WWE: Faction Wars


Dark Match Winner
On my first thread, I posted an idea of WWE doing a faction based roster were their would be 4 factions with 3-6 superstars and some who are unaffiliated. I fully know well that the E would probably never do this so I did it just for fun and to bring my creativity to light. And this one will be the same. I've decided to create my own universe like every else does and try it as long as I want to. So some things here might get a little crazy, but it's all in the spirit of fun. Hope you enjoy. :)

After Hell in a Cell Randy Orton Destroys Sheamus in the demonic structure, then John Cena gets rid of the Nexus for good, Daniel Bryan reigns supreme against two of his opponents and after the match gets him some more of The Miz and leaves a lasting effect. Natalya added adds another accolade to the Hart Dungeon graduates and Defeats LayCool and with Paul Bearer at his side, The Undertaker buries his brother, Kane inside the cell.

Then in a shocking turn of events, As Randy Orton enters the arena, he is attacked viciously by 5 assailants: Alex Riley, Ezekiel Jackson, The Usos, and Heath Slater. The group carries Orton to the ring who is out of it and seem to be waiting for someone. Then...his music plays.


Every one in the building knows exactly whats about to happen:banghead: as Miz cashes in his MiTB, waits for the announcements, the group leaves the ring, and Miz floors Orton with the SCF! THE COVER. 1..2..3!! Miz is the NEW WWE CHAMPION!!! The Miz reveals he formed this group in secret and has called his team "GOLDEN GUNS". Miz then successfully defends his title against foes such as Orton, Cena, even John Morrison all through Wrestlemania 27. Cena then cuts a promo announcing he will pursue superstars to form his own team and oppose GOLDEN GUNS. During this time, Sheamus establishes a friendship with Wade Barret and Ted Dibiase and form their own alliance. After Santino and Kozlov lose multiple matches against Sheamus' new unit, Santino then proclams that "I can play this game, too".

On Smackdown, feuds have sparked on this brand as well and will soon be brought to light soon. Some choose sides, some choose neither, but one thing for sure that things will change.

*Whew* now that the beginning's done, here's everything I have prepared as of 4/18/11.


Evan Bourne
John Cena (Co-Leader)
John Morrison
Randy Orton(Co-Leader)

Michael Tarver
Ted DiBiase
Wade Barrett
William Regal

Santino Marella (Leader)
Vladimir Kozlov
Yoshi Tatsu

Alex Riley
Ezekiel Jackson
Heath Slater
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
The Miz (Leader)

Daniel Bryan
David Otunga
David Hart Smith
Justin Gabriel
Mark Henry
Tyson Kidd
Zack Ryder

WWE Championship
WWE United States Championship
WWE European Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship


CM Punk (Leader)
Joey Mercury
Luke Gallows
Vance Archer

Caylen Croft
Kofi Kingston
M.V.P. (Leader)
Shad Gaspard
Trent Barreta

The Big Show
Chris Masters
Matt Hardy (Leader)

Chavo Guerrero
Cody Rhodes
Dolph Ziggler (Leader)
Drew McIntyre
Jack Swagger

Alberto Del Rio
Darren Young
Curt Hawkins
Joe Henning (AKA Michael McGillicutty)
Percy Watson
Rey Mysterio
Tyler Reks

World Heavyweight Championship
WWE Intercontinental Championship
WWE Light Heavyweight Championship
WWE Trios Championship

AJ Lee
Alicia Fox
Beth Phoenix
Brie Bella
Gail Kim
Kelly Kelly
Michelle McCool
Naomi Night
Nikki Bella
Rosa Mendes

WWE Unified Divas Championship
WWE Divas Tag Team Championship

I know this seems a little much, but I'll be worth reading. I'll be back with Raw Episode 1:)
OK this seems cool, but one thing you should not do is use emotions. The little faces e.g :). Don't use them in an episode, it looks stupid. This one is more of a personal thing but, don't use yellow. It's hard to read and blue and purple are some much better. Easier to see and what not. Good luck with this.

EDIT: I have seen one person use an emotion and it looked cool. Other than that it's bad.
Before we get started I want to show the PPV structure.

05/22/11-Over the Limit(SD)
07/17/11-The Great American Bash(SD)
08/14/11-SummerSlam(KOTR Final)(Big 4)
10/16/11-No Mercy(SD)
11/20/11-Survivor Series(Big 4)
01/30/12-Royal Rumble(Big 4)
02/19/12-No Way Out(SD)
04/01/12-WrestleMania XXVIIl(Big 4)

Episode 1

Here's what I'll use as Raw's Intro since I think IMO the new one's lame.


In front of a sellout crowd at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida, it's Monday Night Raw!

Tonight's featured attractions are the following.

WWE United States Championship- Daniel Bryan(c) VS. Justin Gabriel

Battle Royal for the Revived European Championship. Becomes stardard Singles match when 2 combatants are left!

Brackets for WWE Divas Tag Team Championship Tournament and First-Round match

WWE Tag Team Championship- The Usos(c) VS. John Cena & Randy Orton


Justin Roberts: The following Tag Team Match is scheduled for one fall! Making their way the ring, at a combined weight of 406 lb, representing CERKO, the team of EVAN BOURNE & JOHN MORRISON!!!


Justin Roberts: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 463 lb, representing GOLDEN GUNS, the team of HEATH SLATER and the WWE CHAMPION, THE MIZ!!!

Bourne and Slater circle around the ring and lock up. Slater applies a headlock, bounce off the ropes and shoots Bourne off. Bourne ducks the clothesline and comes back with a headscissors takedown. The crowd boos as Slater leaves the ring Miz gives him a pep talk. Slater enters the ring and they lock up again. Slater rakes Bourne in the eyes and irish whips him to the turnbuckle. He backs up and charges but Bourne nails Slater with a roundhouse kick to the stomach and slingshots off the second turnbuckle into a Hurricanrana pin but Referee John Cone counts 2!

Bourne tags in Morrison they perform an old Morrison/Miz tag move: Bourne slingshots Slater into a forearm smash by Morrison, knocking Slater backwards, following with a slingshot elbow drop. Morrison does his signiture pose to the crowd, attempts to bounce off the rope but Miz cracks him on the back of the head with a forearm smash. Morrison still on his feet but gets taken down with a lariat by Slater who lateral presses Morrison for the cover but Morrison gets the shoulder up.

Miz gets the tag and stomps on Morrison. Miz then brings Morrison to his feet to the turnbuckle and slaps and berates Morrison. After a six pack of shoulder tackles, Miz backs up for a clothesline but Morrison put his boot in front of him, hits a coporeira kick to the back of Miz's and tags in Bourne who climbs the turnbuckle and diving double knee drops The Miz and follows up, springboarding to a Double Helix, corkscrewing in the air for the pin but Slater breaks it up!

Slater before getting back into the corner dropkicks Morrison and he lands hard. Bourne picks up Miz and kicks him twice in the chest, go for a third, but Miz catches his foot, kicks him in the gut and spikes his with a DDT. Miz tags Slater in and Slater legs drops Bourne right on his knee and puts in a single crab. Morrison gets back on the apron and hypes up the crowd for Bourne. After almost a minute into the crab, Bourne breaks free and hits the Enzuigiri. Both men are down. Both gets up and tags in their respective. Miz and Morrison trade shots. Miz pokes him in the eye, irish whips, gets him with the discus punch. Miz waits for morrison to get up, looks for SCF, Morrison reverses it into a russian legsweep. Slater double axe handles Morrison. Bourne gets in there and savate kicks Slater out of the ring and takes him out with a asai moonsault. Morrison get ready for Starship Pain but Miz school boys Morrison and gets the win with his foot on the rope!

X Morrison/Bourne VS Miz/Slater O
School Boy

Miz grabs a mic. Miz says that once again he proves that he's the flagship of the WWE and at Backlash and it's Morrison and himself No DQ with both factions banned from ringside, Morrison will have NO excuse this time when he leaves him in a pool of his own blood and ends his career. Then Morrison and the people will have no choice but to recognize Miz as the WWE Champion because he is the Miz and he's awesome!



Participants for Battle Royal:
Michael Tarver
Ted DiBiase
Wade Barrett
William Regal

Santino Marella
Vladimir Kozlov
Yoshi Tatsu

David Otunga
David Hart Smith
Mark Henry
Tyson Kidd
Zack Ryder


This will start of as a Over the top rope Battle Royal, then when two superstars left, it will be a 1 on 1 match to crown a New WWE European champion!

The 4 members of HIGH REGARD to the left, all the members of REGIME MONDO on the right and solo superstars circle around the middle. Wade Barrett makes the first move attacking R-Truth and the match begins. The two factions help each other out. Barrett lariats Goldust out of the ring giving us out first elimination and evening the factions. The remaining Superstars start to attack the biggest man in the ring, Mark Henry. Henry fights a few off, managing to eliminate Primo and Ted Dibiase, but the rest overtake Henry and try to get the big man over and then a running shoulder tackle by Kozlov gets Henry out of here. Seconds later, The Hart Dynasty goes for the Hart Attack but Regal cuts off Tyson Kidd and tosses him out of the match, then barrett low blows DH Smith and picks him up for The Watseland out of the ring. Yoshi Tatsu dodges Michael Tarver's punch and kicks him out of the ring, the gets tossed out from behind by David Otunga. Zack Ryder attacks Otunga who R-Truth saves and they both eliminate Ryder, then Truth gets eliminated after Otunga faked a truce. 5 remain. Otunga leaves under the ring to avoid getting double teamed. Barrett and Regal charge towards Santino but Kozlov grabs them both and does a meeting of the minds and they both lead against the rope and Santino charges through and clotheslines and eliminates them both including himself. Otunga enter the ring and attacks Kozlov from behind and the the ref rings the bell for the singles match since 2 men are left.

Otunga hammers down on Kozlov and shoves between the turnbuckles. Kozlov droops down the corner, Otunga backs up and hits Kozlov in the head with a running knee. Otunga goes for a Uranage , but Kozlov fights out and hits a half nelson suplex out of nowhere and goes for the cover and gets the 3!

WWE European Championship
X David Otunga VS Vladimir Kozlov O
Half Nelson Suplex

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, and the NEW WWE European Champion, VLADAMIR KOZLOV!!!

(The other members of REGIME MONDO enter the with Kozlov, celebrating his first title victory.)

Bracket for Diva Tag Tourney
The Bella Twins
Maryse/Alicia Fox

The Blondtourage(Kelly Kelly/Tiffany)
Beth Phoenix/Tamina


Melina/Rosa Mendes
AJ Lee/Naomi Night


Justin Roberts: The following Team contest contest is a first round Divas Tag Tournament match scheduled for one fall. On the way to the ring, ALICIA FOX and representing HIGH REGARD, MARYSE!!!


Justin Roberts: Their opponents, from Scottsdale, Arizona, Brie & Nikki, THE BELLA TWINS!!!

Alicia and Brie start the match. Alicia attcks quickly with three elbows and a kick to the chest. While Brie is subdued, Alicia knocks Nikki off the apron and scoops up Brie, slams her down and tag in Maryse. Maryse and Alicia turn Brie on her stomach and both kick her in the abdomen on opposite sides. Maryse goes for a cover but Brie kicks out.

Maryse goes for a back suplex, but Brie reverses to a side slam. She tags in Nikki. Brie whips Nikki to the ropes and Brie arm drags her right on top of Maryse with a senton. Maryse kicks out of Nikki's pin attempt.

Nikki sits Maryse up and performs a fireman's carry then a chinlock. Maryse breaks free, puts Nikki in an arm wrench and elbows it multiple times. Maryse tags Alicia. Alicia goes up the second rope and does a double axe handle right on the arm. Alicia whips Nikki off the ropes and hits a Tilt-a whril Backbreaker but she's not done. Alicia then hits a Bridging Northern Lights suplex for the pin. Nikki gets the shoulder up.

Alicia gets annoyed. She repeatedly slams Nikki's face to the mat and places Nikki on the bottom rope for and pushes down her boot down Nikki's neck. Alicia gets her boot off at 4. She irish whips Nikki, but Nikki catches Alicia in a sleeper position and slams her down. Maryse cuts off Nikki's pin attempt and knees Nikki in the stomach. Alicia gets up and they both whip Nikki to the corner. Alicia whips Maryse to Nikki but she reverses with a headscissors that sends Maryse to the outside. Brie comes in, kick Alicia in the gut, and set her up for a verticle suplex. Nikki goes up top and they double team with a Suplex Crossbody combo. Brie pins off the crossbody.

X Maryse/Alicia Fox VS The Bella Twins O
Suplex/Crossbody Combo

Splitscreen of Daniel Bryan and Justin Gabriel walking into the ring for their title matchup.



(This custom 'tron is good. Credit to who did it.)


(Gabriel calmly waits fo his opponent)


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WWE United States Championship. Introducing the challenger, from Cape Town, South Africa, weighing in at 215 lb, The South African Angel, JUSTIN GABRIEL!!! *Nice pop*
His opponent, from Aberdeen, Washington, weighing in at 190 lb, he is the current WWE United States Champion, The American Dragon, DANIEL BRYAN!!! *Great pop*

The crowds cheers are cut in half between "Let's go, Dragon" and "Let's go, Justin" as Gabriel and Bryan circle the ring, they lock up, Gabriel pushes Bryan to the turnbuckle and gives him a clean break. They lock up again. Bryan gets the waist lock. Gabriel reverses with his own waist lock, goes for a back suplex. Bryan reverses and leg sweeps Gabriel, tries to follow up with a kick while seated, Gabriel ducks the goes for his own kick but Bryan ducks and they both roll back to their feet. Bryan wrenches the arm, holds on with the left arm and Knife edge chops with the right arm. Bryan does two more chops and goes for an irish whip but Gabriel reverses with his own and finishes with a Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Gabriel with the cover and Bryan kicks out.

Bryan reverses Gabriel's whip, goes off the ropes and is nearly sent flying out of the ring, lands on the apron, but Bryan Hotshots him off the apron near the titantron. Bryan walks to the opposite side of the ring, dashes and crashes on Gabriel with a Dive through the ropes. After a few seconds, Bryan gets up and wants to Verticle suplex Gabe on the floor, but Gabriel fights out and he does the suplex on Bryan. Referee John Cone is up to 7 and knowing he can't win the belt that way sends Bryan and himself in the ring. Bryan recovers and gets a small package for the pin but Gabriel kicks out.

Bryan picks up Gabriel, hits the European Uppercut and follows with a Double underhook suplex and floats over to a crucifix armbar. The ref asks Gabriel if he wants to quit but he gets his foot on the ropes and Bryan waits until 4 to break the hold. Bryan applies the Indian deathlock and starts hyperextending Gabriel's legs, which causes Gabriel to scream in pain. Bryan lets go and goes for the pin but Gabriel gets the shoulder up.

Bryan gets Gabriel up for the Airplane spin. Bryan gets a few rotations but Gabriel elbows out of it. Gabriel throws a few right hands, irish whip Bryan to the corner and hits a splash off the corner, hits a Discus elbow smash, and finishes with a Superkick, taking Bryan to the outside. A fired up Gabriel goes up the top turnbuckle, watches and waits for Bryan to stand up and hits him with a crossbody from the top of the turnbuckle. The ref yelling at both combatants to get back in the and counts 4 Gabriel picks him up and points to the steel steps. His whip is reversed and Bryan sends him crashing into the steps. Bryan gets Gabriel and himself back in the ring and the ref counts 8. Bryan hits the Tiger suplex for pin attempt. Gabriel kicks out again.

Bryan then holds Gabriel in a grounded crucifix and throws repeated elbow strikes to the side of Gabriels head. Bryan fires up and so does the crowd. Bryan goes for the LeBell Lock, but after a short sturggle, Gabriel escapes before it can be locked in. He pushes Bryan who bumps into the referee, Gabriel goes for an enzugiri, but Bryan ducks and nails the ref, John Cone. Gabriel ignores him and whips Bryan into the corner and hits a forearm. He then perches Bryan to the top turnbuckle, sets up and hits a STO on Bryan from the top. Gabriel slowly climb the turnbuckle and to finish Bryan. While Gabriel works his way to the top, Alex Riley comes from the stands with a steel chair. Gabriel is setting up for the 450 splash but Riley cracks him with the chair which knocks down Gabriel to the mat! Riley quickly hides near the apron. Bryan gets and sees Gabriel in a bad way. The ref begins to regain conscienceness. Bryan hits the Dragon Suplex for the pin and the victory!

WWE US Championship
O Daniel Bryan(c) VS. Justin Gabriel X
Dragon Suplex

Justin Roberts: Here is you winner, and STILL the WWE United States Champion, The American Dragon, DANIEL BRYAN!!!
(Alex enters the ring holds the title belt over his head with the chair in hand saying this will be his soon. He tosses the belt back to Bryan, drop the chair to the ground and picks up Gabriel and nails him with a TKO he calls You're Dismissed and leaves the ring while Bryan tends to Gabriel. Riley taunting on the outside)



Justin Roberts: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, HIGH REGARD!!!

Sheamus gets handed a mic.He says that as the people all know, HIGH REGARD was formed by himself, Barrett, Dibiase. But the one man who inspired them to create this group is none other than Chris Jericho. He's a mentor to him and helped him rise back up when things got tough. Because of him, everything was put into place so he could make things his again. So when he didn't need him anymore, he got rid of him. A clip that says "2 weeks ago" after HIGH REGARD loses a 8 man tag match, Sheamus Brogue Kicks Jericho and the whole stable starts beating one him, then they bring out a table and Sheamus puts Jericho through it with the High Cross. As HIGH REGARD stares at the titantron and berates Jericho more, Jericho from the crowd enters the ring with a chair and cracks Sheamus in the back with a bat. The rest try to attack him, but Jericho swings around the bat, forcing them to retreat. Jericho picks up a mic and says that Sheamus has pissed of the wrong guy, he'll see even more what happens when you double cross Y2J. Jericho's music plays.

(John Cena, Evan Bourne, and John Morrison approch Randy Orton. Cena asks if he's ready, Orton says let's go. Meanwhile in the locker room, Miz hypes the Usos and the rest of GOLDEN GUNS as they head into the ring.)



(Orton awaits his partner...)


(CERKO have a small chat before preparing for the Usos.)


(Usos, who are accompanied by Tamina are welcomed with boos as they enter the ring.)


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Introducing the challengers, at a combined weight of 485 lb, representing CERKO, the team of JOHN CENA & RANDY ORTON!!!(Huge cheers)
Their opponents, accompanied by Tamina, from San Francisco, California at a combined weight of 480 lb, representing GOLDEN GUNS, Jimmy & Jey, THE USOS!!!(Raining boos)

The Usos strike first with clubs to the back and Justin Roberts gets out of there. Both Usos irish whip Cena and Orton, they both reverse and the both Back body drop Jimmy and Jey. Orton takes Jey out of the ring and gets back to his corner. Cena whips Jimmy to another corner. Cena runs toward Jimmy but runs into a elbow. Jimmy scores with a Spinning wheel kick and gets the lateral press but a kickout by Cena.

Jimmy puts Cena in a headlock. Cena soon gets up and elbows Jimmy and breaks the hold. Cena whips him to the ropes. Jimmy goes for a clothesline but misses and Cena gets the Sitout hip toss. Jimmy quickly gets up and throws a right hand but Cena blocks it, and scores with the fisherman suplex. Jimmy recovers and tags in Jey and Cena tags in Orton. Orton tries to suprise Jey with a RKO but Jey reverses. Jey turns it to a waist lock. Orton throws elbows, gets around Jey, connects with a Full nelson slam and goes for the cover but Jey kicks out.

Orton picks up Jey and lands successful European uppercuts to Jey's chin which dazedes him. Orton uses this oppourtunity and puts Jey on his back with a Falling clothesline. Orton then delivers the Signature Randy Orton stomp, striking both the arms and legs and finally the head. Orton taunts Jey to get to his feet which he does. Orton throws some right hands to Jey until the last one has Jey holding his eye. While Referee Mike Chioda checks on it, Jimmy and Tamina do a double Mat slam to Orton following with stomps. Cena wants to step in and save his partner but the ref leaves Jey to hold Cena back. During that Jey joins in on the beatdown and stomps Orton downstairs with the ref still on Cena. Jimmy goes to his corner, Tamina gets backs ringside, and Jey goes for a cover but it's not enough to finish Orton.

Jey hits a Jumping Leg drop and then tags in Jimmy. They double team Orton with a Powerbomb/Mat Slam combo. Jimmy then mounts Orton, rains punches and a headbutt He then targets the collarbone where Orton suffered a injury 2 years ago with pointed elbows. He tags in Jey and he stomps and elbow drops on the collarbone. Jey works on it more with more with a nerve hold and Orton's in trouble. Cena gets the crowd involved help Orton break the hold. Orton after a few minutes, Orton's on one knee. He throws body shots to Jey, but he punches him in the collerbone. While Orton on a knee, Jey goes up the top turnbuckle for something big. He jumps and Orton counters into a scoop powerslam. Cena wants the tag. Orton crawls to his corner. Jey is almost to his feet. Orton reaches Cena and makes the tag! Cena Running shoulder blocks Jey. Jimmy comes in and gets shoulder blocked as well. Cena hits Jey with his Signature side slam. Cena getting ready for his usual theatrics and Orton takes Jimmy out of the equation by Clotheslining him out of the ring. Which due to his momentum brings Orton outside, too. Tamina tries to distract but when Cena goes off the ropes, he intentionaly hits her and then connects with the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Jey. Cena's looks for the STF-U and has it locked in! The Miz comes in to interfere, but Chioda cuts him off. Cena lets go to deal with Miz, but John Morrison enters, pulls Miz down from the apron, showers him with rights and shoves him to the steps. Jey's on his feet and goes for the Samoan Spike, but Cena counters to an arm wrench, transitions to a F-U. Orton gets in the ring and bounces off the ropes. Cena tosses Jey behind his back and Orton destroys him mid-air with a RKO. Cena goes for the cover and gets the win.

WWE Tag Team Championship
O Cena/Orton VS The Usos X

Justin Roberts: Here are you winners, and the NEW WWE Tag Team Champions. JOHN CENA & RANDY ORTON!!!
Orton and Cena grab their newly won belts. Cena extends for a handshake. Randy thinks about it and complies. Orton, Cena, and Morrison celebrate in the ring while The Usos, Tamina and Miz retreat.

End of Show.


Diva Tag Tourney First Round
X The Blondtourage VS Beth Phoenix/Tamina O
Assisted Glam Slam
Faces Bellas in Semis​

O Dudebusters/Shad Gaspard VS Young/Watson/T-Reks X

O Evan Bourne VS Michael Tarver X
Air Bourne​

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