WWE Fast Lane: WWE IC Championship Match - Bad News Barrett (c) vs Dean Ambrose


Pre-Show Stalwart
This was announced last night on Raw after Ambrose tied Barrett up and signed the contract with Barrett's hand.

I think Ambrose wins this match, but they keep saying that the match was signed under "duress". Ambrose can't lose another match to be taken seriously, however if wins but then has the decision of it being a title match reversed, he will receive a title match at Wrestlemania since he beat the champion.
I think we won't actually see a match, a la Battleground (I think) when Ambrose and Rollins were supposed to wrestle and they just kept fighting all over the arena. I think we might just see Barrett come out and deliver his bad news that he went to the Authority and got the match thrown out, and Ambrose comes after him. However, if the match does happen I want to see Ambrose win just to see what he does with the belt.
The Intercontinental Championship has been passed around like a hot potato since Barrett's injury. I think Ambrose walks out of Fast Lane as IC Champion. Once again WWE has been booking Barrett weak since he's been champion, having him lose non-title matches against competitors he shouldn't be losing against. However, maybe this could be a start of something special between the two if WWE is thinking long-term.
I predict an Ambrose victory purely because I expect him to be given some halfhearted WrestleMania feud. I don't expect the same for Barrett.

I don't get the big deal with either so I don't think I'm as enthused by the prospect of this match as most.
I think Ambrose wins this match, but they keep saying that the match was signed under "duress". Ambrose can't lose another match to be taken seriously, however if wins but then has the decision of it being a title match reversed, he will receive a title match at Wrestlemania since he beat the champion.


Wait, that's spam? Shit, alright.

Ummmm. KB nails it right on the head, so they find a way to give both guys something to do headed toward Mania. As stupid as this is, and despite how much better this could have been booked (The bare-knuckle fight champion Vs The lunatic, and THIS is the direction we have taken?) I begrudgingly accept it because

1. At least the IC champ isn't losing 3X a week like usual

2. We might actually get a feud based around the IC title headed into Mania.
I predict an Ambrose victory purely because I expect him to be given some halfhearted WrestleMania feud. I don't expect the same for Barrett.

Same here. In fact, the only reason I can see Barrett retaining is because he's been back such a short time. They gave him the IC belt for no particular reason, so he may hold onto it for same.

Of course, Ambrose needs to beat someone besides Curtis Axel. He flat-out lost his feud with Bray Wyatt and while I don't see main event status in his future, I believe the fans are regarding him highly, at least for the time being. Plus, Barrett loses a lot, even as the champion.

So, I think Ambrose wins. Whether a title change occurs remains to be seen.
I could see Sheamus making his return during this match and attacking both guys. It would establish Sheamus as a badass who is willing to fight anybody, babyface or heel, and could lead to an Ambrose vs. Barrett vs. Sheamus Triple Threat Match at Mania for the IC Title. Having Ambrose win the Title at Fast Lane, but then the decision being reversed due to Barrett signing the contract under duress is also a good idea. I'd like to see the WWE use classic finishes like that more often to put legitimate heat on their heels. Ambrose simply winning the Title at Fast Lane is the wrong move, they need to extend the chase in some way to more the ultimate victory more meaningful. It's called effective booking.

Having Ambrose come out on RAW and cut that promo saying he wants the IC Title was definitely a step in the right direction, and it seems as though the WWE is at least somewhat interested in building an actual feud for the belt. Last year, Ziggler and Miz had a real angle involving the IC Title and it benefited both guys so I don't see why they wouldn't want to book the Title properly all the time. But anyways.

Ambrose is an interesting case. He's definitely over, but his momentum clearly has faded from where it was. Is part of that because the guy rarely wins big matches? Maybe. Is part of that because he's supposed to be a dangerous crazy person but he hits people with Christmas trees? Probably. But the fact is the guy has maintained a solid level of popularity in spite of this, and I think the WWE views him as a guy that will be over no matter what. I guess I'm with the crowd that wants to see him as the IC Champion, but him holding the Title isn't what's important, what he does as Champion is. Storylines and rivalries with a solid week-to-week progression need to revolve around the IC Title. That is the most important element in getting the Champion over and the belt over.
i actually see Ambrose picking up the win in this match. Have him a Barrett carry on a more heated feud into WM. hopefully some type of gimmick match like a LADDER! With Ambrose retaining and ending the feud with Barrett. Post WM Barrett goes on a rampage building him to the top to win MITB. By the end of the year i see Barrett as being a top contender to the WWE title

I'm really looking forward to this one as I'm a big fan of both guys. Ambrose winning the Intercontinental Championship has a lot of potential for WWE to do something good with him, as long as he gets proper booking unlike his US Championship run. Barrett's had horrible luck with his Intercontinental Championship reigns, worse than anyone else who has ever held the belt I'd argue, so I didn't expect anything different this time around. Ambrose benefits more from winning here so he'll get the belt and go into Wrestlemania to defend it in the opening match of that card is my current prediction. This has the potential to be one of the two best matches of the night, with Bryan VS Reigns being the other. It probably goes on earlier in the evening at around 2nd or 3rd. The build for it has been really good such as the whole contract angle and their exchanges in promos. Good stuff. I'd be interested in seeing more if WWE go the route of extending this feud.

Dean Ambrose will win the Intercontinental Championship.
I can see it going either way, but I'm predicting Barrett simply for the traditional reason that Ambrose has come out on top in every interaction they have had. That's classic booking when teasing a victory that we ultimately won't get. However, I don't think Barrett will actually defeat Ambrose as much as he will survive and maybe Ambrose will win at Mania.
I can see it going either way, but I'm predicting Barrett simply for the traditional reason that Ambrose has come out on top in every interaction they have had. That's classic booking when teasing a victory that we ultimately won't get. However, I don't think Barrett will actually defeat Ambrose as much as he will survive and maybe Ambrose will win at Mania.

Agreed. I think that Barrett is going to lose the match but not the title, so he is going to get himself DQ or something alike. I hope they continue this feud until Mania where Ambrose wins. It's going to be a good match, I jope so...
I have a feeling that there is no way this one ends clean, especially when you look at how the match came around. Ideally, this match ends in a DQ for Barrett and a match at WrestleMania between the two in a no DQ match. Both of these guys are on a quest for legitimacy and losing this match is going to do nothing for either man. Barrett needs a win to be classed as a decent IC Champion and to put the title over. Ambrose just doesn't need to lose again, his credibility would be close to nothing if that were the case.

In either case, the best result here is a DQ loss for Barrett. I don't see these guys doing anything of note heading into WrestleMania unless Sheamus comes back to feud with Barrett and Rollins finally gets the match with Ambrose that we are looking for. Either way, Ambrose doesn't need the title right now, he just needs to look like a maniac. Losing the match through a DQ is the safest way og tiding these guys over to WrestleMania and bigger and better things.

Dave's Prediction:
Match ends via DQ

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