WrestleMania Rematches

Which WM Feud is your favorite??

  • 1 and 2 – Mr. T and Rowdy Roddy Piper

  • 3 and 4 – Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant

  • 4 and 9 – Hulk Hogan vs. Ted DiBiase (sort of)

  • 9 and 10 – Bret Hitman Hart vs. Yokozuna

  • 16 and 17 – Edge / Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz

  • 16 and 17 and 18 – Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz

  • 16 and 17 – Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

  • 15 and 17 and 19 – Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock

  • 18 and 19 – Trish Stratus and Jazz

  • 14 and 20 – Undertaker vs. Kane

  • 22 and 24 – Triple H vs. John Cena

  • 20 and 25 –Big Show vs. John Cena

  • 24 and 25 – Triple H vs. Randy Orton

  • 25 and 26 – Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

  • 17 and 27 – Undertaker vs. Triple H

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King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
The WrestleMania matches listed are between Superstars who faced each other at least twice on the Grandest Stage of the All. A WrestleMania Feud, if you will. If TNA’s Flagship PPV is called “Bound For Glory”, the WWE’s Flagship PPV should be called “Glory”.

1 and 2 – Mr. T and Rowdy Roddy Piper

3 and 4 – Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant

4 and 9 – Hulk Hogan vs. Ted DiBiase (sort of)

9 and 10 – Bret Hitman Hart vs. Yokozuna

16 and 17 – Edge / Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz

16 and 17 and 18 – Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz

16 and 17 – Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

15 and 17 and 19 – Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock

18 and 19 – Trish Stratus and Jazz

14 and 20 – Undertaker vs. Kane

22 and 24 – Triple H vs. John Cena

20 and 25 – Big Show vs. John Cena

24 and 25 – Triple H vs. Randy Orton

25 and 26 – Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

17 and 27 – Undertaker vs. Triple H

Which WM Feud is your favorite??

In my opinion, the Best WM Feud was Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. the Rock at WrestleManias 15, 17 and 19. Half the reason is because they are two of my Top 3 favorites of all time. The Other reason would maybe have to do with there being 3 excellent matches and storylines to go with it.
I definately agree with you about that! The Rock and Austin were the top performers at that time and it was fitting they main evented 3 wrestlemanias. I'm gonna change it up a little and honestly choose The Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Boyz. They made the tag team division and made you cringe at Jeff Hardy and yell along with D-Von to get the table. Guilty I have done the D-Von dance many times haha. Thats my pick and thats just to be original
I voted Hardyz vs E&C vs Dudley boys

For the two simple reasons that

A) They were great, revolutinary matches that you can rewatch today and they seem just as great. And..

B) They revolutionized the TLC match that some of the greatest feuds have led to today. (Eg. Edge and Cena, Edge and Undertaker, DX vs Jerishow etc.)
i voted undertaker vs kane, simply because these 2 had numerous good matches, good storyline build ups, very entertaining.
runner up would have been a toss up between stone cold vs the rock, and undertaker vs shawn michaels, because well thefirst one sells itself, 2 of the biggest names, best wrestlers of all time clashing with each other, and the undertaker and shawn michaels had 2 amazing, close matches.
I voted Hardyz vs E&C vs Dudley boys

For the two simple reasons that

A) They were great, revolutinary matches that you can rewatch today and they seem just as great. And..

B) They revolutionized the TLC match that some of the greatest feuds have led to today. (Eg. Edge and Cena, Edge and Undertaker, DX vs Jerishow etc.)

Voted the same, and pretty much have to agree 100% with everything you said. These matches raised the bar to an almost untouchable level. I remember watching Mania X as a kid and thinking Shawn and Razor had changed wrestling forever, little did I know 6 years later a new group of guys would be covering that match in dust.

Despite how many awesome ladder matches have taken place since, I just don't think these will ever be topped in the way that they can truly be forgotten.

The highest compliment I can pay these matches is that they were so good I actually wanted to see them repeated again the next year. I can't say the same about any of the other Mania rematches, even HBK v Taker. Most of them were best left as a single match.
All the feuds listed was all pretty good but if I got to choose I'm going w/ 15 and 17 and 19 – Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock there's a reason why these two headlined 3 Wrestlemanias. Simple put can't get no better than two of the best ever going head to head in the Main Event at the biggest sports extravaganza in all entertainment.

A very close 2nd pick for me would be 16 and 17 – Edge / Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz what these guys did in those matches & for the Tag Division period was incredible. :worship: There's pretty much no way in hell these matches will ever be topped. I really miss they days when the Tag Division was just as important as the Heavyweight's. I'm not sure why this division fell from grace in the WWE but I can't wait tell its good again.
Yeah for me it has to be Rock and Austin for me their rivalry was the greatest of all time. Two of the best, most prominent yet different characters in the WWE's history both able to wrap the crowd round their finger going at it and culminating in 3 amazing matches particularly 17 and 19.

What i always loved about Austin/Rock matches was their unpredictability i mean they were both massively over with the fans (2 of the 3 biggest of all time next to Hogan) and thus it was difficult to predict who was going to win anything could happen as opposed to taker at mania where you pretty much knw hes going to win.

When you combine that with their chemistry in ring as well as in promos and on the mic I believe their rivalry outshines all others.

But yeah second has to be the tlc just for the sheer fact it displayed that tag wrestling can be great. The match set a benchmark of innovation that i don;t believe has been matched yet and also featured 3 of the greatest tag teams of all time.

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