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WWE Medically Clears Daniel Bryan


Maybe half an hour ago, it was officially announced by WWE that Daniel Bryan has been medically cleared to return to the ring. The official statement reads:

"Following more than two years of extensive evaluations, WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan has been medically cleared to return to in-ring competition by leading neurosurgeons, neurologists and concussion experts, including Dr. Robert Cantu, Dr. Javier Cárdenas and Dr. Jeffrey Kutcher.
Bryan underwent a full review of his medical history and received comprehensive neurological and physical evaluations independent of WWE. He was cleared by each doctor as well as WWE's Medical Director, Dr. Joseph Maroon."

The statement also has a bunch of background information on the doctors, what they're currently doing, etc. and they're essentially top guys in their fields.

All we can do now is cross our fingers and hope Bryan doesn't regret getting what he wished for. I'd love to see him return as much as anyone, maybe more than most, but I'd hate to see him suffer worse injuries. He's a grown man, however, so it is what it is.

I don't know that I'm really surprised by this. On one hand, you know WWE has done pretty much anything it can to protect itself from any sort of liability but it's also been obvious for a long time that they didn't wanna let Bryan go. Otherwise, they'd have let him out of his contract instead of insisting that he stay on in WWE in his current role. His current deal is set to expire later this year and Bryan was said to be completely serious that if he couldn't wrestle in WWE, he'd go somewhere else.
I've wrote about this way back when they started involving Bryan in the Shane vs Owens and Zayn match that somehow Bryan would be cleared in time for mania to be Shane's partner at mania and whole and behold, Shane was taken put last week on smackdown and magicly out of nowhere, Bryan gets cleared in time for mania. So I wouldn't be surprise to see Bryan announce that Shane as been injured but will be cleared in time for mania and that at wrestlemania, it's going to be Owens and Zayn vs Bryan and Shane and maybe even adding a stipulation that the losers leaves wwe.
I've wrote about this way back when they started involving Bryan in the Shane vs Owens and Zayn match that somehow Bryan would be cleared in time for mania to be Shane's partner at mania and whole and behold, Shane was taken put last week on smackdown and magicly out of nowhere, Bryan gets cleared in time for mania. So I wouldn't be surprise to see Bryan announce that Shane as been injured but will be cleared in time for mania and that at wrestlemania, it's going to be Owens and Zayn vs Bryan and Shane and maybe even adding a stipulation that the losers leaves wwe.

I agree. I'm sure they already knew this as that is why Zayn and Owens attacked Shane last week. Now, I heard Daniel Bryan turned down the tag match already but that was just rumors. So either they go with that or Daniel Bryan comes out to announce that he's pissed and is cleared to wrestle inserting him into a triple threat match (WWE loves these lately) Zayn vs Owens vs Bryan. Either way Wrestlemania just got more interesting
This personally doesn't surprise me. It's good that Daniel's back but very disappointing that WWE didn't take advantage of the situation.

The manner in which they chose how to break the news is stupid. The infamous "Anything Can Happen In WWE" is dead.
Good for Bryan. The dude has literally done everything within his power to get back in that ring and finally he seems to have done enough to appease the WWE doctor.

Remember; Bryan has been cleared to the best of my knowledge by EVERY doctor he has gone to outside of WWE. And not just any doctors, the best in their fields. Add to that the fact that he's been undergoing different treatments to aid a potential recovery, and how strict WWE seem to have been over this. I mean, there'll always be some kind of question mark over him but I feel Bryan and WWE have gone about as far as they can to make that mark as miniscule as is humanly possible.

I think that as time has gone on we've all known he would wrestle again but it did look increasingly likely it would be away from the WWE. And as cool as it would have been to see him wrestle people like Okada, Omega and Naito in New Japan or even maybe rejoin ROH, thinking of the people he could now face in WWE (Zayn, Owens, AJ, Nakamura, Rollins, Joe, etc) makes me even more excited that WWE have deemed his health good enough to return.

Now, short-term, what does this mean? I think the general consensus is that, with Smackdown's ending last week, we'll probably be seeing him teaming with Shane vs Owens and Zayn. And that's fine. It isn't the BEST match he could be in, but he hasn't wrestled for what? Just over two years? Having him in a tag match with guys like Zayn and Owens, and Shane who has no problem bumping his sneaker-wearing ass off, is probably an incredibly safe option for his return.

After that though......well then. Where do you even begin?? The most obvious and most sense-making would be Miz. I don't think there can be many complaints with that, and even still, if Miz still holds the Intercontinental Title at that point, Bryan also gets to settle the fact that he was never pinned for the Championship. If Bryan picks up mostly where he left off then, at 36 years old and two years for the rest of his body to be probably as healed up as it has been in his entire career, he's still got the time and ability to get back on it.

I highly doubt Bryan will be going back at this full time, and honestly I would question how smart that would be, but I couldn't be happier for him and, selfishly, I've missed some D-Bry in my life. Good news all round.

Daniel Bryan is one of those rare talents in the world of sports entertainment that can play the role of the valiant underdog and have the entirety of the crowd screaming his praises the entire time. He gave more, fought harder, and overcame greater obstacles to earn that place in our hearts.

It's rare that a curmudgeon like me would identify with the majority. I'm a huge fan of Daniel Bryan's going back to his indy days, when he came to the WWE initially I was just happy that he would get some national exposure. I did not expect him to come as far as he did, mainly because he wasn't some cube shaped gorilla but also because he just wasn't a WWE guy. The fans cheering for him were cheering for who he was before he got there, and if he was going to get anywhere in the WWE he had to create a shtick for which the WWE could take partial credit.

I can't possibly express how happy I was when after Daniel was fired, the fans kept on cheering for him at every venue. He already had nationwide appeal, the fans loved him after only having a few months to get to know him. His fame transcended prowrestling, and the WWE only made his presence stronger by making him lose to Sheamus in 18 seconds and by denying him a Royal Rumble entrance. In hindsight, the WWE fucked up bigtime in attempting to push storylines that were meant to make Daniel look less appealing than someone else. At one point; they even had Sheamus trying to do the "YES!" chant as if it was his own.

They have Daniel Bryan now, and they have another shot at using him properly. The WrestleMania 30 thing was great, but it was a bit rushed. The WWE apparently thought it would be fine if they just had Daniel Bryan run around with the Wyatt Family until WrestleMania, and had to abruptly nix the angle. It would be foolish to keep Daniel out of the world title picture, but it would also be foolish to rush him into another world title match.

Daniel Bryan vs AJ Styles, or Shinsuke Nakamura, or Seth Rollins, or (fuck it) even The Miz would blow the roof off of any event. The man has the mind, wit, charm, ability, and notoriety to carry the WWE on his shoulders.
The rumor going around right now is that he's going to be a part time guy and he will be monitored really closely by WWE. So what this mean is that will he's been cleared to comeback, he's there just to fill a spot if they need him for something like they are doing With Angle and did with so many other legends. They're still concern about his health and i don't blame them because if something bad happens on their watch, they are the ones that are going to be responsible for it, not Bryan.

So what i'm hoping with all of this is that they don't use him on a regular bases, that they make sure that he wrestles a safer style in the ring, that means that all the dangerous spots like his missile dropkick and top rope headbutt stays retired, and that when he is use, it's for the right feud and not just because they need another body for a PPV.

In the end, i'm happy for him because at less in WWE, he's going to be safer then in the indies because they will monitor this guy everytime he's in the ring. But at the same time i feel sad for the fans that thing that this means that they will use him as a top guy and give him another title run because i feel that time as past for him, he will be use as a special attraction and that's about it.
Don't get too excited... remember this is the company that is keeping a tag title on a guy with Spinal Stenosis. The "hoops" Bryan has had to jump through are purely to do with the lawsuit that's ongoing rather than WWE actually giving a shit about him.

The most interesting part of this is that again, we are in the position where a lacklustre Mania has suddenly been invigorated by Daniel Bryan... whatever he does on the show it's going to get more buzz than a lot of stuff they have booked. Personally while I see the whole Shane and DB v Owens/Zayn thing, I think they could do the "dumb" thing and put him in the Andre Battle Royal to start... he won't have to bump, can win it and get a "big" moment out of it without overshadowing Owens and Zayn who have earned their moment.

The other thing I could see is him being Strowman's partner... kind of a new Team Hell No... and getting some Mania revenge on Sheamus with a quick win would be a nice callback.

Tonight, I could see him "stepping down" as GM and going as a "free agent" ala Cena.... perhaps they start his as a special referee for AJ/Nakamura and let him start a feud that way.

Am I liking it? I guess, although I think it's genuinely a mistake... it's almost inevitable he gets hurt again or it's not as good as you hope it would be. Trust me, post concussion syndrome NEVER goes away, even if you mentally get over it... every bang on the head you take will worsen things once you have it.

Personally, I think it might be fun to have him interact with Broken Matt/Brother Nero and perhaps have the Nakamura/AJ matches...and Punk's ears might prick up to hear he's back... that's a money return for him if Bryan is around as to the real "Best of a Generation".
Watch, he will immediately get moved to the A Show.

This is great news. The number of match ups available to him feels endless. I really hope they use him wisely and he works safely with strong storylines beyond the obvious "dream" matches. SD should pop a good number tonight on this news.
For me, it’s very simple. If the WWE physicians, with very impressive credentials, have medically cleared him to resume in ring activities, he should be good to go. I say return him to full in ring action, as soon as he wants to go. And put the Yes movement in full force at Wrestlemania. Personally I would much rather see him face John Cena at WM34, rather than seeing Cena lure the Undertaker back into the squared circle.

Professional wrestling is a physical activity, with plenty of inherent risks. Every single competitor is at risk of concussion, or any other injury, every single time he or she enters the ring. And they do so with eyes wide open, aware of these risks, and prepared to overcome them. It is their right to make their own decisions about their careers, assuming medical professionals have declared them fit to do so.

Is it possible that Daniel Bryan injures himself in the ring upon his return, possibly even suffering another concussion? Of course it’s possible, just like it’s possible with Kevin Owens, Bobby Roode, Alexa Bliss, or any other active competitor. He could also slip on the ice and bang his head, should he stop walking up the street? He could fall on the stairs and hit his head. Should he install a stair master in his house? Lives and careers are full of risk. If he is prepared to assume said risks, and appropriate medical professionals have cleared him to do so, let him get back to doing what he (and all of us) love. No restrictions. No second guessing. But of course, no liability from WWE either.
Firstly, WWE should protect themselves and ask Daniel Bryan to sign a waiver before he wrestles his return match, to protect themselves.

Secondly, I tip that, at Wrestlemania, it will be Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn versus Shane McMahon & Daniel Bryan. A tag-team match will protect Bryan more, where Shane can get most of the beat-down, and Bryan gets the hot tag (which will build the tension, and protect Bryan more, and then Shane finally tags him in, Bryan hits his moves, and gets the pin).

Thirdly, I just hope that they don't turn Daniel Bryan heel and align him with Owens and Zayn. DB is too popular to be a heel again. Maybe turn Shane on Bryan instead, and have Shane shockingly join "The Yep Movement".

Fourthly, if the doctors cleared Bryan to wrestle, I suppose that means he is okay, then. Despite what Dagger Dias says I think about Daniel Bryan, I am glad that Bryan is back wrestling. I just hope that they got it right, and he hasn't put his health at risk, but then, anyone does that anytime they step into the ring.

One thing though. I don't think we need to get carried away, and demand that Bryan get the WWE Title back yet. Let's see how he gets through his matches first. He might only be part-time. Besides, I think Wrestlemania 35 would be a better setting for a Daniel Bryan vs A.J. Styles match where Bryan wins the belt again. How incredible would that be!
Question is, how serious is AJ Styles injury, and would they put Bryan against Nakamura at Mania and wait on Nakamura's title shot?
I'm happy. This unlocks a list of a bunch of dream matches and gives WWE a much needed star power after Lesnar leaves.

No let's see who he faces at Mania. KO and Sami would make sense, but something in me wants to see Ziggler vs Bryan. They had a near 5 star match back in 2010. Actually they had two near 5-star matches inside a month back then.

But he could of course wrestle Zayn and Owens in a gauntlet match, which would be cool as well. Anything would be cool actually. I can't wait for the time after WM rolls around.. Rollins, Styles, Owens, Zayn, Miz, Nak, Reigns, Ambrose, Balor. Bryan will have a blast wrestling these guys.
This personally doesn't surprise me. It's good that Daniel's back but very disappointing that WWE didn't take advantage of the situation.

The manner in which they chose how to break the news is stupid. The infamous "Anything Can Happen In WWE" is dead.

It already leaked out. Or if they leaked it, it created buzz for Smackdown. Now we know he can wrestle, the question is when. That is intriguing. Heyman said it is best to never have unadvertised surprises in wrestling as that doesn't help business.

Don't get too excited... remember this is the company that is keeping a tag title on a guy with Spinal Stenosis. The "hoops" Bryan has had to jump through are purely to do with the lawsuit that's ongoing rather than WWE actually giving a shit about him.

The ongoing lawsuit that has been pretty much thrown out (last update I could find). The part remaining is small and WWE will win it. This was awhile ago.

The most interesting part of this is that again, we are in the position where a lacklustre Mania has suddenly been invigorated by Daniel Bryan... whatever he does on the show it's going to get more buzz than a lot of stuff they have booked. Personally while I see the whole Shane and DB v Owens/Zayn thing, I think they could do the "dumb" thing and put him in the Andre Battle Royal to start... he won't have to bump, can win it and get a "big" moment out of it without overshadowing Owens and Zayn who have earned their moment.

GASP! What a naughty word.

Am I liking it? I guess, although I think it's genuinely a mistake... it's almost inevitable he gets hurt again or it's not as good as you hope it would be. Trust me, post concussion syndrome NEVER goes away, even if you mentally get over it... every bang on the head you take will worsen things once you have it.

No, I will not trust the guy who thinks every post concussion syndrome is the same. They aren't. It impacts everyone differently. Some are fine. Some will never be the same. It depends.
Well, he certainly jumped in head first (pun intended). That was a segment where nothing looked held back. His turnbukcle dropkicks were nuts. The beat down looked like a beat down. Seems likely that Mania is a lock for him. It is amazing how much Vince is blowing on Mania: Rousey's debut, a Steph match, Asuka/Charlotte, Bryan's return, Cena/Taker, AJ/Nak, and what we can assume will be the end or the beginning of the end of Lesnar's dominance. What is left for the rest of the year?

Glad to see Bryan back. I really enjoyed his segments tonight. He's the second most over wrestler in WWE behind Brie Bella.
Look is Daniel Bryan ok, yeah he is just ok. I get the fact that people at times don't want Reigns. I also think that the YES! Chants have gotten bigger than Daniel Bryan. Similar to the WHAT? chants for Stone Cold almost did. Daniel Bryan is no way on the Stone Cold level. So why is Daniel Bryan loved? Because he came up in WWE as an underdog. I mean his mic skills are ok. In Ring skills are pretty good but there are people currently in WWE who are better. I think there are plenty of wrestlers in WWE who are better. The Miz to me is the best performer in the WWE right now. I think Daniel Bryan will wrestle for a while but worry that something could happen to him that could seriously injure him. Edge was there at one point and made a decision to step down for his life not his EGO. Which brings me around to Daniel Bryan, HIS EGO is the only reason he is getting back in the ring although he has been seriously injured. Please someone help me understand the fascination with Daniel Bryan because even in his prime he was a B+ wrestler.
Look is Daniel Bryan ok, yeah he is just ok. I get the fact that people at times don't want Reigns. I also think that the YES! Chants have gotten bigger than Daniel Bryan. Similar to the WHAT? chants for Stone Cold almost did. Daniel Bryan is no way on the Stone Cold level. So why is Daniel Bryan loved? Because he came up in WWE as an underdog. I mean his mic skills are ok. In Ring skills are pretty good but there are people currently in WWE who are better. I think there are plenty of wrestlers in WWE who are better. The Miz to me is the best performer in the WWE right now. I think Daniel Bryan will wrestle for a while but worry that something could happen to him that could seriously injure him. Edge was there at one point and made a decision to step down for his life not his EGO. Which brings me around to Daniel Bryan, HIS EGO is the only reason he is getting back in the ring although he has been seriously injured. Please someone help me understand the fascination with Daniel Bryan because even in his prime he was a B+ wrestler.

This is very simple.

Edge had a neck injury.

Bryan had a head injury.

Edge was not cleared by doctors.

Daniel Bryan was.

They are not the same injury.

Someone please help me understand why the guy who blew the roof off at Mania 30 is a big deal? Please tell me why the guy who got the fans back into the show after Undertaker lost is a big deal?

You don't have to like a guy to see that he is a big deal.
Well, he certainly jumped in head first (pun intended). That was a segment where nothing looked held back. His turnbukcle dropkicks were nuts. The beat down looked like a beat down. Seems likely that Mania is a lock for him. It is amazing how much Vince is blowing on Mania: Rousey's debut, a Steph match, Asuka/Charlotte, Bryan's return, Cena/Taker, AJ/Nak, and what we can assume will be the end or the beginning of the end of Lesnar's dominance. What is left for the rest of the year?

Glad to see Bryan back. I really enjoyed his segments tonight. He's the second most over wrestler in WWE behind Brie Bella.

This is definately shaping up as the most hyped Wrestlemania of all time. Problem is, how do you put all of this in a 4-hour show, without downplaying them?
This personally doesn't surprise me. It's good that Daniel's back but very disappointing that WWE didn't take advantage of the situation.

The manner in which they chose how to break the news is stupid. The infamous "Anything Can Happen In WWE" is dead.

Could not be more opposite. How many more people will have tuned in knowing DB is fit to wrestle? By announcing it early you get people interested in what will now happen.
I thought went through my head after last night's angle, could this whole bryan is cleared to wrestle just part of a storyline and that by next week they will pull a bait and switch on us by telling us that because of owens & Zayn attack on Brayn, Bryan suffored another concussion and some injury to his spine and neck and the WWE decided to not cleared him for a return.

While i hope that's not the case, i wouldn't be surprise by anything at this point but if they actually do this, then i can't wait to see the outrage from the fans when they announce that this was all a work.
I thought went through my head after last night's angle, could this whole bryan is cleared to wrestle just part of a storyline and that by next week they will pull a bait and switch on us by telling us that because of owens & Zayn attack on Brayn, Bryan suffored another concussion and some injury to his spine and neck and the WWE decided to not cleared him for a return.

While i hope that's not the case, i wouldn't be surprise by anything at this point but if they actually do this, then i can't wait to see the outrage from the fans when they announce that this was all a work.

You've just proven yourself to be a complete idiot dude. First off, you're illiterate as hell and that's annoying as hell. To the point, tell me you truly don't believe that they would have him get any sort of physical if he wasn't? Why would they use real life bumps for an angle?


^THIS is an angle where he wasn't cleared, it was teased and made to look like he took a bump, but he didn't.


^THIS is an angle in which a cleared wrestler did several insane dropkicks, took several bumps; including an apron bump (which is the hardest part of a wrestling ring.)

Dude, work on your post man. I know my grammar can get bad at times, but at least people can understand what the hell I'm trying to say without re-reading. People's problem with me tends to be fantasy booking, you just try too damn hard. You don't always need to have an comment, because sometimes your comments at times comes off as delusional. This isn't me trying to down you, this is me saying work on improving.
You know, I think a lot of you fans owe an apology to someone, who you put down for years.

Brie Bella.

A lot of people here treated her like she was a tart, a skank, and was only with Bryan to enhance her position with the company. Her and her sister were talked about by many of you as everything wrong with the Diva division, as in goods looks and no wrestling ability.
I have seen the Bellas called awful names on here.

If you are a Daniel Bryan fan, then you owe Brie an apology, because, based on Bryan's speech on SD Live!, it was her who talked him into coming back, and made him believe that his career isn't over.

Maybe next time, you won't just dismiss her as simply a girl with looks but little else.
You've just proven yourself to be a complete idiot dude. First off, you're illiterate as hell and that's annoying as hell. To the point, tell me you truly don't believe that they would have him get any sort of physical if he wasn't? Why would they use real life bumps for an angle?


^THIS is an angle where he wasn't cleared, it was teased and made to look like he took a bump, but he didn't.


^THIS is an angle in which a cleared wrestler did several insane dropkicks, took several bumps; including an apron bump (which is the hardest part of a wrestling ring.)

Dude, work on your post man. I know my grammar can get bad at times, but at least people can understand what the hell I'm trying to say without re-reading. People's problem with me tends to be fantasy booking, you just try too damn hard. You don't always need to have an comment, because sometimes your comments at times comes off as delusional. This isn't me trying to down you, this is me saying work on improving.

you don't have to get mad man, Not everything need to be serious all the time. If you're having problem reading my post, that's you're problem not mind.

As for my last post, this was just a thought i had after seeing this. They do have a precedent of doing swerve for the sake of it so why would this not be in the realm of possibility. Heck, if you believe the rumors, Sheamus as been wrestling injured for the last few months now so i wouldn't surprise me to see something like this happen.

Again, just fantasy booking here, don't need to get over sensitive about this.
You know, I think a lot of you fans owe an apology to someone, who you put down for years.

Brie Bella.

A lot of people here treated her like she was a tart, a skank, and was only with Bryan to enhance her position with the company. Her and her sister were talked about by many of you as everything wrong with the Diva division, as in goods looks and no wrestling ability.
I have seen the Bellas called awful names on here.

If you are a Daniel Bryan fan, then you owe Brie an apology, because, based on Bryan's speech on SD Live!, it was her who talked him into coming back, and made him believe that his career isn't over.

Maybe next time, you won't just dismiss her as simply a girl with looks but little else.
You know, I think a lot of you fans owe an apology to someone, who you put down for years.

Brie Bella.

A lot of people here treated her like she was a tart, a skank, and was only with Bryan to enhance her position with the company. Her and her sister were talked about by many of you as everything wrong with the Diva division, as in goods looks and no wrestling ability.
I have seen the Bellas called awful names on here.

If you are a Daniel Bryan fan, then you owe Brie an apology, because, based on Bryan's speech on SD Live!, it was her who talked him into coming back, and made him believe that his career isn't over.

Maybe next time, you won't just dismiss her as simply a girl with looks but little else.

Is it still real to you, damnit?

Wrestling is scripted, including the promos. Whether 100% of what he said is true or just 0%, only a handful of people know the truth. If you believe the "reports", DB had been getting tests done with different doctors for the past 2 years practically. Not just "2 months ago" as DB stated.

Hell, aren't you the poster who chides everyone on here who hate Reigns because you think it has to do with the "reports" claiming he's Vince's project? (A fact I would agree with you on to an extent). Wrestling fans are notorious for believing only what they want to believe in order to support their argument, no matter how stupid they sound. Your post is proof of that, just as much as some of the idiotic Reigns haters' posts.

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