WWE Money in the Bank LD - It's Clobbering Time

I'm calling a screwjob finish here. Vince screws someone. Either screws punk like he screwed Hart in 97, or screws Cena, hugs Punk, and Punk re-signs and becomes a Heel McMahons champion a-la The Rock in the Corporation.
Notice the difference between WWE and a stupid company like WCW: Punk went on a huge rant that was supposed to be "real". However, it still ends in a worked wrestling match. WCW would end it with a "real" moment where someone laid down and all the fans would be confused. Such a huge difference and it's why WWE is smart.
I'm calling a screwjob finish here. Vince screws someone. Either screws punk like he screwed Hart in 97, or screws Cena, hugs Punk, and Punk re-signs and becomes a Heel McMahons champion a-la The Rock in the Corporation.

Thats what im hoping for as well.

Feels like ECW One Night Stand. Ima laugh if his shirt is thrown in the crowd and it comes back.

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