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At Payback WWE kept the world title on Daniel Bryan. It may be a hint that Bryan will be cleared to compete sooner rather than later. I would like to propose an alternative possibility: WWE is nervous that a top Superstar vacating the title would be bad for their stock.
WWE stock has been in a delicate situation since its dramatic drop a few weeks ago. WWE had to clot the bleeding by reassuring investors that their company was on the right track. Alone, a wrestler surrendering a title isn't such a seismic event. However, in concert with the Utlimate Warrior's death, the unpopular decision to end Undertaker's streak, CM Punk's departure, sluggish WWE Network growth, the dramatic stock drop, and the disappointing TV deal, WWE may feel that keeping the world title on Daniel Bryan will help to hush any potential Murphy's Law whispers.
It might be better for WWE to keep Daniel Bryan in the public eye with the title rather than to send their top star on the shelf to the dismay of a reactionary fan and investor base. Vince McMahon never likes to show his own weaknesses; perhaps by extension, in these tenuous times, he doesn't want his champion to show any modicum of quit. Perhaps in the WWE corner office, Daniel Bryan's perseverance in the face of adversity is a reflection of WWE's intent to soldier on.
In what ways could WWE's decision to keep the title on Daniel Bryan be impacted by WWE stock?
WWE stock has been in a delicate situation since its dramatic drop a few weeks ago. WWE had to clot the bleeding by reassuring investors that their company was on the right track. Alone, a wrestler surrendering a title isn't such a seismic event. However, in concert with the Utlimate Warrior's death, the unpopular decision to end Undertaker's streak, CM Punk's departure, sluggish WWE Network growth, the dramatic stock drop, and the disappointing TV deal, WWE may feel that keeping the world title on Daniel Bryan will help to hush any potential Murphy's Law whispers.
It might be better for WWE to keep Daniel Bryan in the public eye with the title rather than to send their top star on the shelf to the dismay of a reactionary fan and investor base. Vince McMahon never likes to show his own weaknesses; perhaps by extension, in these tenuous times, he doesn't want his champion to show any modicum of quit. Perhaps in the WWE corner office, Daniel Bryan's perseverance in the face of adversity is a reflection of WWE's intent to soldier on.
In what ways could WWE's decision to keep the title on Daniel Bryan be impacted by WWE stock?