WWE made a mistake getting rid of the two titles.

The world title was beyond obsolete and after the brand extension died it was obvious that it was the "secondary championship". This just caused problems because the IC title is the supposed to be the second championship. This pushed the IC title down to the mid-card where it never belonged. Honestly the US titles as much as I like it basically became obsolete in the technical sense when wrestling when fully global with the monday night wars. The US title will be gone soon enough simply because it's not a WWE belt. Mark my words This time next year there will only be 4 titles 2 for singles stars 1 for the women and 1 for tag teams.

Also it seems like they're going back towards the idea that the secondary title isn't for mid carders because it's not, just like they moved the main championship back to the top guys and not below them. Wrestling used to have a pretty solid teir system that worked before the mass influx of titles. You had your lower card and jobbers then you had your mid card above them, then your upper card feuding for the secondary titles and the your tip top guys fighting THE championship. The past few years we've been subjugated to the idea that top guys like cena wrestling above the title and and the other upper carders split into feuds for the 2 "top" titles. This puts the the diluted secondary titles on people who aren't at the level to hold them. Right now the order has guys like bryan/cena as credible threats to orton and they could on given night beat him for the top title. Your upper card after them should basically all be able to be considered threats to them in some sense to the top tier even if they're not quite every PPV main eventers. The "best" of these guys should be the secondary champion. I would never believe that Big E or Dean Ambrose at their current level to be a credible threat to any of the top guys, because logically they're not. But if you look at the people that are starting to feud for the secondary title now they're the old WHC guys who at some point feuded with the cenas and ortons and have actually picked up wins over them. If you want a mid card "title" look no further than the MITB because that's what that is, it's a "title" that gives a midcarder an advantage to help elevate them beyond their stature.

People obviously have a problem with this because they have to face the hard facts that the young guys that they support(and I support a lot of them too) are still new and are still midcarders. Stop trying to strap rockets to guys that have been around for a few years you're dooming them to failure.
I simultaneously agree and disagree....

The two titles absolutely had to be merged, but WrestleMania should have been the time to do it. You could have had Orton and Batista as the authority picked heel champions and the winner of The Royal Rumble (CM Punk) and the winner of The Elimination Chamber (Daniel Bryan) compete in a small four man tournament to unify the titles.

That way Triple H could stroke he and Batista's egos, Punk most likely would have stuck around and Bryan could still have his WrestleMania payoff. Win/win/win.

I agree with this 100%! Had they did it this way, it could have been more intriguing. In addition, the top four would have been going at it and gave something new to the fans.
I agree mostly. The decision was rushed and NOT built in any meaningful way. It seems only 2 storylines have derived a plethora of TV Time the last few months. At first, I thought, it would be great for the IC & US Titles, but that has yet to work either. To top it off, there are still 2 belts!! Either make a New Title and eliminate both old ones, or put some focus back on the fact that there are indeed 2 Titles (WWE Champion/World Heavyweight Champion) that one has to hold to obtain the WWE World Hvwt Championship.

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