WWE Money in the Bank LD - It's Clobbering Time

Not sure the last time I've heard a crowd be that loud, it is pretty crazy and that was the first match of the night.
I still can't believe it. They let Bryan Danielson win Money in the Bank. Like, seriously. I'm in shock. Marking out, but in shock.
How many hours do you think they spent perfecting that entrance? Should have learned how to do a fucking hip toss or something.

Kelly Kelly has a butter everything.
I have no problem with Bryan winning, but he needs to hold that case for a VERY long time if he isn't the first one to lose with it.
The theme makes me want to dance for some reason. Even worse than henry show. The Bellas.

Will these Bella-Kelly matches never end.
The crowd goes from crazy to so quiet you can hear crickets in the background. Hopefully this is just long enough for a bathroom break and another beer.

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