WWE Money In the Bank 2015: General Discussion & Aftermath/Review Thread

That N Word

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WWE WHC-Seth Rollins (c) vs. Kane, Big Show, or a returning legend- I think this because I either see Kane snapping, Show returning and going face or some sort of surprise return opponent for Rollins at the event. For nothing else, being the fact that all his rivals (Orton,Ambrose,Reigns) will be busy in the MITB ladder match.

John Cena vs Kevin Owens II- In the first one I see Owens utterly destroying Cena (getting DQ'ed in the process.) This would set up a match for Round II with Owens winning and earning a US title shot.

WWE Money In The Bank Ladder Match- Randy Orton,Roman Reigns,Dolph Ziggler,Big Show,Neville (or Barrett) ,and Dean Ambrose will fill the spots.

WWE Intercontinental Championship- Sheamus (c) vs Ryback- These two teased a feud to kick off Raw a few weeks ago and with rumors of Sheamus winning at EC...expect The Big Guy to be in the hunt.

WWE Tag Team Championship-Lucha Dragons vs New Day vs Cesaro/Kidd- No comment, see it happening.

Diva's bathroom break (I mean title match.)

and a filler match
As I look at this thread, I'm honestly not sure what annoys me the most.

Is it your annoying attempt at editorializing and humor? Possibly, I don't know anyone beyond the age of 11 who would find your Diva's bathroom break comment amusing.

Could it be it the fact that you picked a graphic with Bill Goldberg in it? Probably. That rumor is even more useless than he is at present.

This is why I'm glad people who normally start these threads decide to keep editorializing to a minimum. You should adopt this tact in the future.

Unfortunately, the card you put together seems accurate. Still doesn't make your attempts at humor worth reading.
Got some time on my hand so ill give a shot to what I think the card could be, this is obviously before the EC ppv though.

Money in the Bank

World Championship
Seth Rollins VS Kane
- With a few weeks till the ppv, there on heat as is so can see WWE start the Rollins/Kane feud here. Also gives them more names in the MITB match which will probably be the most focussed on match for the ppv.

MITB Match
Roman Reigns VS Dean Ambrose VS R-Truth VS Randy Orton VS Bo Dallas VS Neville
- Most names are givens, if Rusev is off the ppv than Ziggler comes in for R-Truth. The Dallas/Neville feud probably means both will be on this card and could fit in here well.

Intercontinental Championship
Sheamus VS King Barrett
- Rumours are Sheamus has it in the bag at EC and can see a good alter ego feud starting here. I suppose they could put Ambrose here but they cant push him from the main event to here in straight ppv's right?.

Singles Match
Bray Wyatt VS Ryback
- Didn't Wyatt cut a promo bout Ryback a couple weeks ago? Could see him costing Ryback near the end of the IC chamber match igniting there feud.

Divas Championship
Nicky Bella VS Paige VS Naomi
- With Naomi being pushed up the card can definitely see her on the card, wether Paige is there is another story?

Singles Match
Dolph Ziggler VS Rusev
- Big feud here over Lana and what not, if Rusev is booked off TV they could still cut promos and carry feud to carry it thru to a match at MITB.

U.S Championship
John Cena VS Kevin Owens
- Tipping Owens to get the win at EC which should set up nicely for this ppv. The result here could be interesting tho, the return of Sami Zayn?

Pre-Show Match
New Day VS Cesaro & Kidd VS PTP
- New Day getting the win here, would be interesting to know when the Cesaro/Kidd split's gonna happen. Also if Rusev is still off TV by than than this match to kick start the ppv with some sort of tag match between Macho Mandow & Axelmania VS The Ascension on the pre-show.
As I look at this thread, I'm honestly not sure what annoys me the most.

Is it your annoying attempt at editorializing and humor? Possibly, I don't know anyone beyond the age of 11 who would find your Diva's bathroom break comment amusing.

Could it be it the fact that you picked a graphic with Bill Goldberg in it? Probably. That rumor is even more useless than he is at present.

This is why I'm glad people who normally start these threads decide to keep editorializing to a minimum. You should adopt this tact in the future.

Unfortunately, the card you put together seems accurate. Still doesn't make your attempts at humor worth reading.

Dude chill out, are you made because i'm having a good time while making the post. First off, I never said Goldberg WAS returning...I took that picture from Wikipedia. It also fit my returning legend point. I know he isn't returning. It could be Undertaker or Sting.

Also, it wasn't suppose to be funny...I knew it wouldn't be that funny. Again, having fun making the thread.

At least I stayed on topic and didn't leave it and got all the right points down without spamming and I followed the rules.

There is no reason to complain over a minor joke.
Got some time on my hand so ill give a shot to what I think the card could be, this is obviously before the EC ppv though.

Money in the Bank

World Championship
Seth Rollins VS Kane
- With a few weeks till the ppv, there on heat as is so can see WWE start the Rollins/Kane feud here. Also gives them more names in the MITB match which will probably be the most focussed on match for the ppv.

MITB Match
Roman Reigns VS Dean Ambrose VS R-Truth VS Randy Orton VS Bo Dallas VS Neville
- Most names are givens, if Rusev is off the ppv than Ziggler comes in for R-Truth. The Dallas/Neville feud probably means both will be on this card and could fit in here well.

Intercontinental Championship
Sheamus VS King Barrett
- Rumours are Sheamus has it in the bag at EC and can see a good alter ego feud starting here. I suppose they could put Ambrose here but they cant push him from the main event to here in straight ppv's right?.

Singles Match
Bray Wyatt VS Ryback
- Didn't Wyatt cut a promo bout Ryback a couple weeks ago? Could see him costing Ryback near the end of the IC chamber match igniting there feud.

Divas Championship
Nicky Bella VS Paige VS Naomi
- With Naomi being pushed up the card can definitely see her on the card, wether Paige is there is another story?

Singles Match
Dolph Ziggler VS Rusev
- Big feud here over Lana and what not, if Rusev is booked off TV they could still cut promos and carry feud to carry it thru to a match at MITB.

U.S Championship
John Cena VS Kevin Owens
- Tipping Owens to get the win at EC which should set up nicely for this ppv. The result here could be interesting tho, the return of Sami Zayn?

Pre-Show Match
New Day VS Cesaro & Kidd VS PTP
- New Day getting the win here, would be interesting to know when the Cesaro/Kidd split's gonna happen. Also if Rusev is still off TV by than than this match to kick start the ppv with some sort of tag match between Macho Mandow & Axelmania VS The Ascension on the pre-show.

I forgot to put Ziggler/Rusev on the card
This could be a decent ppv if done right, but I feel it will be average at best this concept of MITB has run its course now but my card for this ppv would be:

1) The New Day (C) Vs The Prime Time Players
Tag Team Title Lumberjack Match. I would have this on the preshow with the other tag teamns surrounding the ring as lumberjacks with New Day retaining the straps.

Main Show
1) Nikki Bella (C) Vs Paige
Diva's Title Match. Have this as an openor for the show with Nikki Retaining due to heel tactics.

2) Ryback (C) Vs Bray Wyatt
Intercontinetal Title Match. Ryback defends against Wyatt with Ryback retaining by DQ

3) R-Truth Vs Starrdust
Singles Match. Filler Match.

4) John Cena Vs Kevin Owens
Singles Match. Neither title is on the line here and I would have Cena win by a DQ atleast and then have the rubber match at Summerslam with Owens winning the title.

5) Roman Reigns Vs Sheamus Vs Barrett Vs Dean Ambrose Vs Neville Vs Miz Vs Goldust
Money in The Bank Ladder Match. I would have these 7 guys in there with Goldust as the wildcard give him something to do and have Barrett win the match and go on to cash at a later date by costing Ambrose the briefcase.

6) Seth Rollins (C) Vs Kane
Wwe Worldheavyweight Title No Dq Match. The Authority turns on Kane and he declares a match against Rollins for the title BUT the Authority comes out and decimates Kane and this allows Rollins to retain the belt.
Could it be it the fact that you picked a graphic with Bill Goldberg in it? Probably. That rumor is even more useless than he is at present.

Jesus and here's me taking a quick look and thinking it's Cesaro and Rollins. Then wondering why Cesaro is in the picture. Now I feel dumb.

Anyway on topic. I'll be working for this PPV, simply because I booked the wrong day off. Thought it was on the 21st for some reason, so I'll miss it and have to watch it when I get home. Not that fussed about it really, as it's looks like it just might not be that great.

Rollins/Ambrose will be good, but expecting Rollins to win this and keep the title.

The briefcase match will be a clusterfuck, especially now that Kane's in there again this year. Didn't we have enough of him last year.

Tag match should be exciting and New Day will win, with lots of shenanigans.

Paige/Nikki Bella, your Diva's match. I think the title might change hands here. Nikki has held it for a long time, and what's happened to Naomi all of a sudden?

Big Show/Ryback will be a slow mover and a test of strength for them, and patience for the audience.

Match of the night should be Owens/Cena. That's the one I wanted to see the most, and will be sorry I missed that one.
Kane entering into the MitB Ladder Contract Briefcase match will help put a cooler onto some of the spot monkeys, because the actual spots will need to be saved for Rollins v. Ambrose. I was wondering why it was Reigns, Orton, Sheamus, and now Kane, but it has to be them so that Dolph and Kofi don't try and ruin the main event with their excessive flopping and floundering.

Nicki Bella needs to retain, it doesn't make sense to drop the belt to Paige right now, although, I wouldn't be surprised to see an NXT run in from an NXT Diva.

The tag team match will be what it is. I really enjoy hating New Day, and I like PTP, so, it'll be fine.

Big Show and Ryback is my pick for worst match of the night.

And Cena/Owens. I'll admit I was harsher on Owens than he probably needed. He moves pretty well in the ring. The WWE needs to give him clearance to hit some super move on Cena. But this match HAS to end with Cena getting the win, for booking reasons.

Rollins v. Ambrose will probably be a cringeworthy spot fest that makes me uncomfortable to watch, so Indy Fed marks will probably love it. Expect a few HUGE bumps off of the ladder like the suplexes these guys were involved in last year.

All in all, I'll say that this PPV is probably going to be pretty successful, considering it's the third PPV in 4/5 weeks.
Pre-Show: King Barrett VS R-Truth
Stupid, but it was the pre-show match. It's not like anything spectacular ever happens there.

Dolph Ziggler VS Kane VS Kofi Kingston VS Neville VS Randy Orton VS Roman Reigns VS Sheamus
This was pretty good and a solid opener. I was completely convinced that Reigns was going to win it, but heard the rumors about Wyatt's appearance shortly before the show began so unfortunately I was not surprised by it like my PPV party guests were. Sheamus was my secondary pick and I'm genuinely glad he won. I predict he holds onto the briefcase until Summerslam or Night of Champions for now.

Nikki Bella VS Paige (Divas Championship)
Stupid, stupid, STUPID! Paige deserves a rematch tomorrow on Raw with Brie banned from ringside, and Paige better win it. This joke of a title reign has gone on long enough. Why have Paige say she will dedicate her win to Dusty and then NOT go through with the title change? That's disrespectful. The match sucked, it was the 2nd worst of the night.

Big Show VS Ryback (Intercontinental Championship)
Oh my goodness, this was HORRIBLE. Absolutely awful, worst match of the night by far. I am not anticipating the triple threat we may be seeing next and when The Miz of all people is the best in-ring worker going into a match, you KNOW it's nothing to look forward to.

John Cena VS Kevin Owens
I liked their match at Elimination Chamber a little better, but they followed up that show-stealer with another outstanding match here. They stole the show again! Cena got the win, so we all know Cena VS Owens III has to be coming soon....

New Day VS Prime Time Players
Nothing special, but it wasn't awful. This match had the difficult task of following Cena & Owens. Nice to see The Prime Time Players finally get a chance at being Tag Team Champions although I am surprised by this title switch. Why take the belts off New Day when they are just starting to get good?

Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins (World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match)
This was awesome! Owens and Cena may have stolen the show earlier, but Ambrose and Rollins stole the show right back from them. My favorite match of the night. Rollins can cite this match to any hater that says he cannot win without help from The Authority. Also, due to that being one of the closest finishes in Ladder match history, Ambrose has to be getting another title shot. Fingers are crossed for that Shield Triple Threat match.

Final Thoughts
All in all, a pretty solid show. I'd have had Paige win the Divas Championship match, had The New Day retain the Tag Team Championship (despite being glad the PTP finally got the belts) and last but not least I would have gone with an entirely different Intercontinental Championship match. Sheamus as Money In the Bank should be interesting, as should the Reigns VS Wyatt feud. Very impressed by Cena VS Owens II and the main event ladder match. I'd put this as the 2nd best show of the year so far, it's just barely better than Elimination Chamber was.

1. Wrestlemania 31
2. Money In the Bank 2015
3. Elimination Chamber 2015
4. Payback 2015
5. Extreme Rules 2015
6. Royal Rumble 2015
7. Fastlane 2015
Another very very good PPV.

Opening MITB match was suspenseful and had an angle as well as a few cool spots, which is all you can really ask for.

Divas match had heat and was solid. Crowd really wants Paige to win which is good.

Show/Ryback. Of course the internet shits on this match but the internet is predictable. 2 big guys is an automatic bad match in their eyes. Was not a bad match. Was very solid.

Cena/Owens, magic. These matches are great. I love the contrast in styles, personalities, and legacies. Contrast makes for the best conflict and this proves it.

New Day vs PTP, New Day is over. Solid again.

Main event. Not sure which was better, this or Cena/Owens. The rivalry these guys have is growing to be one of the best of this generation. So may layers to it. I'm excited to see it down the line when Ambrose finally beats Rollins.
It was another good PPV. Definitely worth the money. Two fantastic matches plus MITB.

Cena/Owens delivered which is hard given the expectations. Not quite MOTY as some are suggesting but definitely a great match. Cena getting a victory made sense and Owens looked great. I suppose his style lends itself to a valiant losing performance. Rusev is still pretty new to this and had to focus on being a heel. Wyatt had to be Wyatt; whereas, Owens could really focus on smashing the match out the park. I loved the aftermath to and I do hope they have a match at Summerslam and it's for the US title.

Rollins/Ambrose was another great match. Like Cena/Owens, I had high expectations and it delivered. I loved how neither J&J or Kane got involved. It was just an entertaining match with a great story. Not only did we get a massive character change for Rollins but Ambrose looked great.

MITB was what it was. I kind off figured Reigns wouldn't win but Sheamus is a tad underwhelming. Neville could perhaps have done more. That dive over the top by Reigns is just beautiful.

I feel Paige and Nikki have wrestled a thousand times but this was probably their best match. Plus, there was an interesting ending. Is a small package enough for a DQ? I don't really know but it doesn't bother me. Another singles match might be too much but I enjoyed this one.

New Day/PTP wasn't all that. Kofi was obviously missed and I don't think the strengths of Titus and Young are in the ring. The title change was nice too given the lack of options for New Day moving forward. Moreover, Kofi wasn't there so it makes sense.

I really like Ryback. I like The Big Show too but they don't gel very well. Maybe a triple threat with Miz would open up some options and make the match more entertaining.

Overall, I liked this show. I'd probably say it was a B or a B- but there were two great matches that deserve credit.
Money in the Bank Match: Average. It seemed like there should've been more melee action, but focused more on two guys inside the ring while everyone else was...resting? Fighting? The camera never really showed what those outside of the ring were doing when Kofi and Sheamus (or whoever) were fighting. Part of the problem with this was the lack of story power going in. What was the main conflict? Reigns Vs Kane? Cause Kane seemed more interested in Rollins...Neville had some good spots, but his inexperience in these kind of matches showed.

Diva Match: I thought it was pretty subpar. Nikki's submission holds always look so terrible, although her power moves are pretty good. The ending was stupid. Pretty funny that they pay tribute to Dusty with one of his lesser contributions to wrestling.

Show Vs Ryback: This wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. At first, I thought Ryback was squashing Show. But in the end, it was implied that Show was about to win before Miz got involved. Weak finish that makes me question Ryback's credibility as champion.

Cena Vs Owens: I wasn't quite in love with this, as I thought it resembled their first match a bit much. It's still really good though, even if they kick out of each-others finishers way too much.

New Day Vs Prime Time Players: I missed this, unfortunately. I fell asleep...Nothing to do with the match. I just was tired.

Ambrose Vs Rollins: I didn't like it as much as I should have. Maybe it's because I knew Rollins would win. It had all the right spots, but I just thought it was too long.
Why is it that when you have matches involved with ladders, that we don't get any crazy spots anymore? The MITB match was a joke, there was only one ladder spot in the corner, it makes me wanna throw my TV through the wall. Why the protection? These guys aren't tough, the only guy that I give credit to is Ambrose, the guy took some pretty hard bumps last night, but then again, no surprise, dude was absolutely built for shit like that considering his time in CZW. If you're going to have ladder matches, then I expect to see some insane spots and blood.

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