WWE Fires Seth Rollins' Girlfriend


Over the past several days, NXT developmental Diva Zahra Schreiber is reported to have been a hot topic of discussion. Schreiber was embroiled in another controversy earlier this year as nude photos of her and WWE star Seth Rollins were uploaded onto the internet via Rollins' then fiancé after she'd discovered them. Some posts on Twitter that Schreiber made a few years ago were unearthed by fans on social media that Schreiber deleted. She posted various swastika photos and made some racially charged comments regarding the Disney animated film "The Princess and the Frog", which saw the creation of the first African American "Disney Princess."

I read over the comments that were posted in various articles over the weekend. In regards to the swastika posts, I didn't see anything that was anti-Semitic or pro Nazi. She posted that the swastika represents more, symbolically, than being the symbol adopted by the Nazi Party, which is true, but she did state that she didn't "give a shit" about what anyone else thinks and didn't really care if it offended anyone. As far as the comments towards "The Princess and the Frog", the comments weren't anything remotely as graphic as Hulk Hogan's comments, but there was definitely some racial undertones to them. Some of the comments included something to the effect of that it was a good thing the "Frog" turned out to be a white man once the Princess, Tiana, kissed him, otherwise nobody would've gone to the movie, made various emoticons supposed to represent smirking when saying things to the effect that the movie wasn't popular with black audiences because of the interracial relationship and that Tiana wasn't ghetto.

This weekend, she debuted with a new gimmick in NXT in which she & Solomon Crowe are brother & sister. Even though these comments were made a few years back, they've resurfaced and she's been catching hell all weekend because of then via social media, so it looks as though WWE had enough and handed her walking papers earlier today. I'm sure some will have the usual complaints about "Freedom of Speech" being violated and all that, like we usually see in these situations, but I simply see this as another example in a long line of examples of a simple lesson that too many just don't seem to get: be careful about what you post online, especially on social media, because once it's out there, it's out there to stay. Employers in business from every walk of life sometimes check up on employees or potential employees to see what sort of things they say on social media, it's something that's on the rise, so if you're foolish enough to post pictures or write comments that even remotely suggest sympathy for Nazism, don't be surprised if they come back to bite you in the ass later on down the line.
I saw some of this stuff on the main page and I will say the same thing I said about Hogan. If you are a public figure you need to be upfront about any questionable things you have said or done in your past. Companies hate to find out this way and will drop you for your lack of "disclosure" as much as your past indiscretions.

As far as the offenses go, I don't know what to make of it. I understand people can have an unusual appreciation for history, art, and humor but you can't be so flippant when someone is made uncomfortable by your expressions. The Swastika artwork was clearly reference to Nazism and some of her other statements seemed incredibly immature and hateful.

And what the fuck was with that Pony Hitler?!?!
What a goddamn idiot.

Oh, you posting Nazi imagery and then being flippant with people about it came back to bite you in the ass? Ya don't say? *nick cage meme*

Not surprising this lead to her release.....If it happened to Hulk Hogan it can happen to your worthless ass.
I saw some of this stuff on the main page and I will say the same thing I said about Hogan. If you are a public figure you need to be upfront about any questionable things you have said or done in your past. Companies hate to find out this way and will drop you for your lack of "disclosure" as much as your past indiscretions.

I'm not even sure if she had disclosed this it would have kept her from being fired. I read what she said, and while it wasn't as bad as Hogan, it's still not that good. When you're in the public eye as JH said, you have to be so careful with what comes out of your mouth. It's been proven in the last month that even the past can come back and bite you in the ass.

The question I have is, who the hell keeps this kind of information anyway? If you read the tweets, it says 150w, which I'm assuming is 150 weeks. That's three years ago, long before she became a known name. But that being said, I guess the lesson hear is, if you've ever said anything like what these two have done, don't apply for a job at the WWE.
Well...Seth Rollins didn't hook up with the brightest did he ? Damn. What annoys me is how she handled comments about that. Like "Oh it's my page I can do what I want". Ok, sure...but have some freaking respect will ya ? Keep that stuff to yourself. We are in 2015. Even if this was years back, you dont get away with stuff like that.

People are aching to get offended these days. Not that I'm downplaying being a nazi supporter but I'm just saying that in we all know how people jump on you the minute you post something that isn't popular. Well...you posted stuff that looked like you dont dislike nazis and you are working for a company that cares deeply, very deeply, about their image.

She not realizing what was gonna happen ( along with her ridiculous comments towards people who called her out on it ) probably showed everybody that she is perhaps one of the most dumb boards on this earth. She just happens to be hot and the girlfriend of the nr.1 heel in WWE atm.

I would deeply question a relationship if my girlfriend posted such things and then commented the way she did. Good riddance imo. Doesnt seem like someone who has the mentality to take on negative feedback.

Also, her being a nazi supporter or not, doesnt matter. People know what that symbol means for most people. I know you want to be hipster but jesus leave that symbol alone.
Yes, we can argue that her comments weren't as racial as Hogan's but you see, she's just a rookie getting into the developmental region of WWE, the NXT, to prove her place in the roster. WWE had fired Hogan, a legend for his racial comments, in that context, firing Zahra isn't a big deal, I assume. But on the other hand, I don't think it's a great idea to make a big deal about someone's past. Haven't you heard the anti-gay and other racial comments made by The Ultimate Warrior? But there still is a Warrior Award going to be presented every year(wtf?!) As far as WWE are concerned, we never know what makes them take a decision.

How did I know this would happen... and thank god it did. Hey Seth, I've appeared to have found someone better for you.

Instead of firing right back at the fans that called her out for her old tweets, she could have just posted some apologies with explanations like "I was young," "I was frustrated," "I was misguided," etc. Might have saved her job... Then again, this approach didn't work in Hogan's case, but going with the "my profile, my way" approach didn't help her at all.

But yeah, online wrestling fans are generally a little... odd, so to speak, and it's not surprising that there are those that scroll down years and years of activity hoping to find something controversial. Old tweets surfacing is not anything new. So the best thing to do when you sign up for a sensitive company is to let your old account go and create a new one, unless you are sure that you've been a total saint.
I'm disturbed by this spur of racist activity within the WWE. First Hogan, now this bimbo. Is there a bigger problem with racism within the WWE? I would love to get Big E's, Sasha Banks, or Titus's take on all this. Seems like Vince needs some much needed EEO Training within his company. I'm officially disgusted.
I would love to get Big E's, Sasha Banks, or Titus's take on all this.

Even if something is really up, do you think these guys would risk sacrifice their job and leak out the truth? There's no payoff for truthfulness and righteousness. The only time pro wrestlers speak out is after they have been fired... and then their comments are interpreted as sour grapes by most of the fans. :D
I'm disturbed by this spur of racist activity within the WWE. First Hogan, now this bimbo. Is there a bigger problem with racism within the WWE? I would love to get Big E's, Sasha Banks, or Titus's take on all this. Seems like Vince needs some much needed EEO Training within his company. I'm officially disgusted.

If I understand correctly her messages came out three years ago. Hogan's statements were made eight years ago. If you are looking for systemic or blatant racism with WWE to vomit over it is out there but these two events are hardly black eyes (pun not intended) for WWE.
There was nothing new here. She had debuted and someone wanted to attack her. Her being fired for something that WWE should have known about 3 years ago is just plain silly. Her being flippant about it was not a good decision, but it seems like an answer pointed at the jealous doubters. But the WWE doesn't take heat any more. Its why they fired Isis the Amazon over size play. If you have a skeleton and someone finds it, WWE will fire you to avoid any criticism. This was an attack on the character of a female employee. Seriously, they should stand up for the employees that were attacked.
I'm disturbed by this spur of racist activity within the WWE. First Hogan, now this bimbo. Is there a bigger problem with racism within the WWE? I would love to get Big E's, Sasha Banks, or Titus's take on all this. Seems like Vince needs some much needed EEO Training within his company. I'm officially disgusted.

I have to agree with GSB on this what he said. I don't think that two incidents one 8 years ago, and one 3 years ago, show that the WWE is full of racists. And I definitely don't see it as a "spur of racist activity". Not considering how old both events are, and including the fact that both people probably have never even met.

This is also not the WWE's fault, and I don't see where people are getting this from. Hogan said what he said when he wasn't playing the Hulk Hogan character, he was being himself. The woman wasn't even signed with the WWE when she made the remarks on Twitter, was she? So you have two individuals who made racially motivated comments, one when he wasn't in the ring, and the other who wasn't even with the company at the time.

Now I'm sure the WWE does background checks on all their employees, especially if they are going to go to the expense to train them and put them out there in the public eye. The problem is you can't police someone's past well enough to find out every hidden skeleton. I'll wager that the woman probably forgot that she even made the remarks, not that that gives her a pass.

And let's face it if the Hogan think hadn't blown up, and the Rollins nude pictures hadn't hit the web, would we even know or care who she is. She is collateral damage here. What I'm worried about is not that the WWE is full of evil people, but when the shit starts to hit the fan, usually there is more. I'm just wondering who will be next, and what will be revealed. It seems strange that all of a sudden out of the blue these tweets were discovered, something like that doesn't just randomly happen.
i know first hand how bad social media can be as i lost my last job because off comments made on facebook since then i have come off fb maybe she should off come off social media
This is an increasing area in sports and TV etc... we've seen soccer players transfer deals binned because they found out a disparaging tweet from years before...

In Zahra's case the issue isn't the Nazi imagary or even that she defended it... she just didn't have that "level" of power. Remember they've had a few like this where they haven't quite been able to be as tough as they like... Emma for example. That being said they WERE making allowances for her being with Seth, but that doesn't mean she has any stroke.

It's harsh and yes it is hypocritical when JBL broke an actual law in Germany but got away with it... but if Hogan can be nuked for something 8 years ago, then some Diva who only debuted at the weekend on NXT has no chance, even if she's fucking Vince himself...
I have to agree with GSB on this what he said. I don't think that two incidents one 8 years ago, and one 3 years ago, show that the WWE is full of racists. And I definitely don't see it as a "spur of racist activity". Not considering how old both events are, and including the fact that both people probably have never even met.

This is also not the WWE's fault, and I don't see where people are getting this from. Hogan said what he said when he wasn't playing the Hulk Hogan character, he was being himself. The woman wasn't even signed with the WWE when she made the remarks on Twitter, was she? So you have two individuals who made racially motivated comments, one when he wasn't in the ring, and the other who wasn't even with the company at the time.

Now I'm sure the WWE does background checks on all their employees, especially if they are going to go to the expense to train them and put them out there in the public eye. The problem is you can't police someone's past well enough to find out every hidden skeleton. I'll wager that the woman probably forgot that she even made the remarks, not that that gives her a pass.

And let's face it if the Hogan think hadn't blown up, and the Rollins nude pictures hadn't hit the web, would we even know or care who she is. She is collateral damage here. What I'm worried about is not that the WWE is full of evil people, but when the shit starts to hit the fan, usually there is more. I'm just wondering who will be next, and what will be revealed. It seems strange that all of a sudden out of the blue these tweets were discovered, something like that doesn't just randomly happen.
I think that history shows us that white guys get more breaks on issues like this in the WWE than do women and men of color.
She wasnt even worthy of a nXt profile page. I dont know anything about her, I dont think the wrestling world is missing anything.

But its up to Rollins if he wants to stay with her.

From the past year, she seems absolutely insane. So its a good thing to get her out of the WWE. But damn do they work fast nowaday.
Whoo boy! I'm most amazed that humanity has evolved to understand that if we should become famous for any reason, we would hopefully have made the right decision when wondering if it's ever a good time to promote hateful messages or imagery.

If any of us becomes the next "it" person in regard to any random niche in pop culture, I'm pretty sure that the posts on these forums will come under review. I know I'm fucked, but the rest of you should be able to get by.

This is becoming the next frontier in natural selection; public shaming is a new kind of Darwinian exclusion process that precisely separates those with tact from those who are just stupid assholes.

Honestly; I don't expect her to develop a better attitude in regard to antisemitism and casual racism, she'll probably piss and moan about how her uniqueness was too much for the WWE as captions for her "clips4sale" videos.
I think that history shows us that white guys get more breaks on issues like this in the WWE than do women and men of color.

Not really seeing your point here. If both people involved were of colour and had been erased in Hogan's case or fired in the girl's case, then I might get it. But both of them are white and made disparaging comments against another race. Neither of them got a break at all, Hogan lost pretty much his career, and the girl doesn't have one anymore. I have no idea where history comes into this.
It isn't even a matter of bring a public figure - we need to quit babying and accepting stupid behaviour. What does a swastika on a My Little Pony have to do with history? I don't care what it meant in the past, the swastika is associated with the most evil thing to happen in recent history - how about a little common sense? This has nothing to do with freedom of speech, this has nothing to do with political correctness - she is an idiot, she did a dumb thing and is paying the cost for it. Why does anyone have a problem with that? We tolerate stupidity and it gets worse and worse and then people wonder why our world is in such a mess. I still think wwe is a horrible company which I will never support but I give them credit for having brains in this case.
Those damn nazis tilted and ruined what had been a symbol go good fortune for over 5000 years (arguably 10000 years).
Seth really knows how to pick em. If WWE can fire the greatest star till date for racial slurs, deleted all his legacy, didn't even give him a send off.
What she did was much worse than hogan. There should be no place for people like her in this business where she can be a bad influence on kids.

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