WWE needs new TALENT !!!!


I AM DA SHIT!!11!!!
What do you think? WWE really needs new Talent in my mind! its falling off the Edge! Undertaker??!?!?! does Undertaker need to go at WrestleMania right now? He probably has to be in the Hall of Fame and has to retire! :shit:
Not really. They just need to develope the talent they have.

Mr. Kennedy is going to be huge.

Lashley need's a lot of work but if you put him in match's with Benoit, Finlay & Regal at hous show's he'll learn quickly.

Mercury & Nitro couls be main event player's given the oppertunity.

Matt Hardy has the wrestling ability to be in main event's

Most of the Cruiserweight's deserve a decent oppertunity

Chris Benoit is criminally underused.

Kenny, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas could each do with a personality.

There's plent of wrestler's under a WWE contact who could potentially bring them into another golden age.
What the hell are you talking about, the Undertaker is one of the few reasons I still tune into WWE programs, because they brought back his original persona instead of that crappy "American Badass" bullshit. And the Undertaker has still got a lot of time left in him, he'll be around till he can't move and I for one hope its that way.

But yeah, WWE does need some new TALENT.
The guys they have now are getting on in years so to speak, but instead of getting new guys, the WWE should push the talent they have now, and that 'talent' is rapidly declining. Instead of just getting new young guys, they should get new, young, TALENTED guys. The young guys they have now are just too big and untalented and really show no potential. Instead of getting new guys, they should also focus on the guys who can really add to the show, and they have a lot of underused guys who belong at the top. They do need talent, but they aren't finding it, and that is a big problem today. But I think the source of the problem is that the standards the WWE holds for choosing wrestlers on their shows is terribly low and those untalented guys are the ones who get the titles and who get the pushes, whereas guys who are credible and deserve better, are getting canned for guys that aren't fit to lace their boots. Sure they need new talent, but again, they need new talent who can actually god damn wrestle.
thats what i mean they need to 'Develop' new Talent! if they keep Pushing Undertaker for the next 10 years you can expect what to happen!
Kennedy and Benjamin are two guys in my mind who need the main event slot!
Undertaker is still head and shoulders of the competition in my opinion, mainly because that competition is so poor. He is one guy that deserves to be pushed because he still has a little left in the tank, and does well for a guy who has had a career as long as he has had. This is a main event wrestler who has earned his spot there from reputation above all else, and the reason why some wrestlers are there is beyond me. Taker should be there for one more year because he has seemingly got something left to offer.

Kennedy and Benjamin are definitely two guys who have what it takes to main event, but they need to be sticking to the mid cards for now until they reach the top and are credible main eventers. It is a shame though that the standards of main eventers are so bad lately, so I think talented guys like them can feel a little bad that they are being overlooked. They deserve to be pushed though, but I don't think we will see them in the main event too soon, but I pray that they are there one day instead of some of the guys that are there now. Again, they should really concentrate on building up the talent that they have, instead of bringing in new guys who can't wrestle for shit and putting them ahead of guys like Benjamin.

Undertaker may be old, but he can still wrestle, and for that, I think he belongs there. I think he deserves his main event spot a lot more than Cena and Batista do, and I hope he gets one last run as champion because he deserves it for the respect he has gotten from me for being an old guy who can still wrestle better than the new guys who really should be talented wrestlers. Don't sell him short because he deserves a lot of respect, even though he is not the wrestler he used to be.
Undertaker Is a Talented Guy and I love to see him in Main Events and SToryLines but what really pisses me off is His Age and his DEAD style which makes him look more Old!! Its so Stupid! Micheal Cole Screams like Oh my God Taker is doing Magic and all it gets so Lame!
Undertaker should Win the Title at WrestleMania and then get in a Feud with Mr.Kennedy! and in this Feud Kennedy should Win the Title from Taker and mark the End of Taker's Career and the Beggining of Kennedy's!
Wrestlers should not be Dragged like Hulk hogan! In my mind Bret Hart looks like a more good Man than Hogan and the Reason being that Bret was not Dragged like Hogan same is with UnderTaker if he is Dragged too long many Fans will be Bored and out of the Track!
The whole business is in a mess. Old minds with old ideas running the game. Bookers in the WWE and TNA as well as writers, talent relations staff - the whole "faculty" - are behind the times. The way the WWE and TNA are booking is a disgrace and belongs in the early 90's.

They say that indy guys are not cut out for the big-time coz they are taught in the indies that moves sell the athlete. Whereas in TNA and the WWE they are told stories sell the athlete. But truth is - the indies are more in-line with the times. People are tired of seeing the gimmicks and garnishings. Well, in fact its not even that they are tired of it, the current generation just refuses to buy into it. People today no longer want to see the ridiculous acts, they want violence and blood. This is why the UFC is running a riot, and this is why the circus is an endangered species in the 21st century.

WWE doesn't need new talent. Sure, it never hurts to have new athletes, but they already have great talents. It is the failure of the writers and bookers to adjust to the new wrestling environment which is the cause for this rut. The people who make all the decisions don't know how to do their jobs. The WWE (and TNA for that matter) needs new bookers and writers - not wrestlers. They need to venture out and even look at fantasy-bookers, they need to look for anything new, anything different and re-invent the game. Wrestling like evrything else must evolve. And right now its not doing that. Its stuck where it was 7 years ago. Its like when you buy a brand new car. At first, its the shit!! That same car seven years later is a fkn bomb!!
The whole business is in a mess. Old minds with old ideas running the game. Bookers in the WWE and TNA as well as writers, talent relations staff - the whole "faculty" - are behind the times. The way the WWE and TNA are booking is a disgrace and belongs in the early 90's.

They say that indy guys are not cut out for the big-time coz they are taught in the indies that moves sell the athlete. Whereas in TNA and the WWE they are told stories sell the athlete. But truth is - the indies are more in-line with the times. People are tired of seeing the gimmicks and garnishings. Well, in fact its not even that they are tired of it, the current generation just refuses to buy into it. People today no longer want to see the ridiculous acts, they want violence and blood. This is why the UFC is running a riot, and this is why the circus is an endangered species in the 21st century.

WWE doesn't need new talent. Sure, it never hurts to have new athletes, but they already have great talents. It is the failure of the writers and bookers to adjust to the new wrestling environment which is the cause for this rut. The people who make all the decisions don't know how to do their jobs. The WWE (and TNA for that matter) needs new bookers and writers - not wrestlers. They need to venture out and even look at fantasy-bookers, they need to look for anything new, anything different and re-invent the game. Wrestling like evrything else must evolve. And right now its not doing that. Its stuck where it was 7 years ago. Its like when you buy a brand new car. At first, its the shit!! That same car seven years later is a fkn bomb!!
Amen. The talent is and has been around for quite some time. It's the usage (or lack of) that is killing the business in terms of how the companies can control the fans. Guys like Gewirtz, Lagana, and Russo are way too focused on the trimmings instead of on the main course, which is the damned wrestling. The whole shebang in regards to you talking about indy wrestlers is very true, to me. It seems like the only ones in positions of authority in the companies only know about old-hat wrestling (and don't know $hit about current tastes), or they're so clueless and wet behind the ears that they just don't know a damn thing about wrestling period ( Brian Gewirtz). It's a damn sad thing when I have to seek out videos on youtube and through massive torrenting to find wrestling that is quality enough for me (aside from TNA ppv's) so I can satiate my appetite for what I find to be quality. The major companies should be the ones giving this out, when they're doing anything but.
Undertaker Is a Talented Guy and I love to see him in Main Events and SToryLines but what really pisses me off is His Age and his DEAD style which makes him look more Old!! Its so Stupid! Micheal Cole Screams like Oh my God Taker is doing Magic and all it gets so Lame!
Undertaker should Win the Title at WrestleMania and then get in a Feud with Mr.Kennedy! and in this Feud Kennedy should Win the Title from Taker and mark the End of Taker's Career and the Beggining of Kennedy's!
Wrestlers should not be Dragged like Hulk hogan! In my mind Bret Hart looks like a more good Man than Hogan and the Reason being that Bret was not Dragged like Hogan same is with UnderTaker if he is Dragged too long many Fans will be Bored and out of the Track!

Are you kidding me? People in WWE are getting pushed way to fast as it is. Kennedy getting the belt at this stage would be a joke. Lashley getting the the ECW belt was a joke, no matter how low ECW is now. Let guys like Edge, HBK, Cena, Orton, Taker, Batista, Booker, and possibly Kane main event for now, while SLOW building Kennedy, Lashley, MVP, Carlito, and perhaps others. Benjamin, however, will never be a main eventer. He stutters over himself too much when he talks, and thats a big no no in WWE. Lashley, while also not being very good on the mic, has the intimidating factor about him. We can't say that about Shelton.
What do you think? WWE really needs new Talent in my mind! its falling off the Edge! Undertaker??!?!?! does Undertaker need to go at WrestleMania right now? He probably has to be in the Hall of Fame and has to retire! :shit:
I would say the wwe has plenty of new wrestlers. Khali, those two 50's guys, umaga etc..... the list go's on and on. O ya, and one other thing, please do not refer to the "wrestlers" as "talent." Its wrestling were talking about not a talent show; but i'm sure you thought since everybody else uses this term, it was ok.
I cannot begin to tell you how sick I am of hearing people refer to "wrestlers" as "talent."
I've always thought that WWE didn't focus enough on the wrestling. I like that they have storylines and all, but when you see more segments than matches it gets kind of rediculous. WWE has more than enough wrestlers with talent, it's just that they're being watered down by the lack of moves they're allowed to use in their moveset. If they were allowed to do more than punch each other, WWE would be amazing to watch.
wwe has enough talent...they just use the talent wrong. lets think about it here you have cena, batista, lashley, umaga, and khali in the main event. nto really khali though. but still the most talented person in that group is lashley and he doesnt even deserve to be a champion. all of a sudden, kennedy is losing matches. cm punk cant even get a title shot. i rarely see mvp on tv. regal is not being used. finlay is fueding with the fucking boogeyman. nitro is in da doghouse bcuz of melinas attitude btu melinas da womens champ and edge and orton are fueding but somehow still a tag team. wat is wrong with wwe??? rated rko was great. they should permanently kill dx and they shouldve added talented people to rated rko but thats not going to happen because of this possible fued with edge nd orton that i will enjoy
but the point is that wwe uses talent wrong. there are old people who wrestle way better then all of the main eventers....regal, finlay, taker, booker, hbk, hhh. only credit i give wwe is that they are giving taker nd hbk what they deserve.
I'm not sure I think the WWE needs new talent, either. They need to stop being so restrictive on the talent they have. CM Punk is one of the best young wrestler to come along in years. I feel that right now the WWE is pushing the wrong young talent. Lashley, Umaga, and Batista are not the future of wrestling. Just because they are big doesn't mean they are talented. Guys like Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, Johnny Nitro, etc. are very capable of putting on main event matches, but aren't physically big enough to really grab McMahon's attention.
Yeh they have anough talent, but they don't use it. Ridiculously, Benjamin is still low card, as are some of the most athletic people in the Wrestling business.

They just don't know what to do with their superstars.
The wwe isn't about wrestling and it never has been, if you don't like it then find another show. heh heh.
WWE is about storylines and that is why the millions and millions of the WWE's fans tune in to watch every week. I just find it silly that you guys would complain about something the wwe is not even about(wrestling) I've been watching wrestling for years and their is not one move that impresses me. A lot of the guys you all mentioned above cannot hold a good story line for very long and that's why the wwe does not utilize them. Nobody watches the show for the wrestling and they never have, not in the 80's not in the 90's and not in 2000 and beyond. This idea that fans watch wwe for the wrestling is a myth.
The wwe isn't about wrestling and it never has been, if you don't like it then find another show. heh heh.
WWE is about storylines and that is why the millions and millions of the WWE's fans tune in to watch every week. I just find it silly that you guys would complain about something the wwe is not even about(wrestling) I've been watching wrestling for years and their is not one move that impresses me. A lot of the guys you all mentioned above cannot hold a good story line for very long and that's why the wwe does not utilize them. Nobody watches the show for the wrestling and they never have, not in the 80's not in the 90's and not in 2000 and beyond. This idea that fans watch wwe for the wrestling is a myth.

I can agree with what you said 100%. WWE ain't wrestling but never the less I still watch. Only problem I have with WWE is last 3 years it's the same wrestlers in Wrestlemania 2004 to 2007 were getting the SAME crap 3 years in a row now. However WWE has a long history of wasting talent. So why should anything change now? :icon_rolleyes:
If it is not about wrestling why do they call it World Wrestling Entertainment,they should change the name to WSe-World Sports Entertainment
I've been watching WRESTLING for 25 years I assure I watch for the in-ring action and the storytelling that takes place in the ring. If it wasn't for the action this would just be Days of our Lives. I agree that new talent is not lacking but damn, they have old talent they won't even push can we say Benoit!
As people have said before WWE doesnt need new talent, it needs to use the talent that its got.

First thing they should do is bring back Paul Burchill from OVW. Hes a guy who fits all the criteria, hes big and scary looking, can wrestle, got decent mic skills, draws good heat or can get a good pop.

Second thing give Shelton Benjamin a manager who can talk for him...Ron Simmons maybe?
I like the fact that they use wrestling as the medium through which they tell stories. That makes it a "guys" soap opera.
I would never watch a daytime soap opera, their all about "love" drama, and wrestling is all about "fight" drama.
I'm sorry but I just can't watch a show that’s just wrestling "moves" and not much about anything else because that becomes mindless and boring after a while. You got to have something else other than just "moves" if you want to keep the average fan happy. If you watch wrestling for the wrestling then that’s your prerogative. Your allowed to watch for whatever reason you want.
I personally only watch if both ingredients are present--Good storylines and wrestling. The story lines have to be good(dramatic, funny, or anything in between) The wrestling doesn’t have to be all that great, but just enough to keep me interested in the storylines.

I remember a time in my life when my friend got gang up on by six guys, I was a kid then and it was quite scary.
I was of course rooting for him to prevail(win)and I didn't care how he did it, whether he clawed,jabed,bite, or kicked; just as long as he got the job done.
It was dramatic and intense but nonetheless it was a "fight." I bring the same mentality when I watch wrestling and don't really care what moves they use in a match. My thinking is "its a fight" and it doesn’t really matter, just as long as the person I want to win wins. And I do get excited when my guy does something to the other guy that "gets him good" but it doesn’t have to be anything spectacular, just enough to make me think "hey, alright he's winning."
And that’s what keeps me watching.

Wow that turned out to be longer then I thought I be. Sorry guys lol
coltx Sometimes wasting wrestlers is a good thing. A lot of the guys who some of you all think are good in the ring are actually pretty boring and have no charisma. Their characters are quite dull.
WWE has plenty of guys that could be potential stars, but, what WWE needs to do, is focus on in ring action. Less on the soap. Yeah, the storyline is nice, but, it shouldn't overshadow the wrestling. The storyline overshadows the in the ring work, that's why we have stupid WWE fans. They wouldn't know a good wrestling match, if one came up and smacked them in the face.

Next, off the bat of the things to go are big guys that can't go in the ring like Great Khali and Umaga. Batista and Lashley have potential, but, Batista has no ambition for wrestling and Lashley needs way more training, because currently, he cannot sell any of the moves he's doing. Especially when he's trying to be extreme with his chair shots. It seems very forced and dosen't seem right with Lashley's character.

Lastly, they need push young talent like Johnny Nitro, Carlito, Haas, Benjamin, so, they bring in more talent, so, there can be a next generation for WWE. Because, now, they are having well established superstars in the top spots. But, what's happens, when, guys like Undertaker, Michaels, and HHH decide to retire or go a light schedule, who's going to carry WWE? Exactly, it'll be 2004 all over again when Lesnar, Rock, Austin and Goldberg all left.
The Promo's and the Speech of the Superstars might be boring but heck it is something that makes the superstars popularity

And if you say that wwe goes off with the Talent Promo's and just go up with the in ring action then hell WWE will be nothing

I mean Soaps are the one reason that make us excited and makes WWE build hype,without this the WWE will be Incomplete.
I completely agree with everything that you all have said. For those people who say that TNA is better, they are saying it because the WWE is droping the ball. The thing that makes me mad the most is that Ashley is going to be the new face of the Diva Division. Are you kidding me? Ash is hot and all but I think that there are plenty of other girls in the diva division that are more talented. They are trying to make her into Trish and that isn't going to happen. Trish was just too classy of a gal, and what about Mickie James and Melina?! How could they just look over those girls, what about Victoria? She is definitely criminally underused. Yeah, she might not be a blond, yeah she might be like 6 foot tall and bigger than most men , but she is talented. What about all those girls back there who are more than willing to be the new face of women's wrestling and out of the new girls, they pick the one who does playboy.

The same with the guys. What is the point of having ECW if you are going to beat up all the guys who made ECW what it is today and push all the other guys who have no credibility. The "New Breed" is a disgrace. Being from South Philly and growing up in ECW, I am disgusted. Instead pushing RVD, Sabu, Sandman, CM Punk, they push those idiots who have no hardcore credibility what so ever!! I don't understand. Vince has al lthis talent and he isn't using it right. That's why everyone is going to TNA. TNA is not better than WWE for two reasons: 1) They aren't using all the WWE talent to push their product when they all those other guys willing and ready to and 2) almost everyone that works there are former WWE employees. That company is as good as WWE.

The wrestling industry is in a crisis and they need to get a solution for it right now or it will die.

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