WWE Elimination Chamber: John Cena, Sheamus & Ryback VS The Shield


There's a video on WWE.com showing footage from Raw after the show went off the air in which John Cena states that he will be teaming with Sheamus & Ryback to take on The Shield in a six man tag match at the Elimination Chamber ppv. The WWE will probably make a televised announcement this Friday on SD!.

As of right now, there don't appear to be any special stipulations or gimmicks in the match. If this match does turn out to be simply a standard six man tag, I don't like The Shield's chances. I don't like their chances for the simple fact that John Cena is on the team and the WWE looks to be heading into full Super Cena mode as we move towards WrestleMania and his all but guaranteed match against The Rock for the WWE Championship. While Ryback has technically lost a few big matches, he's yet to be pinned or made to submit. Punk retained against Ryback in HIAC due to Brad Maddox, The Shield ran interference at the Survivor Series in the triple threat match and allowed Punk to pin Cena and The Shield interfered in the TLC match on Raw several weeks back. WWE also seems intent on keeping Ryback as strong as possible heading into WM. The same might be said of Sheamus, depending on what WWE ultimately has planned for him at WM.

It's possible that WWE could shock the snot out of everyone by having The Shield win this match, gimmick or not, 100% clean. I don't think it's likely, but it's possible. It's possible that Paul Heyman could somehow stick his nose into things, or possibly CM Punk. It's possible, though extremely remote, that The Shield could take everyone by surprise and debut a new member who helps them score a victory.

There's still another Raw before EC, so there's still time for WWE to add some special stipulation to the match if they choose to do so.
WWE are missing a trick if they don't make this a 6-man Elimination Chamber match.

Cena starts off against a member of The Shield, the next two participants are the other Shield members. Instead of eliminating Cena when they should they toy with him only to eventually become overwhelmed when Ryback & Sheamus enter. Should preserve everybody involed. It's not like The Shield shouldn't lose matches anyway. The only issue is that they should be having more.
I got The Shield at maybe having a five percent chance of winning this match. It would be fresh to see a new member soon, I would like to see it during this match, but around or at WrestleMania is the more likely event.
This match is screaming out to be put inside the chamber, it just makes sense.

Only one other EC on the card (which is non-title at that), and mainly because you can continue the emphasis on the shield's teamwork and their strength being in outnumbering people.

I'd have Reigns start out against Sheamus with Ambrose in next allowing them to double team before Ryback came in, the good guys can start to get the upperhand before the shield get the 3 on 2 advantage and eliminate Sheamus leaving Ryback on his own at which point Cena enters, clears house and one of the shield get eliminated but then Ryback gets eliminated always keeping the advantage with the shield, at this point Cena can do his usual overcoming of the odds or the shield get the win somehow.

Obviously it wouldn't have to go exactly like that it's just how I'd envision it, a regular 6 man just feels like a wasted opportunity.
I agree with everyone saying this should be an EC match. Simply for the fact that having only one on the card makes the gimmick PPV seem more like a gimmick match inside PPV X.

If it's a regular 6 man tag, making Shield look strong would be as simple as having them control most of the match before the faces eventually win. This would make them seem like a more legitamite threat as well since they wouldn't really have a 2 on 1 or 3 on 2 advantage as they would inside the EC.

That said, I'd still rather have it an EC match simply because it would make the match so much more enticing to watch. They can obviously still look strong by being more brutal with their attacks since the chamber allows it. It would also allow them to easily control the action for long periods as even a monster such as Ryback can be laid out if beaten against the cage.

I guess I'm more interested in the dynamics of the match than the outcome since I don't see the faces losing. And I have no problem with that because A) The Shield has already looked amazing winning their first match against legit competition and B) has gotten old doing the same shit over and over so at some point there should be a payoff.
I don't get this match at all. It's the 3 biggest full time faces versus 3 guys with no WWE experience yet we're supposed to believe the Shield can win the match? They're going to get squashed and it's going to bury them on the card. Where do you go with them for Wrestlemania? They'll be forgotten and the WWE will have blown another opportunity.
A new member appearing would be interesting perhaps Maddox or dare I say Christian.
I think a win for The Shield would be a huge push for them indeed however I just couldn't see the wwe let Cena look weak by losing just over a month before WM.
Should be a good match up with at least Ambrose or Rollins being smashed into the chamber glass.
Fully expect Ryback to break someone in half.
I don't get this match at all. It's the 3 biggest full time faces versus 3 guys with no WWE experience yet we're supposed to believe the Shield can win the match? They're going to get squashed and it's going to bury them on the card. Where do you go with them for Wrestlemania? They'll be forgotten and the WWE will have blown another opportunity.

The Shield has WWE experience. It may just be 1-0, but they went over 2 former world champs and a man-beast pretty strong. Other than that they've just run roughshod over WWE. I love The Shield and would be pumped if they won; but honestly, they've got this ass whoopin' coming. It'll do nothing but enhance them, though. If it's in the Chamber* then it's the match of the night. They'll remain a general menace, and because of that, their place on the card will be secure. Booking them for 'Mania is easy- just have them do a run in. These guys aren't going away.

*And it damn well better be. War Games style.
I hate to be the one to say it, because it gets said so GD often, but this would be a great opportunity to change the landscape and turn Cena heel.

I know it would be a lot like the NWO, but that isnt necessarily a bad thing. Cena hasn't been champion for a pretty long time and has been on a downward spiral since his loss to the CM Punk. He lost to the Rock, DZ and had his issues with AJ and all other matters of suck. Revealing him as the leader of the Shield would really evolve his character and make him human, showing anger and resentment and a uncaring drive for the Title. If this happened I would gladly pay to see The Rock v SuperVillian Cena. That would actually be interesting and would setup great storylines for after WrestleMania.

While it is most unlikely, Cena being the leader of the Shield would be awesome
It should be an EC match and if it is it should go one of two ways:
1) Shield has the numbers 3-1 and pummel/toy with the one guy left instead of eliminating him, faces start entering and take advantage and pull out the win.
2) Same as above, except, when the faces have almost evened up the fight a new member is introduced that is revealed to be either the leader or an enforcer with the shield. Not a bad time to bring back a Bautista or Lashley with it being the Road to WM.
they should just have a 6 man tag elimination chamber match where no one can be eliminated until everyone is out of the pods or 6 man tag using the pods with the team can win by sub or pinfall when all men are out of the pods kinda like lethal lockdown
I do think that this will end up in the Chamber, and it is the perfect time to introduce a 4th member of Yhe Shield. Someone like Kassius Ohno or Corey Graves. I don't want them to become a massive faction, but I'd like to see one more member.

The winner is hard to call. Having The Shield lose kills all their momentum, having Cena et al loses kills his momentum into Mania.

Whatever happens the match can't have a clean finish.
A 6 man match at a PPV called "Elimination Chamber"??? Anything other than a Chamber match is simply fail.

I love the idea of having 3 on 1. All 3 of the "good guys" can take a beating and in Cena and Ortan we have two people who have proven their ability to really pull off taking a mega beating. Of course the 1 could be Ryback which would give him a chance to show his selling ability during a sustained assault.

The only thing I would not want is for Cena to take the beating like crazy and then, as soon as the odds are even, bounce up to do his superman business. I hope he, if it is in a EC and he is alone against all 3 of the shield, takes a nasty beating and then comes back slowly or just lies to one side while Ortan and Ryback even it up a bit.

Who should win? The Shield. This would set up 2 wrestlemania matches (one shield vs Ortan, one other vs Ryback) and would leave the third guy free to face someone else, Maybe HHH or even Lesner!
As much as I like the idea of this match, it seems rather unusual to put three main event performers on the same side in the same match, doesn't it? Cena, Sheamus and Ryback usually qualify for individual contests in a PPV.....but not this time. Hope the company has enough talent left to fill out the rest of the card.

To top it off, the three guys they're facing aren't exactly top-notch, accomplished performers. So far they've been depicted as bullies who attack only when they hold the numerical advantage. Not exactly prime PPV material, right?

In fact, for storyline purposes, isn't it surprising these guys are even allowed to exist in WWE? They weren't brought into the company by anyone, they haven't been there to engage in wrestling matches and their function has been strictly to interfere in the affairs of wrestlers who are under contract to WWE.

Yes, we know the Shield are actually employees of the company, but for kayfabe purposes, they are renegades who would already have been escorted off the premises by police and arrested, no?

Still, if three main event performers are going to be used in one match, the Shield are the guys we want to see them go against.

Of course, if the three established guys destroy the newcomers, what comes next for the Shield?

I think the bad boys might win this contest, if for no other reason than to keep them viable as a force.
Sorry I have to disagree with I guess everyone here about this. This should not be an EC match...think about it....

The point of the match is to have 1 single definitive winner but this fued has been building towards 1 team coming out on top. An EC match could make sense if WWE were going to turn one of the 3 faces heel and have him ultimately win the whole thing and side with the Shield. But being as all 3 faces appear set for a face run heading into WM I don't see that happening. Plus what would the win be for anyway I mean there's no title on the line so who would even care?

This match is a flop any way you look at it and it seems to be just a way to make Sheamus, Ryback and SuperCena look strong on their way to Mania. As always another huge threat that no one can overcome but somwehow miraculously since Cena's in the mix they come out victorious making Cena ready to take back his title. Sheamus of course will be champion again soon and Ryback...well who knows but that'll be interesing to see.
Maybe they could create a EC-match with modified rules.

At first two men start, one from each team, and when the time is up, a new member from each team will be released into the fight.

And the match would be a good opportuniny to turn one of the mega-faces heel as leader of the shield, maybe even Cena :)
Don't read too much in to what this match means or what is going to happen. This match is just like the The Shield's TLC match. It is pointless filler meant to do no more than titilate with it's violence and make you feel like you are getting your money's worth. I doubt we are going to get a turn. Maybe some conflict between Sheamus and Ryback which leads to a turn and a WM match but no giant swerve. Whoever wins is irrelevant as long as everyone looks competitive and the fans have fun.

Since the The Shield's run seems to be almost over and they are facing arguably the three top faces in WWE I expect the good guys will win (not that it matters who wins). I also predict Ambrose will make some silly faces, Ambrose will sell some spots like he's drunk, Luther Reigns will not power bomb anyone without help, and Ryback will eat some of Rollins' hair thinking that it is cake.
I would love if they made this an Elimination Chamber match. It would be really great and something different: we don't get enough innovation in an average year. I like the idea of Ryback starting and than gets overwhelmed by the three members of The Shield. Once more implanting the idea they have someone working for them. The lights going off and the fact that they had the fortune of having a three on one.

Maybe Sheamus gets a lucky elimination before being eliminated himself, resulting in Cena going into super mode an winning the match himself. Alternatively, Cena enters when it is a three v one and gets brutalized but it is difficult to see Cena loosing just before Mania. He has to look strong. For me, this match is all about showing Cena's dominance and I look forward to seeing it.
I honestly don't see the point of using the Chamber for this match. The Chamber's are reversed for the "every man for himself" scenarios, so having teams in this type of match wouldn't make too much sense. That's how I see it, but if WWE goes with a Chamber, it wouldn't bother me.

Anyway, Team Cena wins this one. Yes, I know he already won the Rumble, but WWE is in the process of pushing Cena hard, so he can he have an insurmountable amount of momentum for his WWE Championship match at Mania 29. Sheamus could use the boost, and The Shield has tormented Ryback for months, costing him the WWE Championship twice. So he'll need a payback victory to maintain his momentum, and I expect Ryback to have big moment here.
I would like to see this match in the chamber. An elimination type match would be cool to see. I agree that this will just be a filler type match with a lot of violence. It is kind of odd for 3 main eventers to be in one match, but I think it will be entertaining. This EC ppv seems to have a different feel to it than past shows, and I am excited for it. I think the face team will win here as I believe Cena will come out looking strong going into his match at Mania.
I want to see this become an Elimination Chamber match. When WWE bought WCW i was amazed we didn't get a WWE version of War Games, and Halloween Havoc as the October PPV, but I digress, it is suspicious that The Shield will lose before WM, isn't Lesnar appearing at the Raw after EC. I hate when ppl climb into a cage so I hope nobody does that, I think Kane will turn heel earlier in the night so I don't think Cena, Sheamus or Ryback will turn Heel, but It'd be great if Ryback did and we got Sheamus against a heel Ryback at WM with The Shield eliminating Cena first.
Ever since the chamber came out I've wanted a 3 on 3 chamber match. They have to do it now right? The raw winner is going against the champ. The wwe title will be a 1 on 1 match. That leaves this tailor made for it. It'd be fantastic too.
It must be an EC match cause there is no other way to make it interesting.
You know what it can look like WWE 12 game on the last level of Road To Wrestlmania at Starcade PPV. An almost similar match but with some differences. 1. that was a Hell in a Cell match 2. It was a 12 man elimination tag team match.
but making it a EC is more logical and about the winner I don't care as long as the match is interesting. I mean there is no threat to anyone career here because if the faces win so what 3 veteran defeating 3 rookies nothing extraordinary and if the Shield win (and they have no other way than outnumbering them to win the match) they again show that they are a great team, something they have shown so many times before.
But if they don't make it an EC match I doubt that if we see any match at all because:
1. They ruined a potentially perfect new match style with 6 awesome participant.
2. Like many of you that said we see new shield members or something worse may happen.
"Justice will be delivered hard to @theshieldwwe this sunday in NOLA in The Chamber. #FeedMeMore" Taken from Ryback's twitter.

So it looks like it will be in the Elimination Chamber. Makes me think that the end will be controversial.
I really hope this match takes place inside the Elimination Chamber.

I don't know why they didn't confirm it on air on Raw but I guess they can do that on Main Event and/or SmackDown but I don't know why they seem to be waiting this long because I think that is a HUGE additional draw for the match and WWE doesn't seem to be talking about it much.

If they don't have the match in the Elimination Chamber I will be very disappointed because I think I will be a big waste of probably the BEST opportunity to use the Tag Team rules in the Elimination Chamber.

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