Seth Rollins Controversy

I don't expect anything to come from this. Rollins isn't the one who posted the nude photos of himself, that was his fiancé. According to the latest reports, Rollins' fiancé has changed her Facebook status from "engaged" to "single." The pic of Zahara Schreiber were posted via Rollins' account, however it's believed that Rollins' account was hacked because not long after the pic was deleted, someone used Rollins' account to post it once more. Rollins' fiancé saw that and posted the nude pics of Rollins in retaliation. Now, that's what the situation was the last time I read something about it but, if more info has come out, then sorry if I'm mistaken.

Well, first off I'm wondering why Rollins fiancee was so quick to completely destroy the guy. I mean, as far as I've heard it was just the nude photo of Schreiber that had surfaced via Rollins' account right? That doesn't necessarily mean he's been cheating or having an affair, just that somebody sent him a nude photo... Honestly, what guy out there can say that he wouldn't accept a nude photo from a hot woman, it's harmless. Unless of course I'm misinformed and it's been confirmed he was actually cheating which... still kind of makes it fucked up tbh. I mean, yes Rollins is in the wrong for having the picture, but even if he DID post it, what she did was extreme, especially considering what he does for a living.

I don't think Rollins will get any professional heat over this. As I said, unless I've misread something or something new has come to light, Rollins wasn't the one who posted any of the pictures. Those weren't pictures taken for some porn site or magazine, they were private pics that wound up plastered over the internet via some hacker in serious need of a life and a fiancé, probably ex fiancé now, that was lashing out in anger.

The reason I created this thread was because there was a recent report on the main page, that stated Seth Rollins had heat both with some of the boys in the back and also some of the higher ups. Apparently HHH didn't want to fine Seth but Vince found it necessary. The report also indicates that some believe Rollins actually leaked the first photo (either referring to Shcreiber's or his own) and that the "scheduled plan" to have him cash in MITB in June may be scrapped. It goes on to say that some in the company believe he won't be around the WWEWHC for a "long time".

Take this for what it's worth as a lot of the "big" reports on this site turn out to be nothing but crap, but it's what pissed me off originally.
Well, first off I'm wondering why Rollins fiancee was so quick to completely destroy the guy. I mean, as far as I've heard it was just the nude photo of Schreiber that had surfaced via Rollins' account right? That doesn't necessarily mean he's been cheating or having an affair, just that somebody sent him a nude photo... Honestly, what guy out there can say that he wouldn't accept a nude photo from a hot woman, it's harmless. Unless of course I'm misinformed and it's been confirmed he was actually cheating which... still kind of makes it fucked up tbh. I mean, yes Rollins is in the wrong for having the picture, but even if he DID post it, what she did was extreme, especially considering what he does for a living.

As a woman I always look at it from a different point of view than men do. And in this case the timing is just too suspicious for me. According to the reports I've read, the picture of the NXT girl went up on Rollins Twitter, and he deleted it, then it was reposted. Simultaneously the fiance posted two pictures of him naked on her Twitter account.

Now I don't believe for a minute that Rollins posted that original picture. Why would anyone basically commit career suicide by doing something like that. So it was either a hacker or the girlfriend. The timing is just too convenient for me to pass over. Also all this went down as RAW started and he was too busy to even notice. One of the biggest problems is that his accounts are tied to, and these showed up there for a few minutes. Not long but long enough for it to go viral.

There is no doubt in my mind that this was handled all wrong and should have been handled privately. Quite honestly I look at these guys as wrestlers, entertainers, I don't want to know all their dirty laundry. I just don't care that much about it.

The reason I created this thread was because there was a recent report on the main page, that stated Seth Rollins had heat both with some of the boys in the back and also some of the higher ups. Apparently HHH didn't want to fine Seth but Vince found it necessary. The report also indicates that some believe Rollins actually leaked the first photo (either referring to Shcreiber's or his own) and that the "scheduled plan" to have him cash in MITB in June may be scrapped. It goes on to say that some in the company believe he won't be around the WWEWHC for a "long time".

Take this for what it's worth as a lot of the "big" reports on this site turn out to be nothing but crap, but it's what pissed me off originally.

If anything happens to him at all it will be a slap on the wrist, nothing more. This shouldn't hurt his career. Like I said before some women will be turned off him now, but men will think he's a player having all these pretty women throwing themselves at him.

Let's face it Rollins isn't much to look at. He comes from a small city in the midwest and all of a sudden he's a heartthrob to some. The temptation must out there all the time. He had a very pretty girlfriend, but that obviously wasn't enough for him. It is what it is, but he won't be hurt career wise. This will blow over as a new scandal takes it's place.
Would people quit talking about it.. If you're so hot about it don't talk about it at all, you're just giving the situation more exposure... It's really not a big deal and WWE will see it the same way.
Dammit people! Let's make one thing perfectly clear.

Posting naked pictures of a guy really doesn't qualify as revenge. There, someone FINALLY said it.

Men of this forum; would it REALLY bother you if a disgruntled former lover posted naked pictures of you online? Does it bother you as a pro-wrestling fan that Seth's birthday suit is being thrown around online?

Women of this forum; is a naked male celebrity really such a taboo concept that the occurrence of one would make you swear off companies they're associated with? If you happened upon a naked picture of Seth Rollins while shopping online for shoes, would that ruin your day?

What about the children? *slams his head onto the desk* Seth didn't sell his cherry to a gay porn studio or parade nudely up and down the aisle of an international flight. I haven't seen the photos of Seth or even Jennifer Lawrence, but I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) you're basically seeing a real life example of the Vitruvian Man. If you take your kid to an art museum then you're giving them a sense of culture, you're not poisoning their brain with ceaseless mental imagery of lewd nudity.

Indecent exposure is one thing, but we shouldn't be so damn phobic toward naked people.

The ONLY bad thing I can imagine occurring would be if an uptight sponsor says "Nudity!? HELL TO THE NO!". Obviously the WWE has to appear as though they don't want to permit these circumstances to ever happen again. For fucks sake though, what year is this?
There have been apparently rumours circulating he was having an affair with her. So he's not innocent, he comes off a being a prick in most women's eyes.

Navi, I'd like to thank you for being a rational perspective in all this before I proceed.

As a red blooded American male, I have a difficult time appealing to my rational side. Rest assured I'm trying to appeal to my rational side, but please accept my apologies if I end up making a pig of myself.

Speaking on behalf of what I believe to be the mind-set of most men; innocence qualifies as accepting naked pictures of a female friend while not actually having coitus with her.

Yes yes yes, I know that it's believed that Seth had sent a message to his alleged home-wrecker that he would love to leave his fiancé and run away with his naked-time buddy. My answer to that is; sarcasm is VERY difficult to interpret in written form if you weren't part of that conversation and didn't have that kind of vibe with the two people exchanging messages.

I know you get what I'm saying. Perhaps she who shall not be named (because I already forgot who she was) sent Seth a nekkid photo to mess with his head, and to be funny Seth threw out the line about leaving his fiancé just to promote happy banter on the subject and minimize the potential for arousal.

Can we agree that hacking into your significant other's private accounts is a bad thing? I don't know for sure if she hacked, or a hacker hacked and gave her the bad news in the most ass way possible. Either way, the only way I'll condemn Seth for being unfaithful is if he himself admits that all the accusations against him are true.
Navi, I'd like to thank you for being a rational perspective in all this before I proceed.

As a red blooded American male, I have a difficult time appealing to my rational side. Rest assured I'm trying to appeal to my rational side, but please accept my apologies if I end up making a pig of myself.

Speaking on behalf of what I believe to be the mind-set of most men; innocence qualifies as accepting naked pictures of a female friend while not actually having coitus with her.

Yes yes yes, I know that it's believed that Seth had sent a message to his alleged home-wrecker that he would love to leave his fiancé and run away with his naked-time buddy. My answer to that is; sarcasm is VERY difficult to interpret in written form if you weren't part of that conversation and didn't have that kind of vibe with the two people exchanging messages.

I know you get what I'm saying. Perhaps she who shall not be named (because I already forgot who she was) sent Seth a nekkid photo to mess with his head, and to be funny Seth threw out the line about leaving his fiancé just to promote happy banter on the subject and minimize the potential for arousal.

Can we agree that hacking into your significant other's private accounts is a bad thing? I don't know for sure if she hacked, or a hacker hacked and gave her the bad news in the most ass way possible. Either way, the only way I'll condemn Seth for being unfaithful is if he himself admits that all the accusations against him are true.

I understand completely where you're coming from. Let me say that I'm not privy to any conversations between Rollins, the girlfriend and the naked NXT woman (sorry I can't remember her name). And I agree that he might be totally innocent of everything. I don't believe for one minute he is the one who posted the pictures, I think his girlfriend did, the timing is just too convenient. As soon as the NXT girl's picture went up, so did Rollins. (
(The picture I mean, not him. Just setting the record straight)

What I will say is, if he did have any kind of liaison with this NXT girl, and I"m not saying he did, then in most women's eye's he's one to watch out for. He's still a great wrestler but not someone they would hitch their wagon too, if you know what I mean.
It's nice to see people aren't so quick to judge Seth, as opposed to the people on the CSR page. As far as I'm concerned it seems Leighla was not a match for Seth, period. Nobody knows if he cheated, which is the right thing to say right now. As for his ex, a simple phone call would of been suffice.
This could not possibly have happened at a worse time. Seth Rollins has been in the middle of the best Money In The Bank push we have seen in years, leading into what would likely have been a successful cash-in at Wrestlemania. Things like this are bad publicity, which nobody wants. I no longer think Seth will successfully cash in. Reigns or Bryan will have just defeated Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Championship, Seth runs out to cash in, and loses. I don't foresee him getting de-pushed to the point of being a jobber, but this has to have put a large delay on him winning the World Heavyweight Championship. I still have respect for his abilities on the mic or in the ring, however this incident make me lose some of the respect for him as a human being.
This could not possibly have happened at a worse time. Seth Rollins has been in the middle of the best Money In The Bank push we have seen in years, leading into what would likely have been a successful cash-in at Wrestlemania.

Mr. Dias, Sir. Some of us are a little slow to catch onto the full wisdom of your statements. Please allow me the honor of your forgiveness and explain how you imply the term "this" as it relates to Seth's embarrassment. Is it the notion that he allowed nude photographs to be taken and thus risk their circulation, or is it the possibility that he may have been unfaithful to his former fiancé?

In either scenario, please forgive me for lacking in my ability to perceive how this would hurt his momentum as a pro-wrestler who is trying to establish a bad-boy persona. To me, an average blue collar john q nobody, Seth's supposed lack of decorum might actually make me MORE interested in his character. He mildly hurt his ex-fiancé emotionally, and she had her revenge. I don't see why he would deserve to be punished.

Things like this are bad publicity, which nobody wants.

I, umm. Again, forgive me. I didn't eat breakfast this morning and my brain cells are going on strike because of that. Things like this are "bad" publicity? I agree that this wouldn't be the kind of publicity that, say, a priest or a marriage counselor would want on the minds of the general public. Seth is a heel who wandered into some very harmless circumstances in his own personal life that, if anything, I can only imagine the publicity giving the writing staff a shot in the arm in terms of ideas of how to use him effectively.

I no longer think Seth will successfully cash in. Reigns or Bryan will have just defeated Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Championship, Seth runs out to cash in, and loses.

This would have all been caused by Seth's naked picture fiasco? Humor me a little; I could see all of that happening as a result of an entire crowd that drowns out broadcasts featuring Seth Rollins with "Boooooring" chants. You might have a higher mind for pro-wrestling than I do, so I'll beg your pardon in advance for suggesting that whether or not Seth is allowed to successfully cash in will have nothing to do with this naked selfie scandal. If the crowd cheers Seth's opponents based on their disgust toward him, the WWE will have to reward Seth for being the only marketable heel they have.

I don't foresee him getting de-pushed to the point of being a jobber, but this has to have put a large delay on him winning the World Heavyweight Championship.

There go my mental road-blocks again, I think I may have forgotten about a lobotomy and need to have it reversed. The notion of why this "has" to put a large delay on his world title potential is central to the debate in this thread. I don't see why it "has" to cause him to eat a shit sandwich and suffer in the mid-card until he's done his time, and I won't torture you with my layman assumptions of why you might assume as much. Please, for the benefit of those of us with an aptitude that doesn't hold a candle to yours, explain why this "has" to be detrimental to his path to the world title.

I still have respect for his abilities on the mic or in the ring, however this incident make me lose some of the respect for him as a human being.

Umm, whew, okay. The human being named Colby Lopez? A thousand apologies Sir, but I am confused again. I just want to slap myself so hard, but doing so would waste your time.

You respect Colby Lopez LESS because he allowed his girlfriend to take a naked picture of him? Or, I think I'm catching on now, you respect him less because he allowed a situation involving his significant other to spiral into such a deplorable state of disarray that such a responsible person like yourself could only tolerate it if a subsequent series of punishments follow for the sake of the greater good.

I'll never match your level of brilliance, but maybe you can help me understand this controversy in a way that makes me realize how foolish I am for thinking that it may have a positive effect on Seth's direction as a heel in the pro-wrestling world.
This could not possibly have happened at a worse time. Seth Rollins has been in the middle of the best Money In The Bank push we have seen in years, leading into what would likely have been a successful cash-in at Wrestlemania. Things like this are bad publicity, which nobody wants. I no longer think Seth will successfully cash in. Reigns or Bryan will have just defeated Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Championship, Seth runs out to cash in, and loses. I don't foresee him getting de-pushed to the point of being a jobber, but this has to have put a large delay on him winning the World Heavyweight Championship. I still have respect for his abilities on the mic or in the ring, however this incident make me lose some of the respect for him as a human being.

I pretty much agree with all of this. Seth Rollins is a considerable talent, and I'm sure the people running WWE know that, but his rise to the top of the card will probably be delayed a little longer because of this (which is a good reason, but it still sucks for him and his fans). Seeing as it is a direct result of his unfaithfulness, I can't say that I have a whole lot of pity for him as an individual, but I'm sure his talent will get him back to where he is.

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