WWE Dropped The Ball On This One.

The InVasion, they should have held it off for a bit as eventually Hogan, Nash, Hall and Goldberg all ended up in WWF anyway. They should have kept it as WCW v WWF, and had Hogan, Nash, Hall, Goldberg and either Booker T or Steiner vs The Rock, Stone Cold, HHH (he was back by this point), Undertaker and Kurt Angle. Although I udnerstand why they did it whenthey did, strikign while the iron was hot and all.
The Spirit Squad: Hear me out for a second. All five of these guys were put together because Paul Heyman saw them as the future in OVW (Heyman was booking at the time). Each one possessed a unique trait each, whether it was Kenny's athletic ability, Johnny's charisma, or Mikey's over-the-top mannerism. Each one had something that they brought to the team, and they gelled together when they weren't doing a ridiculous cheer. They could have developed a mean streak, wearing darker uniforms and just decimating people, treating themselves more as a gang of jocks rather than a quintet of pussy cheerleaders. This angle really did have Horsemen-level of faction here, but it was never taken seriously...I mean, c'mon, it's five male CHEERLEADERS. Just a bit of a gimmick tweak to make them asshole jocks instead could have given the angle some serious legs and might have spared us from "Hi...I'm Dolph Ziggler."
One name. Goldberg.

And I'm not even a huge fan of his. But they spent his entire run feuding with Kane and Jericho and HHH. The beginning with the Rock was brilliant, and the end with Lesnar should have been gold, but that was Goldberg and Lesnar who ruined that... But his whole year long run could have been done a lot better, and he really shouldn't have become HHH's bitch like everyone else in the company was at that time (and is now as well).

Actually the one thing that was hindering Goldbergs push in the WWE was his talent, the guy had absolutly none and needed to train before even getting back into the ring, thats what hurt him the most, the guy injured Bret Hart and single handedly ended the guys career because he wasn't safe in the ring, and remember his final match against lesner at Wrestlemania, man that was a stink fest, the only thing that saved that feud was Austin and he didnt even wrestle!.
They gave away HBK vs Goldberg on FREE TV! Why do that when it could sell out a PPV? That's much more appealing than Goldberg/HHH 53. Undertaker would have been a better choice than Kane too. I get that they're all faces and they probably didn't want to have him beating everyone right off the bat, but I mean, they wasted time with him facing 3 Minute Warning... It's no wonder he wanted to leave. He didn't have to be the face of the company, but there was no way I could believe that HHH would beat Goldberg, especially with the struggles he had beating Scott Steiner and Kane.

The fact was that WWE didnt know how to book him outside of the streak, it was the same issue that WCW had, they kept reapeating it over and over again and it plain sucked, the guy didnt know what he was doing and didnt appreciate the business so as far as Goldberg was concerned the guy couldnt do much anyway.

The one thing i think WWE dropped the ball on was Shawn Michaels title reign upon his return, he could of had a hell of a feud with the top contenders at the time, Booker T, RVD, Jericho, Christian to name a few, but they just passed it back to Triple H after a month, its sad really I really marked out when shawn won it and they could of built on his reign easily but chose to otherwise
WWE Dropped the ball on two Pay Per Views. King of the Ring 1995 and ECW December to Dismember 2006. It was an EXTREME Elimination Chamber...I mean come on...there were weapons attached to the cage! So dumb. lol.
i gotta say the NWO crossover, they turned Hogan way too quickly from the group, the NWO in its era was wrestling and you take the leader of it out of the NWO after only 6 months ??? They had plenty of storylines to use out of this but Hogan had to ride it out a little bit longer for it to be effective. Then towards the end HBK spoke of the clique when he tried to recruit HHH , i think they blew an opportunity to do the real clique as a faction on TV. They could have used "the clique is trying to ruin wrestling angle" and have all the faces try to stop them ?

Hey, i really like that idea.....I really liked seeing HHH and HBK as heels....and that's something we haven't seen since the beginning of the attitude era.
I think the WWE dropped the ball on the resurrection of ECW. After One Night Stand, people were begging for ECW to be risen from the dead. So Vince decides to bring back ECW yet take away every characteristic that made ECW what it was. Gone are extreme rules, gone are the ECW Originals, gone is Paul Heyman, gone is Joey Styles, hell they even changed the belt.

You know its bad when the ECW faithful chant, "Change the channel"
sean o'haire really sticks out in my mind i think things would be alot diffrent had he been pushed like he should of, till this day i don't know how they fucked this up the guy had it all.

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