WWE Extreme Rules - Vacant WHC - Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio - Ladder Match

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We've seen these two in three matches already on SmackDown! and all three have been great, so this match should be no different. They have great chemistry with each other and the match is bound to be very competitive.

As for the outcome, I think it's win-win either way in my opinion. Alberto Del Rio is a star and I think that's been obvious pretty much since his debut on SmackDown!. Christian has long been one of the most underrated guys on the WWE roster at any point over the past decade. He's loaded with charisma, he's great on the mic, he's great inside the ring, he's over with the fans, he's a hard worker and he can lose night after night and his stock won't go down. He's a lot like Chris Jericho in many ways. I've wanted to see Christian get a World Title run in WWE for years and I've always thought he should be in the main event.
Now that Edge is gone, Christian is now one of the top faces on smackdown i think he is going to win for Edge's honour and lose the title after one or two months
Glad to see Christian coming to the WHC picture as he's deserved it for a long time. Honoring Edge or not, I hope to God they give him the title on this one even if it's for just one or two months.
Christian wins.

I am going to be one of those people who are absolutely certain as to why Chrisitan wins this battle. Firstly I truly believe he will win because of his connection with the fans. It is what the fans want to see and it is something that would make sure Smackdown's ratings increase. I think more people would tune into Smackdown if Chrisitian was the champ especially when Edge is no longer around. I think if Vince truly is money minded then this is the way for him to go. Give the people what they want, just this one give us the little treat.

They need a fact title holder. So what better way then to allow Chrisitan to be tht title holder. As I clearly don't see the Miz losing his title I think we can be certain that it is going to Christian. WWE although it sometimes doesn't happen enjoys having one face and one heel World Champion. So with this logic I think it makes sense to have Chrisitan get the victory.

Finally, the WWE Draft is fast coming. And the truth of he matter is that Del Rio belongs on Raw. I would say have Christian build up Smackdown with some other veterans and make Raw the new hub for young stars.

For these reasons I clearly give it to Chrisitan.
Del Rio wins--

I think he was supposed to go over Edge in the first place. They have been pushing him since December, and it doesnt make sence for him not to go over. Christian will have the emotion factor working for him, but with all they have put behind Del Rio, I cant see Christian winning this one. I think Christian will get a title run later in the year, but not at this point. There is just too much invested in ADR right now.
Now, now this IS a main event. We have a great storyline, great chemistry, tons of potential, a beatiful stipulation, a veteran of that match. Well I have big expectations for this one.

Who wins? Don't know, don't care. Either way it's going to be great to see any men as the new world heavy weight champion. This is a greta maint event, Extreme rules and SD! just became very, very interesting.
Outside of the occasional "Ooh!" from the crowd, I am not expecting this to have any heat from the crowd and the guys involved. While these two don't put on bad matches, I just think the emotion aren't there for this to be such an intense feud. Since coming back, I've never really felt like Christian is one pissed off Canadian towards Del Rio.

And if this doesn't feel like a mid-card feud, I don't know what does. lol
This match is the ONLY reason i want ot watch Extreme Rules. Either one who wins will have one their first wotld title so it is a win win situation there. Also Christian basically revolutionized ladder matches so you know that this match has great potential written all over it.
I LOVE this stipulation on multiple levels. The ladder match was originally created for a belt that was "up for grabs" not just "we're two flyers who can jump off high shit."

A singles ladder match tells a story between 2 guys and a risk/reward type of thing. Are you willing to go up that extra rung to grab what you want with the risk of the other guy throwing you off? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to do enough harm so you can climb? Will you even be able to climb? HHH vs Rock SummerSlam 98, hardy vs Taker, Michaels vs Razor, all classics. It's a totally different match style than the TLCs and the MITB matches.

this match is for a title that's vacant and Christian has a ladder history. It's perfect. there won't be any monumental highspots, but they can both tell a great story and that's what these matches are all about. tension, story, selling.
I might be in the minority, but I believe in Christian for this match.
ADR seems like a future champion and maybe the WWE pulls the trigger, but I can see them continuing his "destiny" angle for a while yet. Where does it put his character and storyline once he wins the big one? "SEE I TOLD YOU IT WAS MY DESTINY, NANNYNANNYPOOPOO?"
I dunno. I would like to see Christian carry the strap once they give ADR a little more depth.
I hope Christian vs. win for two reason 1- i am a fan of him 2 I'm sick of Wrestlers that do not complete a year with the company gets a chance to get a major title Maybe I'm old school but I miss the days when you must prove yourself by carrying a small title before getting the opportunity for major title :suspic:
Well, this wasn't exactly built very well. The focus on Smackdown this week should have been solely on Christian and Alberto, but, it was still all about Edge, bar the ending where Christian hit Del Rio with the ladder and then him holding the title aloft, which was a nice touch. However, with this lack of a promo from either Christian or Del Rio about the match, or a proper interaction between the two, has me believing that Christian was the closet he's going to get to the World Heavyweight Title on Friday night. It’s a pity, it would have been awesome seeing Christian win the title, with Edge probably coming out to celebrate with him, and seeing what Christian could do with the belt from there. But, I just don't see it happening now, especially with the recent news about possible drafts, but that could all change in the blink of an eye. If Christian wins it would be the coolest thing every. He's good in the ring, and he's charismatic on the mic, so he should have gotten a chance before now. Should be a very fun match whoever wins though.

Heart says Christian, but the head says Del Rio.
They match should be great. 2 good talent's in a Ladder match, what more do you want?

And, as far as the winner goes, I don't care which guy's win's, either way I'll be happy. Del Rio will probably win though and Chrstian will be chasing throughout the summer until he win's it at Summerslam or latter.
Del Rio will most likely win here and the match will steal the show no doubt because both men will be doing some pretty eye widening stunts. Christian I believe won't win the title until at least Summerslam.
Usually, I would look to Del RIo to get the win here, as it just makes sense.....When thought about more long term though, if he WERE to win it, who chellenges him in the ME scene? Kofi fuckin' Kingston? Rey Mysterio AGAIN? Goodness forbid, THE BIG SHOW? With the loads of heel talent on SD and the apex of heat Christian ever has had or will have, it just makes more sense for him to win here, and pull off the inspired, emotional victory.

It will be a MTFO match for sure, as it really and truly COULD go either way

well lets see... Vince normally plans things out far in advance, it was probably on the board to have ADR win at Mania.. but got wind of Edge more than likely retiring so gave him the "edge". But when you mark things down on a board with the direction you want to go you stick with it.

I think if EDGE was still wrestling he would have dropped the belt to ADR at extreme rulez as documented.. but then Edge got hurt.. what do you do now? Put in a replacement and have the same outcome.. to move forward..

ADR wins.. Christian is just there as filler unfortunatly.. and ADR will move to Raw with the belt. leaving Christian on Smackdown to probably face off with the Miz.. (Which would be MORE entertaining to me personaly.. can you imagine the promos between those two?) and assuming the Miz will go to smackdown.

I think we are putting to much stock in Christian winning.. I just can't see it happening.. they have burried this guy over and over.. they are simply putting him in the main event as a replacement to Edge. They have invested a lot into ADR.. so the choice is obvious to me.. Stick with the plan.
I would mark out so bad if Christian wins, it really is now or never for him. I remember at WM25 when he nearly got the MitB, he got a pretty good pop, and they obviously script spots such as him nearly getting the prize because they know it will get the crowd excited. That there shows that they know he's over. With Edge still involved in storylines in a non-wrestling role I hope he sticks around long enough that his presence gives Christian the rub to finally elevate him to main event status. I know it's a long time ago but his work in 2005 was main event level, he's clearly got the attributes to be a main eventer, at the least a Kane/Big Show/Mysterio level main eventer.
Okay so we all saw during the draft today Del Rio got drafted to Raw, so with that happening IMO Christian is almost without a doubt going to become the new WHC. There is no way Del Rio should win on Sunday, you cant have both world titles no Raw.

Does anyone eles agree with me ? ...
They have before for a short amount of time so I wouldn't say Christian is sure to win when he could still lose. I'm sure they will change some things around after E.R.
Especially now that Cena is staying on RAW, Christian is pretty much a given for the WHC title. Unless something big happens in the supplementary draft or WWE decides to bring the WHC to RAW.
Yup i agree.

Christian owes Edge everything. he would not get this title if it wasn't for him. but i guess christian does deserve a little heavyweight gold, he has been in wwe for awhile altogether..

I think Alberto Del Rio deserves this more than christian.

Christian isn't WHC material, He is US and Intercontinental material.

It sucks, but you can guarantee Christian to walk out with the world title.

Would have been a much better draft with Miz going to SD! with the title that way Del Rio can finally get the title he was planned to have at Mania
hi... this is my first thread..... after the draft tonight, all contenders for d WWE and WHC are on Raw except Christian....... unless something changes in the supplemental draft, could it be that Christian walks out of Extreme Rules d world heavyweight champion? or will WWE give us another twist and send d Miz over to SD with d WWE title in d supplemental draft? i'd like to know ur views....
as much as i love christion and think he should get gold this is not the way i wnt him to win it he has to win it now or it gose to raw
but in the supplemetnr y draft morrioson could go mayb and win wwe chamo but i highley doubt it
I don't see anything major happening in the supplemental draft, nothing major ever happens there with top tier talent like Miz, especially who is WWE Champion. The supplemental draft is nothing more but to switch guys over who aren't good enough in WWE's eye's to do so on Television.

Now I could see Morrison getting traded out of all these top guys, but I also don't see that happening because Morrison wouldn't win the title imo, to bring to Smackdown whereas Alberto would bring the World Title to Raw, just don't see it happening.

This is the moment most of the IWC wanted, and we may finally get that at Extreme Rules with Christian holding onto the World Title.
Whos to say that Morrison isnt drafted to Smackdown tomorrow and he wins the title , and Rio wins also, switching the titles?

I can see that happening. Its to predictable right now.
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