wwe mocking wcw on raw?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Anyone notice that all the Dx promos on Raw basically were intended to sell merchandise or make fun of wcw's lineage. What were your thoughts on this?

I thought the Shockmaster segment was funny but they mocked wcw with showcasing the Fingerpoke of Doom incident and had a big dvd cover which shows Sting pointing down the slope of the title. Anyone approve or disapprove of the promos? entertaining or not?
Of course they mocked WCW. They're selling the story of how a dominant company in their industry was wiped out by mismanagement. Anyone who needed to be told that WCW was big, was a mortal threat to WWF, probably isn't dropping big bucks on the DVD set. They're selling the Caligula-scale grotesque idiocy of late-era WCW. OF course it temps Nemesis to do so while running Hornswoggle vs. Chavo segments. But there we are.
Considering they now own WCW, they can do pretty much what they want to. In all honesty, it was handled pretty respectfully and they allowed Dusty to get his own pro WCW shots in too. It's completely coincidental but I'd never considered the Shawn Michaels theory before.

DX always do the product selling thing. It's hardly surprising they did it again. It's actually pretty funny.
I don't look to much into it it's just DX being DX they always like to poke fun and break through the kayfabe walls in wrestling history (HHH's marriage, Shawn's real name, Vince singing and dancing years ago, and don't forget Summerfest) I think that if DX did not come back right now there wouldn't have been any jokes about it

Then again The DVD itself seems pretty one sided and did not paint the picture of WCW in a good light. I wish it would have got the same respect the ECW DVD did
I honestly loved it. I thought that it was funny and if I hadn't have already bought the DVD, I would have. I like how Dusty Rhodes and Arn Anderson were able to get their shots in aswell. It was well done.

BTW, does anyone else think that DX was taking a shot at us internet wrestling fans? I mean, I had never heard on WWE television, ever, what was said. They mentioned how HBK was champion during WCW's best years and how he really wasn't apart of the big turn around in '98 since he had just left the company. Then HBK comes back and says that half of that stuff was his idea and they actually mentioned the words, Attitude Era! IDK, all in all, to me, it looked like an arguement that I have seen in this forum plenty of times before. An arguement that I myself have been apart of.
BTW, does anyone else think that DX was taking a shot at us internet wrestling fans? I mean, I had never heard on WWE television, ever, what was said. They mentioned how HBK was champion during WCW's best years and how he really wasn't apart of the big turn around in '98 since he had just left the company. Then HBK comes back and says that half of that stuff was his idea and they actually mentioned the words, Attitude Era! IDK, all in all, to me, it looked like an arguement that I have seen in this forum plenty of times before. An arguement that I myself have been apart of.

I thought it was hilarious the only reason I ever look forward to DX reuniting is them breaking kayfabe and putting everything right out in the open the way we do on the forums. They get to express on TV the exact same things we talk about in here while taking cheapshots at past angles and horrible business decisions vince have made
Well not only were they making fun of WCW, but technically they were making fun of TNA at one point if you think about it. When HHH asked HBK if he "remembered a fellow by the name of Kevin Nash and what happened to him", HBK said "ummmm... nope! Doesn't ring a bell!". imo it's a jab at TNA stating that no one knows what Kevin Nash and TNA are and that no one really cares about Nash and TNA (Despite the fact that Nash was a former WCW Wrestler and that TNA has gained popularity lately).
I didn't have a problem with it. I miss WCW as much as the next true WCW fan, but them mocking Shockmaster is not a big deal. That angle bombed before it got started(or as it started). I could have gotten upset about them mocking finger poker seeing as how it's one of the things that hurt WCW the most, but I'm over it now. Atleast the mocking didn't take place in the ring. Hell, they could have Chavo & Hornswoggle re-enact the HOGAN/JARRETT/RUSSO Bash at the Beach debacle next week.
I was a WCW fan and I miss it also, but there is no problem with WWE taking a shot or 2 at its former competition (it's still nowhere near the same level of shit that WCW pulled on WWE. They gave away their results on air for christ sake, after that you deserve everything you get). You also got to remember that Vince owns WCW and its up to him what he wants to do with it (which is to bury it in the ground and hope to god no one remembers it from now until eternity. This has become very apparent in the past, Vince always took shots at WCW when Bischoff was GM, besides how many fans would of loved for WCW to start up again after Vince bought it (which I heard was the original plan) but that doesn't matter because Vince wants it dead, why else would he bring back ECW and not WCW, its main competition).
i think the segments are great i hope they do it again this monday. i dont know which segment was better the shockmaster or the hbk segment. i luv the way shawn fliped out. but yea very entertaining. lol
Of course they made fun of Ted Turner's wCw rastlin. They always bragged about beating Raw 84 weeks in a row, and gave away results of Raw before it went on the air.
There's a saying in the world, "The winners get to write history." That applies perfectly here. Sure what the WWE is saying about WCW may be biased and not entirely true, but since they were the winners of Monday Night Wars, they are allowed to say as they please.

Really, I don't see much of a problem with this whole thing. They have taken some shots at WCW, but nothing too major. It's been more about selling their DVD. I don't really think the segments last night were funny at all, aside from Santino. There have been worse though.
I thought it was very clever and funny. First off they didnt completely trash wcw. Second they made funny of how when shawn was champion wcw was on top and when he left the biggest boom in wrestling started. I love Hbk and believe he is one of the best period. The monday night raws came at a bad time in his title reign and it wasnt really his fault. It was cool how he flipped out and had a sense of humor about it. He even took a shot at Trips when dusty asked them about the title shot situation by saying " God knows you had plenty of opportunities" referring to trips monopoly of the title scene. The shockmaster thing was classic and pretty much happen the exactly way they renacted it, expect for the arn anderson thing.
yeah wasn't Ole Anderson the orginal voice for the Shockmaster. but all in all it was a great segment, maybe it sold a couple DVD's.
It's not as if it didn't go both ways, either. When WCW was around, they'd take some pretty vicious shots at their eventually triumphant competition as well. Turnabout is fair play, after all. Besides, since when has the WWE ever let anything go? They're still playing up the Montreal Screwjob for goodness sake.

By the way, I was also amused by the bit with Kevin Nash being mentioned and HBK saying something like "doesn't ring a bell" when we all know that in earlier leaner years, Kevin Nash was Shawn Michaels' long-time bodyguard. Another example of the DX version of HBK being totally and completely clueless.
Since Vince can't go back in time and fuck up the time stream to make himself the only name ever in prowrestling he will continue to make light of,mock,humilate, make look 2nd rate all the competition he has bought out. Like someone said before, He can now pretty much rewrite history through these dvds so that the younger,average,or non internet saavy will only see and accept his version of history. It's a shame WCW cost WWE lots of money in the 90's but also made the wwe tons of money by causing them to create the legends they had to to compete and eventually win the "war".
i loved it.....i mean its not like there saying WCW is the worst and trying to make us think it never happen like Chris Beniot being in WWE....and its called the rise and fall or WCW...i personally havent seen it yet but Rise means good things....I love DX...they say what we wanna say....and poke fun at themselves....a la Shawns remark on Trips get title shot after title shot...and Shawn as WWE champ was being beat in ratings by WCW....i love the remark on kevin nash cause its some what true....ok he in MEM....but really all the Mafia is is Wrestling version of the Pac 10 or Pac 1+9....Kurt Angle is USC and the rest the guys including Nash nobody cares bout the rest of the pac 10.
Then again The DVD itself seems pretty one sided and did not paint the picture of WCW in a good light. I wish it would have got the same respect the ECW DVD did

I disagree. I thought the DVD set showed WCW in a very positive light. I was pretty surprised that they showed WCW that much respect.

They didn't really take many shots at people like I thought they would. The ones they did take a lot of wrestling fans agree with. Nash should never have been the booker, Russo was a complete failure for WCW (not all Russo's fault but he should shoulder some blame) and maybe Jarrett but they didn't bury the guy like I thought they would.

As far as RAW goes IMO they were funny little jabs. The WWE has done the same thing about themselves. I don't take them too serious.
They was paying themselves out too about WCW kicking WWF's during 96-98 ass just b4 the Austin era.

That was pretty funny Shawn flipping out.

I don't agree though that during his title reign WWF was at it's lowest point when Bret was champ and then followed onto HBK taking over from Bret Hart, which seems to be the consensus.

HBK/Bret were both awesome champs back then. But Hogan went to WCW so there goes a huge chunk of fans.

Then the management/politics took over and killed off WCW

They also pointed the blame at Kevin Nash one of ther Clique buddies lol
Anyway they wouldn't want to paint it in a completely bad light, or they'd never be able to sell off future productions involving WCW footage and ofcourse the World/US Titles which are both NWA/WCW born and bred
Very entertaining to watch for sure. WCW honestly deserves this IMO. They had what it took to crush Vince, but dropped the ball, no better yet handed it to Vince and told him to keep it. I loved Shawn's reaction and it sold pretty well. I have no problem with DX doing this and I hope it continues.
They are selling merchandise, that is it. The whole point of the segment was to promote the rise and fall of WCW. IMO, WCW b4 the NWO was more entertaining. Don't get me wrong I liked the NWO angle, but without Sting in the raptors it was worthless. Pre NWO, WCW was about wrestling. WCW had stars that could really go in the ring. Steve Austin is one of the characters that was more entertaining on the mic as stone cold, but was much better in the ring as stunning steve. OK so i diverted from the topic, but it is ok for them to do what they did, because DX has always been the pimps of the WWE.
I thought it was funny. Of course WWE was mocking WCW. Did you really expect them not to, like at all? I thought the whole thing was funny as hell. With ShockTino and Arn Anderson.. hell yeah. I also loved all 3 of them promoting seperate DVDs. HAH!
I think this segments of DX promoting WCW DVD are lame, and not only that: those promos shouldn't happen. I remember that the camera was focusing on the TV the Fingerpoke of Doom, and just after that, Santino Marella breaking thru a wall.

I think that WWE is telling us that "perhaps there's people that hates this wwe era, but WCW was worse" because, I haven't seen a image of the nWo during the promos,.... am I right??

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