 2007 - August 6, 2007)
William Regal(August 6, 2007 - May 19, 2008)
Mike Adamle (July 28, 2008 - November 3, 2008)
Shane and Stephanie McMahon (November 3, 2008 - November 24, 2008)
Stephanie McMahon(November 24, 2008 - April 6, 2009)
Vickie Guerrero (April 6, 2009 - Present)

GM's of SmackDown

Stephanie McMahon (July 18, 2002 - October 19, 2003)
Paul Heyman(October 23, 2003 - March 22, 2004)
Kurt_Angle(March 25, 2004 - July 22, 2004)
Theodore Long(July 29, 2004 - September 21, 2007)
Vickie Guerrero(September 28, 2007 - April 6, 2009)

GM's of ECW

Paul Heyman(June 13, 2006 - December 4, 2006)
Armando Estrada( August 14, 2007 - June 3, 2008)
Theodore Long(June 3, 2008 - Present)

My personal choice is Kurt Angle as Smackdown GM. He was only there for a couple of months, but was pretty good. He was very good to as GM. He was funny and made some good matches.

Your thoughts.

*Steve Austin served as "Co-General Manager"
and "Sheriff" periodically through Bischoff's term.
Mick Foley served as "Co-General Manager"
through December 2003.


You forgot to mention as Commissioner "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. I can't remember what dates they were, but it invovled a match at Wrestlemania 12 against Goldust, who found Piper's "authority" a "turn-on". It is best remembered for Piper chasing Goldust across town in a white Bronco (which was really footage of the O.J. police chase).

Also, if you want to get technical, Eugene, Maven, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit and Randy Orton have all been "GM-for-the -night" (the last four gained it by winning a Survivor Series Match).
No love for Jack Tunney?

I thought he was the perfect authority figure back then.

He wasn't a heel or face. He was completely neutral.

He cared about what was right and fair.

Dibiase tries to buy the World Championship? Vacate the title and hold a tournament to crown the Undisputed Champion.

Hogan wins the title under dubious circumstances? Strip him and declare the winner of the Royal Rumble the WWF Champion.

He was the perfect figure head. He only showed up when he had to. When he did, it was because of something really important.
I would say Bischoff is the best GM overall because of how innovative he was. We got RAW roulette and the Elimination Chamber from him. He was charismatic on the mic and played the heel GM role perfectly. He favored heel groups such as evolution and did everything to screw over the Faces. Plus, the feud with Austin as Co-GM was damn entertaining. I think WWE is trying to recreate something similar with Vickie moving to RAW, Cena will most likely be annoying her, vice versa.
Bischoff by far. Nobody will ever touch the guy and people forget that it isn't wrestling fans that hated the guy... he did whatever he could to put on the best show possible every monday night in WCW. I think thats why we are all under the impression that wrestling is downhill these days, we were used to the shocking suprise almost everyweek which only happens once a year now. And then to hire the guy in WWE, that was huge. He left because he didn't believe he had anything to offer anymore with his character.

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