WWE Finally Building Up Gabriel?


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For the past few weeks on smackdown we've seen Justin Gabriel more then usual. Making the save for Horny and beating Heath Slater, then two weeks ago we seen Gabriel pull off an impressive showing against Cody Rhodes and this past friday doing the same. So its posible their building a small rivaly with Rhodes and Gabriel for the i.c title. And since Cody is going to the main event soon how will they have Gabriel win without Rhodes looking weak?
How are they going to build Justin at this point? i wanna know your thoughts about this.
Well I think at one point WWE started to build Gabriel but maybe held back a little with other talent exploding into the main-event/upper midcarder picture.

I think they are starting push him again and while I hate hornswoggy, I have enjoyed the matches between him and rhodes. I can see him continuing the feud with rhodes up till EC. Honestly though with his lack of mic skills I can't see him doing to much around mania time considering there is already a pretty full card.

On the other hand I have been thinking they need to switch the minor titles back the there original brands (IC on RAW and US on SD) and I think he could be PERFECT FOR IT! I could see him having a good feud with cody then a small feud with another IC title contenter. Then just after mania on the "Draft Episode" of RAW have Swagger face Gabriel, winner takes the title and gets a Draft pick. BATA-BOOM! Gabriel goes back to SD as the U.S. champion, can improv some of his skills and has a lengthy run defending the title!
For the past few weeks on smackdown we've seen Justin Gabriel more then usual. Making the save for Horny and beating Heath Slater, then two weeks ago we seen Gabriel pull off an impressive showing against Cody Rhodes and this past friday doing the same. So its posible their building a small rivaly with Rhodes and Gabriel for the i.c title. And since Cody is going to the main event soon how will they have Gabriel win without Rhodes looking weak?
How are they going to build Justin at this point? i wanna know your thoughts about this.

This past Friday's match lasted only a couple of minutes in which he lost so I don't think they actually know what they want to do with Justin Gabriel.
He's got a cool finisher, but that's about it. Mic skills suck, entrance music sucks, etc.

I guess if they give him a really good repackage he'd be a credible contender, but at the moment I just see him as the other half of Slater who's doing just a bit better.
I think they are building a feud between Justin and Cody and personally, I've been waiting for these two to get in a feud together. WWE is going to try building up Gabriel because it's pretty obvious that the crowd likes him. Yes, his mic skills do suck but with his accent we just need to teach how to talk and he'll be brilliant on the mic. (besides, we've seen worse *HEATH SLATER*) Plus it would be an interesting feud because it's different which would make people want to watch more often, thus getting more viewers. But first we need to get Horny out of the picture because it's stupid to have him be the basis of the feud. I say Justin should challenge Cody for the title, WIN and then kick off the feud from there. IT CAN WORK PEOPLE!!
I like Gabriel but I don't think he is ready for the IC title...particularly after Rhodes has made it very prestigious again. I don't believe Gabriel will be able to continue the run the IC title had with Cody. I would love to see a title match but have Cody win of course. I said the same in a previous thread about Cody's title run and who would be worthy but I think DiBiase should be the one to take the title. Gabriel just needs more time and this time next year, he will be a strong mid-card competitor in the IC title picture.
Gabriel can be a top contender. Remember Nexus and how he used toalways compete with Orton and Cena. I think he is main event for sure.
I have always liked Gabriel but the minute he starts main eventing the people will start crying how he has no mic skills and blah blah blah Bryan blah blah blah. Unfortunately he won't be going pass Mid-carder status as he doesn't fit the VMK mold.

Unless of course they STARTED a new faction CALLED the Mid-Card Mafia.
The company can't seem to make up it's mind about Gabriel. A few months ago, they produced a couple of vignettes about him in South Africa and what a huge sensation he was in his homeland. He won a couple of matches against guys who were going nowhere, and then....... nothing. He was reduced to "opponent" status and the push seemed over. It seemed like another one of those "we don't really know what's going on behind the scenes" deals in which we speculate about a performer, but the truth lies in an area we aren't privy to.

I think he's an OK performer; certainly not worthy of main event status. He seems to be losing his flat stomach a bit, and that will hurt a wrestler to whom a sleek look is absolutely necessary.

If the company wants, they can make Justin a solid mid-card presence.....not much more IMO.
I'm not sure exactly what's going on with Gabriel. He looked good in his matches with Cody Rhodes. Their matches made me want to see them get a good, long 10+ minute match against one another. Gabriel is crisp inside the ring, he's athletic and has a good deal to offer inside the ring. When it comes to personality & mic skills, he needs a lot of work in my opinion. He's definitely weak in those areas and it will hold him back if he doesn't strengthen himself there.

I don't expect a serious program against Cody Rhodes, but I think the past few weeks could be a sign that WWE is going to build Gabriel up for bigger things later on. Last I heard, the WWE was planning to go through with the Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust program, which would probably culminate at Elimination Chamber rather than WrestleMania. If things keep looking positve for Gabriel, there might be a spot for him in the MITB match at WrestleMania.
The thing with Justin Gabriel is that he is just so... replaceable. There is nothing stand-out about him. Wrestlers like him and Evan Bourne are a dime a dozen. That's probably why his solo run has been so topsy-turvy. First, they like him, then they don't and that's what i feel about him... indifferent. I'm not going to lie, he'd be one hell of a mid-carder, but how many times have you been able to say that over the past few years? Trent Baretta, Chris Masters, Carlito, Tyler Reks, Kaval, etc... he is just another man on the roster to the heads at Stanford so why bother? It's a lazy way of doing things, but there's been no mid-card in the WWE for a good amount of time now so, why would they start pushing Gabriel into the mid-card now? Sorry fans, don't get your hopes up.
I don't know what they're doing with Gabriel.

Does the guy even have a gimmick or character? The extent of his persona seems to be "has a 450 splash as a finisher".

It's not like he gave Cody that good a fight either, he lost fairly handily and clean two weeks in a row.

The mid card is about to collapse on SD, as the three biggest (and almost only) mid carders, Cody, Sheamus and Barrett, are all moving to the main event within the next six months, and they havve no one to replace them. I think they just realised that recently, and are panicking and rushing to try and push Gabriel, Hunico and Ted DiBiase vaguely, despite none of them having any amount of overness or even a gimmick.

Think about it. When Cody starts a World Title feud, who can he even drop the IC title to beforehand?
As mentioned earlier I could see him as a replacement partner for Kofi. I think WWE want to at least have Gabriel in the mix as he's fun to watch and has international marketing use. I think he'll get a spot in the MITB match at Mania.

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