I think theres a lot of talent on the roster that they don't seem to bo doing much with, Mainly Cesaro who I think should be one of the top guys right now, Also Daniel Bryan its like they have been trying to hold him down, Others I think has a lot of potential like Luke Harper, Erick Rowan and Damian Mizdow and not done a huge amount with. I do think those should be the top 5 guys in the company right now.
Stephanie does have a tendency to just emasculate anyone. Not even Brock Lesnar has been safe against her creative clout.
He's right. It isn't a matter of wins and losses - losing doesn't mean someone is buried. But think about this - a superstar is only as good as their opponent. All those squash matches in the 80's were jokes because no one believed Jobber Jack could beat Hogan but at least he had real competition at the ppv. But with a huge chunk of the roster buried today, how do the rest look? Simple example - find an opponent for Cena that people find credible. Tensei, Ryback, Wyatt - he beat them all and they were no longer a threat. They build Rusev up to be a threat and then took the title off of him so Cena could have another Mania moment. Because Cena's opponents all are getting jobbed out and buried, so is Cena because no one actually believes that he will lose and that it will mean anything. Orton is the same - came back just before Mania and beat the hell out of Rollins, had a match at Mania and beat the hell out of Rollins yet Rollins wins the title. Now Orton wants a title match. Is there any reason to think Orton won't win since be beat Rollins the last few times? Even as champ, Rollins was somewhat buried before he ever won - how credible is he? And because of that, it impacts how people look at Orton. By constantly pushing a handful of guys, they have screwed over the entire roster because it reaches a point where only those few guys have any credibility and we don't need to see another Cena/Orton match.
But if everyone is buried, then who hold the shovel?

Seriously, losing =/= bruing, there always storylines involved, you should analize them first, because every loss or victory have a reson behind it
And I can prove it!

Adam Rose – Stuck in a comedy tag team and they didn't care enough about the Bunny storyline to follow up. It's burial time, all the time.

Bad News Barrett – Reduced to a glorified commentator. Why would I care about someone like him? Bad News for you dude: You're buried.

Big E. – Sent into a horrible team that no one cares about after being in a six man tag team match last year at the Raw after Wrestlemania where the fans booed him. Oh and he's black so he's never going anywhere. Don't sweat it Big E. You're just being buried.

Big Show – Look what happened to Cesaro after he won the battle royal last year. He's clearly going to get buried. Oh and he didn't get a pin the next night. We're going to need a big box to bury a guy this big, but rest assured, he shall be buried.

Bo Dallas – He was eliminated by an NXT guy. He's not even good enough to be buried by the major league guy. Dallas is far enough down that he's being developmentally buried.

Bray Wyatt – Look at all those pay per view losses. He hasn't won a single match on pay per view THIS YEAR. All he got on a pay per view was an interview where he ripped off another guy's entrance. Follow the buzzards to his buried body.

Brock Lesnar – Do I even need to explain this one? Lost the title and HASN'T DONE A THING SINCE! Now he's suspended and won't get his revenge. People are going to forget about him and he'll lose his heat. The next big burial indeed.

The Bunny – See Rose. They didn't care enough about him to even unmask him as Darren Young. And I know that's where it was going because I read it on a dirt sheet and they never make stuff up. I hope he can hop out of that grave he's been buried in.

Cesaro – A TAG TEAM CHAMPION? Well, he's screwed. He was so bad they stuck him on the pre-show. TWICE! What's the Swiss word for buried?

Curtis Axel – Had to sell for Hulk Hogan and a celebrity with the 2.4 inch Pythons. Can we get a clock on how long he's been buried for?

Damien Mizdow – Geez man. How can someone allegedly so smart (like I'm smart. I read wrestling news on the internet bro.) not come up with something better than just copying someone else? He's totally ripping off Buddy Landell with Ric Flair from the 80s. Maybe he can get a stunt double when they throw him in the grave.

Daniel Bryan – Yeah he won the Intercontinental Title but he lost in his first non-title match by countout due to interference. NO! He doesn't have any hope and YES! He is being buried. It's so clear that you would have to be a goat faced moron to not see it.

Darren Young – They put him in a gimmick where he makes fun of people and shills old shirts. He's like the black Charlie Haas. Oh and he's black and therefore buried. Total racism.

Dean Ambrose – He lost both of his pay per view main events late last year, only got into the final five of the Rumble and then lost his Wrestlemania title match. Then Cena beat him in the US Title match the next night on Raw. There's no hope for his future, but maybe he warm himself with all the memories of how people TOTALLY said he would be the star of the Shield.

Diego – He was replaced by a short guy named Kalisto as the resident luchador and he's second fiddle to a guy in a bull suit. Either way, bury the dude. Just make sure it's Diego instead of Fernando. Actually never mind as they're the same person.

Dolph Ziggler – Where do I even start? He hasn't won a thing since he won the World Title because that was Cena's win at Survivor Series and he couldn't even mean anything because STING won't get out of his way. Then he jobbed to Luke Harper because this company has a thing for beards. Maybe he can show off the shovel used to bury him.

Erick Rowan – When has he actually won something recently? He's just a big version of Daniel Bryan anyway. Maybe he can avoid being buried by pretending to be a sheep or something.

Fandango – When the feature of your act is the dancing chick who has never won a singles match in like five years, you're just the new and improved version of the same buried Fandango.

Fernando – He was replaced by a short guy named Sin Cara as the resident luchador and he's second fiddle to a guy in a bull suit. Either way, bury the dude. Just make sure it's Fernando instead of Diego. Actually never mind as they're the same person.

Goldust – WWE cares about him so much that he wins a match and lost all of his heat due to a post match attack. Then he got crushed by Rusev after Raw to complete the burial.

Heath Slater – They hate this guy so much that they go from a 3 Count knockoff to making him look like Apollo Creed. Even Drew McIntyre in TNA is getting pushed harder than this guy. I wonder if the guy burying him needed two helpers so it could be a THREE MAN BURIAL?

Jack Swagger – He's lost to Rusev six times in less than a year. That's like Zack Ryder territory and we all know he's been buried.

Jey Uso/Jimmy Uso – Let's combine this one into one. They can't even beat Los Matadores and they're only there to push Total Divas “star” Naomi. It doesn't help that they're just a placeholder tag team and haven't done anything since they dropped the tag belts. Siva Tao your ways into the burial positions guys.

John Cena – This guy is the KING of burials. How do you go from the main event of Wrestlemania two years ago to basically being the TV Champion and fighting guys like Dean “I used to be a big deal when I said NOPE that one time!” Ambrose and Star “Please think of Mockingjay when you see me and forget that I'm jobbing to old guys” Dust. How could they put this guy over Rusev? He's even using more than five moves to make you think he knows more than five moves! How can you trust this guy??? You won't be able to see him now that he's been buried.

– He's just there to make people forget about Rey Mysterio. Flip youself into the line for being buried and LEARN SOME ENGLISH. Clearly people hate him because he's Hispanic right?

Kane – PUT THE MASK BACK ON! You were totally cool back then when you were the old dude in the mask instead of the old dude in the dress pants. Now you're just getting speared and pinned all the time by a guy with no heat like Roman Reigns. I would say you're buried but you're way too old to belong in the ground anymore.

Kofi Kingston - Just a jumping guy. He's black though and in that trio of losers so we'll have him jump into the grave.

Konnor – They're just using him to cash in on the Crusher stuff from last year. Why else would you name someone Konnor? Thankfully the WWE has clearly seen that there's no future for he and Viktor and they're burying them accordingly.

Luke Harper – When your only gimmick is you have a dirty shirt, you're clearly being buried. GO BACK TO BRAY'S SIDE YOU FREAKY LOOKING LOSER!

Mark Henry – They brought him back to put over Roman Reigns and Sheamus? There's no future in being a jobber to the stars and if you need any more proof, they put him in a battle royal a few weeks back. AND LET HIM WIN IT! Of course on top of that, he's black and all black people are buried in WWE. Because they're black and WWE is racist.

The Miz – An actor gimmick? That's the best they can do? Then they keep giving him movie roles and have him lose to a guy most famous for imitating Miz and wearing Lanny Poffo's thrown out trunks? I hope we can have quiet at the cemetery when they officially bury him, but they did that when they made him play third fiddle when he kept the title at Wrestlemania a few years back. If you want further proof, they gave him a Tag Team Title a few months ago. How can you possibly believe that he's not being buried?

Neville – Losing to the World Champion in his SECOND MATCH on the main roster? Do I even need to explain why that's a burial?

R-Truth – Just there for comedy and there's that whole black guys don't get pushed. Buried! That's what's up!

Randy Orton – You think Cena sucks because he only knows five moves? RKO, backbreaker, elevated DDT, right hand, I'm waiting for the fifth move. We'll call that a BURIAL OUT OF NOWHERE!

The Rock – He came back for five Wrestlemanias and can only get TALKING SEGMENTS??? That's the ultimate sign of being put out of pasture. Get out of the ring and just let Ronda Rousey show you how REAL WRESTLING is done you actor. So not only is he being buried in talking segments year after year, at the same time he's burying people who really deserve the time. Do you have any idea how hard it is to bury people and be buried at the same time??? I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT!!!

Roman Reigns – Totally choked in the biggest match ever and then got stuck in a meaningless six man the next night as Orton's partner. He's just Cena with a tan anyway and we've already established that Cena is being buried, so Reigns is being buried with a tan and stupid looking tattoos.

Rusev – No one cares about him unless Lana and the tank are there. Plus he lost his big title match so he's clearly being buried.

Ryback – Can they pick a gimmick with this guy? Not that it matters because each one leads to him being buried. First he was a monster and then A FREAKING REFEREE costs him the title match? Buried. Then he's a heel who goes to a draw against Cena in his main events. Buried. Then he's a bully and that doesn't sound like being a star, meaning he's not in the sky. You know where that leaves him right? Buried. In the ground. Now he's back to the beginning as a monster, which is clearly just leading to him being buried all over again.

Seth Rollins – Yeah he's the Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion, but they're clearly doing nothing with him. He had to sell for a rookie and needs comedy goons to save him all the time. Curb stomp him into the grave and put him out of his misery before he has a rematch for the title in the main event of the pay per view.

Sheamus – Comes back from being a four time World Champion and they turn him heel? That's what you do when you have nothing left to do with someone so his days are numbered. Plus he couldn't even beat a vanilla midget like Bryan without help so he's done. Buried.

Sin Cara – A masked tag match? What happened to being the most popular guy in Mexico? Leave the mask on to hide your face you buried loser.

Stardust – He's lost two title shots in eight days and is there as a movie tie-in character to some girly movie like Thirsty Games or whatever it's called. Buried and buried bad.

Sting – Well he's never won a match so he's already behind Barry Horowitz. How do you get more buried than that?

Titus O'Neil – I'm tired so we'll stick with he's black and therefore buried. He's even in a black tag team so it's even worse. Buried again.

Triple H – This guy invented being buried! Getting thrown around by a celebrity? That's even worse than when he got slapped around by an actor back in 2000. When is the last time he won a World Title anyway? Now he's beating up old WCW rejects like Sting, which means he's just fighting jobbers. There's no point to having him around anymore so we'll say he's buried.

Tyson Kidd – Yeah he's got a belt, but it's the same one he had a few years ago and now he's pitching Burger King ads while wearing lame headphones and showing off his love for his cats? That's the best they've got for him? Oh yeah he's buried.

Undertaker – The guy has lost how many BURIED alive matches? He's literally been buried multiple times so I think you get the point here.

Viktor – He got beaten up by the APA and DX. How does he not understand that he's being buried?

Xavier Woods – The leader of the trio of black losers. Still means he's being buried though. Yeah he wants to work with children and is working on his PH.D, but can he win a match? Until we know he can, he can defend his dissertation after getting out of that dirt from when they buried him.

Zack Ryder – Do I even need to explain this one? He's had like four matches with Rusev that add up to less than five minutes. And to think a guy like Rock talked (Like I said, he only does talking segments!) so highly of him after the main event of Survivor Series 2012.

All Divas but the Bellas are of course being buried so we'll put them in a big group.

Bella Twins – They're just there because of a reality show with ratings that keep falling. They may be “stars” there but here they're just propping up tombstones. I mean, they lost at Wrestlemania and weren't even important enough to defend their title. Yeah they're both champion. The name graphics said so and even if it might have been a slip up, it's how I interpreted it so therefore it's true.

Finally, some other people they have on screen.

El Torito – They can't decide if he's a man or a bull. If they don't care enough, they're buried him already.

Hornswoggle – Well they gave him a movie so he wouldn't be on screen. Sounds like a burial to me.

The Stooges – How many finishers do they keep taking? I don't remember two J's being in the word buried, but maybe I just missed it.

Lana – She gets a dead end foreigner gimmick and isn't even on Total Divas. Bury her and her legs.

Paul Heyman – How many times can he say the same thing over and over again? He's nothing without Lesnar so just like ECW,'s he's dead and buried.

Stephanie McMahon – She got beaten up by Ronda Rousey (I know her of course, because I pay for the Wrestling Observer Newsletter for my MMA news and that makes me a REAL fan) on the biggest night of the year. Yeah she beat a Bella. Freaking woop. Bury her with the rest of the McMahon Family so we can get a good boss in there. Is Sapolsky available?

William Regal – They already buried him. I mean, he's the third NXT boss in like two years. How much could they possibly care about him?

Zeb Colter – How does this guy have a job? All he does is talk and claims an injury after he FINALLY took a bump. Bury him next to Swagger and Cesaro.


Oh and I got this list off the WWE Roster Wikipedia page. Bury that too since it hasn't done anything for me since I started writing this list.

hey how dare you take Seth Rollins and Brock Lesner off the list now
The rest I agree have been BENCHWARMERS as I always use that term loosely if they can all see the light they can all head to TNA to be something than being NOTHING in wwe
Adam Rose – Stuck in a comedy tag team and they didn't care enough about the Bunny storyline to follow up. It's burial time, all the time.

Bad News Barrett – Reduced to a glorified commentator. Why would I care about someone like him? Bad News for you dude: You're buried.

Big E. – Sent into a horrible team that no one cares about after being in a six man tag team match last year at the Raw after Wrestlemania where the fans booed him. Oh and he's black so he's never going anywhere. Don't sweat it Big E. You're just being buried.

Big Show – Look what happened to Cesaro after he won the battle royal last year. He's clearly going to get buried. Oh and he didn't get a pin the next night. We're going to need a big box to bury a guy this big, but rest assured, he shall be buried.

Bo Dallas – He was eliminated by an NXT guy. He's not even good enough to be buried by the major league guy. Dallas is far enough down that he's being developmentally buried.

Bray Wyatt – Look at all those pay per view losses. He hasn't won a single match on pay per view THIS YEAR. All he got on a pay per view was an interview where he ripped off another guy's entrance. Follow the buzzards to his buried body.

Brock Lesnar – Do I even need to explain this one? Lost the title and HASN'T DONE A THING SINCE! Now he's suspended and won't get his revenge. People are going to forget about him and he'll lose his heat. The next big burial indeed.

The Bunny – See Rose. They didn't care enough about him to even unmask him as Darren Young. And I know that's where it was going because I read it on a dirt sheet and they never make stuff up. I hope he can hop out of that grave he's been buried in.

Cesaro – A TAG TEAM CHAMPION? Well, he's screwed. He was so bad they stuck him on the pre-show. TWICE! What's the Swiss word for buried?

Curtis Axel – Had to sell for Hulk Hogan and a celebrity with the 2.4 inch Pythons. Can we get a clock on how long he's been buried for?

Damien Mizdow – Geez man. How can someone allegedly so smart (like I'm smart. I read wrestling news on the internet bro.) not come up with something better than just copying someone else? He's totally ripping off Buddy Landell with Ric Flair from the 80s. Maybe he can get a stunt double when they throw him in the grave.

Daniel Bryan – Yeah he won the Intercontinental Title but he lost in his first non-title match by countout due to interference. NO! He doesn't have any hope and YES! He is being buried. It's so clear that you would have to be a goat faced moron to not see it.

Darren Young – They put him in a gimmick where he makes fun of people and shills old shirts. He's like the black Charlie Haas. Oh and he's black and therefore buried. Total racism.

Dean Ambrose – He lost both of his pay per view main events late last year, only got into the final five of the Rumble and then lost his Wrestlemania title match. Then Cena beat him in the US Title match the next night on Raw. There's no hope for his future, but maybe he warm himself with all the memories of how people TOTALLY said he would be the star of the Shield.

Diego – He was replaced by a short guy named Kalisto as the resident luchador and he's second fiddle to a guy in a bull suit. Either way, bury the dude. Just make sure it's Diego instead of Fernando. Actually never mind as they're the same person.

Dolph Ziggler – Where do I even start? He hasn't won a thing since he won the World Title because that was Cena's win at Survivor Series and he couldn't even mean anything because STING won't get out of his way. Then he jobbed to Luke Harper because this company has a thing for beards. Maybe he can show off the shovel used to bury him.

Erick Rowan – When has he actually won something recently? He's just a big version of Daniel Bryan anyway. Maybe he can avoid being buried by pretending to be a sheep or something.

Fandango – When the feature of your act is the dancing chick who has never won a singles match in like five years, you're just the new and improved version of the same buried Fandango.

Fernando – He was replaced by a short guy named Sin Cara as the resident luchador and he's second fiddle to a guy in a bull suit. Either way, bury the dude. Just make sure it's Fernando instead of Diego. Actually never mind as they're the same person.

Goldust – WWE cares about him so much that he wins a match and lost all of his heat due to a post match attack. Then he got crushed by Rusev after Raw to complete the burial.

Heath Slater – They hate this guy so much that they go from a 3 Count knockoff to making him look like Apollo Creed. Even Drew McIntyre in TNA is getting pushed harder than this guy. I wonder if the guy burying him needed two helpers so it could be a THREE MAN BURIAL?

Jack Swagger – He's lost to Rusev six times in less than a year. That's like Zack Ryder territory and we all know he's been buried.

Jey Uso/Jimmy Uso – Let's combine this one into one. They can't even beat Los Matadores and they're only there to push Total Divas “star” Naomi. It doesn't help that they're just a placeholder tag team and haven't done anything since they dropped the tag belts. Siva Tao your ways into the burial positions guys.

John Cena – This guy is the KING of burials. How do you go from the main event of Wrestlemania two years ago to basically being the TV Champion and fighting guys like Dean “I used to be a big deal when I said NOPE that one time!” Ambrose and Star “Please think of Mockingjay when you see me and forget that I'm jobbing to old guys” Dust. How could they put this guy over Rusev? He's even using more than five moves to make you think he knows more than five moves! How can you trust this guy??? You won't be able to see him now that he's been buried.

Kalisto – He's just there to make people forget about Rey Mysterio. Flip youself into the line for being buried and LEARN SOME ENGLISH. Clearly people hate him because he's Hispanic right?

Kane – PUT THE MASK BACK ON! You were totally cool back then when you were the old dude in the mask instead of the old dude in the dress pants. Now you're just getting speared and pinned all the time by a guy with no heat like Roman Reigns. I would say you're buried but you're way too old to belong in the ground anymore.

Kofi Kingston - Just a jumping guy. He's black though and in that trio of losers so we'll have him jump into the grave.

Konnor – They're just using him to cash in on the Crusher stuff from last year. Why else would you name someone Konnor? Thankfully the WWE has clearly seen that there's no future for he and Viktor and they're burying them accordingly.

Luke Harper – When your only gimmick is you have a dirty shirt, you're clearly being buried. GO BACK TO BRAY'S SIDE YOU FREAKY LOOKING LOSER!

Mark Henry – They brought him back to put over Roman Reigns and Sheamus? There's no future in being a jobber to the stars and if you need any more proof, they put him in a battle royal a few weeks back. AND LET HIM WIN IT! Of course on top of that, he's black and all black people are buried in WWE. Because they're black and WWE is racist.

The Miz – An actor gimmick? That's the best they can do? Then they keep giving him movie roles and have him lose to a guy most famous for imitating Miz and wearing Lanny Poffo's thrown out trunks? I hope we can have quiet at the cemetery when they officially bury him, but they did that when they made him play third fiddle when he kept the title at Wrestlemania a few years back. If you want further proof, they gave him a Tag Team Title a few months ago. How can you possibly believe that he's not being buried?

Neville – Losing to the World Champion in his SECOND MATCH on the main roster? Do I even need to explain why that's a burial?

R-Truth – Just there for comedy and there's that whole black guys don't get pushed. Buried! That's what's up!

Randy Orton – You think Cena sucks because he only knows five moves? RKO, backbreaker, elevated DDT, right hand, I'm waiting for the fifth move. We'll call that a BURIAL OUT OF NOWHERE!

The Rock – He came back for five Wrestlemanias and can only get TALKING SEGMENTS??? That's the ultimate sign of being put out of pasture. Get out of the ring and just let Ronda Rousey show you how REAL WRESTLING is done you actor. So not only is he being buried in talking segments year after year, at the same time he's burying people who really deserve the time. Do you have any idea how hard it is to bury people and be buried at the same time??? I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT!!!

Roman Reigns – Totally choked in the biggest match ever and then got stuck in a meaningless six man the next night as Orton's partner. He's just Cena with a tan anyway and we've already established that Cena is being buried, so Reigns is being buried with a tan and stupid looking tattoos.

Rusev – No one cares about him unless Lana and the tank are there. Plus he lost his big title match so he's clearly being buried.

Ryback – Can they pick a gimmick with this guy? Not that it matters because each one leads to him being buried. First he was a monster and then A FREAKING REFEREE costs him the title match? Buried. Then he's a heel who goes to a draw against Cena in his main events. Buried. Then he's a bully and that doesn't sound like being a star, meaning he's not in the sky. You know where that leaves him right? Buried. In the ground. Now he's back to the beginning as a monster, which is clearly just leading to him being buried all over again.

Seth Rollins – Yeah he's the Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion, but they're clearly doing nothing with him. He had to sell for a rookie and needs comedy goons to save him all the time. Curb stomp him into the grave and put him out of his misery before he has a rematch for the title in the main event of the pay per view.

Sheamus – Comes back from being a four time World Champion and they turn him heel? That's what you do when you have nothing left to do with someone so his days are numbered. Plus he couldn't even beat a vanilla midget like Bryan without help so he's done. Buried.

Sin Cara – A masked tag match? What happened to being the most popular guy in Mexico? Leave the mask on to hide your face you buried loser.

Stardust – He's lost two title shots in eight days and is there as a movie tie-in character to some girly movie like Thirsty Games or whatever it's called. Buried and buried bad.

Sting – Well he's never won a match so he's already behind Barry Horowitz. How do you get more buried than that?

Titus O'Neil – I'm tired so we'll stick with he's black and therefore buried. He's even in a black tag team so it's even worse. Buried again.

Triple H – This guy invented being buried! Getting thrown around by a celebrity? That's even worse than when he got slapped around by an actor back in 2000. When is the last time he won a World Title anyway? Now he's beating up old WCW rejects like Sting, which means he's just fighting jobbers. There's no point to having him around anymore so we'll say he's buried.

Tyson Kidd – Yeah he's got a belt, but it's the same one he had a few years ago and now he's pitching Burger King ads while wearing lame headphones and showing off his love for his cats? That's the best they've got for him? Oh yeah he's buried.

Undertaker – The guy has lost how many BURIED alive matches? He's literally been buried multiple times so I think you get the point here.

Viktor – He got beaten up by the APA and DX. How does he not understand that he's being buried?

Xavier Woods – The leader of the trio of black losers. Still means he's being buried though. Yeah he wants to work with children and is working on his PH.D, but can he win a match? Until we know he can, he can defend his dissertation after getting out of that dirt from when they buried him.

Zack Ryder – Do I even need to explain this one? He's had like four matches with Rusev that add up to less than five minutes. And to think a guy like Rock talked (Like I said, he only does talking segments!) so highly of him after the main event of Survivor Series 2012.

All Divas but the Bellas are of course being buried so we'll put them in a big group.

Bella Twins – They're just there because of a reality show with ratings that keep falling. They may be “stars” there but here they're just propping up tombstones. I mean, they lost at Wrestlemania and weren't even important enough to defend their title. Yeah they're both champion. The name graphics said so and even if it might have been a slip up, it's how I interpreted it so therefore it's true.

Finally, some other people they have on screen.

El Torito – They can't decide if he's a man or a bull. If they don't care enough, they're buried him already.

Hornswoggle – Well they gave him a movie so he wouldn't be on screen. Sounds like a burial to me.

The Stooges – How many finishers do they keep taking? I don't remember two J's being in the word buried, but maybe I just missed it.

Lana – She gets a dead end foreigner gimmick and isn't even on Total Divas. Bury her and her legs.

Paul Heyman – How many times can he say the same thing over and over again? He's nothing without Lesnar so just like ECW,'s he's dead and buried.

Stephanie McMahon – She got beaten up by Ronda Rousey (I know her of course, because I pay for the Wrestling Observer Newsletter for my MMA news and that makes me a REAL fan) on the biggest night of the year. Yeah she beat a Bella. Freaking woop. Bury her with the rest of the McMahon Family so we can get a good boss in there. Is Sapolsky available?

William Regal – They already buried him. I mean, he's the third NXT boss in like two years. How much could they possibly care about him?

Zeb Colter – How does this guy have a job? All he does is talk and claims an injury after he FINALLY took a bump. Bury him next to Swagger and Cesaro

Adam Rose sucks indeed and having him suck on lollypops and wearing mascara is a clear indication here he clearly sucks get rid off him!

Big E
was sent to a horrible team new ****PREJUDICED REMARK REMOVED**** where it gets them nowher he needs to be a single competitor and go after the IC title or US title

Daniel Bryan
was buried and demoted from Main event status to low card status yes he is buried he can easily say to the crowd YES YES YES YES YES YES!

Darren Young was buried once wwe found out he was GAY the tag team was broken up
Titus O Neil ( tight ass?) major jobber

Bo Dallas ( Brooke Shields) Jobber need I say more?

Randy Orton is not getting buried as he has a title match against Seth Rollins # 1 Contender!

Seth Rollins your new Undisputed champion and has talent ,charisma, mic skills and ring skills among the ex 3 condom shield members so he is not getting buried

Reigns = one word BURIED

Dean Ambrose = BURIED JOBBER

Xavier Woods aka Consequences Creed had a huge success in TNA , recognized and won matches in wwe he is a nobody.Yeah he wants to work with children and is working on his PH.D, but can he win a match? Until we know he can, he can defend his dissertation after getting out of that dirt from when they buried him. (Head to TNA)

Cup of Koffee kngston = Jobber for life ( Head to TNA)

need i say more I told eveyone HHH will make Steve Borden his bitch@ WM31 and he did just that so STING if I were you I d call TNA and head back there HHH is anti WCW and anti TNA for that matter. Jobbing is the ultimate embarassment to your legacy and tarnished image

Underfaker should have clearly lost WM31 but his selfish needs were put first instead of putting talent over he is burying talent along with himself noone cares about him

Bray Wyatt you jobbed enough and I have lost respect for you as the torch should have been clearly passed to the future of darkness but wwe buried him

Zack Ryder = WHO?

RUSEV = was unbeatable dominant force that wwe could ve continued his undefeated streak and they simply followed WCWs idea with GOLDBERG and buried the poor guy
buried down the ranks

R Truth aka Ron Killing in TNA was a huge success and tag team champion was something now he is nothing in wwe but black comedian , you ain t no Chris ROck nor Chris Tucker so either wrestle or get lost

Mark henry = Major Jobber there s no future in worst wrestling excrement jobbing continously he's black and all black people are buried in WWE. Because they're black and WWE is racist. Call Dixie Carter and can bring a great addition with MVP
Follow the buzzards to his buried body.
John Cena
He's black though and in that trio of losers so we'll have him jump into the grave.
Leave the mask on to hide your face you buried loser.

These are some of the things I laughed at lol. I see what you were trying to do though but WWE clearly, I won't say bury black folks, but more often than not put them into positions to fail. Good post though lol. Follow the buzzards to his buried body:lmao:
See...the thing is. When you put "The Bunny" as being buried, I lost faith in the list. You might be taking Wrestling a little too narrowly. While The MIz, Lana and some other people in the company get alot of attention. While it might not be in ring. Look at the Miz, he is movie star in their studio, BNB has had a movie I think. WWE does a lot more with the wrestlers then we think. Look at Khali, while he might not have been on TV too much. But he was used to build a audience in India. Some "wrestlers" who don't come on TV too much do PR work with the company. And maybe they like it that way. Plus, being on TV is the best thing you can have. So Axel coming out every week is the opposite of being buried. He is getting TV time, people are getting to know him, he is showing a new side to him. Given a few more month Axel might have something really good going for him. If he can get the fans behind him 100%. As much as I like Cesaro, he might have been hindered by a moveset limit. But he wasn't connecting with the fans while getting air time. Guys whos gimmick favored them to be more of a wrestler then a entertainer, they have a harder time to get over. While some guys just have the it factor like Neville. And I dont get how you think giving a job to a company veteran who knows what he is doing like Regal to make sure the new guys know what the big show wants is a bad thing....damn thats a long sentence. Another reason why the link is ...... silly is that you cant include guys who are jobbers or old wrestlers who are there to boost new guys. Thats all. The vets are there to make the rookies into stars. Roman is decent in ring, big show can help him out to be a better performer and thats all. But it seems like you are jst trying to troll everyone with this list. I just had some tie to kill....But losing isnt the same thing as being punished or depushed.
But seriously, Dean Ambrose actually is being buried. He lost two matches on consecutive nights! And they were both championship matches. Only people being buried lose championship matches when they so obviously deserve to win. Also, losing a championship match buries people much more than losing regular matches.... For some reason.

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