WWE Headliner wants in TNA


Dark Match Jobber
PWTorch.com reports that a WWE headliner is telling friends that, due to a desire to be part of TNA, he wishes he had not locked himself into a long-term deal with WWE in his most recent contract negotiations.

Many WWE wrestlers, even those with a reputation for being staunch supporters of the product, are beginning to view TNA as a viable alternative.

“The guys who used to be marks for being in WWE are starting to see TNA as a better place to be,” says one wrestler.

The fact that TNA only has limited main-event spots makes the jumping to TNA more imminent, since it might not be able to offer departing WWE wrestlers big money deals down the road
i can see why some wrestles might feel this way, because it seems like the WWE is in total chaos right now with Vince being stressed out due to the whole ECW thing, n all the heat that is on SD right now. TNA just seems like a more stable company that is on the rise, n the work load is not as much as WWE.
I am almost 100% positive it is Chris Benoit. He probably figures he's not being pushed as much as he should for his performance. The rest of the top guys don't seam to fit in TNA correctly at all and I see no reason they'd go. I say this guy has been a wrestler for awhile that's been in other feds that feals their style will work in TNA that's very mature when it comes to wrestling.... that's why I say it's Benoit. The rest of the guys are either WWE loyaltists, "too big"/"lack of talent" for TNA, has alot of friends working in the business enjoying being on the road with them, are in relationships with Divas, new guys in the business or guys who grew into the industry with the goal getting into the WWE and are happy where they are.

Also, it can't be anyone in ECW due to the fact they did not resign, they just just with the WWE recently excluding The Big Show and.... ROB VAN DAM aka the guy who has much heat on him and praticlly killed a bright future for himself in the WWE?
Opinions as to who it may be? The most likely candidate in my opinion is Chris Benoit (I don't know if you'd consider him a headliner though because he has the mid-level SD belt). Please do not react disrespectfully to my opinion. I believe it's Benoit because he sees that TNA gives wrestlers more freedom to do what they want in the ring. I'm sure he's aware that Angle said that Benoit's presence would push TNA over the top. I'd love it if Benoit went to TNA

Another candidate might be Bobby Lashley. It is known that he is unhappy with his role.
Evalast said:
...What's the discussion in this?

Possibly speculation on who it is? Please dont spam.. If you dont like the thread, theres no need to post in it :)..

My guess of who it would be is probably Lashley or Batista.. They both arent happy on SD! and have been asking for there transfer to either Raw or ECW.. But, the first person that came to mind when it said "Signed a long term Deal" is Booker T.. He was the last person I kno of, that has resigned in a long term deal.. I wouldnt see why he would want to leave tho since he is the World Heavyweight Champion and also the Champion of Champions.
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
Opinions as to who it may be? The most likely candidate in my opinion is Chris Benoit (I don't know if you'd consider him a headliner though because he has the mid-level SD belt). Please do not react disrespectively to my opinion. I believe it's Benoit because he sees that TNA gives wrestlers more freedom to do what they want in the ring. I'm sure he's aware that Angle said that Benoit's presence would push TNA over the top. I'd love it if Beniot went to TNA

Another candidate might be Bobby Lashley. It is known that he is unhappy with his role.
But I do not beleive Bobby Lashley resigned recently. He's been in the WWE for a year and some months.... so he's probably on his first contract.

I agree about Benoit. The article did not note it's a WWE headliner, just a big star which those sites would label a mid-carder as a big star well.. if he's a former champion or has been in the business for awhile. If he goes, he better not ruin his legacy and name by becoming an imature ranter in TNA, unless their money makes their grown men look like babies/pricks with big mouths on personal business with lack of reasoning for the private business information to be disclosed. IMO, that's, by far, anything but being a professional and disrespectful towards your previous employee who at least gave you a title or a legacy to get created or to expand.
I agree with what has been said about Benoit, but I don't know about Lashley and Batista.

My guess is that the superstar is Shelton Benjimen. I mean seriously, the guy is now below the mid-cards. This man went from being the longest reigning IC champion in a decade to being the main eventer of Heat. After loosing the IC title, he stopped appearing on Raw regularly began to lose all of his matches on Raw. He is now simply used on Raw to put over Carlito or Jeff Hardy whenever they don't have anyone else to fight. Because of his bad mic skills, the only way the WWE has been able to keep Shelton on Raw since Unforgiven is by having him constantly say that he is overlooked for being black. And Shelton still loses his matches. If he went to TNA, he would do great in the X-Division. TNA isn't so big on mic skills like Vince is, which is why Shelton would probably be more successful there than he is in WWE.
Probably Benoit. If it is, I can't really blame the guy. WWE has really went down hill over the past three years. Its been a sinking ship for a longer than that. I don't even enjoy watching it very much anymore.
PauLwaLL said:
But, the first person that came to mind when it said "Signed a long term Deal" is Booker T.. He was the last person I kno of, that has resigned in a long term deal.. I wouldnt see why he would want to leave tho since he is the World Heavyweight Champion and also the Champion of Champions.
Booker's title reign is as a heel who isn't hated, but is irrelevant. He doesn't have half of the credibility as someone like Triple H had wearing the belt, and he's been doing the Macho King gimmick since he won the KOTR. He had more consistent pops when he was just himself and his nitwit wife wasn't sauntering down to ringside lousing things up. I'm a supporter of Booker T and have been since 1996, but his luster has been obliterated with this run. He should've been given the strap at WMXIX, but at that time he was another one in the line of WCW talent that was being used and buried by the WWF stalwarts. I can still remember, and seriously miss the days when Booker T was wrestling guys like Benoit in a best of seven series that stole the show night in and night out. He probably misses those days, too.
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
Opinions as to who it may be? The most likely candidate in my opinion is Chris Benoit (I don't know if you'd consider him a headliner though because he has the mid-level SD belt). Please do not react disrespectfully to my opinion. I believe it's Benoit because he sees that TNA gives wrestlers more freedom to do what they want in the ring. I'm sure he's aware that Angle said that Benoit's presence would push TNA over the top. I'd love it if Benoit went to TNA

Another candidate might be Bobby Lashley. It is known that he is unhappy with his role.
You're right. Benoit has been wasted since Summerslam 2004, and it's painfully evident when they expect me to care when they give him the US TITLE?!? He's been saddled with guys that can't push him to his limits, just can't wrestle worth a damn. I'm sorry, but I don't care how many times he tapped Orlando Jordan, I like to watch Benoit do what he does best, and get pushed to the limit in creative matches that showcase the talent. Even now his amount of pops is a fraction of what they were circa 2004. Hell, I still remember when he, Michaels and Levesque saved WM20 by putting together a 40-minute wonder that hasn't been beaten in the two Wrestlemanias since.
(I assume you are basing this off the article that is on wrestlezone.com or another site like it) I have no doubt in my mind that it is Benoit, he did just recently sign what is speculated to be a long term extension, which the article say the wrestler in question was regretting doing. He knows that things most likely won't change so he probably wants to do something where he can show off before he runs out of years (I am not saying he's retiring soon I don't know his age or how his body is holding up except that his neck isn't that good).
Im going with benoit here, there is no doubt the guy must be seriously unhappy with the way he has been treated by the WWE, I mean he should have come straight back in tho the title scene, instead he is treading water again. This guy is one of the most loyal wrestlers out there and right now he is the best technical wrestler WWE have.
It's sad because Vince has him standing on deck because they know they've got his dance card filled for the next few years and they can take whatever time they like with him. It's a pity because he's the best wrestler on Smackdown and that show needs Benoit's help like it's nobody's business.
If beniot jumped ship to TNA that would definatly gie them a chance to be some serious competition with the WWE. I heard TNA is trying to sign Chris Jericho as well.
yeah if benoit did jump over to tna, the ratings would probibly jump high, but if it's like batista or posibly lashly, it would probibly jump higher because either of them would make a huge impact on it and take the tna world title, but if lashly or batista went to tna, smackdown would get extremly boring.
If Benoit did jump they push him for a few months and then he would go back to mid carding similar to what happened to Christian
I had not really thought of who it might be but the suggestions clearly make me think in the direction of Benoit, which would be fantastic if he did come to TNA. If you know Benoit he would pROBABLY not badmouth his previous workers and would just go out there and do what he loves, wrestle, and not talk about a deceased friend.
So it begins, everyone wants this, time off from work, time with the family, and not much time on the road, with TNA, you work 3 days in 3 weeks, with WWE you work 5 days a week and are on the road 350 days of the year most the time.
allan250 said:
it all ready is

Exactly what i was thinking bout smackdown....

i reckon it may be Benoit, he is an incredible talent that needs a place to shine, i hope he find a way out of his years extension and makes his way to TNA soon as it is the right time for anyone to jump, i wouldnt like Batista in Tna i just dont like watching him wrestle, lashley is great though.
If WWE dies then I will stop being a wrestling fan. Period. If TNA takes over someday and puts WWE out of business Ill be pissed and then I won't be able to live my dream in wrestling for WWE. Ill have to find somthing else to do. Fuck and I made a lot from plans for out of highschool to get in to WWE. Fuck you TNGAY for screwing everything up.
i wouldn't blame him idf it was Chris Benoit becaus he's given all in the company and since his days in WCW had 1 day as World Champion. But the discussion is about a WWE star who's obviously not happy wih WWE. He did have the stint from Wrestlemania to Summerslam as champ a couple of years back but since then he's been nothig. Despite his wealth of talent and amazing pops he gets from proper wrestling fans who respect heart and can perceive talent. He's nothing more than a mid-carder on Smackdown feuding with the great "Chavo Guerrero.

He has much more talent than Batista, and LAshley (who will get a push soon) put together on Smackdown. Even raw the next challenger is going to be a big name like....Umaga so i can understand why he would want to leave if it is him because WWE are obviously not going for talent. Vince ad his creative team are either deluded or being bribed. Because how you can pick Benoit behind a cheap Samoa Joe spin-off who prods people with his thumb is beyond me.

I agree with everything Kasey says about Booker-T...sorry King Booker, whose gimmick is a joke. The only good thing is when he slips back into booker-t when he's mad.
no doubt il probs get shot down for this but here goes. i think it may be gregory helms coz he isnt being used to his potential either. i kno hes not a headliner but his gimmick makes him think he is and he not great but above average mic skills and he would fit in pretty well with the x division. this website even says
A top unnamed WWE superstar
which dosnt entirly suggest a headliner like benoit. so i think theres an outside chance it could be helms. i dont follow up on contracts with wresltrs so if helms hasnt recently resingd thn plz let me kno.

also benoit is just bak from injury so wwe might want 2 slowly bring him bak up 2 a maineventer and it dosnt help when top heels like mark henry is out injured. benoit would work great matches with matt hardy and kane but they are in feuds at the moment so there isnt really anyone benoit can feud with apart from gettin over some of the newer and younger guys.
PauLwaLL said:
Possibly speculation on who it is? Please dont spam.. If you dont like the thread, theres no need to post in it :)..


It actually wasn't spam, it was a question.

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