WWE Elimination Chamber LD - Who's Going to WrestleMania?

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play

RAW - Finally!
After 7 long years, the Jabroni Beater, Pie Eater, Trail Blazer and Eye Brow Raiser, the Rock made his glorious return to the WWE. The Rock will be guest hosting the annual supercard that is WrestleMania, and made his presence felt as he addressed the Miz, John Cena, the WWE fans and Michael Cole. He'll be in the Georgia Dome, but could he be Oakland tonight?

SmackDown - A Title So Nice, it Changed Hands Twice!
Dolph Ziggler was crowned the new World champion this week on SmackDown. Teddy Long however made his return to SmackDown and Edge received a rematch. The 'Rated-R Superstar' took full advantage and became the new champion. Dolph Ziggler was then fired for his role in Teddy Long's absence, leaving a spot open in the chamber tonight.

WWE Championship: The Miz (C) vs. Jerry 'The King' Lawler

World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber

RAW #1 Contender Elimination Chamber

Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston

WWE Tag Team Championships: Koztino (C) vs. The Corre
I'll be here, torturing metaphors all night long. How's that black history month push working out for you, Kofi?
I'm hoping for a Christian win in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber.

I'm looking for a Nic Nemeth or Wade Barrett win personally. In the EC I want (and expect) one of the two Johns to win (Cena's more likely but also has potential for a programme involving The Rock which is bigger).

No way in hell I'm watching live, but what is Youtube for?
Edge will retain and defend his title against Alberto Del Rio at Wrestlemania 27.

Nowt wrong with a triple threat, especially as it allows for two (new) people to look strong instead of just the winner. Also, it could allow for some funner spots (one I just thought of is ADR locking in his cross armbreaker while the the third wrestler grabs his other arm to prevent him from tapping out).
Nowt wrong with a triple threat, especially as it allows for two (new) people to look strong instead of just the winner. Also, it could allow for some funner spots (one I just thought of is ADR locking in his cross armbreaker while the the third wrestler grabs his other arm to prevent him from tapping out).

No triple threat. Edge versus Alberto Del Rio, one on one, with no involvement from Ziggler in the match at all.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Ziggler jump to RAW to start a program with Daniel Bryan. There will probably still be a MITB match at WM27, and the seeds can be set for this feud at this time.
I'll be here and Doc are you going to make the LD for Wrestlemania? I think i speak for a large portion of WZ in saying we DON'T want Michael_Z making the Wrestlemania ones!

Either way Christian FTW!
I just thought of something. If there is no replacement for Ziggles in the SD chamber, maybe one of the competitors could "pull a Punk" and cut a promo until the first pod opens.
I don't want to see Del Rio Vs Edge. I'm a Del Rio mark, but I havent really followed Edge since he became the "Rated R "PG" Superstar". How can you be Rated R when the show is PG? You can barely make a sex joke.

I hope something happens there. Like, Christian, but I can't see it. Again, WWE don't see him as a draw.

And if John Cena fails to win the WWE Championship EC, then I have renewed hope for The Rock Vs Cena at Mania. Not realistic thinking, but fuck realism I can dream :blush:
I could easily see ADR going over Edge at WM27 to become the new World Heavyweight Champion. This is not what I want to see happen, but I could easily see this scenario playing out.

Especially because the fans won't mind seeing less than stellar title matches in Edge/ADR and Miz/Morrison, and new champions in ADR and Morrison, because we will all be distracted by the spectacles of Rock/Cena and Sting/Taker ;)
I'm surprised anyone finds ADR vs. Edge to be an interesting prospect.

Me too. That's not to say it isn't going to happen though. The ADR push seems to be in full force, and how better to establish him than have him go over a 10 (sorry 11) time champion and fan favorite.

Plus, the fans will be so distracted by Sting/Taker and Rock/Cena that they won't even care who participates in or wins the two main titles this year :)
I also miss liking Edge. This Ziggler feud has been good for him, but I watched his Judgement Day 2002 match the other day. Holy fuck.
Oh wait, that's not to say FunKay didn't do a good job. His LDs are always fun. I was just answering SoM's question.
If Morrison wins, be prepared for 100 threads saying "I told you so." and "This is the greatest thing ever." Then, the sadness will come knowing that the rest of the Mania matches will be overshadowed if a Rock vs. Cena match were to happen.
No, Funkay. Yours are fine. I just don't want to see :
WRESTLEMANIA 27 LD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As it stands right now, I shall be losing my LD virginity tonight. Quite looking forward to the PPV now to be honest though I am also quite glad it's on Sky Sports tonight.

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